/** * Created by stefania on 3/21/16. */ import {Component, OnInit} from '@angular/core'; import {MenuItem, RootMenuItem, SideMenuItem} from './openaireLibrary/sharedComponents/menu'; import {ActivatedRoute, NavigationStart, Router, RoutesRecognized} from '@angular/router'; import {EnvironmentSpecificService} from './openaireLibrary/utils/properties/environment-specific.service'; import {CommunitiesService} from './openaireLibrary/connect/communities/communities.service'; import {EnvProperties} from './openaireLibrary/utils/properties/env-properties'; import {Session} from './openaireLibrary/login/utils/helper.class'; import {HelperFunctions} from './openaireLibrary/utils/HelperFunctions.class'; declare var UIkit: any; @Component({ selector: 'app', templateUrl: './app.component.html', }) export class AppComponent implements OnInit{ title = 'Metadata Registry Service'; userMenuItems: MenuItem[] = []; menuItems: RootMenuItem [] = []; sideMenuItems: SideMenuItem[] = []; logInUrl = null; logOutUrl = null; community: { id: string, name: string, logoUrl: string } = null; communityId = ''; communityType = null; properties: EnvProperties = null; isPortalAdministrator = false; showSidebar: boolean; wellcome = false; showMenu:boolean = false; constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute, private propertiesService: EnvironmentSpecificService, private _communitiesService: CommunitiesService, private router: Router) { this.router.events.forEach((event) => { if (event instanceof NavigationStart) { HelperFunctions.scroll(); if(event.url === '/') { this.wellcome = true; } else { this.wellcome = false; } } }); } ngOnInit() { this.propertiesService.loadEnvironment() .then(es => { this.propertiesService.setEnvProperties(es); this.properties = this.propertiesService.envSpecific; this.logInUrl = this.properties.loginUrl; this.logOutUrl = this.properties.logoutUrl; this.showSidebar = false; this.showMenu = false; if (Session.getUser()) { localStorage.setItem('user_id', Session.getUser().id); localStorage.setItem('mining_backend_address', this.properties.miningBackendURL); localStorage.setItem('isCommunityManager', Session.isCommunityCurator() + ''); this.isPortalAdministrator = Session.isPortalAdministrator(); } this._communitiesService.updateCommunities(this.properties, this.properties.communityAPI + 'communities'); this.route.queryParams.subscribe(params => { this.communityId = (params['communityId']) ? params['communityId'] : ''; this.communityType = null; this.menuItems = []; this.userMenuItems = []; this._communitiesService.getCommunitiesState().subscribe( communities => { // this.community = community; if(!communities || communities.length === 0) { return; } this.userMenuItems = []; let countCommunities = 0; let index_managerOfCommunity = null; for (let i = 0; i < communities.length; i++) { const com = communities[i]; if (Session.isPortalAdministrator() || Session.isCommunityCurator()) { this.userMenuItems.push(new MenuItem('manage' + com.communityId, 'Manage ' + ((com.shortTitle) ? com.shortTitle : com.title), '', '/dashboard', false, [], [], {communityId: com.communityId})); } else { for (const manager of com.managers) { if (manager == Session.getUserEmail()) { countCommunities++; index_managerOfCommunity = i; this.userMenuItems.push(new MenuItem('manage' + com.communityId, 'Manage ' + ((com.shortTitle) ? com.shortTitle : com.title), '', '/dashboard', false, [], [], {communityId: com.communityId})); break; } } } if (com.communityId === this.communityId) { this.community = { id: com.communityId, name: (com.shortTitle) ? com.shortTitle : com.title, logoUrl: com.logoUrl }; this.communityType = com.type; this.menuItems = [ { rootItem: new MenuItem('dashboard', 'Overview', '/dashboard', '/dashboard', false, [], null, {communityId: com.communityId}), items: [] } ]; } else if (countCommunities === 1 && index_managerOfCommunity != null) { this.community = { id: communities[index_managerOfCommunity].communityId, name: (communities[index_managerOfCommunity].shortTitle) ? communities[index_managerOfCommunity].shortTitle : com.title, logoUrl: communities[index_managerOfCommunity].logoUrl }; this.menuItems = [ { rootItem: new MenuItem('dashboard', 'Overview', '/dashboard', '/dashboard', false, [], null, {communityId: communities[index_managerOfCommunity].communityId}), items: [] } ]; } } if (!this.communityId || this.communityId === '') { this.community = null; } if (this.communityId) { this.userMenuItems.push(new MenuItem('manage-user-notifications', 'Manage notification settings', '', '/manage-user-notifications', false, [], [], {communityId: this.communityId})); this.userMenuItems.push(new MenuItem('personal', 'Manage Personal Info', '', '/personal', false, [], [], {communityId: this.communityId})); this.userMenuItems.push(new MenuItem("","Support","https://openaire-connect.d4science.org/group/openaire-connect-gateway/explore?siteId=172366611","",false,[],[],{})) } this.showMenu = true; this.buildSideBar(); }, error => { if ((this.communityId && this.communityId !== '') || window.location.pathname === '/') { UIkit.notification({ message: 'System error retrieving communities.', status: 'warning', timeout: 3000, pos: 'top-center' }); } } ); }); }); } private buildSideBar() { this.sideMenuItems = []; this.showSidebar = false; if ((!this.communityId || this.communityId == '') && this.isPortalAdministrator) { const adminTools: SideMenuItem = { rootItem: new MenuItem('adminTools', 'Admin Tools', '', '', false, [], [], null), items: [], ukIcon: 'desktop' }; adminTools.items.push({ rootItem: new MenuItem('communities', 'Communities', '/communities', '/communities', false, [], [], null), items: [] } ); adminTools.items.push({ rootItem: new MenuItem('classes', 'Classes', '/classes', '/classes', false, [], [], null), items: [] } ); adminTools.items.push({ rootItem: new MenuItem('pages', 'Pages', '/pages', '/pages', false, [], [], null), items: [] } ); adminTools.items.push({ rootItem: new MenuItem('entities', 'Entities', '/entities', '/entities', false, [], [], null), items: [] } ); this.sideMenuItems.push(adminTools); this.sideMenuItems.push( { rootItem: new MenuItem('communities', 'Manage Communities', '/', '/', false, [], [], null), items: [], ukIcon: 'cog' }); this.sideMenuItems.push( { rootItem: new MenuItem('communities', 'Manage Explore', '', '/dashboard', false, [], [], {communityId: 'openaire'}), items: [], ukIcon: 'cog' }); this.sideMenuItems.push( { rootItem: new MenuItem('communities', 'Manage Connect', '', '/dashboard', false, [], [], {communityId: 'connect'}), items: [], ukIcon: 'cog' }); } else if (this.communityId && this.communityId !== '') { this.sideMenuItems.push({ rootItem: new MenuItem('overview', 'Overview', '/dashboard', '/dashboard', false, [], [], {communityId: this.communityId}), items: [], ukIcon: 'home' }); if (this.isPortalAdministrator) { const adminTools: SideMenuItem = { rootItem: new MenuItem('adminTools', 'Admin Tools', '/communities', '/communities', false, [], [], null), items: [], ukIcon: 'desktop' }; this.sideMenuItems.push(adminTools); } if (this.communityId !== 'openaire' && this.communityId !== 'connect') { const community: SideMenuItem = { rootItem: new MenuItem('community', 'Community', '', '', false, [], [], null), items: [], ukIcon: 'album' }; community.items.push({ rootItem: new MenuItem('communityProfile', 'Community Profile', '/community-edit-form', '/community-edit-form', false, [], [], {communityId: this.communityId}), items: [] }); community.items.push({ rootItem: new MenuItem('communityAffiliations', 'Community Organizations', '/organizations', '/organizations', false, [], [], {communityId: this.communityId}), items: [] }); /*community.items.push({ rootItem: new MenuItem('communityLayout', 'Community Layout', '/community-layout', '/community-layout', false, [], [], {communityId: this.communityId}), items: [] })*/ this.sideMenuItems.push(community); const communityContent: SideMenuItem = { rootItem: new MenuItem('communityContent', 'Community Content', '', '', false, [], [], null), items: [], ukIcon: 'list' }; communityContent.items.push({ rootItem: new MenuItem('projects', 'Projects', '/manage-projects', '/manage-projects', false, [], [], {communityId: this.communityId}), items: [] } ); communityContent.items.push({ rootItem: new MenuItem('contentProviders', 'Content providers', '/manage-content-providers', '/manage-content-providers', false, [], [], {communityId: this.communityId}), items: [] }); if (this.communityType && this.communityType != 'ri') { communityContent.items.push({ rootItem: new MenuItem('subjects', 'Subjects', '/manage-subjects', '/manage-subjects', false, [], [], {communityId: this.communityId}), items: [] }); } communityContent.items.push({ rootItem: new MenuItem('zenodoCommunities', 'Zenodo communities', '/manage-zenodo-communities', '/manage-zenodo-communities', false, [], [], {communityId: this.communityId}), items: [] }); this.sideMenuItems.push(communityContent); } const entities: SideMenuItem = { rootItem: new MenuItem('entitiesPages', 'Entities & pages', '', '', false, [], [], null), items: [], ukIcon: 'world' }; entities.items.push({ rootItem: new MenuItem('entities', 'Activate Entities', '/entities', '/entities', false, [], [], {communityId: this.communityId}), items: [] }); const pages: MenuItem[] = []; pages.push(new MenuItem('search', 'Search', '/pages', '/pages', false, [], [], {communityId: this.communityId, type: 'search'})); pages.push(new MenuItem('link', 'Link', '/pages', '/pages', false, [], [], {communityId: this.communityId, type: 'link'})); pages.push(new MenuItem('share', 'Share', '/pages', '/pages', false, [], [], {communityId: this.communityId, type: 'share'})); pages.push(new MenuItem('landing', 'Landing', '/pages', '/pages', false, [], [], {communityId: this.communityId, type: 'landing'})); pages.push(new MenuItem('html', 'HTML', '/pages', '/pages', false, [], [], {communityId: this.communityId, type: 'html'})); pages.push(new MenuItem('other', 'Other', '/pages', '/pages', false, [], [], {communityId: this.communityId, type: 'other'})); entities.items.push({ rootItem: new MenuItem('pages', 'Pages', '/pages', '/pages', false, [], [], {communityId: this.communityId}), items: pages }); this.sideMenuItems.push(entities); const help: SideMenuItem = { rootItem: new MenuItem('help', 'Help Texts', '', '', false, [], [], null), items: [], ukIcon: 'file-edit' }; help.items.push({ rootItem: new MenuItem('pages', 'Page Help Texts', '/pageContents', '/pageContents', false, [], [], {communityId: this.communityId}), items: [] }); help.items.push({ rootItem: new MenuItem('classes', 'Class Help Texts', '/classContents', '/classContents', false, [], [], {communityId: this.communityId}), items: [] }); this.sideMenuItems.push(help); if (this.communityId !== 'openaire' && this.communityId !== 'connect') { const stats: SideMenuItem = { rootItem: new MenuItem('stats', 'Statistics & Charts', '/stats', '/stats', false, [], [], {communityId: this.communityId}), items: [], ukIcon: 'image' }; this.sideMenuItems.push(stats); const claims: SideMenuItem = { rootItem: new MenuItem('claims', 'Links', '/claims', '/claims', false, [], [], {communityId: this.communityId}), items: [], ukIcon: 'link' }; this.sideMenuItems.push(claims); if (this.communityType && this.communityType === 'ri') { const mining: SideMenuItem = { rootItem: new MenuItem('mining', 'Text Mining Rules', '/mining/manage-profiles', '/mining/manage-profiles', false, [], [], {communityId: this.communityId}), items: [], ukIcon: 'settings' }; this.sideMenuItems.push(mining); } const users: SideMenuItem = { rootItem: new MenuItem('users', 'Users', '', '', false, [], [], null), items: [], ukIcon: 'user' }; users.items.push({ rootItem: new MenuItem('invite', 'Invite to Subscribe', 'https://beta.' + this.communityId + '.openaire.eu/invite', '', false, [], [], null), items: [] }); users.items.push({ rootItem: new MenuItem('subscribers', 'Subscribers', '/manage-subscribers', '/manage-subscribers', false, [], [], {communityId: this.communityId}), items: [] }); users.items.push( { rootItem: new MenuItem('personalInfo', 'Personal Info', '/personal', '/personal', false, [], [], {communityId: this.communityId}), items: [] }) users.items.push({ rootItem: new MenuItem('notifications', 'Notification settings', '/manage-user-notifications', '/manage-user-notifications', false, [], [], {communityId: this.communityId}), items: [] }); this.sideMenuItems.push(users); } } if (this.sideMenuItems.length > 0) { this.showSidebar = true; } } }