--- - name: User under with the service will run block: - name: Create the user that will run the springboot app {{ item.name }} user: name={{ item.user }} home={{ item.install_dir }} createhome=no shell=/usr/sbin/nologin system=yes with_items: '{{ springboot_apps }}' when: item.user is defined - name: Create the install directory of the springboot app {{ item.name }} file: dest={{ item.install_dir }} state=directory owner={{ item.user }} group={{ item.user }} recurse=yes with_items: '{{ springboot_apps }}' when: item.user is defined - name: Create the log directory of the springboot app {{ item.name }} file: dest={{ item.log_dir }} state=directory owner={{ item.user }} group={{ item.user }} recurse=yes with_items: '{{ springboot_apps }}' when: item.user is defined tags: [ 'springboot', 'springboot_user' ] - name: Service artifact block: - name: Download the {{ item.name }} artifact from {{ maven_baseurl }} maven_artifact: artifact_id={{ item.maven_id }} version={{ item.maven_version | default('latest') }} group_id={{ item.maven_group_id }} extension={{ item.maven_extension | default('war') }} repository_url={{ item.maven_repo_url }} dest={{ item.install_dir }}/{{ item.name }}.{{ item.maven_extension | default('war') }} verify_checksum=always mode='0644' with_items: '{{ springboot_apps }}' when: item.maven_repo_url is defined notify: Restart the springboot webservice tags: [ 'springboot', 'springboot_artifact' ] - name: Service application configuration block: - name: Download the {{ item.name }} configuration from {{ item.remote_conf_url }} to use it as a template get_url: url={{ item.remote_conf_url }} dest=/var/tmp/.{{ item.app_conf_file }}.j2 owner=root group=root mode=0400 with_items: '{{ springboot_apps }}' when: item.app_conf_file is defined delegate_to: 'localhost' - name: Install the {{ item.name }} configuration starting from the template template: src=/var/tmp/.{{ item.app_conf_file }}.j2 dest={{ item.install_dir }}/{{ item.app_conf_file }} owner=root group={{ item.user }} mode=0440 with_items: '{{ springboot_apps }}' when: item.app_conf_file is defined notify: Restart the springboot webservice - name: Remove the local template file file: dest=/var/tmp/.{{ item.app_conf_file }}.j2 state=absent with_items: '{{ springboot_apps }}' when: item.app_conf_file is defined delegate_to: 'localhost' tags: [ 'springboot', 'springboot_configuration' ] - name: Service logback configuration block: - name: Download the {{ item.name }} configuration from {{ item.logback_url }} to use it as a template get_url: url={{ item.logback_url }} dest=/var/tmp/.{{ item.logback_file }}.j2 owner=root group=root mode=0400 with_items: '{{ springboot_apps }}' when: item.logback_file is defined delegate_to: 'localhost' - name: Install the {{ item.name }} configuration starting from the template template: src=/var/tmp/.{{ item.logback_file }}.j2 dest={{ item.install_dir }}/{{ item.logback_file }} owner=root group={{ item.user }} mode=0440 with_items: '{{ springboot_apps }}' when: item.logback_file is defined notify: Restart the springboot webservice - name: Remove the local template file file: dest=/var/tmp/.{{ item.logback_file }}.j2 state=absent with_items: '{{ springboot_apps }}' when: item.logback_file is defined delegate_to: 'localhost' tags: [ 'springboot', 'springboot_configuration' ] - name: Springboot startup files management block: - name: Install the springboot app upstart init file template: src=springboot-upstart.conf.j2 dest=/etc/init/{{ item.name }}.conf owner=root group=root mode=0644 with_items: '{{ springboot_apps }}' when: ansible_service_mgr != 'systemd' - name: Install the springboot systemd service unit template: src=springboot.service.systemd.j2 dest=/etc/systemd/system/{{ item.name }}.service mode=0644 owner=root group=root with_items: '{{ springboot_apps }}' when: ansible_service_mgr == 'systemd' notify: systemd reload register: springboot_app_restart - name: Force all notified handlers to run at this point, not waiting for normal sync points meta: flush_handlers - name: Restart the springboot apps if the systemd unit changed service: name={{ item.name }} state=restarted with_items: '{{ springboot_apps }}' when: springboot_app_restart is changed - name: Install the springboot logrotate configuration template: src=springboot-logrotate.j2 dest=/etc/logrotate.d/{{ item.name }} owner=root group=root mode=0444 with_items: '{{ springboot_apps }}' - name: Ensure that the springboot service is running and enabled service: name={{ item.name }} state=started enabled=yes with_items: '{{ springboot_apps }}' when: springboot_config tags: [ 'springboot', 'springboot_service' ]