--- - name: Manage the installation on EL based distributions block: - name: Install the repository configuration on EL template: src: timescale_timescaledb.repo.j2 dest: /etc/yum.repos.d/timescale_timescaledb.repo - name: Install the timescale DB package on EL yum: pkg: '{{ timescale_db_el_pkgs }}' state: present tags: [ postgresql, timescale, timescaledb ] - name: Manage the timescale + postgresql settings on EL based distributions block: - name: Enable the TimeScaleDB extension on EL become: True become_user: postgres action: configfile path={{ psql_el_conf_dir }}/postgresql.conf key=shared_preload_libraries value="'timescaledb'" notify: Restart postgresql - name: TimeScaleDB setting for postgresql on EL become: True become_user: postgres action: configfile path={{ psql_el_conf_dir }}/postgresql.conf key={{ item.name }} value="{{ item.value }}" with_items: '{{ timescaledb_configuration_settings }}' when: item.set == 'True' notify: Reload postgresql tags: [ 'postgresql', 'postgres', 'pg_conf', 'timescale', 'timescaledb', 'timescale_conf' ]