--- - name: Manage the OrientDB installation ansible.builtin.import_tasks: orientdb_install.yml - name: Clean up the OrientDB backups ansible.builtin.import_tasks: orientdb_backups.yml - name: OrientDB monitoring ansible.builtin.import_tasks: orientdb_monitoring.yml when: orientdb_enabled - name: OrientDB certificates via Letsencrypt ansible.builtin.import_tasks: orientdb_letsencrypt.yml when: orientdb_install - name: OrientDB local certificates ansible.builtin.import_tasks: orientdb_certificates.yml when: orientdb_install - name: OrientDB removal ansible.builtin.import_tasks: orientdb_removal.yml when: not orientdb_install - name: Manage the OrientDB service tags: ['orientdb'] when: orientdb_install block: - name: Install the orientdb SYSV startup script ansible.builtin.template: src: orientdb.init.j2 dest: /etc/init.d/orientdb owner: root group: root mode: "0755" tags: ['orientdb', 'orientdb_init'] when: ansible_service_mgr != 'systemd' - name: Install the orientdb systemd unit ansible.builtin.template: src: orientdb.service.j2 dest: /etc/systemd/system/orientdb.service owner: root group: root mode: "0644" tags: ['orientdb', 'orientdb_init'] when: ansible_service_mgr == 'systemd' notify: Reload systemd - name: Reload the systemd service ansible.builtin.meta: flush_handlers - name: Ensure that the service is enabled and running ansible.builtin.service: name: orientdb state: started enabled: true when: orientdb_enabled - name: Ensure that the service is stopped and disabled ansible.builtin.service: name: orientdb state: stopped enabled: false when: not orientdb_enabled