import {Component, OnInit} from '@angular/core'; import {Subscription} from 'rxjs'; import {CustomizationService} from "../../openaireLibrary/services/customization.service"; import {properties} from "../../../environments/environment"; import {Layout} from "../../openaireLibrary/connect/community/CustomizationOptions"; import {ClearCacheService} from "../../openaireLibrary/services/clear-cache.service"; import {CommunitiesService} from "../../openaireLibrary/connect/communities/communities.service"; declare var UIkit; @Component({ selector: 'connect-admin-customization', template: `
Use only after connect deployment. And only if there are css updates!
Press the following button to update the timestamp in the saved layouts and recreate the css files.

Purge ICM cache for all communities

Reload cache requests either per community or for all communities
` }) export class ConnectAdminCustomizationComponent implements OnInit { private subscriptions: any[] = []; savingChanges = false; cssCreated: number = 0; totalLayouts: number = 0; community; route; properties = properties; constructor( private customizationService: CustomizationService, private _clearCacheService: ClearCacheService, private communitiesService: CommunitiesService) { } ngOnInit() { } ngOnDestroy() { this.subscriptions.forEach(subscription => { if (subscription instanceof Subscription) { subscription.unsubscribe(); } }); } updateCss(){ let date = new Date(); this.savingChanges = true; let connectCssIsSaved = false; let defaultCssIsSaved = false; this.subscriptions.push(this.customizationService.getLayouts(properties, ).subscribe(layouts => { this.totalLayouts = layouts ? layouts.length : 0; for(let layout of layouts){ = date; if(layout.portalPid == 'connect'){ connectCssIsSaved = true; this.callSaveAndCreate(layout, "connect") }else if(layout.portalPid == 'default'){ defaultCssIsSaved = true; this.callSaveAndCreate(layout, "connect") }else { this.callSaveAndCreate(layout, "community"); } } if(!connectCssIsSaved){ this.totalLayouts++; let layout = new Layout("connect", null); = date; this.callSaveAndCreate(layout, "connect") } if(!defaultCssIsSaved){ this.totalLayouts++; let layout = new Layout("default", null); = date; this.callSaveAndCreate(layout, "connect") } })); } callSaveAndCreate(layout, portalType){ this.subscriptions.push(this.customizationService.saveLayout(properties, layout.portalPid, layout, portalType).subscribe(data =>{ this.subscriptions.push(this.customizationService.createCSS(layout.portalPid,properties.connectPortalUrl,, layout.layoutOptions).subscribe(data =>{ UIkit.notification(layout.portalPid +"-"+ + ".css " + " was created successfully! ", { status: 'success', timeout: 6000, pos: 'bottom-right' }); this.cssCreated++; if(this.cssCreated == this.totalLayouts) { this.savingChanges = false; } })); })); } purgeBrowserCache() { this.savingChanges = true; this.subscriptions.push(this.communitiesService.getCommunities(, + 'communities').subscribe( communities => { communities.forEach(community => { this._clearCacheService.purgeBrowserCache("Layout added/ updated", community.communityId); }); this.savingChanges = false; } )); this._clearCacheService.purgeBrowserCache("Layout added/ updated", "connect"); } deleteLayout(){ if( && > 0) { this.subscriptions.push(this.customizationService.deleteLayout(properties,, "community").subscribe(data => { })); } } forceReloadCache() { if ( { this._clearCacheService.clearCacheInRoute("Clear cache",, this.route ? this.route : "/") } else { this.savingChanges = true; this.subscriptions.push(this.communitiesService.getCommunities(, + 'communities').subscribe( communities => { communities.forEach(community => { this._clearCacheService.clearCacheInRoute("Clear cache for "+ community.communityId, community.communityId, this.route ? this.route : "/") }); this.savingChanges = false; } )); } } }