# Authorization Library Authorization library is a library that provides a Spring Security (4.x.x) process in order to authorize the endpoints of a service base on OpenAIRE Authorities. It can be used with two different session strategies, a stateless and a Redis http session. ## Stateless In stateless strategy, there is not a session. A filter makes a request to an "userinfo" endpoint and creates an Authentication base on the response. The advantage of this method is that it doesn't need any storage to store user's session, but with a cost of an extra http request per request. ### Usage #### pom.xml eu.dnetlib uoa-authorization-library 2.1.2 #### Spring Application/Configuration import eu.dnetlib.uoaauthorizationlibrary.configuration.AuthorizationConfiguration; @PropertySources({@PropertySource("classpath:authorization.properties")}) @Import(AuthorizationConfiguration.class) public class Application { public static void main(String[] args) { SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args); } } #### Configuration authorization.security.userInfoUrl = http:///login-service/userInfo # Required, default "" authorization.security.session= # Default openAIRESession ## Redis In Redis strategy, session is stored to a Redis database when a user authenticates himself through a login service. The disadvantage of this strategy is that it needs access to the Redis database where session is stored. ### Usage #### pom.xml eu.dnetlib uoa-authorization-library 2.1.2 redis #### Spring Application/Configuration import eu.dnetlib.uoaauthorizationlibrary.configuration.AuthorizationConfiguration; @PropertySources({@PropertySource("classpath:authorization.properties")}) @Import(AuthorizationConfiguration.class) public class Application { public static void main(String[] args) { SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args); } } #### Configuration authorization.secuirty.redis.host= # Default localhost authorization.secuirty.redis.port= # Default 6379 authorization.secuirty.redis.password= # Default "" authorization.security.domain= # e.g openaire.eu authorization.security.session= # Default openAIRESession ## Authorize Requests ### Authorization Service In order to simplify the format of the Authorities, you can use this spring component to authorize your endpoints. There is also methods to get user's information. public final String PORTAL_ADMIN = "PORTAL_ADMINISTRATOR"; public final String ANONYMOUS_USER = "ROLE_ANONYMOUS"; public final String REGISTERED_USER = "REGISTERED_USER"; /** * Type = FUNDER | COMMUNITY | INSTITUTION | PROJECT */ public String curator(String type) {} /** * Type = FUNDER | COMMUNITY | INSTITUTION | PROJECT * * Id = EE, EGI, etc */ public String manager(String type, String id) { } /** * Type = FUNDER | COMMUNITY | RI | INSTITUTION | PROJECT * * Id = EE, EGI, etc */ public String member(String type, String id) e.g @PreAuthorize("hasAnyAuthority(" + "@AuthorizationService.PORTAL_ADMIN, " + "@AuthorizationService.curator(#type), " + "@AuthorizationService.manager(#type, #id)) " + ")") @RequestMapping(value = "{type}/{id}", method = RequestMethod.GET) public Entity getEntity(@PathVariable("type") String type, @PathVariable("id") String id) {} ## Spring Security (5.x.x) - Spring boot (2.x.x) Because of MitreID dependency, in order to use this library with redis HttpSession, service has to use spring security (4.x.x). The only way to use this library in a project with spring security 5.x.x is the Stateless strategy with the following modification in Application class: import eu.dnetlib.uoaauthorizationlibrary.configuration.AuthorizationConfiguration; @PropertySources({@PropertySource("classpath:authorization.properties")}) @Import(AuthorizationConfiguration.class) public class Application { public static void main(String[] args) { SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args); } @Bean public WebMvcConfigurer corsConfigurer() { return new WebMvcConfigurer() { @Override public void addCorsMappings(CorsRegistry registry) { registry.addMapping("/**") .allowedMethods("GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "HEAD", "OPTIONS") .allowedOriginPatterns("*") .allowCredentials(true); } }; } }