import {Option} from "../../openaireLibrary/sharedComponents/input/input.component"; import {Criteria} from "../../openaireLibrary/utils/entities/contentProvider"; export class CriteriaUtils { public readonly fields: Option[] = [ {value: 'author', label: 'Author\'s name'}, {value: 'title', label: 'Title'}, {value: 'orcid', label: 'Author\'s ORCID'}, {value: 'contributor', label: 'Contributor'}, {value: 'description', label: 'Description'}, {value: 'subject', label: 'Subject'}, {value: 'fos', label: 'Field of Science'}, {value: 'sdg', label: 'SDG'} ] public readonly verbs: Option[] = [ {value: 'contains', label: 'contains'}, {value: 'equals', label: 'equals'}, {value: 'not_contains', label: 'not contains'}, {value: 'not_equals', label: 'not equals'}, {value: 'starts_with', label: 'starts with'} ] public getFiltersAsText(criteria: Criteria[]): string { let text = criteria.slice(0, 3).map((criterion, index) => (index + 1) + ". " + => { let field = this.fields.find(field => field.value === constraint.field)?.label; let matchCase = false; if (!constraint.verb.includes('_caseinsensitive')) { matchCase = true; } let verb = this.verbs.find(verb => verb.value === constraint.verb.replace("_caseinsensitive", "")).label; let value = '"' + constraint.value + '"' + (matchCase ? " (Match case)" : ""); return field + " " + verb + " " + value; }).join(" and ")); return text.join("
"); } }