--- - name: timescale_db_deb | Manage the installation on deb based distributions tags: [postgresql, timescale, timescaledb] block: - name: timescale_db_deb | Repo key ansible.builtin.get_url: url: "{{ timescale_db_repo_key_url }}" dest: "{{ timescale_db_repo_key }}" owner: root group: root mode: "0644" force: true - name: timescale_db_deb | Install the repository for Ubuntu ansible.builtin.deb822_repository: name: timescaledb types: [deb] uris: "{{ timescale_db_ubuntu_repo_url }}" components: - [main] suites: ["{{ ansible_distribution_release | lower }}"] signed_by: "{{ timescale_db_repo_key }}" state: present enabled: true when: ansible_distribution == "Ubuntu" - name: timescale_db_deb | Install the timescale DB package on deb ansible.builtin.apt: pkg: '{{ timescale_db_deb_pkgs }}' state: present cache_valid_time: 1800 - name: timescale_db_deb | Manage the timescale + postgresql settings tags: ['postgresql', 'postgres', 'pg_conf', 'timescale', 'timescaledb', 'timescale_conf'] block: - name: timescale_db_deb | PostgreSQL settings for TimeScaleDB become: true become_user: postgres community.postgresql.postgresql_set: name: '{{ item.name }}' value: "{% if item.set %}{{ item.value }}{% else %}default{% endif %}" loop: '{{ timescaledb_configuration_settings }}' notify: Reload postgresql