import {Component, ElementRef, EventEmitter, Input, OnInit, Output, ViewChild} from '@angular/core'; import {ActivatedRoute, Router} from '@angular/router'; import {EnvProperties} from '../../openaireLibrary/utils/properties/env-properties'; import {Session} from '../../openaireLibrary/login/utils/helper.class'; import {LoginErrorCodes} from '../../openaireLibrary/login/utils/guardHelper.class'; import {Affiliation} from '../../openaireLibrary/utils/entities/CuratorInfo'; import {HelperFunctions} from '../../openaireLibrary/utils/HelperFunctions.class'; import {AlertModal} from '../../openaireLibrary/utils/modal/alert'; import {UtilitiesService} from '../../openaireLibrary/services/utilities.service'; import {AffiliationService} from "../../openaireLibrary/connect/affiliations/affiliation.service"; import {HelpContentService} from "../../services/help-content.service"; import {Title} from '@angular/platform-browser'; @Component({ selector: 'affiliations', templateUrl: './affiliations.component.html', }) export class AffiliationsComponent implements OnInit { @ViewChild('affiliationModal') affiliationModal: AlertModal; @ViewChild('removeAffiliationModal') removeAffiliationModal: AlertModal; public showLoading = false; public message = ''; public messageType = ''; public affiliation: Affiliation = new Affiliation(); public properties: EnvProperties = null; private index = 0; private maxCharacters = 70; @Input() hasChanged: boolean = false; @Input() curatorAffiliations: boolean = false; @Input() public affiliations: Affiliation[] = []; @Output() affiliationsChange: EventEmitter = new EventEmitter(); @Output() resetCuratorMessages: EventEmitter = new EventEmitter(); public communityId: string; public organizationsPageId: string; public organizationsEnabled = false; constructor(private element: ElementRef, private route: ActivatedRoute, private _router: Router, private title: Title, private affiliationService: AffiliationService, private _helpContentService: HelpContentService) { } ngOnInit() { { envSpecific: EnvProperties }) => { = data.envSpecific; if(!this.curatorAffiliations) { this.title.setTitle('Administration Dashboard | Related Organizations'); } if (!Session.isLoggedIn()) { this._router.navigate(['/user-info'], { queryParams: {'errorCode': LoginErrorCodes.NOT_VALID, 'redirectUrl': this._router.url} }); } else { this.showLoading = true; this.message = ''; this.route.queryParams.subscribe( communityId => { this.communityId = communityId['communityId']; if(!this.curatorAffiliations) { this.getAffiliations(); } this.organizationsPageStatus(); } ); } }); } getAffiliations() { this.affiliationService.initAffiliations(this.communityId); this.affiliationService.affiliations.subscribe( affiliations => { this.affiliations = affiliations; this.getOrganizationsPageId(); //this.showLoading = false; }, error => { console.error("Affiliations Component: Error getting affiliations for community with id: "+this.communityId, error); this.showLoading = false; } ); } getOrganizationsPageId() { this._helpContentService.getPageByRoute("/organizations", pages => { if(pages && pages[0]) { this.organizationsPageId = pages[0]._id; } this.showLoading = false; }, error => { console.error("Affiliations Component: Error getting page with route '/organizations' for community with id: "+this.communityId, error); this.showLoading = false; } ); } initAffiliation(affiliation: Affiliation = null) { this.resetMessages(); if (affiliation) { this.affiliation = {...affiliation}; if(!this.curatorAffiliations) { this.affiliation.communityId = affiliation.communityId; =; } if(this.curatorAffiliations) { this.affiliationModal.okButtonText = 'OK'; } else { this.affiliationModal.okButtonText = 'Save Affiliation'; } } else { this.index = -1; this.affiliation = new Affiliation(); if(!this.curatorAffiliations) { this.affiliation.communityId = this.communityId; } } this.affiliationModal.okButtonLeft = false; if(this.curatorAffiliations) { this.affiliationModal.okButtonText = 'OK'; } else { this.affiliationModal.okButtonText = 'Save Affiliation'; }; } public chooseAffiliation(index: number, action: string = 'delete') { this.resetMessages(); this.index = index; const affiliation: Affiliation = this.affiliations[index]; if (action === 'delete') { this.removeAffiliationModal.message = 'Do you want to remove ' + + ' from your Affiliations?'; this.removeAffiliationModal.okButtonText = 'Yes'; this.removeAffiliationModal.cancelButtonText = 'No';; } else if (action === 'edit') { this.initAffiliation(affiliation); } } updateCommunityAffiliations(index: number) { if (!Session.isLoggedIn()) { this._router.navigate(['/user-info'], { queryParams: {'errorCode': LoginErrorCodes.NOT_VALID, 'redirectUrl': this._router.url} }); } else { HelperFunctions.scroll(); this.showLoading = true; this.affiliationService.updateAffiliation( + this.communityId + '/organizations', this.affiliation).subscribe((affiliation) => { if (affiliation) { if (index === -1) { this.affiliations.push(affiliation); } else { this.affiliations[index] = affiliation; } if( { this.handleUpdateSuccess('Your organization has been updated successfully!'); } else { this.handleUpdateSuccess('Your organization has been saved successfully!'); } } }, error => { if( { this.handleUpdateError('Your organization could not be updated. Try again later!', error); } else { this.handleUpdateError('Organization could not be saved. Try again later!', error); } }); } } addAffiliation() { if (!this.isEmptyAffiliation()) { if (!this.curatorAffiliations) { this.updateCommunityAffiliations(this.index); } else { if (this.index === -1) { this.affiliations.push(this.affiliation); } else { this.affiliations[this.index] = this.affiliation; } } this.change(); } } removeAffiliation() { if(!this.curatorAffiliations) { HelperFunctions.scroll(); this.showLoading = true; this.affiliationService.deleteAffiliation( + this.communityId + '/organizations', this.affiliations[this.index].id).subscribe((deleteOK) => { this.affiliations.splice(this.index, 1); this.handleUpdateSuccess('Organization has been deleted'); }, error => { this.handleUpdateError('Organization could not be deleted. Try again later!', error); } ); } else { this.affiliations.splice(this.index, 1); this.change(); } } private organizationsPageStatus() { this._helpContentService.getCommunityFull(this.communityId, => { for(let page of community.pages) { if(page['route'] === '/organizations') { this.organizationsEnabled = page['isEnabled']; return; } } this.organizationsEnabled = false; }) } private change() { this.hasChanged = true; if(this.curatorAffiliations) { this.affiliationsChange.emit(this.hasChanged); } } private resetMessages() { this.message = ''; if(this.curatorAffiliations) { this.resetCuratorMessages.emit(true); } } handleUpdateError(message: string, error) { this.resetMessages(); this.message = message; this.messageType = "warning"; console.log('Server responded: ', error); this.showLoading = false; } handleUpdateSuccess(message) { this.resetMessages(); this.message = message; this.messageType = "success"; this.showLoading = false; } isEmptyAffiliation(): boolean { return ((! || === '') || (!this.affiliation.logo_url || this.affiliation.logo_url === '') || (!this.affiliation.website_url || this.affiliation.website_url === '')); } _format(name: string){ if(name) { return (((name).length > this.maxCharacters) ? (name.substring(0, (this.maxCharacters - ('...').length)) + '...') : name); } else { return null; } } }