
294 lines
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Raw Normal View History

import {Component, EventEmitter, Input, Output, ViewChild} from '@angular/core';
import {ActivatedRoute, Router} from '@angular/router';
import {EnvProperties} from '../../openaireLibrary/utils/properties/env-properties';
import {AlertModal} from '../../openaireLibrary/utils/modal/alert';
import {CommunityService} from '../../openaireLibrary/connect/community/community.service';
import {SubscribeService} from '../../openaireLibrary/utils/subscribe/subscribe.service';
import {EmailService} from "../../openaireLibrary/utils/email/email.service";
import {Session, User} from '../../openaireLibrary/login/utils/helper.class';
import {Email} from "../../openaireLibrary/utils/email/email";
import {Composer} from "../../openaireLibrary/utils/email/composer";
import {LoginErrorCodes} from '../../openaireLibrary/login/utils/guardHelper.class';
import {UserManagementService} from "../../openaireLibrary/services/user-management.service";
declare var UIkit: any;
selector: 'subscribe',
template: `
<span *ngIf="subscribed != null && !showNumbers && showTemplate">
<div *ngIf="!subscribed && showLoginAlert" class="uk-alert-warning uk-animation-slide-bottom" uk-alert="">
<a class="uk-alert-close" uk-close></a>
<p>Please login first to subscribe</p>
[Trunk | Connect]: Connect redesing 1. app.component.ts: <subscribe> and <invite> components added (floating buttons on the right side of each page for communities). 2. community.component.html: 3. community.component.ts: a. 'projectsCalculated' and 'contentProvidersCalculated' fields added, to calculate tootlip after both requests complete b. added methods for building tootips c. 'activeTab' set to 'summary'. 4. affiliations.component.html: minor phrasing changes (e.g. title). 5. curators.component.html: shortview changed. 6. results.component.ts: Title changed | 'View all' moved to the bottom. 7. customization.component.ts: Changed '--portal-main-color' from '#4C9CD5' to '#4687E6' | Changed '--portal-dark-color' from '#24857F' to '#2D72D6'. 8. invite.component.html: shortview changed. 9. invite.component.ts: 'properties' field as input (get it is called from app.component). 10. invite.module.ts & inviteBasic.module.ts: InviteBasicModule created to declare InviteComponent without routing and login guard | InviteModule imports InviteBasicModule and adds routing and login guar$ 11. subscribe.component.ts: Changes for subscribe button and members | 'properties' field as input (get it is called from app.component). 12. connect-custom.css: css for subscribe and invite buttons and for tooltip with 'community-page-tooltip' class. 13. customization.css: class 'communityBackground' added and css for 'subtitle' class inside 'communityBackground'. git-svn-id: d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
2020-04-24 18:38:35 +02:00
<button *ngIf="!subscribed" [class]="'uk-button portal-button uk-button-small uk-width-1-1 ' + (loading ? ' uk-disabled' : '')"
[Trunk | Connect]: 1. app-routing.module.ts: Add route '/subjects'. 2. app.component.ts: Group subscribe and invite buttons under id="subscribeAndInviteBtn" (keep distance between them alwayes the same) | uncomment menu item 'Subjects' in About. 3. app.module.ts: import 'SubscribeService' (singleton service to update everywhere subscriber status). 4. libUser.module.ts & subscribe.module.ts: remove import of 'SubscribeService' (singleton service to update everywhere subscriber status). 5. community.component.html: a. Improve some checks b. In main tabs of the page (class main-tabs) add class 'uk-text-truncate' and remove class 'uk-width-3-4' (each tab has max-width) c. Add icon in 'Analytics' tab d. [Bug fix] In description, fix overflow and max height of box 6. community.component.ts: Add field '@ViewChild(SubscribeComponent) subscribeComponent: SubscribeComponent' to add some checks in html. 7. curators.component.html: Remove div with class 'image-front-topbar' | Update css for title | Add <breadcrumbs> | Add user icon for each curator. 8. curators.component.ts: Initialize breadcrumb | [Bug fix] In methods 'getPageContents()' and 'getDivContents()' use communityId (instead of 'connect'). 9. curators.module.ts & organizationsPage.module.ts & inviteBasic.module.ts: import 'BreadcrumbsModule'. 10. organizationsPage.component.ts: Update css for title | Add <breadcrumbs> | Initialize breadcrumb. 11. subjects.component.ts, subjects.module.ts, subjects-routing.module.ts: Add page for Subjects. 12. invite.component.html: Add <breadcrumbs> in longView | Add icon in button 'Invite users'. 13. invite.component.ts: Initialize breadcrumb. 14. subscribe.component.ts: a. Add icon in button "Subscribe"/ "Subscribed" b. Add class 'uk-display-inline-block' in showNumbers (members) c. Initialize and get subscriber status with new methods of service (initIsSubscribedToCommunity() & isSubscribed - BehaviorSubject instead of isSubscribedToCommunity()) 15. connect-custom.css: Group css for #subscribeBtn, #inviteBtn into #subscribeAndInviteBtn | Add css for class 'user-circle-background' (background of user icon in curators). git-svn-id: d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
2020-04-28 13:07:36 +02:00
<span class="uk-icon uk-flex uk-flex-middle">
<svg height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="">
<path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"></path>
<path d="M16 11c1.66 0 2.99-1.34 2.99-3S17.66 5 16 5c-1.66 0-3 1.34-3 3s1.34 3 3 3zm-8 0c1.66 0 2.99-1.34 2.99-3S9.66 5 8 5C6.34 5 5 6.34 5 8s1.34 3 3 3zm0 2c-2.33 0-7 1.17-7 3.5V19h14v-2.5c0-2.33-4.67-3.5-7-3.5zm8 0c-.29 0-.62.02-.97.05 1.16.84 1.97 1.97 1.97 3.45V19h6v-2.5c0-2.33-4.67-3.5-7-3.5z"></path>
<span class="space">Subscribe</span>
[Trunk | Connect]: Connect redesing 1. app.component.ts: <subscribe> and <invite> components added (floating buttons on the right side of each page for communities). 2. community.component.html: 3. community.component.ts: a. 'projectsCalculated' and 'contentProvidersCalculated' fields added, to calculate tootlip after both requests complete b. added methods for building tootips c. 'activeTab' set to 'summary'. 4. affiliations.component.html: minor phrasing changes (e.g. title). 5. curators.component.html: shortview changed. 6. results.component.ts: Title changed | 'View all' moved to the bottom. 7. customization.component.ts: Changed '--portal-main-color' from '#4C9CD5' to '#4687E6' | Changed '--portal-dark-color' from '#24857F' to '#2D72D6'. 8. invite.component.html: shortview changed. 9. invite.component.ts: 'properties' field as input (get it is called from app.component). 10. invite.module.ts & inviteBasic.module.ts: InviteBasicModule created to declare InviteComponent without routing and login guard | InviteModule imports InviteBasicModule and adds routing and login guar$ 11. subscribe.component.ts: Changes for subscribe button and members | 'properties' field as input (get it is called from app.component). 12. connect-custom.css: css for subscribe and invite buttons and for tooltip with 'community-page-tooltip' class. 13. customization.css: class 'communityBackground' added and css for 'subtitle' class inside 'communityBackground'. git-svn-id: d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
2020-04-24 18:38:35 +02:00
<button *ngIf="subscribed" [class]="'subscribed-button uk-button uk-button-small uk-width-1-1 ' + (loading ? ' uk-disabled' : '')"
[Trunk | Connect]: 1. app-routing.module.ts: Add route '/subjects'. 2. app.component.ts: Group subscribe and invite buttons under id="subscribeAndInviteBtn" (keep distance between them alwayes the same) | uncomment menu item 'Subjects' in About. 3. app.module.ts: import 'SubscribeService' (singleton service to update everywhere subscriber status). 4. libUser.module.ts & subscribe.module.ts: remove import of 'SubscribeService' (singleton service to update everywhere subscriber status). 5. community.component.html: a. Improve some checks b. In main tabs of the page (class main-tabs) add class 'uk-text-truncate' and remove class 'uk-width-3-4' (each tab has max-width) c. Add icon in 'Analytics' tab d. [Bug fix] In description, fix overflow and max height of box 6. community.component.ts: Add field '@ViewChild(SubscribeComponent) subscribeComponent: SubscribeComponent' to add some checks in html. 7. curators.component.html: Remove div with class 'image-front-topbar' | Update css for title | Add <breadcrumbs> | Add user icon for each curator. 8. curators.component.ts: Initialize breadcrumb | [Bug fix] In methods 'getPageContents()' and 'getDivContents()' use communityId (instead of 'connect'). 9. curators.module.ts & organizationsPage.module.ts & inviteBasic.module.ts: import 'BreadcrumbsModule'. 10. organizationsPage.component.ts: Update css for title | Add <breadcrumbs> | Initialize breadcrumb. 11. subjects.component.ts, subjects.module.ts, subjects-routing.module.ts: Add page for Subjects. 12. invite.component.html: Add <breadcrumbs> in longView | Add icon in button 'Invite users'. 13. invite.component.ts: Initialize breadcrumb. 14. subscribe.component.ts: a. Add icon in button "Subscribe"/ "Subscribed" b. Add class 'uk-display-inline-block' in showNumbers (members) c. Initialize and get subscriber status with new methods of service (initIsSubscribedToCommunity() & isSubscribed - BehaviorSubject instead of isSubscribedToCommunity()) 15. connect-custom.css: Group css for #subscribeBtn, #inviteBtn into #subscribeAndInviteBtn | Add css for class 'user-circle-background' (background of user icon in curators). git-svn-id: d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
2020-04-28 13:07:36 +02:00
<span class="uk-icon uk-flex uk-flex-middle">
<svg height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="">
<path d="M0 0h24v24H0z" fill="none"></path>
<path d="M16 11c1.66 0 2.99-1.34 2.99-3S17.66 5 16 5c-1.66 0-3 1.34-3 3s1.34 3 3 3zm-8 0c1.66 0 2.99-1.34 2.99-3S9.66 5 8 5C6.34 5 5 6.34 5 8s1.34 3 3 3zm0 2c-2.33 0-7 1.17-7 3.5V19h14v-2.5c0-2.33-4.67-3.5-7-3.5zm8 0c-.29 0-.62.02-.97.05 1.16.84 1.97 1.97 1.97 3.45V19h6v-2.5c0-2.33-4.67-3.5-7-3.5z"></path>
<span class="space">Subscribed</span>
[Trunk | Connect]: 1. app-routing.module.ts: Add route '/subjects'. 2. app.component.ts: Group subscribe and invite buttons under id="subscribeAndInviteBtn" (keep distance between them alwayes the same) | uncomment menu item 'Subjects' in About. 3. app.module.ts: import 'SubscribeService' (singleton service to update everywhere subscriber status). 4. libUser.module.ts & subscribe.module.ts: remove import of 'SubscribeService' (singleton service to update everywhere subscriber status). 5. community.component.html: a. Improve some checks b. In main tabs of the page (class main-tabs) add class 'uk-text-truncate' and remove class 'uk-width-3-4' (each tab has max-width) c. Add icon in 'Analytics' tab d. [Bug fix] In description, fix overflow and max height of box 6. community.component.ts: Add field '@ViewChild(SubscribeComponent) subscribeComponent: SubscribeComponent' to add some checks in html. 7. curators.component.html: Remove div with class 'image-front-topbar' | Update css for title | Add <breadcrumbs> | Add user icon for each curator. 8. curators.component.ts: Initialize breadcrumb | [Bug fix] In methods 'getPageContents()' and 'getDivContents()' use communityId (instead of 'connect'). 9. curators.module.ts & organizationsPage.module.ts & inviteBasic.module.ts: import 'BreadcrumbsModule'. 10. organizationsPage.component.ts: Update css for title | Add <breadcrumbs> | Initialize breadcrumb. 11. subjects.component.ts, subjects.module.ts, subjects-routing.module.ts: Add page for Subjects. 12. invite.component.html: Add <breadcrumbs> in longView | Add icon in button 'Invite users'. 13. invite.component.ts: Initialize breadcrumb. 14. subscribe.component.ts: a. Add icon in button "Subscribe"/ "Subscribed" b. Add class 'uk-display-inline-block' in showNumbers (members) c. Initialize and get subscriber status with new methods of service (initIsSubscribedToCommunity() & isSubscribed - BehaviorSubject instead of isSubscribedToCommunity()) 15. connect-custom.css: Group css for #subscribeBtn, #inviteBtn into #subscribeAndInviteBtn | Add css for class 'user-circle-background' (background of user icon in curators). git-svn-id: d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
2020-04-28 13:07:36 +02:00
<span *ngIf="showNumbers && subscribers !=null && subscribers > 0 && showTemplate" class="uk-display-inline-block">
[Trunk | Connect]: Connect redesing 1. app.component.ts: <subscribe> and <invite> components added (floating buttons on the right side of each page for communities). 2. community.component.html: 3. community.component.ts: a. 'projectsCalculated' and 'contentProvidersCalculated' fields added, to calculate tootlip after both requests complete b. added methods for building tootips c. 'activeTab' set to 'summary'. 4. affiliations.component.html: minor phrasing changes (e.g. title). 5. curators.component.html: shortview changed. 6. results.component.ts: Title changed | 'View all' moved to the bottom. 7. customization.component.ts: Changed '--portal-main-color' from '#4C9CD5' to '#4687E6' | Changed '--portal-dark-color' from '#24857F' to '#2D72D6'. 8. invite.component.html: shortview changed. 9. invite.component.ts: 'properties' field as input (get it is called from app.component). 10. invite.module.ts & inviteBasic.module.ts: InviteBasicModule created to declare InviteComponent without routing and login guard | InviteModule imports InviteBasicModule and adds routing and login guar$ 11. subscribe.component.ts: Changes for subscribe button and members | 'properties' field as input (get it is called from app.component). 12. connect-custom.css: css for subscribe and invite buttons and for tooltip with 'community-page-tooltip' class. 13. customization.css: class 'communityBackground' added and css for 'subtitle' class inside 'communityBackground'. git-svn-id: d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
2020-04-24 18:38:35 +02:00
<span class="lowOpacityColor uk-text-muted">Members: </span> {{subscribers}}
<modal-alert (alertOutput)="confirmClose($event)">
export class SubscribeComponent {
// @Input() showSubscribe:boolean = true;
@Input() showNumbers: boolean;
@Input() communityId: string;
@Input() showTemplate: boolean = true;
@Output() subscribeEvent = new EventEmitter();
public community = null;
public emailToInformManagers: Email;
loading: boolean = false;
subscribed: boolean = null;
[Trunk | Connect]: Connect redesing 1. app.component.ts: <subscribe> and <invite> components added (floating buttons on the right side of each page for communities). 2. community.component.html: 3. community.component.ts: a. 'projectsCalculated' and 'contentProvidersCalculated' fields added, to calculate tootlip after both requests complete b. added methods for building tootips c. 'activeTab' set to 'summary'. 4. affiliations.component.html: minor phrasing changes (e.g. title). 5. curators.component.html: shortview changed. 6. results.component.ts: Title changed | 'View all' moved to the bottom. 7. customization.component.ts: Changed '--portal-main-color' from '#4C9CD5' to '#4687E6' | Changed '--portal-dark-color' from '#24857F' to '#2D72D6'. 8. invite.component.html: shortview changed. 9. invite.component.ts: 'properties' field as input (get it is called from app.component). 10. invite.module.ts & inviteBasic.module.ts: InviteBasicModule created to declare InviteComponent without routing and login guard | InviteModule imports InviteBasicModule and adds routing and login guar$ 11. subscribe.component.ts: Changes for subscribe button and members | 'properties' field as input (get it is called from app.component). 12. connect-custom.css: css for subscribe and invite buttons and for tooltip with 'community-page-tooltip' class. 13. customization.css: class 'communityBackground' added and css for 'subtitle' class inside 'communityBackground'. git-svn-id: d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
2020-04-24 18:38:35 +02:00
@Input() properties: EnvProperties;
subscribers: number = null;
@Output() countSubscribersEvent = new EventEmitter();
showLoginAlert: Boolean = false;
@ViewChild(AlertModal) alert;
private user: User;
constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute,
private _subscribeService: SubscribeService,
private _emailService: EmailService,
private _communityService: CommunityService,
private router: Router,
private userManagementService: UserManagementService
) {}
public ngOnInit() { { envSpecific: EnvProperties }) => {
[Trunk | Connect]: Connect redesing 1. app.component.ts: <subscribe> and <invite> components added (floating buttons on the right side of each page for communities). 2. community.component.html: 3. community.component.ts: a. 'projectsCalculated' and 'contentProvidersCalculated' fields added, to calculate tootlip after both requests complete b. added methods for building tootips c. 'activeTab' set to 'summary'. 4. affiliations.component.html: minor phrasing changes (e.g. title). 5. curators.component.html: shortview changed. 6. results.component.ts: Title changed | 'View all' moved to the bottom. 7. customization.component.ts: Changed '--portal-main-color' from '#4C9CD5' to '#4687E6' | Changed '--portal-dark-color' from '#24857F' to '#2D72D6'. 8. invite.component.html: shortview changed. 9. invite.component.ts: 'properties' field as input (get it is called from app.component). 10. invite.module.ts & inviteBasic.module.ts: InviteBasicModule created to declare InviteComponent without routing and login guard | InviteModule imports InviteBasicModule and adds routing and login guar$ 11. subscribe.component.ts: Changes for subscribe button and members | 'properties' field as input (get it is called from app.component). 12. connect-custom.css: css for subscribe and invite buttons and for tooltip with 'community-page-tooltip' class. 13. customization.css: class 'communityBackground' added and css for 'subtitle' class inside 'communityBackground'. git-svn-id: d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
2020-04-24 18:38:35 +02:00
if(! { = data.envSpecific;
if(!this.showNumbers) {
[Trunk | Connect]: Connect redesing 1. app.component.ts: <subscribe> and <invite> components added (floating buttons on the right side of each page for communities). 2. community.component.html: 3. community.component.ts: a. 'projectsCalculated' and 'contentProvidersCalculated' fields added, to calculate tootlip after both requests complete b. added methods for building tootips c. 'activeTab' set to 'summary'. 4. affiliations.component.html: minor phrasing changes (e.g. title). 5. curators.component.html: shortview changed. 6. results.component.ts: Title changed | 'View all' moved to the bottom. 7. customization.component.ts: Changed '--portal-main-color' from '#4C9CD5' to '#4687E6' | Changed '--portal-dark-color' from '#24857F' to '#2D72D6'. 8. invite.component.html: shortview changed. 9. invite.component.ts: 'properties' field as input (get it is called from app.component). 10. invite.module.ts & inviteBasic.module.ts: InviteBasicModule created to declare InviteComponent without routing and login guard | InviteModule imports InviteBasicModule and adds routing and login guar$ 11. subscribe.component.ts: Changes for subscribe button and members | 'properties' field as input (get it is called from app.component). 12. connect-custom.css: css for subscribe and invite buttons and for tooltip with 'community-page-tooltip' class. 13. customization.css: class 'communityBackground' added and css for 'subtitle' class inside 'communityBackground'. git-svn-id: d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
2020-04-24 18:38:35 +02:00
user => {
this.user = user;
error => {},
() => {
} else {
[Trunk | Connect]: 1. app-routing.module.ts: Add route '/subjects'. 2. app.component.ts: Group subscribe and invite buttons under id="subscribeAndInviteBtn" (keep distance between them alwayes the same) | uncomment menu item 'Subjects' in About. 3. app.module.ts: import 'SubscribeService' (singleton service to update everywhere subscriber status). 4. libUser.module.ts & subscribe.module.ts: remove import of 'SubscribeService' (singleton service to update everywhere subscriber status). 5. community.component.html: a. Improve some checks b. In main tabs of the page (class main-tabs) add class 'uk-text-truncate' and remove class 'uk-width-3-4' (each tab has max-width) c. Add icon in 'Analytics' tab d. [Bug fix] In description, fix overflow and max height of box 6. community.component.ts: Add field '@ViewChild(SubscribeComponent) subscribeComponent: SubscribeComponent' to add some checks in html. 7. curators.component.html: Remove div with class 'image-front-topbar' | Update css for title | Add <breadcrumbs> | Add user icon for each curator. 8. curators.component.ts: Initialize breadcrumb | [Bug fix] In methods 'getPageContents()' and 'getDivContents()' use communityId (instead of 'connect'). 9. curators.module.ts & organizationsPage.module.ts & inviteBasic.module.ts: import 'BreadcrumbsModule'. 10. organizationsPage.component.ts: Update css for title | Add <breadcrumbs> | Initialize breadcrumb. 11. subjects.component.ts, subjects.module.ts, subjects-routing.module.ts: Add page for Subjects. 12. invite.component.html: Add <breadcrumbs> in longView | Add icon in button 'Invite users'. 13. invite.component.ts: Initialize breadcrumb. 14. subscribe.component.ts: a. Add icon in button "Subscribe"/ "Subscribed" b. Add class 'uk-display-inline-block' in showNumbers (members) c. Initialize and get subscriber status with new methods of service (initIsSubscribedToCommunity() & isSubscribed - BehaviorSubject instead of isSubscribedToCommunity()) 15. connect-custom.css: Group css for #subscribeBtn, #inviteBtn into #subscribeAndInviteBtn | Add css for class 'user-circle-background' (background of user icon in curators). git-svn-id: d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
2020-04-28 13:07:36 +02:00
private isSubscribed() {
res => {
this.subscribed = res;
if (this.subscribed) {
value: "ok"
private init() {
if (!this.showNumbers) {
let email = (this.user) ? : null;
if (email == null) {
this.subscribed = false;
} else {
if (this.communityId) {
[Trunk | Connect]: 1. app-routing.module.ts: Add route '/subjects'. 2. app.component.ts: Group subscribe and invite buttons under id="subscribeAndInviteBtn" (keep distance between them alwayes the same) | uncomment menu item 'Subjects' in About. 3. app.module.ts: import 'SubscribeService' (singleton service to update everywhere subscriber status). 4. libUser.module.ts & subscribe.module.ts: remove import of 'SubscribeService' (singleton service to update everywhere subscriber status). 5. community.component.html: a. Improve some checks b. In main tabs of the page (class main-tabs) add class 'uk-text-truncate' and remove class 'uk-width-3-4' (each tab has max-width) c. Add icon in 'Analytics' tab d. [Bug fix] In description, fix overflow and max height of box 6. community.component.ts: Add field '@ViewChild(SubscribeComponent) subscribeComponent: SubscribeComponent' to add some checks in html. 7. curators.component.html: Remove div with class 'image-front-topbar' | Update css for title | Add <breadcrumbs> | Add user icon for each curator. 8. curators.component.ts: Initialize breadcrumb | [Bug fix] In methods 'getPageContents()' and 'getDivContents()' use communityId (instead of 'connect'). 9. curators.module.ts & organizationsPage.module.ts & inviteBasic.module.ts: import 'BreadcrumbsModule'. 10. organizationsPage.component.ts: Update css for title | Add <breadcrumbs> | Initialize breadcrumb. 11. subjects.component.ts, subjects.module.ts, subjects-routing.module.ts: Add page for Subjects. 12. invite.component.html: Add <breadcrumbs> in longView | Add icon in button 'Invite users'. 13. invite.component.ts: Initialize breadcrumb. 14. subscribe.component.ts: a. Add icon in button "Subscribe"/ "Subscribed" b. Add class 'uk-display-inline-block' in showNumbers (members) c. Initialize and get subscriber status with new methods of service (initIsSubscribedToCommunity() & isSubscribed - BehaviorSubject instead of isSubscribedToCommunity()) 15. connect-custom.css: Group css for #subscribeBtn, #inviteBtn into #subscribeAndInviteBtn | Add css for class 'user-circle-background' (background of user icon in curators). git-svn-id: d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
2020-04-28 13:07:36 +02:00
// this._subscribeService.isSubscribedToCommunity(, this.communityId).subscribe(
// res => {
// this.subscribed = res;
// if (this.subscribed) {
// this.subscribeEvent.emit({
// value: "ok"
// });
// }
// },
// error => {
// this.handleError("Error getting response if email: " + email + " is subscribed to community with id: " + this.communityId, error);
// });
this._subscribeService.initIsSubscribedToCommunity(, this.communityId);
} else {
if (this.communityId) {
this._subscribeService.getNumberOfCommunitySubscribers(, this.communityId).subscribe(
res => {
this.subscribers = (res && res.value) ? res.value : 0;//(res && res.subscribers && res.subscribers.length) ? res.subscribers.length : 0;
value: this.subscribers
error => {
this.handleError("Error getting community subscribers for community with id: " + this.communityId, error);
if (this.communityId) {
this.emailToInformManagers = {body: "", subject: "", recipients: []};
this._communityService.getCommunity(, + this.communityId).subscribe(
community => { = community;
error => {
//console.log('System error retrieving community profile', error)
this.handleError("Error getting community with id: " + this.communityId, error);
subscribe() {
var email = (this.user) ? : null;
if (email == null) {
this.subscribed = false;
// this.showLoginAlert = true;
this.router.navigate(['/user-info'], {
queryParams: {
"errorCode": LoginErrorCodes.ACTION_REQUIRES_LOGIN,
"redirectUrl": this.router.url
} else {
this.loading = true;
this.showLoginAlert = false;
this._subscribeService.subscribeToCommunity(, this.communityId).subscribe(
res => {
this.loading = false;
if (res.status && res.status != 200) {
value: "error"
message: '<strong>An error occured. Please try again!<strong>',
status: 'warning',
timeout: 3000,
pos: 'top-center'
} else {
if (!this.subscribed) {
this.subscribed = true;
value: "ok"
this._emailService.notifyForNewManagers(, this.communityId, Composer.composeEmailToInformManagers(, this.communityId,,
res => {
//console.log("The email has been sent successfully!")
error => {
this.handleError("Error notifying managers about new subscribers for community with id: " + this.communityId, error);
error => {
this.loading = false;
value: "error"
message: '<strong>An error occured. Please try again!<strong>',
status: 'warning',
timeout: 3000,
pos: 'top-center'
this.handleError("Error subscribing email: " + email + " to community with id: " + this.communityId, error);
unsubscribe() {
var email = (this.user) ? : null;
if (email == null) {
this.subscribed = false;
} else {
this.loading = true;
this._subscribeService.unSubscribeToCommunity(, this.communityId).subscribe(
res => {
this.loading = false;
if (res.status && res.status != 200) {
message: '<strong>An error occured. Please try again!<strong>',
status: 'warning',
timeout: 3000,
pos: 'top-center'
} else {
if (this.subscribed) {
this.subscribed = false;
error => {
this.loading = false;
message: '<strong>An error occured. Please try again!<strong>',
status: 'warning',
timeout: 3000,
pos: 'top-center'
this.handleError("Error unsubscribing email: " + email + " from community with id: " + this.communityId, error);
confirmOpen() {
this.alert.cancelButton = true;
this.alert.okButton = true;
[Trunk | Connect]: Connect redesing 1. app.component.ts: <subscribe> and <invite> components added (floating buttons on the right side of each page for communities). 2. community.component.html: 3. community.component.ts: a. 'projectsCalculated' and 'contentProvidersCalculated' fields added, to calculate tootlip after both requests complete b. added methods for building tootips c. 'activeTab' set to 'summary'. 4. affiliations.component.html: minor phrasing changes (e.g. title). 5. curators.component.html: shortview changed. 6. results.component.ts: Title changed | 'View all' moved to the bottom. 7. customization.component.ts: Changed '--portal-main-color' from '#4C9CD5' to '#4687E6' | Changed '--portal-dark-color' from '#24857F' to '#2D72D6'. 8. invite.component.html: shortview changed. 9. invite.component.ts: 'properties' field as input (get it is called from app.component). 10. invite.module.ts & inviteBasic.module.ts: InviteBasicModule created to declare InviteComponent without routing and login guard | InviteModule imports InviteBasicModule and adds routing and login guar$ 11. subscribe.component.ts: Changes for subscribe button and members | 'properties' field as input (get it is called from app.component). 12. connect-custom.css: css for subscribe and invite buttons and for tooltip with 'community-page-tooltip' class. 13. customization.css: class 'communityBackground' added and css for 'subtitle' class inside 'communityBackground'. git-svn-id: d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
2020-04-24 18:38:35 +02:00
//this.alert.alertTitle = "Unsubscribe community ";
//this.alert.message = "Do you want to proceed? ";
this.alert.message = "You are subscribed to the Community Gateway. Do you want to unsubscribe?";
this.alert.okButtonText = "UNSUBSCRIBE";
this.alert.cancelButtonText = "CANCEL";;
confirmClose(data) {
private handleError(message: string, error) {
console.error("Subscribe (component): " + message, error);