--- # tasks file for ansible-role-template - name: Install the repository if required, and the packages block: - name: Add an Apt signing key, uses whichever key is at the URL apt_key: url: https://download.bareos.org//bareos/release/current/xUbuntu_22.04/bareos-keyring.gpg state: present - name: Install the BareOS repo apt_repository: repo="https://download.bareos.org/bareos/current/xUbuntu_22.04" state=present update_cache=yes - name: Install the BareOS required packages apt: pkg={{ bareos_server_packages }} state=present update_cache=yes cache_valid_time=3600 - name: Install the BareOS webui packages apt: pkg={{ bareos_server_webui_packages }} state=present update_cache=yes cache_valid_time=3600 when: bareos_server_webui tags: [ 'bareos', 'bareos_packages' ]