import {Component, Input, OnInit} from '@angular/core'; import {properties} from '../../../environments/environment'; import {UtilitiesService} from '../../openaireLibrary/services/utilities.service'; import {Subscription} from 'rxjs'; declare var UIkit; @Component({ selector: 'background-upload', template: `
upload image
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...
`, styles: [` .upload { border: 1px dotted grey; } `] }) export class BackgroundUploadComponent implements OnInit { @Input() label: string = ""; @Input() background; @Input() oldBackground; // @Input() light:boolean; @Input() communityId: string = ""; @Input() light:boolean; //fonts mode public file: File; // public photo: string | ArrayBuffer; private maxsize: number = 2000 * 1024; properties; private subscriptions: any[] = []; constructor(private utilsService: UtilitiesService) { } ngOnInit() { = properties; } ngOnDestroy() { this.subscriptions.forEach(subscription => { if (subscription instanceof Subscription) { subscription.unsubscribe(); } }); } removePhoto() { if (typeof document != 'undefined') { (document.getElementById("photo")).value = ""; } // this.initPhoto(); console.log(this.background.imageFile + " " + this.oldBackground.imageFile) if (this.background.imageFile != this.oldBackground.imageFile) { this.deletePhoto(); } this.background.imageFile = null; this.file = null; } public deletePhoto() { if (this.background.imageFile) { this.subscriptions.push(this.utilsService.deletePhoto(properties.utilsService + '/delete/community/' + this.communityId + "/" + this.background.imageFile).subscribe()); } } fileChangeEvent(event) { if ( &&[0]) { this.file =[0]; if (this.file.type !== 'image/png' && this.file.type !== 'image/jpeg') { UIkit.notification('You must choose a file with type: image/png or image/jpeg!', { status: 'danger', timeout: 6000, pos: 'bottom-right' }); this.removePhoto(); } else if (this.file.size > this.maxsize) { UIkit.notification('File exceeds size\'s limit (' + this.maxsize / 1024 + 'KB)! ', { status: 'danger', timeout: 6000, pos: 'bottom-right' }); this.removePhoto(); } else { /*const reader = new FileReader(); reader.readAsDataURL(this.file); reader.onload = () => { this.background.imageFile = reader.result; };*/; } } } public save() { if (this.file) { this.subscriptions.push(this.utilsService.uploadPhoto( + "/upload/community/" + this.communityId + "/" + encodeURIComponent(this.communityId + "-" + this.label) + "?big=1", this.file).subscribe(res => { this.deletePhoto(); this.removePhoto(); this.background.imageFile = res.filename; }, error => { if (error.error.message) { UIkit.notification('The maximum size of an image is 1MB, please check if your file exceeds this limit.', { status: 'danger', timeout: 6000, pos: 'bottom-right' }); } else { UIkit.notification("An error has been occurred during upload your image. Try again later", { status: 'danger', timeout: 6000, pos: 'bottom-right' }); } })); } } getUrl() { return "url('" + (this.background.imageFile.indexOf('data:') == -1 ? ( + '/download/' + this.background.imageFile) : this.background.imageFile) + "')"; } }