import {Component, OnInit} from "@angular/core"; import {HelpContentService} from "../../services/help-content.service"; import {CommunityStatistics} from "../../domain/statistics-classes"; import {ActivatedRoute} from "@angular/router"; import {EnvProperties} from "../../openaireLibrary/utils/properties/env-properties"; import { Community } from '../../domain/community'; @Component({ selector: 'stats', templateUrl: 'stats.component.html' }) export class StatsComponent implements OnInit { errorMessage: string; loadingMessage: string; communities: Community[] = []; selectedCommunityPid: string; stats: CommunityStatistics = null; tableNames: string[] = []; public properties: EnvProperties = null; constructor(private contentService: HelpContentService, private route: ActivatedRoute) {} ngOnInit() { .subscribe((data: { envSpecific: EnvProperties }) => { = data.envSpecific; this.getCommunities(); }, error => console.log(`E R R O R!!`) ); } getCommunities() { this.loadingMessage = 'Retrieving communities'; this.contentService.getCommunities( /* this.contentService.getCommunities('').subscribe(*/ comms => { this.communities = comms; }, error => { this.loadingMessage = ''; this.errorMessage = 'Failed to retrieve information on your communities!'; console.log(error); }, () => { console.log(`I have communities`); this.loadingMessage = ''; this.selectedCommunityPid = this.communities[0].pid; this.getStatistics(); } ); } getStatistics() { this.loadingMessage = 'Retrieving statistics tables'; this.errorMessage = ''; this.stats = null; this.tableNames = []; this.contentService.getStatistics(this.selectedCommunityPid, stats => this.stats = stats, error => { this.loadingMessage = ''; this.errorMessage = 'Failed to retrieve statistics tables for the chosen community!'; console.log(error); }, () => { console.log(`I have statistics!`); this.loadingMessage = ''; for (let key in this.stats.statistics){ this.tableNames.push(key); } } ); } getStatsOfCommunity(pid: string) { this.selectedCommunityPid = pid; this.getStatistics(); } toggleShow(name: string) { this.stats.statistics[name].show = !this.stats.statistics[name].show; } toggleShowInDashboard(name: string) { this.stats.statistics[name].showInDashboard = !this.stats.statistics[name].showInDashboard; } }