
523 lines
26 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import {Component} from '@angular/core';
import {EnvProperties} from '../openaireLibrary/utils/properties/env-properties';
[Trunk | Connect]: 1. app-routing.module.ts: Add route '/subjects'. 2. app.component.ts: Group subscribe and invite buttons under id="subscribeAndInviteBtn" (keep distance between them alwayes the same) | uncomment menu item 'Subjects' in About. 3. app.module.ts: import 'SubscribeService' (singleton service to update everywhere subscriber status). 4. libUser.module.ts & subscribe.module.ts: remove import of 'SubscribeService' (singleton service to update everywhere subscriber status). 5. community.component.html: a. Improve some checks b. In main tabs of the page (class main-tabs) add class 'uk-text-truncate' and remove class 'uk-width-3-4' (each tab has max-width) c. Add icon in 'Analytics' tab d. [Bug fix] In description, fix overflow and max height of box 6. community.component.ts: Add field '@ViewChild(SubscribeComponent) subscribeComponent: SubscribeComponent' to add some checks in html. 7. curators.component.html: Remove div with class 'image-front-topbar' | Update css for title | Add <breadcrumbs> | Add user icon for each curator. 8. curators.component.ts: Initialize breadcrumb | [Bug fix] In methods 'getPageContents()' and 'getDivContents()' use communityId (instead of 'connect'). 9. curators.module.ts & organizationsPage.module.ts & inviteBasic.module.ts: import 'BreadcrumbsModule'. 10. organizationsPage.component.ts: Update css for title | Add <breadcrumbs> | Initialize breadcrumb. 11. subjects.component.ts, subjects.module.ts, subjects-routing.module.ts: Add page for Subjects. 12. invite.component.html: Add <breadcrumbs> in longView | Add icon in button 'Invite users'. 13. invite.component.ts: Initialize breadcrumb. 14. subscribe.component.ts: a. Add icon in button "Subscribe"/ "Subscribed" b. Add class 'uk-display-inline-block' in showNumbers (members) c. Initialize and get subscriber status with new methods of service (initIsSubscribedToCommunity() & isSubscribed - BehaviorSubject instead of isSubscribedToCommunity()) 15. connect-custom.css: Group css for #subscribeBtn, #inviteBtn into #subscribeAndInviteBtn | Add css for class 'user-circle-background' (background of user icon in curators). git-svn-id: d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
2020-04-28 13:07:36 +02:00
import {ActivatedRoute, Router} from "@angular/router";
import {CommunityService} from "../openaireLibrary/connect/community/community.service";
import {HelperService} from "../openaireLibrary/utils/helper/helper.service";
import {Meta, Title} from "@angular/platform-browser";
import {SEOService} from "../openaireLibrary/sharedComponents/SEO/SEO.service";
import {PiwikService} from "../openaireLibrary/utils/piwik/piwik.service";
import {StringUtils} from "../openaireLibrary/utils/string-utils.class";
import {Breadcrumb} from "../openaireLibrary/utils/breadcrumbs/breadcrumbs.component";
import {properties} from "../../environments/environment";
import {Subscriber, Subscription} from "rxjs";
[Trunk | Connect]: 1. app-routing.module.ts: Add route '/subjects'. 2. app.component.ts: Group subscribe and invite buttons under id="subscribeAndInviteBtn" (keep distance between them alwayes the same) | uncomment menu item 'Subjects' in About. 3. app.module.ts: import 'SubscribeService' (singleton service to update everywhere subscriber status). 4. libUser.module.ts & subscribe.module.ts: remove import of 'SubscribeService' (singleton service to update everywhere subscriber status). 5. community.component.html: a. Improve some checks b. In main tabs of the page (class main-tabs) add class 'uk-text-truncate' and remove class 'uk-width-3-4' (each tab has max-width) c. Add icon in 'Analytics' tab d. [Bug fix] In description, fix overflow and max height of box 6. community.component.ts: Add field '@ViewChild(SubscribeComponent) subscribeComponent: SubscribeComponent' to add some checks in html. 7. curators.component.html: Remove div with class 'image-front-topbar' | Update css for title | Add <breadcrumbs> | Add user icon for each curator. 8. curators.component.ts: Initialize breadcrumb | [Bug fix] In methods 'getPageContents()' and 'getDivContents()' use communityId (instead of 'connect'). 9. curators.module.ts & organizationsPage.module.ts & inviteBasic.module.ts: import 'BreadcrumbsModule'. 10. organizationsPage.component.ts: Update css for title | Add <breadcrumbs> | Initialize breadcrumb. 11. subjects.component.ts, subjects.module.ts, subjects-routing.module.ts: Add page for Subjects. 12. invite.component.html: Add <breadcrumbs> in longView | Add icon in button 'Invite users'. 13. invite.component.ts: Initialize breadcrumb. 14. subscribe.component.ts: a. Add icon in button "Subscribe"/ "Subscribed" b. Add class 'uk-display-inline-block' in showNumbers (members) c. Initialize and get subscriber status with new methods of service (initIsSubscribedToCommunity() & isSubscribed - BehaviorSubject instead of isSubscribedToCommunity()) 15. connect-custom.css: Group css for #subscribeBtn, #inviteBtn into #subscribeAndInviteBtn | Add css for class 'user-circle-background' (background of user icon in curators). git-svn-id: d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
2020-04-28 13:07:36 +02:00
selector: 'subjects',
template: `
<schema2jsonld *ngIf="url" [URL]="url" [name]="pageTitle" type="other"></schema2jsonld>
<div style="min-height: 650px;">
<div class="uk-container uk-container-large uk-section uk-section-small uk-padding-remove-bottom">
<div class="uk-padding-small uk-padding-remove-horizontal">
<breadcrumbs [breadcrumbs]="breadcrumbs"></breadcrumbs>
<div class="uk-container uk-container-large uk-section uk-section-small">
<div *ngIf="showLoading" class="uk-margin-large">
<div class="uk-animation-fade uk-margin-top uk-width-1-1" role="alert">
<span class="loading-gif uk-align-center"></span>
<div *ngIf="!showLoading">
<h1 class="uk-margin-top">
<div *ngIf="pageContents && pageContents['top'] && pageContents['top'].length > 0">
<helper *ngIf="pageContents && pageContents['top'] && pageContents['top'].length > 0"
<div class="uk-margin-large-top" *ngIf="displayedSubjects?.length == 0 && displayedSdg?.length == 0 && displayedFos?.length == 0"
class="uk-card uk-card-default uk-padding-large uk-text-center uk-margin-bottom uk-text-bold">
<div>No subjects</div>
<div class="uk-margin-large-top" *ngIf="displayedSubjects?.length > 0 || displayedSdg?.length > 0 || displayedFos?.length > 0">
<ul uk-tab class="uk-tab uk-margin-bottom uk-flex uk-flex-center uk-flex-left@m">
<li class="uk-active" *ngIf="displayedAllSubjects?.length" (click)="groupSubjects(displayedAllSubjects, 'all')">
<a>All ({{displayedAllSubjects.length}})</a>
<li *ngIf="displayedSubjects?.length" (click)="groupSubjects(displayedSubjects, 'freeText')">
<a>Free Text ({{displayedSubjects.length}})</a>
<li *ngIf="displayedSdg?.length" (click)="groupSubjects(displayedSdg, 'sdg')">
<a>SDGs ({{displayedSdg.length}})</a>
<li *ngIf="displayedFos?.length" (click)="groupSubjects(displayedFos, 'fos')">
<a>Fields of Science ({{displayedFos.length}})</a>
<ul class="uk-switcher">
<li *ngIf="displayedAllSubjects?.length">
<ng-container *ngIf="groupedAllSubjects?.length">
<ul class="uk-nav uk-nav-default uk-flex uk-flex-wrap">
<li *ngFor="let item of groupedAllSubjects; let i = index;" class="uk-margin-right" []="i != 0"
[class]="indexAll == i ? 'uk-active':''" (click)="changeDisplayedSubjects(i, item)">
<a class="uk-padding-remove">{{}}</a>
<!-- View for 'All' -->
<div *ngIf="indexAll == 0 && groupedAllSubjects.length > 1" class="uk-margin-large-top uk-grid uk-child-width-1-4@m" uk-grid>
<div *ngFor="let item of groupedAllSubjects.slice(1); let i = index;">
<div *ngFor="let subItem of, subjectsLimit)" class="uk-margin-small-bottom">
<a [queryParams]="{f0:subItem.type,fv0:createParams(subItem.value)}" class="uk-link-text"
routerLinkActive="router-link-active" [routerLink]="properties.searchLinkToAdvancedResults"
[]="subItem.value.length > maxCharacters ? subItem.value :''">
<span>{{subItem.value.length > maxCharacters ? subItem.value.substring(0,maxCharacters)+'...' : subItem.value}}</span>
<div *ngIf=" > subjectsLimit">
<a (click)="changeDisplayedSubjects(i+1, item)" class="view-more-less-link">
View all
<!-- View for a single group -->
<div *ngIf="indexAll != 0 || groupedAllSubjects.length == 1" class="uk-margin-large-top">
<ng-container *ngIf="subjectsColumns?.length == 0; else elseBlock">
<div *ngFor="let subItem of groupedAllSubjects[indexAll].data" class="uk-margin-small-bottom">
<a [queryParams]="{f0:subItem.type,fv0:createParams(subItem.value)}" class="uk-link-text"
routerLinkActive="router-link-active" [routerLink]="properties.searchLinkToAdvancedResults"
[]="subItem.value.length > maxCharacters ? subItem.value :''">
<span>{{subItem.value.length > maxCharacters ? subItem.value.substring(0,maxCharacters)+'...' : subItem.value}}</span>
<ng-template #elseBlock>
<div class="uk-grid uk-child-width-1-4@m" uk-grid>
<div *ngFor="let group of subjectsColumns">
<div *ngFor="let subItem of group" class="uk-margin-small-bottom">
<a [queryParams]="{f0:subItem.type,fv0:createParams(subItem.value)}" class="uk-link-text"
routerLinkActive="router-link-active" [routerLink]="properties.searchLinkToAdvancedResults"
[]="subItem.value.length > maxCharacters ? subItem.value :''">
<span>{{subItem.value.length > maxCharacters ? subItem.value.substring(0,maxCharacters)+'...' : subItem.value}}</span>
<li *ngIf="displayedSubjects?.length">
<ng-container *ngIf="groupedSubjects?.length">
<ul class="uk-nav uk-nav-default uk-flex uk-flex-wrap">
<li *ngFor="let item of groupedSubjects; let i = index;" class="uk-margin-right" []="i != 0"
[class]="indexSubjects == i ? 'uk-active':''" (click)="changeDisplayedSubjects(i, item)">
<a class="uk-padding-remove">{{}}</a>
<!-- View for 'All' -->
<div *ngIf="indexSubjects == 0 && groupedSubjects.length > 1" class="uk-margin-large-top uk-grid uk-child-width-1-4@m" uk-grid>
<div *ngFor="let item of groupedSubjects.slice(1); let i = index;">
<div *ngFor="let subItem of, subjectsLimit)" class="uk-margin-small-bottom">
<a [queryParams]="{f0:'resultsubject',fv0:createParams(subItem)}" class="uk-link-text"
routerLinkActive="router-link-active" [routerLink]="properties.searchLinkToAdvancedResults"
[]="subItem.length > maxCharacters ? subItem :''">
<span>{{subItem.length > maxCharacters ? subItem.substring(0,maxCharacters)+'...' : subItem}}</span>
<div *ngIf=" > subjectsLimit">
<a (click)="changeDisplayedSubjects(i+1, item)" class="view-more-less-link">
View all
<!-- View for a single group -->
<div *ngIf="indexSubjects != 0 || groupedSubjects.length == 1" class="uk-margin-large-top">
<ng-container *ngIf="subjectsColumns?.length == 0; else elseBlock">
<div *ngFor="let subItem of groupedSubjects[indexSubjects]?.data" class="uk-margin-small-bottom">
<a [queryParams]="{f0:'resultsubject',fv0:createParams(subItem)}" class="uk-link-text"
routerLinkActive="router-link-active" [routerLink]="properties.searchLinkToAdvancedResults"
[]="subItem.length > maxCharacters ? subItem :''">
<span>{{subItem.length > maxCharacters ? subItem.substring(0,maxCharacters)+'...' : subItem}}</span>
<ng-template #elseBlock>
<div class="uk-grid uk-child-width-1-4@m" uk-grid>
<div *ngFor="let group of subjectsColumns">
<div *ngFor="let subItem of group" class="uk-margin-small-bottom">
<a [queryParams]="{f0:'resultsubject',fv0:createParams(subItem)}" class="uk-link-text"
routerLinkActive="router-link-active" [routerLink]="properties.searchLinkToAdvancedResults"
[]="subItem.length > maxCharacters ? subItem :''">
<span>{{subItem.length > maxCharacters ? subItem.substring(0,maxCharacters)+'...' : subItem}}</span>
<li *ngIf="displayedSdg?.length">
<ng-container *ngIf="groupedSdg?.length">
<ul class="uk-nav uk-nav-default uk-flex uk-flex-wrap">
<li *ngFor="let item of groupedSdg; let i = index;" class="uk-margin-right" []="i != 0"
[class]="indexSdg == i ? 'uk-active':''" (click)="changeDisplayedSubjects(i, item)">
<a class="uk-padding-remove">{{}}</a>
<!-- View for 'All' -->
<div *ngIf="indexSdg == 0 && groupedSdg.length > 1" class="uk-margin-large-top uk-grid uk-child-width-1-4@m" uk-grid>
<div *ngFor="let item of groupedSdg.slice(1); let i = index;">
<div *ngFor="let subItem of, subjectsLimit)" class="uk-margin-small-bottom">
<a [queryParams]="{f0:'sdg',fv0:createParams(subItem)}" class="uk-link-text"
routerLinkActive="router-link-active" [routerLink]="properties.searchLinkToAdvancedResults"
[]="subItem.length > maxCharacters ? subItem :''">
<span>{{subItem.length > maxCharacters ? subItem.substring(0,maxCharacters)+'...' : subItem}}</span>
<div *ngIf=" > subjectsLimit">
<a (click)="changeDisplayedSubjects(i+1, item)" class="view-more-less-link">
View all
<!-- View for a single group -->
<div *ngIf="indexSdg != 0 || groupedSdg.length == 1" class="uk-margin-large-top">
<ng-container *ngIf="subjectsColumns?.length == 0; else elseBlock">
<div *ngFor="let subItem of groupedSdg[indexSdg].data" class="uk-margin-small-bottom">
<a [queryParams]="{f0:'sdg',fv0:createParams(subItem)}" class="uk-link-text"
routerLinkActive="router-link-active" [routerLink]="properties.searchLinkToAdvancedResults"
[]="subItem.length > maxCharacters ? subItem :''">
<span>{{subItem.length > maxCharacters ? subItem.substring(0,maxCharacters)+'...' : subItem}}</span>
<ng-template #elseBlock>
<div class="uk-grid uk-child-width-1-4@m" uk-grid>
<div *ngFor="let group of subjectsColumns">
<div *ngFor="let subItem of group" class="uk-margin-small-bottom">
<a [queryParams]="{f0:'sdg',fv0:createParams(subItem)}" class="uk-link-text"
routerLinkActive="router-link-active" [routerLink]="properties.searchLinkToAdvancedResults"
[]="subItem.length > maxCharacters ? subItem :''">
<span>{{subItem.length > maxCharacters ? subItem.substring(0,maxCharacters)+'...' : subItem}}</span>
<li *ngIf="displayedFos?.length">
<ng-container *ngIf="groupedFos?.length">
<ul class="uk-nav uk-nav-default uk-flex uk-flex-wrap">
<li *ngFor="let item of groupedFos; let i = index;" class="uk-margin-right" []="i != 0"
[class]="indexFos == i ? 'uk-active':''" (click)="changeDisplayedSubjects(i, item)">
<a class="uk-padding-remove">{{}}</a>
<!-- View for 'All' -->
<div *ngIf="indexFos == 0 && groupedFos.length > 1" class="uk-margin-large-top uk-grid uk-child-width-1-4@m" uk-grid>
<div *ngFor="let item of groupedFos.slice(1); let i = index;">
<div *ngFor="let subItem of, subjectsLimit)" class="uk-margin-small-bottom">
<a [queryParams]="{f0:'fos',fv0:createParams(subItem)}" class="uk-link-text"
routerLinkActive="router-link-active" [routerLink]="properties.searchLinkToAdvancedResults"
[]="subItem.length > maxCharacters ? subItem :''">
<span>{{subItem.length > maxCharacters ? subItem.substring(0,maxCharacters)+'...' : subItem}}</span>
<div *ngIf=" > subjectsLimit">
<a (click)="changeDisplayedSubjects(i+1, item)" class="view-more-less-link">
View all
<!-- View for a single group -->
<div *ngIf="indexFos != 0 || groupedFos.length == 1" class="uk-margin-large-top">
<ng-container *ngIf="subjectsColumns?.length == 0; else elseBlock">
<div *ngFor="let subItem of groupedFos[indexFos].data" class="uk-margin-small-bottom">
<a [queryParams]="{f0:'fos',fv0:createParams(subItem)}" class="uk-link-text"
routerLinkActive="router-link-active" [routerLink]="properties.searchLinkToAdvancedResults"
[]="subItem.length > maxCharacters ? subItem :''">
<span>{{subItem.length > maxCharacters ? subItem.substring(0,maxCharacters)+'...' : subItem}}</span>
<ng-template #elseBlock>
<div class="uk-grid uk-child-width-1-4@m" uk-grid>
<div *ngFor="let group of subjectsColumns">
<div *ngFor="let subItem of group" class="uk-margin-small-bottom">
<a [queryParams]="{f0:'fos',fv0:createParams(subItem)}" class="uk-link-text"
routerLinkActive="router-link-active" [routerLink]="properties.searchLinkToAdvancedResults"
[]="subItem.length > maxCharacters ? subItem :''">
<span>{{subItem.length > maxCharacters ? subItem.substring(0,maxCharacters)+'...' : subItem}}</span>
[Trunk | Connect]: 1. app-routing.module.ts: Add route '/subjects'. 2. app.component.ts: Group subscribe and invite buttons under id="subscribeAndInviteBtn" (keep distance between them alwayes the same) | uncomment menu item 'Subjects' in About. 3. app.module.ts: import 'SubscribeService' (singleton service to update everywhere subscriber status). 4. libUser.module.ts & subscribe.module.ts: remove import of 'SubscribeService' (singleton service to update everywhere subscriber status). 5. community.component.html: a. Improve some checks b. In main tabs of the page (class main-tabs) add class 'uk-text-truncate' and remove class 'uk-width-3-4' (each tab has max-width) c. Add icon in 'Analytics' tab d. [Bug fix] In description, fix overflow and max height of box 6. community.component.ts: Add field '@ViewChild(SubscribeComponent) subscribeComponent: SubscribeComponent' to add some checks in html. 7. curators.component.html: Remove div with class 'image-front-topbar' | Update css for title | Add <breadcrumbs> | Add user icon for each curator. 8. curators.component.ts: Initialize breadcrumb | [Bug fix] In methods 'getPageContents()' and 'getDivContents()' use communityId (instead of 'connect'). 9. curators.module.ts & organizationsPage.module.ts & inviteBasic.module.ts: import 'BreadcrumbsModule'. 10. organizationsPage.component.ts: Update css for title | Add <breadcrumbs> | Initialize breadcrumb. 11. subjects.component.ts, subjects.module.ts, subjects-routing.module.ts: Add page for Subjects. 12. invite.component.html: Add <breadcrumbs> in longView | Add icon in button 'Invite users'. 13. invite.component.ts: Initialize breadcrumb. 14. subscribe.component.ts: a. Add icon in button "Subscribe"/ "Subscribed" b. Add class 'uk-display-inline-block' in showNumbers (members) c. Initialize and get subscriber status with new methods of service (initIsSubscribedToCommunity() & isSubscribed - BehaviorSubject instead of isSubscribedToCommunity()) 15. connect-custom.css: Group css for #subscribeBtn, #inviteBtn into #subscribeAndInviteBtn | Add css for class 'user-circle-background' (background of user icon in curators). git-svn-id: d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
2020-04-28 13:07:36 +02:00
export class SubjectsComponent {
properties: EnvProperties = properties;
breadcrumbs: Breadcrumb[] = [{name: 'Home', route: '/'}, {name: 'About - Subjects'}];
pageContents = null;
divContents = null;
url: string = null;
pageTitle: string = "Subjects";
communityId = null;
showLoading = true;
subs: Subscription[] = [];
displayedAllSubjects = [];
displayedSubjects = [];
displayedSdg = [];
displayedFos = [];
groupedAllSubjects = [];
groupedSubjects = [];
groupedSdg = [];
groupedFos = [];
subjectsColumns = [];
subjectsLimit: number = 6;
maxCharacters: number = 25;
activeTab: 'all' | 'freeText' | 'sdg' | 'fos' = 'all';
indexAll: number = 0;
indexSubjects: number = 0;
indexSdg: number = 0;
indexFos: number = 0;
viewAll: boolean = false;
constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute,
private communityService: CommunityService,
private _router: Router,
private helper: HelperService,
private _meta: Meta,
private _title: Title,
private seoService: SEOService,
private _piwikService: PiwikService) {
[Trunk | Connect]: 1. app-routing.module.ts: Add route '/subjects'. 2. app.component.ts: Group subscribe and invite buttons under id="subscribeAndInviteBtn" (keep distance between them alwayes the same) | uncomment menu item 'Subjects' in About. 3. app.module.ts: import 'SubscribeService' (singleton service to update everywhere subscriber status). 4. libUser.module.ts & subscribe.module.ts: remove import of 'SubscribeService' (singleton service to update everywhere subscriber status). 5. community.component.html: a. Improve some checks b. In main tabs of the page (class main-tabs) add class 'uk-text-truncate' and remove class 'uk-width-3-4' (each tab has max-width) c. Add icon in 'Analytics' tab d. [Bug fix] In description, fix overflow and max height of box 6. community.component.ts: Add field '@ViewChild(SubscribeComponent) subscribeComponent: SubscribeComponent' to add some checks in html. 7. curators.component.html: Remove div with class 'image-front-topbar' | Update css for title | Add <breadcrumbs> | Add user icon for each curator. 8. curators.component.ts: Initialize breadcrumb | [Bug fix] In methods 'getPageContents()' and 'getDivContents()' use communityId (instead of 'connect'). 9. curators.module.ts & organizationsPage.module.ts & inviteBasic.module.ts: import 'BreadcrumbsModule'. 10. organizationsPage.component.ts: Update css for title | Add <breadcrumbs> | Initialize breadcrumb. 11. subjects.component.ts, subjects.module.ts, subjects-routing.module.ts: Add page for Subjects. 12. invite.component.html: Add <breadcrumbs> in longView | Add icon in button 'Invite users'. 13. invite.component.ts: Initialize breadcrumb. 14. subscribe.component.ts: a. Add icon in button "Subscribe"/ "Subscribed" b. Add class 'uk-display-inline-block' in showNumbers (members) c. Initialize and get subscriber status with new methods of service (initIsSubscribedToCommunity() & isSubscribed - BehaviorSubject instead of isSubscribedToCommunity()) 15. connect-custom.css: Group css for #subscribeBtn, #inviteBtn into #subscribeAndInviteBtn | Add css for class 'user-circle-background' (background of user icon in curators). git-svn-id: d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
2020-04-28 13:07:36 +02:00
ngOnInit() {
this.showLoading = true;
this.url = + this._router.url;
this.updateDescription("OpenAIRE - Connect, Community Gateway, research community");
this.subs.push(this.communityService.getCommunityAsObservable().subscribe(community => {
if (community) {
this.communityId = community.communityId;
this.subs.push(this._piwikService.trackView(, this.pageTitle).subscribe());
this.displayedSubjects = community.subjects;
this.displayedSdg = community.sdg;
this.displayedFos = community.fos;
this.displayedSubjects.forEach(element => {
this.displayedAllSubjects.push({value: element, type: 'resultsubject'});
this.displayedSdg.forEach(element => {
this.displayedAllSubjects.push({value: element, type: 'sdg'});
this.displayedFos.forEach(element => {
this.displayedAllSubjects.push({value: element, type: 'fos'});
this.groupSubjects(this.displayedAllSubjects, 'all');
this.showLoading = false;
[Trunk | Connect]: 1. app-routing.module.ts: Add route '/subjects'. 2. app.component.ts: Group subscribe and invite buttons under id="subscribeAndInviteBtn" (keep distance between them alwayes the same) | uncomment menu item 'Subjects' in About. 3. app.module.ts: import 'SubscribeService' (singleton service to update everywhere subscriber status). 4. libUser.module.ts & subscribe.module.ts: remove import of 'SubscribeService' (singleton service to update everywhere subscriber status). 5. community.component.html: a. Improve some checks b. In main tabs of the page (class main-tabs) add class 'uk-text-truncate' and remove class 'uk-width-3-4' (each tab has max-width) c. Add icon in 'Analytics' tab d. [Bug fix] In description, fix overflow and max height of box 6. community.component.ts: Add field '@ViewChild(SubscribeComponent) subscribeComponent: SubscribeComponent' to add some checks in html. 7. curators.component.html: Remove div with class 'image-front-topbar' | Update css for title | Add <breadcrumbs> | Add user icon for each curator. 8. curators.component.ts: Initialize breadcrumb | [Bug fix] In methods 'getPageContents()' and 'getDivContents()' use communityId (instead of 'connect'). 9. curators.module.ts & organizationsPage.module.ts & inviteBasic.module.ts: import 'BreadcrumbsModule'. 10. organizationsPage.component.ts: Update css for title | Add <breadcrumbs> | Initialize breadcrumb. 11. subjects.component.ts, subjects.module.ts, subjects-routing.module.ts: Add page for Subjects. 12. invite.component.html: Add <breadcrumbs> in longView | Add icon in button 'Invite users'. 13. invite.component.ts: Initialize breadcrumb. 14. subscribe.component.ts: a. Add icon in button "Subscribe"/ "Subscribed" b. Add class 'uk-display-inline-block' in showNumbers (members) c. Initialize and get subscriber status with new methods of service (initIsSubscribedToCommunity() & isSubscribed - BehaviorSubject instead of isSubscribedToCommunity()) 15. connect-custom.css: Group css for #subscribeBtn, #inviteBtn into #subscribeAndInviteBtn | Add css for class 'user-circle-background' (background of user icon in curators). git-svn-id: d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
2020-04-28 13:07:36 +02:00
[Trunk | Connect]: 1. app-routing.module.ts: Add route '/subjects'. 2. app.component.ts: Group subscribe and invite buttons under id="subscribeAndInviteBtn" (keep distance between them alwayes the same) | uncomment menu item 'Subjects' in About. 3. app.module.ts: import 'SubscribeService' (singleton service to update everywhere subscriber status). 4. libUser.module.ts & subscribe.module.ts: remove import of 'SubscribeService' (singleton service to update everywhere subscriber status). 5. community.component.html: a. Improve some checks b. In main tabs of the page (class main-tabs) add class 'uk-text-truncate' and remove class 'uk-width-3-4' (each tab has max-width) c. Add icon in 'Analytics' tab d. [Bug fix] In description, fix overflow and max height of box 6. community.component.ts: Add field '@ViewChild(SubscribeComponent) subscribeComponent: SubscribeComponent' to add some checks in html. 7. curators.component.html: Remove div with class 'image-front-topbar' | Update css for title | Add <breadcrumbs> | Add user icon for each curator. 8. curators.component.ts: Initialize breadcrumb | [Bug fix] In methods 'getPageContents()' and 'getDivContents()' use communityId (instead of 'connect'). 9. curators.module.ts & organizationsPage.module.ts & inviteBasic.module.ts: import 'BreadcrumbsModule'. 10. organizationsPage.component.ts: Update css for title | Add <breadcrumbs> | Initialize breadcrumb. 11. subjects.component.ts, subjects.module.ts, subjects-routing.module.ts: Add page for Subjects. 12. invite.component.html: Add <breadcrumbs> in longView | Add icon in button 'Invite users'. 13. invite.component.ts: Initialize breadcrumb. 14. subscribe.component.ts: a. Add icon in button "Subscribe"/ "Subscribed" b. Add class 'uk-display-inline-block' in showNumbers (members) c. Initialize and get subscriber status with new methods of service (initIsSubscribedToCommunity() & isSubscribed - BehaviorSubject instead of isSubscribedToCommunity()) 15. connect-custom.css: Group css for #subscribeBtn, #inviteBtn into #subscribeAndInviteBtn | Add css for class 'user-circle-background' (background of user icon in curators). git-svn-id: d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
2020-04-28 13:07:36 +02:00
createParams(param) {
return StringUtils.quote(StringUtils.URIEncode(param));
[Trunk | Connect]: 1. app-routing.module.ts: Add route '/subjects'. 2. app.component.ts: Group subscribe and invite buttons under id="subscribeAndInviteBtn" (keep distance between them alwayes the same) | uncomment menu item 'Subjects' in About. 3. app.module.ts: import 'SubscribeService' (singleton service to update everywhere subscriber status). 4. libUser.module.ts & subscribe.module.ts: remove import of 'SubscribeService' (singleton service to update everywhere subscriber status). 5. community.component.html: a. Improve some checks b. In main tabs of the page (class main-tabs) add class 'uk-text-truncate' and remove class 'uk-width-3-4' (each tab has max-width) c. Add icon in 'Analytics' tab d. [Bug fix] In description, fix overflow and max height of box 6. community.component.ts: Add field '@ViewChild(SubscribeComponent) subscribeComponent: SubscribeComponent' to add some checks in html. 7. curators.component.html: Remove div with class 'image-front-topbar' | Update css for title | Add <breadcrumbs> | Add user icon for each curator. 8. curators.component.ts: Initialize breadcrumb | [Bug fix] In methods 'getPageContents()' and 'getDivContents()' use communityId (instead of 'connect'). 9. curators.module.ts & organizationsPage.module.ts & inviteBasic.module.ts: import 'BreadcrumbsModule'. 10. organizationsPage.component.ts: Update css for title | Add <breadcrumbs> | Initialize breadcrumb. 11. subjects.component.ts, subjects.module.ts, subjects-routing.module.ts: Add page for Subjects. 12. invite.component.html: Add <breadcrumbs> in longView | Add icon in button 'Invite users'. 13. invite.component.ts: Initialize breadcrumb. 14. subscribe.component.ts: a. Add icon in button "Subscribe"/ "Subscribed" b. Add class 'uk-display-inline-block' in showNumbers (members) c. Initialize and get subscriber status with new methods of service (initIsSubscribedToCommunity() & isSubscribed - BehaviorSubject instead of isSubscribedToCommunity()) 15. connect-custom.css: Group css for #subscribeBtn, #inviteBtn into #subscribeAndInviteBtn | Add css for class 'user-circle-background' (background of user icon in curators). git-svn-id: d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
2020-04-28 13:07:36 +02:00
ngOnDestroy() {
for (let sub of this.subs) {
if (sub instanceof Subscriber) {
[Trunk | Connect]: 1. app-routing.module.ts: Add route '/subjects'. 2. app.component.ts: Group subscribe and invite buttons under id="subscribeAndInviteBtn" (keep distance between them alwayes the same) | uncomment menu item 'Subjects' in About. 3. app.module.ts: import 'SubscribeService' (singleton service to update everywhere subscriber status). 4. libUser.module.ts & subscribe.module.ts: remove import of 'SubscribeService' (singleton service to update everywhere subscriber status). 5. community.component.html: a. Improve some checks b. In main tabs of the page (class main-tabs) add class 'uk-text-truncate' and remove class 'uk-width-3-4' (each tab has max-width) c. Add icon in 'Analytics' tab d. [Bug fix] In description, fix overflow and max height of box 6. community.component.ts: Add field '@ViewChild(SubscribeComponent) subscribeComponent: SubscribeComponent' to add some checks in html. 7. curators.component.html: Remove div with class 'image-front-topbar' | Update css for title | Add <breadcrumbs> | Add user icon for each curator. 8. curators.component.ts: Initialize breadcrumb | [Bug fix] In methods 'getPageContents()' and 'getDivContents()' use communityId (instead of 'connect'). 9. curators.module.ts & organizationsPage.module.ts & inviteBasic.module.ts: import 'BreadcrumbsModule'. 10. organizationsPage.component.ts: Update css for title | Add <breadcrumbs> | Initialize breadcrumb. 11. subjects.component.ts, subjects.module.ts, subjects-routing.module.ts: Add page for Subjects. 12. invite.component.html: Add <breadcrumbs> in longView | Add icon in button 'Invite users'. 13. invite.component.ts: Initialize breadcrumb. 14. subscribe.component.ts: a. Add icon in button "Subscribe"/ "Subscribed" b. Add class 'uk-display-inline-block' in showNumbers (members) c. Initialize and get subscriber status with new methods of service (initIsSubscribedToCommunity() & isSubscribed - BehaviorSubject instead of isSubscribedToCommunity()) 15. connect-custom.css: Group css for #subscribeBtn, #inviteBtn into #subscribeAndInviteBtn | Add css for class 'user-circle-background' (background of user icon in curators). git-svn-id: d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
2020-04-28 13:07:36 +02:00
[Trunk | Connect]: 1. app-routing.module.ts: Add route '/subjects'. 2. app.component.ts: Group subscribe and invite buttons under id="subscribeAndInviteBtn" (keep distance between them alwayes the same) | uncomment menu item 'Subjects' in About. 3. app.module.ts: import 'SubscribeService' (singleton service to update everywhere subscriber status). 4. libUser.module.ts & subscribe.module.ts: remove import of 'SubscribeService' (singleton service to update everywhere subscriber status). 5. community.component.html: a. Improve some checks b. In main tabs of the page (class main-tabs) add class 'uk-text-truncate' and remove class 'uk-width-3-4' (each tab has max-width) c. Add icon in 'Analytics' tab d. [Bug fix] In description, fix overflow and max height of box 6. community.component.ts: Add field '@ViewChild(SubscribeComponent) subscribeComponent: SubscribeComponent' to add some checks in html. 7. curators.component.html: Remove div with class 'image-front-topbar' | Update css for title | Add <breadcrumbs> | Add user icon for each curator. 8. curators.component.ts: Initialize breadcrumb | [Bug fix] In methods 'getPageContents()' and 'getDivContents()' use communityId (instead of 'connect'). 9. curators.module.ts & organizationsPage.module.ts & inviteBasic.module.ts: import 'BreadcrumbsModule'. 10. organizationsPage.component.ts: Update css for title | Add <breadcrumbs> | Initialize breadcrumb. 11. subjects.component.ts, subjects.module.ts, subjects-routing.module.ts: Add page for Subjects. 12. invite.component.html: Add <breadcrumbs> in longView | Add icon in button 'Invite users'. 13. invite.component.ts: Initialize breadcrumb. 14. subscribe.component.ts: a. Add icon in button "Subscribe"/ "Subscribed" b. Add class 'uk-display-inline-block' in showNumbers (members) c. Initialize and get subscriber status with new methods of service (initIsSubscribedToCommunity() & isSubscribed - BehaviorSubject instead of isSubscribedToCommunity()) 15. connect-custom.css: Group css for #subscribeBtn, #inviteBtn into #subscribeAndInviteBtn | Add css for class 'user-circle-background' (background of user icon in curators). git-svn-id: d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
2020-04-28 13:07:36 +02:00
private getPageContents() {
this.subs.push(this.helper.getPageHelpContents(, this.communityId, this._router.url).subscribe(contents => {
[Trunk | Connect]: 1. app-routing.module.ts: Add route '/subjects'. 2. app.component.ts: Group subscribe and invite buttons under id="subscribeAndInviteBtn" (keep distance between them alwayes the same) | uncomment menu item 'Subjects' in About. 3. app.module.ts: import 'SubscribeService' (singleton service to update everywhere subscriber status). 4. libUser.module.ts & subscribe.module.ts: remove import of 'SubscribeService' (singleton service to update everywhere subscriber status). 5. community.component.html: a. Improve some checks b. In main tabs of the page (class main-tabs) add class 'uk-text-truncate' and remove class 'uk-width-3-4' (each tab has max-width) c. Add icon in 'Analytics' tab d. [Bug fix] In description, fix overflow and max height of box 6. community.component.ts: Add field '@ViewChild(SubscribeComponent) subscribeComponent: SubscribeComponent' to add some checks in html. 7. curators.component.html: Remove div with class 'image-front-topbar' | Update css for title | Add <breadcrumbs> | Add user icon for each curator. 8. curators.component.ts: Initialize breadcrumb | [Bug fix] In methods 'getPageContents()' and 'getDivContents()' use communityId (instead of 'connect'). 9. curators.module.ts & organizationsPage.module.ts & inviteBasic.module.ts: import 'BreadcrumbsModule'. 10. organizationsPage.component.ts: Update css for title | Add <breadcrumbs> | Initialize breadcrumb. 11. subjects.component.ts, subjects.module.ts, subjects-routing.module.ts: Add page for Subjects. 12. invite.component.html: Add <breadcrumbs> in longView | Add icon in button 'Invite users'. 13. invite.component.ts: Initialize breadcrumb. 14. subscribe.component.ts: a. Add icon in button "Subscribe"/ "Subscribed" b. Add class 'uk-display-inline-block' in showNumbers (members) c. Initialize and get subscriber status with new methods of service (initIsSubscribedToCommunity() & isSubscribed - BehaviorSubject instead of isSubscribedToCommunity()) 15. connect-custom.css: Group css for #subscribeBtn, #inviteBtn into #subscribeAndInviteBtn | Add css for class 'user-circle-background' (background of user icon in curators). git-svn-id: d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
2020-04-28 13:07:36 +02:00
this.pageContents = contents;
[Trunk | Connect]: 1. app-routing.module.ts: Add route '/subjects'. 2. app.component.ts: Group subscribe and invite buttons under id="subscribeAndInviteBtn" (keep distance between them alwayes the same) | uncomment menu item 'Subjects' in About. 3. app.module.ts: import 'SubscribeService' (singleton service to update everywhere subscriber status). 4. libUser.module.ts & subscribe.module.ts: remove import of 'SubscribeService' (singleton service to update everywhere subscriber status). 5. community.component.html: a. Improve some checks b. In main tabs of the page (class main-tabs) add class 'uk-text-truncate' and remove class 'uk-width-3-4' (each tab has max-width) c. Add icon in 'Analytics' tab d. [Bug fix] In description, fix overflow and max height of box 6. community.component.ts: Add field '@ViewChild(SubscribeComponent) subscribeComponent: SubscribeComponent' to add some checks in html. 7. curators.component.html: Remove div with class 'image-front-topbar' | Update css for title | Add <breadcrumbs> | Add user icon for each curator. 8. curators.component.ts: Initialize breadcrumb | [Bug fix] In methods 'getPageContents()' and 'getDivContents()' use communityId (instead of 'connect'). 9. curators.module.ts & organizationsPage.module.ts & inviteBasic.module.ts: import 'BreadcrumbsModule'. 10. organizationsPage.component.ts: Update css for title | Add <breadcrumbs> | Initialize breadcrumb. 11. subjects.component.ts, subjects.module.ts, subjects-routing.module.ts: Add page for Subjects. 12. invite.component.html: Add <breadcrumbs> in longView | Add icon in button 'Invite users'. 13. invite.component.ts: Initialize breadcrumb. 14. subscribe.component.ts: a. Add icon in button "Subscribe"/ "Subscribed" b. Add class 'uk-display-inline-block' in showNumbers (members) c. Initialize and get subscriber status with new methods of service (initIsSubscribedToCommunity() & isSubscribed - BehaviorSubject instead of isSubscribedToCommunity()) 15. connect-custom.css: Group css for #subscribeBtn, #inviteBtn into #subscribeAndInviteBtn | Add css for class 'user-circle-background' (background of user icon in curators). git-svn-id: d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
2020-04-28 13:07:36 +02:00
public groupSubjects(subjects: string[], type: string) {
if(subjects.length === 0) {
return [];
if(type === 'all') {
subjects.sort((a, b) => a['value'].localeCompare(b['value']));
this.indexAll = 0;
this.activeTab = 'all';
this.groupedAllSubjects = Object.values(
subjects.reduce((acc, subject) => {
let firstLetter = subject['value'][0].toLocaleUpperCase();
if(!acc[firstLetter]) {
acc[firstLetter] = {group: firstLetter, data: [subject]};
} else {
return acc;
if(subjects.length > 1) {
this.groupedAllSubjects.unshift({group: 'All', data: subjects});
if(type === 'freeText') {
subjects.sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b));
this.indexSubjects = 0;
this.activeTab = 'freeText';
this.groupedSubjects = Object.values(
subjects.reduce((acc, subject) => {
let firstLetter = subject[0].toLocaleUpperCase();
if(!acc[firstLetter]) {
acc[firstLetter] = {group: firstLetter, data: [subject]};
} else {
return acc;
if(subjects.length > 1) {
this.groupedSubjects.unshift({group: 'All', data: subjects});
if(type === 'sdg') {
subjects.sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b));
this.indexSdg = 0;
this.activeTab = 'sdg';
this.groupedSdg = Object.values(
subjects.reduce((acc, subject) => {
let firstLetter = subject[0].toLocaleUpperCase();
if(!acc[firstLetter]) {
acc[firstLetter] = {group: firstLetter, data: [subject]};
} else {
return acc;
if(subjects.length > 1) {
this.groupedSdg.unshift({group: 'All', data: subjects});
if(type === 'fos') {
subjects.sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b));
this.indexFos = 0;
this.activeTab = 'fos';
this.groupedFos = Object.values(
subjects.reduce((acc, subject) => {
let key = subject.substring(0,2).toLocaleUpperCase();
if(!acc[key]) {
acc[key] = {group: key, data: [subject]};
} else {
return acc;
if(subjects.length > 1) {
this.groupedFos.unshift({group: 'All', data: subjects});
[Trunk | Connect]: 1. app-routing.module.ts: Add route '/subjects'. 2. app.component.ts: Group subscribe and invite buttons under id="subscribeAndInviteBtn" (keep distance between them alwayes the same) | uncomment menu item 'Subjects' in About. 3. app.module.ts: import 'SubscribeService' (singleton service to update everywhere subscriber status). 4. libUser.module.ts & subscribe.module.ts: remove import of 'SubscribeService' (singleton service to update everywhere subscriber status). 5. community.component.html: a. Improve some checks b. In main tabs of the page (class main-tabs) add class 'uk-text-truncate' and remove class 'uk-width-3-4' (each tab has max-width) c. Add icon in 'Analytics' tab d. [Bug fix] In description, fix overflow and max height of box 6. community.component.ts: Add field '@ViewChild(SubscribeComponent) subscribeComponent: SubscribeComponent' to add some checks in html. 7. curators.component.html: Remove div with class 'image-front-topbar' | Update css for title | Add <breadcrumbs> | Add user icon for each curator. 8. curators.component.ts: Initialize breadcrumb | [Bug fix] In methods 'getPageContents()' and 'getDivContents()' use communityId (instead of 'connect'). 9. curators.module.ts & organizationsPage.module.ts & inviteBasic.module.ts: import 'BreadcrumbsModule'. 10. organizationsPage.component.ts: Update css for title | Add <breadcrumbs> | Initialize breadcrumb. 11. subjects.component.ts, subjects.module.ts, subjects-routing.module.ts: Add page for Subjects. 12. invite.component.html: Add <breadcrumbs> in longView | Add icon in button 'Invite users'. 13. invite.component.ts: Initialize breadcrumb. 14. subscribe.component.ts: a. Add icon in button "Subscribe"/ "Subscribed" b. Add class 'uk-display-inline-block' in showNumbers (members) c. Initialize and get subscriber status with new methods of service (initIsSubscribedToCommunity() & isSubscribed - BehaviorSubject instead of isSubscribedToCommunity()) 15. connect-custom.css: Group css for #subscribeBtn, #inviteBtn into #subscribeAndInviteBtn | Add css for class 'user-circle-background' (background of user icon in curators). git-svn-id: d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
2020-04-28 13:07:36 +02:00
public changeDisplayedSubjects(i, group) {
this.subjectsColumns = [];
if(this.activeTab === 'all') {
this.indexAll = i;
} else if(this.activeTab === 'freeText') {
this.indexSubjects = i;
} else if(this.activeTab === 'sdg') {
this.indexSdg = i;
} else if(this.activeTab === 'fos') {
this.indexFos = i;
if( > this.subjectsLimit && != 'All') {
public divideSubjects(group) {
let columns = [];
for(let i = 0; i < ( / this.subjectsLimit); i++) {
columns.push( * this.subjectsLimit, ((i + 1) * this.subjectsLimit)));
this.subjectsColumns = columns;
[Trunk | Connect]: 1. app-routing.module.ts: Add route '/subjects'. 2. app.component.ts: Group subscribe and invite buttons under id="subscribeAndInviteBtn" (keep distance between them alwayes the same) | uncomment menu item 'Subjects' in About. 3. app.module.ts: import 'SubscribeService' (singleton service to update everywhere subscriber status). 4. libUser.module.ts & subscribe.module.ts: remove import of 'SubscribeService' (singleton service to update everywhere subscriber status). 5. community.component.html: a. Improve some checks b. In main tabs of the page (class main-tabs) add class 'uk-text-truncate' and remove class 'uk-width-3-4' (each tab has max-width) c. Add icon in 'Analytics' tab d. [Bug fix] In description, fix overflow and max height of box 6. community.component.ts: Add field '@ViewChild(SubscribeComponent) subscribeComponent: SubscribeComponent' to add some checks in html. 7. curators.component.html: Remove div with class 'image-front-topbar' | Update css for title | Add <breadcrumbs> | Add user icon for each curator. 8. curators.component.ts: Initialize breadcrumb | [Bug fix] In methods 'getPageContents()' and 'getDivContents()' use communityId (instead of 'connect'). 9. curators.module.ts & organizationsPage.module.ts & inviteBasic.module.ts: import 'BreadcrumbsModule'. 10. organizationsPage.component.ts: Update css for title | Add <breadcrumbs> | Initialize breadcrumb. 11. subjects.component.ts, subjects.module.ts, subjects-routing.module.ts: Add page for Subjects. 12. invite.component.html: Add <breadcrumbs> in longView | Add icon in button 'Invite users'. 13. invite.component.ts: Initialize breadcrumb. 14. subscribe.component.ts: a. Add icon in button "Subscribe"/ "Subscribed" b. Add class 'uk-display-inline-block' in showNumbers (members) c. Initialize and get subscriber status with new methods of service (initIsSubscribedToCommunity() & isSubscribed - BehaviorSubject instead of isSubscribedToCommunity()) 15. connect-custom.css: Group css for #subscribeBtn, #inviteBtn into #subscribeAndInviteBtn | Add css for class 'user-circle-background' (background of user icon in curators). git-svn-id: d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
2020-04-28 13:07:36 +02:00
private updateDescription(description: string) {
this._meta.updateTag({content: description}, "name='description'");
this._meta.updateTag({content: description}, "property='og:description'");
[Trunk | Connect]: 1. app-routing.module.ts: Add route '/subjects'. 2. app.component.ts: Group subscribe and invite buttons under id="subscribeAndInviteBtn" (keep distance between them alwayes the same) | uncomment menu item 'Subjects' in About. 3. app.module.ts: import 'SubscribeService' (singleton service to update everywhere subscriber status). 4. libUser.module.ts & subscribe.module.ts: remove import of 'SubscribeService' (singleton service to update everywhere subscriber status). 5. community.component.html: a. Improve some checks b. In main tabs of the page (class main-tabs) add class 'uk-text-truncate' and remove class 'uk-width-3-4' (each tab has max-width) c. Add icon in 'Analytics' tab d. [Bug fix] In description, fix overflow and max height of box 6. community.component.ts: Add field '@ViewChild(SubscribeComponent) subscribeComponent: SubscribeComponent' to add some checks in html. 7. curators.component.html: Remove div with class 'image-front-topbar' | Update css for title | Add <breadcrumbs> | Add user icon for each curator. 8. curators.component.ts: Initialize breadcrumb | [Bug fix] In methods 'getPageContents()' and 'getDivContents()' use communityId (instead of 'connect'). 9. curators.module.ts & organizationsPage.module.ts & inviteBasic.module.ts: import 'BreadcrumbsModule'. 10. organizationsPage.component.ts: Update css for title | Add <breadcrumbs> | Initialize breadcrumb. 11. subjects.component.ts, subjects.module.ts, subjects-routing.module.ts: Add page for Subjects. 12. invite.component.html: Add <breadcrumbs> in longView | Add icon in button 'Invite users'. 13. invite.component.ts: Initialize breadcrumb. 14. subscribe.component.ts: a. Add icon in button "Subscribe"/ "Subscribed" b. Add class 'uk-display-inline-block' in showNumbers (members) c. Initialize and get subscriber status with new methods of service (initIsSubscribedToCommunity() & isSubscribed - BehaviorSubject instead of isSubscribedToCommunity()) 15. connect-custom.css: Group css for #subscribeBtn, #inviteBtn into #subscribeAndInviteBtn | Add css for class 'user-circle-background' (background of user icon in curators). git-svn-id: d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
2020-04-28 13:07:36 +02:00
private updateTitle(title: string) {
var _title = ((title.length > 50) ? title.substring(0, 50) : title);
this._meta.updateTag({content: _title}, "property='og:title'");
[Trunk | Connect]: 1. app-routing.module.ts: Add route '/subjects'. 2. app.component.ts: Group subscribe and invite buttons under id="subscribeAndInviteBtn" (keep distance between them alwayes the same) | uncomment menu item 'Subjects' in About. 3. app.module.ts: import 'SubscribeService' (singleton service to update everywhere subscriber status). 4. libUser.module.ts & subscribe.module.ts: remove import of 'SubscribeService' (singleton service to update everywhere subscriber status). 5. community.component.html: a. Improve some checks b. In main tabs of the page (class main-tabs) add class 'uk-text-truncate' and remove class 'uk-width-3-4' (each tab has max-width) c. Add icon in 'Analytics' tab d. [Bug fix] In description, fix overflow and max height of box 6. community.component.ts: Add field '@ViewChild(SubscribeComponent) subscribeComponent: SubscribeComponent' to add some checks in html. 7. curators.component.html: Remove div with class 'image-front-topbar' | Update css for title | Add <breadcrumbs> | Add user icon for each curator. 8. curators.component.ts: Initialize breadcrumb | [Bug fix] In methods 'getPageContents()' and 'getDivContents()' use communityId (instead of 'connect'). 9. curators.module.ts & organizationsPage.module.ts & inviteBasic.module.ts: import 'BreadcrumbsModule'. 10. organizationsPage.component.ts: Update css for title | Add <breadcrumbs> | Initialize breadcrumb. 11. subjects.component.ts, subjects.module.ts, subjects-routing.module.ts: Add page for Subjects. 12. invite.component.html: Add <breadcrumbs> in longView | Add icon in button 'Invite users'. 13. invite.component.ts: Initialize breadcrumb. 14. subscribe.component.ts: a. Add icon in button "Subscribe"/ "Subscribed" b. Add class 'uk-display-inline-block' in showNumbers (members) c. Initialize and get subscriber status with new methods of service (initIsSubscribedToCommunity() & isSubscribed - BehaviorSubject instead of isSubscribedToCommunity()) 15. connect-custom.css: Group css for #subscribeBtn, #inviteBtn into #subscribeAndInviteBtn | Add css for class 'user-circle-background' (background of user icon in curators). git-svn-id: d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
2020-04-28 13:07:36 +02:00
private updateUrl(url: string) {
this._meta.updateTag({content: url}, "property='og:url'");