[Connect Admin | Trunk]: subscribers.component.ts & subscriber-invite.component.ts & manage-user-notifications.component.html & users-managers.component.ts & users-subscribers.component.ts: Replace "subscriber" wording with "join/member".

Konstantina Galouni 2 years ago
parent 808aad164b
commit 0a9a464bb4

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 032b91ae7a78ccad72a3a02a9463f6df5d00d223
Subproject commit ad5cc2ae19188dfbc35f2be0b2d85005c6ff0922

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
<div class="uk-margin uk-grid" uk-grid>
<div class="uk-width-expand" uk-tooltip="Get e-mail notification when a user subscribes in your community">
<div class="uk-width-expand" uk-tooltip="Get e-mail notification when a user joins your community">
Notify me for new members
<mat-slide-toggle [checked]="userNotifications.notifyForNewSubscribers"

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ export class UsersManagersComponent implements OnInit {
this.title.setTitle(this.community.communityId.toUpperCase() + " | Managers");
this.link = this.getURL(this.community.communityId);
this.message = 'A manager has the right to access the administration part of Research Community Dashboard, ' +
'where he is able to customize and manage the content, invite other users as managers or to subscribe.';
'where he is able to customize and manage the content, invite other users as managers or members.';
if(community.status === "hidden") {
this.inviteDisableMessage = "Community's status is Hidden and invitation to manage the Research community dashboard is disabled. Update the community status to enable invitations."

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ export class UsersSubscribersComponent implements OnInit {
this.community = community;
this.title.setTitle(this.community.shortTitle.toUpperCase() + " | Subscribers");
if(community.status !== "all") {
this.inviteDisableMessage = "Community's status is " + (community.status === 'manager'?'Visible to managers':'Hidden') + " and invitation to subscribe to the Research community dashboard is disabled. Update the community status to enable invitations."
this.inviteDisableMessage = "Community's status is " + (community.status === 'manager'?'Visible to managers':'Hidden') + " and invitation to join the Research community dashboard is disabled. Update the community status to enable invitations."
this.loading = false;
