import {Component, OnInit} from "@angular/core"; import {Title} from "@angular/platform-browser"; import {ActivatedRoute} from "@angular/router"; import {CommunityService} from "../../../openaireLibrary/connect/community/community.service"; import {Subscriber} from "rxjs"; import {CommunityInfo} from "../../../openaireLibrary/connect/community/communityInfo"; @Component({ selector: 'users-subscribers', template: ` ` }) export class UsersSubscribersComponent implements OnInit { public community: CommunityInfo; public loading: boolean; public inviteDisableMessage: string; private subscriptions: any[] = []; constructor(private communityService: CommunityService, private route: ActivatedRoute, private title: Title) { } ngOnInit() { this.loading = true; this.subscriptions.push(this.communityService.getCommunityAsObservable().subscribe(community => { if(community) { = community; this.title.setTitle( + " | Subscribers"); if(community.status !== "all") { this.inviteDisableMessage = "Community's status is " + (community.status === 'manager'?'Visible to managers':'Hidden') + " and invitation to join the Research community dashboard is disabled. Update the community status to enable invitations." } this.loading = false; } })); } ngOnDestroy() { this.subscriptions.forEach(value => { if (value instanceof Subscriber) { value.unsubscribe(); } }); } }