#!/usr/bin/env bash . ./variables.sh # # Docker Swarm # # Network for the NFS traffic with the Docker Swarm # openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} network create --no-share --mtu 8942 swarm-nfs-net openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} subnet create --network swarm-nfs-net --dhcp --gateway none --subnet-range --allocation-pool start=,end= --dns-publish-fixed-ip swarm-nfs-subnet # # Security group (ingress allows everything) # openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} security group create \ --description "Docker Swarm internal traffic" \ "Docker Swarm" rules_to_delete=$(openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} security group show -c rules "Docker Swarm" | grep egress | awk -F id= '{ print $2 }' | awk -F \' '{ print $2 }') if [ -n "$rules_to_delete" ] ; then for r in $(echo $rules_to_delete) ; do openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} security group rule delete $r done fi openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} security group rule create \ --description "TCP traffic" --ingress --protocol tcp \ --remote-ip ${os_private_network} "Docker Swarm" openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} security group rule create \ --description "UDP traffic" --ingress --protocol udp \ --remote-ip ${os_private_network} "Docker Swarm" openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} security group create \ --description "Traffico between Docker Swarm and the NFS server " \ "Docker Swarm NFS" rules_to_delete=$(openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} security group show -c rules "Docker Swarm NFS" | grep egress | awk -F id= '{ print $2 }' | awk -F \' '{ print $2 }') if [ -n "$rules_to_delete" ] ; then for r in $(echo $rules_to_delete) ; do openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} security group rule delete $r done fi openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} security group rule create \ --description "TCP traffic" --ingress --protocol tcp \ --remote-ip "Docker Swarm NFS" openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} security group rule create \ --description "UDP traffic" --ingress --protocol udp \ --remote-ip "Docker Swarm NFS" # Server group (soft anti affinity) openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} server group create --policy soft-anti-affinity docker-managers # VMs for the manager nodes openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} server create \ --image Ubuntu-Jammy-22.04 --flavor m1.medium \ --key-name adellam-ed25519 \ --network ${os_infra}-cloud-main \ --network swarm-nfs-net \ --user-data $HOME/Projects/infrascience/cloud-vms-data/cloud-init-openstack-ubuntu.sh \ --boot-from-volume 10 \ --min 3 --max 3 \ --security-group default --security-group "Docker Swarm" \ --hint group=50d520fd-d63c-4a66-9dbf-dba271971299 \ swarm-mgr for i in 1 2 3; do openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} volume create --size 100 --description "Swarm mgr $i data disk" swarm-mgr-data-$i openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} server add volume swarm-mgr-$i swarm-mgr-data-$i --device /dev/vdb done # VMs for the worker nodes m1.xlarge openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} server group create --policy soft-anti-affinity docker-workers openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} server create \ --image Ubuntu-Jammy-22.04 --flavor m1.xlarge \ --key-name adellam-ed25519 \ --network ${os_infra}-cloud-main \ --network swarm-nfs-net \ --user-data $HOME/Projects/infrascience/cloud-vms-data/cloud-init-openstack-ubuntu.sh \ --boot-from-volume 10 \ --min 5 --max 5 \ --security-group default --security-group "Docker Swarm" \ --hint group=5eaa8fbb-1ac4-4249-a33b-32a97ec99cd5 \ swarm-worker for i in 1 2 3 4 5 ; do openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} volume create --size 100 --description "Swarm worker $i data disk" swarm-worker-data-$i openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} server add volume swarm-worker-$i swarm-worker-data-$i --device /dev/vdb done openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} server create \ --image Ubuntu-Jammy-22.04 --flavor m1.medium \ --key-name adellam-ed25519 \ --network ${os_infra}-cloud-main \ --network swarm-nfs-net \ --user-data $HOME/Projects/infrascience/cloud-vms-data/cloud-init-openstack-ubuntu.sh \ --boot-from-volume 10 \ --min 1 --max 1 \ --security-group default --security-group "Docker Swarm NFS" \ swarm-nfs-server openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} volume create --size 100 --description "Swarm NFS server data disk" swarm-nfs-server-data openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} server add volume swarm-nfs-server swarm-nfs-server-data --device /dev/vdb # # Octavia # # Create the swarm load balancer openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} loadbalancer create --description "D4Science dev L4 balancer for Docker Swarm" --flavor octavia_amphora-mvcpu-ha --enable --wait --name "l4-swarm-dev" --vip-network-id ${os_infra}-cloud-main # Create and assign a floating IP address openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} floating ip create --description "D4Science dev Docker Swarm load balancer" --dns-domain ${os_dns_zone}. --dns-name swarm-lb external-network # Add the floating IP to the load balancer # the vip_port_id is showed by 'openstack loadbalancer show l4-swarm-dev' # openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} floating ip set --port openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} floating ip set --port 1a3077e6-68aa-43d2-b117-44a5bb6852cb # # listener for the haproxy stats openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} loadbalancer listener create --name "l4-swarm-haproxy-stats" --description "Stats of the Docker Swarm HAPROXY" --protocol TCP --protocol-port 8880 --allowed-cidr --allowed-cidr --allowed-cidr --allowed-cidr --enable --wait "l4-swarm-dev" # Pool for the haproxy stats openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} loadbalancer pool create --name swarm-haproxy-stats --description "Stats of the Docker Swarm HAPROXY" --protocol TCP --listener l4-swarm-haproxy-stats --lb-algorithm ROUND_ROBIN --enable --disable-tls --listener "l4-swarm-haproxy-stats" # Pool members for the haproxy stats # Add members to the pool openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} loadbalancer member create --name swarm-mgr-1 --address --protocol-port 8880 swarm-haproxy-stats openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} loadbalancer member create --name swarm-mgr-2 --address --protocol-port 8880 swarm-haproxy-stats openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} loadbalancer member create --name swarm-mgr-3 --address --protocol-port 8880 swarm-haproxy-stats # Create a health check for the pool openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} loadbalancer healthmonitor create --name swarm-haproxy-stats-check --type TCP --enable --wait --delay 5 --timeout 5 --max-retries 3 swarm-haproxy-stats # # listener for the swarm haproxy plain http on port 8080 openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} loadbalancer listener create --name "l4-swarm-haproxy-8080" --description "Docker Swarm HAPROXY port 8080" --protocol TCP --protocol-port 8080 --allowed-cidr --enable --wait "l4-swarm-dev" # Pool for the listener openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} loadbalancer pool create --name swarm-haproxy-8080 --description "Docker Swarm HAPROXY 8080" --protocol PROXYV2 --listener l4-swarm-haproxy-8080 --lb-algorithm LEAST_CONNECTIONS --enable --disable-tls # Pool members for the haproxy stats # Add members to the pool openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} loadbalancer member create --name swarm-mgr-1 --address --protocol-port 8080 swarm-haproxy-8080 openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} loadbalancer member create --name swarm-mgr-2 --address --protocol-port 8080 swarm-haproxy-8080 openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} loadbalancer member create --name swarm-mgr-3 --address --protocol-port 8080 swarm-haproxy-8080 openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} loadbalancer healthmonitor create --name swarm-haproxy-8080-check --type HTTP --http-method GET --url-path "/_haproxy_health_check" --enable --wait --delay 5 --timeout 5 --max-retries 3 --expected-codes 200 swarm-haproxy-8080 # # listener for the swarm haproxy plain http on port 80 openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} loadbalancer listener create --name "l4-swarm-haproxy-80" --description "Docker Swarm HAPROXY port 80" --protocol TCP --protocol-port 80 --allowed-cidr --enable --wait "l4-swarm-dev" # Pool for the listener openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} loadbalancer pool create --name swarm-haproxy-80 --description "Docker Swarm HAPROXY 80" --protocol PROXYV2 --listener l4-swarm-haproxy-80 --lb-algorithm LEAST_CONNECTIONS --enable --disable-tls # Pool members for the haproxy stats # Add members to the pool openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} loadbalancer member create --name swarm-mgr-1 --address --protocol-port 80 swarm-haproxy-80 openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} loadbalancer member create --name swarm-mgr-2 --address --protocol-port 80 swarm-haproxy-80 openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} loadbalancer member create --name swarm-mgr-3 --address --protocol-port 80 swarm-haproxy-80 openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} loadbalancer healthmonitor create --name swarm-haproxy-http-check --type HTTP --http-method GET --url-path "/_haproxy_health_check" --enable --wait --delay 5 --timeout 5 --max-retries 3 --expected-codes 200 swarm-haproxy-80 # # listener for the swarm haproxy on port 443 openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} loadbalancer listener create --name "l4-swarm-haproxy-443" --description "Docker Swarm HAPROXY port 443" --protocol TCP --protocol-port 443 --allowed-cidr --enable --wait "l4-swarm-dev" # Pool for the listener openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} loadbalancer pool create --name swarm-haproxy-443 --description "Docker Swarm HAPROXY 443" --protocol PROXYV2 --listener l4-swarm-haproxy-443 --lb-algorithm LEAST_CONNECTIONS --enable --disable-tls # Pool members # Add members to the pool openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} loadbalancer member create --name swarm-mgr-1 --address --protocol-port 443 swarm-haproxy-443 openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} loadbalancer member create --name swarm-mgr-2 --address --protocol-port 443 swarm-haproxy-443 openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} loadbalancer member create --name swarm-mgr-3 --address --protocol-port 443 swarm-haproxy-443 openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} loadbalancer healthmonitor create --name swarm-haproxy-https-check --type HTTPS --http-method GET --url-path "/_haproxy_health_check" --enable --wait --delay 5 --timeout 5 --max-retries 3 --expected-codes 200 swarm-haproxy-443 # # Add a CNAME for portainer # openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} recordset create --record swarm-lb.${os_dns_zone}. --type CNAME ${os_dns_zone}. portainer # CNAMES for CCP, CDN and the conductor openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} recordset create --record swarm-lb.${os_dns_zone}. --type CNAME ${os_dns_zone}. ccp openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} recordset create --record swarm-lb.${os_dns_zone}. --type CNAME ${os_dns_zone}. cdn openstack --os-cloud ${os_infra} recordset create --record swarm-lb.${os_dns_zone}. --type CNAME ${os_dns_zone}. conductor