/** * Created by stefania on 4/26/17. */ import { Component, ViewChild, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { FAQService } from "../../services/faq.service"; import { FormGroup } from "@angular/forms"; import { ModalFormComponent } from "../modal-form.component"; import { QuestionsFormComponent } from "./questions-form.component"; import { CheckQuestion, Question, QuestionFilterOptions } from "../../domain/question"; import { Topic } from "../../domain/topic"; import { DeleteConfirmationDialogComponent } from "../delete-confirmation-dialog.component"; @Component({ selector: 'questions', templateUrl: './questions.component.html', }) export class QuestionsComponent implements OnInit { // @ViewChild(ModalFormComponent) @ViewChild('saveModal') public modal:ModalFormComponent; @ViewChild('updateModal') public updateModal:ModalFormComponent; @ViewChild(QuestionsFormComponent) public formComponent : QuestionsFormComponent; @ViewChild('deleteConfirmationModal') public deleteConfirmationModal : DeleteConfirmationDialogComponent; public questionsCheckboxes : CheckQuestion[] = []; public questions : Question[] = []; public errorMessage: string = null; public successMessage: string = null; public formGroup : FormGroup; public topics: Topic[]; public checkboxAll : boolean = false; public filters : QuestionFilterOptions = {id : '', active : null, text : new RegExp('')}; public counter = {all : 0, active : 0, inactive : 0}; ngOnInit() { this.getTopics(); this.getQuestions(); this.formGroup = this.formComponent.form; } constructor(private _faqService: FAQService) {} getTopics() { this._faqService.getTopics().subscribe( topics => this.topics = topics, error => this.errorMessage = error); } public countQuestions() { this.counter = {all : 0, active : 0, inactive : 0}; let filter = Object.assign({},this.filters); filter.active = null; this.questions.forEach(_ => { if(this.filterQuestion(_,filter)){ if (_.isActive==true) this.counter.active++; else this.counter.inactive++ } }); this.counter.all = this.counter.active + this.counter.inactive; } getQuestions() { let self = this; this._faqService.getQuestions().subscribe( questions => { self.questions = questions; self.counter.all = questions.length; questions.forEach(_ => { self.questionsCheckboxes.push({question : _, checked : false}); }); self.countQuestions(); }, error => this.errorMessage = error); } public showModal():void { this.modal.showModal(); } public toggleCheckBoxes(event) { this.questionsCheckboxes.forEach(_ => _.checked = event.target.checked); this.checkboxAll = event.target.checked; } public applyCheck(flag : boolean) { this.questionsCheckboxes.forEach(_ => _.checked = flag); this.checkboxAll = false; } public getSelectedQuestions() : string[] { return this.questionsCheckboxes.filter(question => question.checked == true) .map(checkedQuestion => checkedQuestion.question).map(res => res._id); } public confirmDeleteQuestion(id : string) { this.deleteConfirmationModal.ids = [id]; this.deleteConfirmationModal.showModal(); } public confirmDeleteSelectedQuestions() { this.deleteConfirmationModal.ids = this.getSelectedQuestions(); this.deleteConfirmationModal.showModal(); } public confirmedDeleteQuestions(ids : string[]) { this._faqService.deleteQuestions(ids).subscribe( _ => this.deleteQuestionsFromArray(ids), error => this.handleError(error) ); } private deleteQuestionsFromArray(ids : string[]) : void { this.successMessage = `Successfully deleted Question(s)`; for(let id of ids) { let iqc = this.questionsCheckboxes.findIndex(_ => _.question._id == id); let iq = this.questions.findIndex(_ => _._id == id); this.questionsCheckboxes.splice(iqc, 1); this.questions.splice(iqc, 1); } } public editQuestion(i : number) { let question : Question = Object.assign({}, this.questionsCheckboxes[i].question); // question.topics = Object.create(this.questionsCheckboxes[i].question.topics); let topics : string[] = []; for(let topic of question.topics) { topics.push(topic._id) } question.topics = topics; console.log(question); this.formGroup.patchValue(question); this.updateModal.showModal(); } public toggleQuestion(status : boolean, ids : string[]) { this._faqService.toggleQuestion(ids,status).subscribe( ret => { for(let id of ret) { let i = this.questionsCheckboxes.findIndex(_ => _.question._id == id); this.questionsCheckboxes[i].question.isActive=status; } this.countQuestions(); this.applyCheck(false); }, error => this.handleError(error) ); } public saveQuestion(data : any):void { console.log(data); this._faqService.saveQuestion(data).subscribe( question => this.questionSavedSuccessfully(question), error => this.handleError(error) ); } public questionSavedSuccessfully(question: Question) { this.questionsCheckboxes.push({question : question, checked : false}); this.questions.push(question); this.successMessage = `Question [${question.question}] saved successfully`; this.applyCheck(false); this.countQuestions(); } public questionUpdatedSuccessfully(question : Question) { this.questionsCheckboxes.find(checkItem => checkItem.question._id==question._id).question = question; let index = this.questions.findIndex(checkItem => checkItem._id==question._id); this.successMessage = `Question [${question.question}] updated successfully`; this.questions[index] = question; this.applyCheck(false); this.countQuestions(); } public filterQuestion(question : Question, filters : QuestionFilterOptions) : boolean { let idFlag = filters.id == '' || (question.topics).map(_ => _._id).includes(filters.id); let activeFlag = filters.active == null || question.isActive == filters.active; let textFlag = filters.text.toString() == '' || (question.question + ' ' +question.answer).match(filters.text) != null; return idFlag && activeFlag && textFlag; } public applyFilter() { this.questionsCheckboxes = []; this.questions.filter(item => this.filterQuestion(item,this.filters)).forEach( _ => this.questionsCheckboxes.push({question: _, checked: false}) ); this.countQuestions(); } public filterByTopic(event: any) { this.filters.id = event.target.value; this.applyFilter(); } public displayAllQuestions() { this.filters.active = null; this.applyFilter(); } public displayActiveQuestions() { this.filters.active = true; this.applyFilter(); } public filterBySearch(text : string) { this.filters.text = new RegExp(text, "i"); this.applyFilter(); } public displayInactiveQuestions() { this.filters.active = false; this.applyFilter(); } public getNames(question : Question) : string[]{ return (question.topics).map(_ => _.name); } handleError(error) { if(error == null) { this.formComponent.reset(); }else { this.errorMessage = 'System error saving topic (Server responded: ' + error + ')'; } } }