export default { enforce }; import defaultExport from './config.js'; function log(c, s){ c.request.error(s) } function enforce(r) { var context = { request: r , config : defaultExport["config"], backend : (defaultExport.backend ? defaultExport.backend : "@backend"), export_backend_headers : (defaultExport.backendHeaders ? defaultExport.backendHeaders : wkf.export_backend_headers) } {% if nginx_pep_debug_enabled %} log(context, "Inside NJS enforce for " + r.method + " @ " + r.headersIn.host + "/" + r.uri) {% endif %} if(context.request.args.token){ var token = context.request.args.token {% if nginx_pep_debug_enabled %} log(context, "token is " + token) {% endif %} exportVariable(context, "auth_token", token) context.request.subrequest("/gcube_user_info") .then(reply=>{ if (reply.status === 200) { var response = JSON.parse(reply.responseBody); {% if nginx_pep_debug_enabled %} log(context, "got response " + reply.responseBody) {% endif %} return response } else { log(context, reply.status + " got response " + reply.responseBody) throw new Error("Unauthorized") } }).then(userinfo => { exportVariable(context, "remote_user", userinfo.result.username) {% if nginx_pep_debug_enabled %} log(context, "username is " + userinfo.result.username) {% endif %} context.request.internalRedirect(context.backend) {% if nginx_pep_debug_enabled %} log(context, "context after setting the username:" + njs.dump(context)) {% endif %} return context }).catch(e => { context.request.error("error .... " + njs.dump(e)); context.request.return(401)} ) return } context = computeProtection(context) wkf.run(wkf.build(context), context) } // ######## WORKFLOW FUNCTIONS ############### var wkf = { build : (context)=>{ var actions = [ "export_pep_credentials", "parse_authentication", "check_authentication", "export_authn_token", "pip", "pdp", "export_backend_headers", "pass" ] return actions }, run : (actions, context) => { context.request.error("Starting workflow with " + njs.dump(actions)) var w = actions.reduce( (acc, f) => acc.then(typeof(f) === "function" ? f : wkf[f]), Promise.resolve().then(()=>context) ) w.catch(e => { context.request.error(njs.dump(e)); context.request.return(401)} ) }, export_pep_credentials : exportPepCredentials, export_authn_token : exportAuthToken, export_backend_headers : c=>c, parse_authentication : parseAuthentication, check_authentication : checkAuthentication, verify_token : verifyToken, request_token : requestToken, pip : pipExecutor, pdp : pdpExecutor, pass : pass, //PIP utilities "get-path-component" : (c, i) => c.request.uri.split("/")[i], "get-token-field" : getTokenField, "get-contexts" : (c) => { var ra = c.authn.verified_token["resource_access"] if(ra){ var out = []; for(var k in ra){ if(ra[k].roles && ra[k].roles.length !== 0) out.push(k) } } return out; } } function getTokenField(context, f){ return context.authn.verified_token[f] } function exportVariable(context, name, value){ context.request.variables[name] = value {% if nginx_pep_debug_enabled %} log(context, "Exported variables:" + njs.dump(context.request.variables)) {% endif %} return context } function exportPepCredentials(context){ if(!context.config["pep-credentials"]){ throw new Error("Need PEP credentials") } return exportVariable(context, "pep_credentials", "Basic " + context.config["pep-credentials"]) } function exportAuthToken(context){ return exportVariable(context, "auth_token", context.authn.token) } function checkAuthentication(context){ return context.authn.type === "bearer" ? wkf.verify_token(context) : wkf.request_token(context) } function parseAuthentication(context){ {% if nginx_pep_debug_enabled %} context.request.log("Inside parseAuthentication") {% endif %} var incomingauth = context.request.headersIn["Authorization"] if(!incomingauth) throw new Error("Authentication required"); var arr = incomingauth.trim().replace(/\s\s+/g, " ").split(" ") if(arr.length != 2) throw new Error("Unknown authentication scheme"); var type = arr[0].toLowerCase() if(type === "basic" && context.authz.host && context.authz.host["allow-basic-auth"]){ var unamepass = Buffer.from(arr[1], 'base64').toString().split(":") if(unamepass.length != 2) return null; context.authn = { type : type, raw : arr[1], user : unamepass[0], password : unamepass[1]} return context }else if(type === "bearer"){ context.authn = { type : type, raw : arr[1], token : arr[1]} return context } throw new Error("Unknown authentication scheme"); } function verifyToken(context){ {% if nginx_pep_debug_enabled %} log(context, "Inside verifyToken") {% endif %} var options = { "body" : "token=" + context.authn.token + "&token_type_hint=access_token" } return context.request.subrequest("/jwt_verify_request", options) .then(reply=>{ if (reply.status === 200) { {% if nginx_pep_debug_enabled %} log(context, reply.responseBody) {% endif %} var response = JSON.parse(reply.responseBody); if (response.active === true) { return response } else { throw new Error("Unauthorized") } } else { throw new Error("Unauthorized") } }).then(verified_token => { context.authn.verified_token = JSON.parse(Buffer.from(context.authn.token.split('.')[1], 'base64url').toString()) return context }) } function requestToken(context){ {% if nginx_pep_debug_enabled %} log(context, "Inside requestToken") {% endif %} var options = { "body" : "grant_type=password&username="+context.authn.user+"&password="+context.authn.password } return context.request.subrequest("/jwt_request", options) .then(reply=>{ if (reply.status === 200) { var response = JSON.parse(reply.responseBody); context.authn.token = response.access_token context.authn.verified_token = JSON.parse(Buffer.from(context.authn.token.split('.')[1], 'base64url').toString()) return context } else { throw new Error("Unauthorized") } }) } function pipExecutor(context){ {% if nginx_pep_debug_enabled %} log(context, "Inside extra claims PIP") {% endif %} context.authz.pip.forEach(extra =>{ //call extra claim pip function try{ var operator = extra.operator var result = wkf[operator](context, extra.args) //ensure array and add to extra_claims if(!(result instanceof Array)) result = [result] if(!context.extra_claims) context.extra_claims = {}; context.extra_claims[extra.claim] = result } catch (error){ {% if nginx_pep_debug_enabled %} log(context, "Skipping invalid extra claim " + njs.dump(error)) {% endif %} } }) {% if nginx_pep_debug_enabled %} log(context, "Extra claims are " + njs.dump(context.extra_claims)) {% endif %} return context } function pdpExecutor(context){ {% if nginx_pep_debug_enabled %} log(context, "Inside PDP") {% endif %} return context.authz.pdp(context) } function umaCall(context){ {% if nginx_pep_debug_enabled %} log(context, "Inside UMA call") {% endif %} var options = { "body" : computePermissionRequestBody(context) }; return context.request.subrequest("/permission_request", options) .then(reply =>{ if(reply.status === 200){ return context }else{ throw new Error("Response for authorization request is not ok " + reply.status + " " + njs.dump(reply.responseBody)) } }) } function pass(context){ {% if nginx_pep_debug_enabled %} log(context, "Inside pass"); {% endif %} if(typeof(context.backend) === "string") context.request.internalRedirect(context.backend); else if (typeof(context.backend) === "function") context.request.internalRedirect(context.backend(context)) return context; } // ######## AUTHORIZATION PART ############### function computePermissionRequestBody(context){ if(!context.authz.host || !context.authz.path ){ throw new Error("Enforcemnt mode is always enforcing. Host or path not found...") } var audience = computeAudience(context) var grant = "grant_type=urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:uma-ticket" var mode = "response_mode=decision" var permissions = computePermissions(context) var extra = "" if(context.extra_claims){ extra = "claim_token_format=urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:jwt&claim_token=" + JSON.stringify(context.extra_claims).toString("base64url") } var body = audience + "&" + grant + "&" + permissions + "&" + mode + "&" + extra context.request.error("Computed permission request body is " + body) return body } function computeAudience(context){ var aud = context.request.headersIn.host if(context.authz.host){ aud = context.authz.host.audience||context.authz.host.host } return "audience=" + aud } function computePermissions(context){ var resource = context.request.uri if(context.authz.path){ resource = context.authz.path.name||context.authz.path.path } var scopes = [] if(context.authz.method && context.authz.method.scopes){ scopes = context.authz.method.scopes } if(scopes.length > 0){ return scopes.map(s=>"permission=" + resource + "#" + s).join("&") } return "permission=" + resource } function getPath(hostconfig, incomingpath, incomingmethod){ var paths = hostconfig.paths || [] var matchingpaths = paths .filter(p => {return incomingpath.match(p.path) != null}) .reduce((acc, p) => { if (!p.methods || p.methods.length === 0) acc.weak.push({ path: p}); else{ var matchingmethods = p.methods.filter(m=>m.method.toUpperCase() === incomingmethod) if(matchingmethods.length > 0) acc.strong.push({ method : matchingmethods[0], path: p}); } return acc; }, { strong: [], weak: []}) return matchingpaths.strong.concat(matchingpaths.weak)[0] } function getHost(config, host){ var matching = config.hosts.filter(h=>{ return h.host === host }) return matching.length > 0 ? matching[0] : null } function computeProtection(context){ {% if nginx_pep_debug_enabled %} log(context, "Getting by host " + context.request.headersIn.host) {% endif %} context.authz = {} context.authz.host = getHost(context.config, context.request.headersIn.host) if(context.authz.host !== null){ context.authz.pip = context.authz.host.pip ? context.authz.host.pip : []; context.authz.pdp = context.authz.host.pdp ? context.authz.host.pdp : umaCall; var pathandmethod = getPath(context.authz.host, context.request.uri, context.request.method); if(pathandmethod){ context.authz.path = pathandmethod.path; context.authz.pip = context.authz.path.pip ? context.authz.pip.concat(context.authz.path.pip) : context.authz.pip; context.authz.pdp = context.authz.path.pdp ? context.authz.path.pdp : context.authz.pdp; context.authz.method = pathandmethod.method; if(context.authz.method){ context.authz.pip = context.authz.method.pip ? context.authz.pip.concat(context.authz.method.pip) : context.authz.pip; context.authz.pdp = context.authz.method.pdp ? context.authz.method.pdp : context.authz.pdp; } } } {% if nginx_pep_debug_enabled %} log(context, "Leaving protection computation: ") {% endif %} return context }