--- - name: Manage the compose directory tags: ['inception_project', 'inception_project_swarm', 'inception_project_service'] block: - name: Create the directory where the compose file will be installed ansible.builtin.file: dest: "{{ inception_project_compose_dir }}" state: directory mode='0750' owner: root group: root mode: 0700 - name: Manage the installation of the Inception configuration of the swarm service tags: ['inception_project', 'inception_project_swarm', 'inception_project_service'] block: - name: Install the inception properties file ansible.builtin.template: src: settings.properties.j2 dest: "{{ inception_project_compose_dir }}/settings.properties" owner: root group: root mode: 0400 - name: Manage the installation of the Inception project Docker stack run_once: true when: docker_swarm_manager_main_node is defined and docker_swarm_manager_main_node | bool tags: ['inception_project', 'inception_project_swarm', 'inception_project_service'] block: - name: Install the docker compose file ansible.builtin.template: src: inception-project-docker-compose.yml.j2 dest: "{{ inception_project_compose_dir }}/docker-inception-project-stack.yml" owner: root group: root mode: 0400 - name: Create the secret for the application settings community.docker.docker_secret: name: inception_service_config data_src: "{{ inception_project_compose_dir }}/settings.properties" state: present - name: Start the Inception project stack community.docker.docker_stack: name: inception-project state: present compose: - '{{ inception_project_compose_dir }}/docker-inception-project-stack.yml'