Author false String * The name of the author, with email and ORCID (if available). The format should be: family, given[, email][, ORCID]. Example: Smith, John,, ^[a-zA-ZÀ-ÿ .'-]+, [a-zA-ZÀ-ÿ .'-]+[, ]*([a-zA-Z0-9_!#$%’*+=?`{|}~^.-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9À-ÿ.-]+)?[, ]*(\/0000-000(1-[5-9]|2-[0-9]|3-[0-4])\d\d\d-\d\d\d[\dX])?$ spatial false GeoJSON 1 {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-180.0, -90.0], [180.0, -90.0], [180.0, 90.0], [-180.0, 90.0], [-180.0, -90.0]]]} Insert a geoJSON characterising the spatial coverage of the notebook. Agricultural concept false String * Select the GACS term characterising the notebook abnormal behaviour abruzzi acacia senegal acaricidal plants access to information accident prevention accounting acer saccharum acetates acetic acid acetylation achillea millefolium acid rain acid treatment acidification acoustics acreage actinidia deliciosa activity acupuncture addiction administration adolescent nutrition adult education adulteration advertising aeration aerial application aerial photography aerial spraying aerial surveying aerial surveys aerobic conditions aerobic treatment aetiology affinity chromatography afforestation afghanistan africa south of sahara africa agave sisalana age at slaughter age determination age of soil agglutination tests aggregate stability aggregation aggressive behaviour agitation agonistic behaviour agricultural biotechnology agricultural budgets agricultural censuses agricultural economics agricultural education agricultural engineering agricultural entomology agricultural history agricultural hydraulics agricultural law agricultural planning agricultural practices agricultural prices agricultural production agricultural programs and projects agricultural runoff agricultural sciences agricultural trade agriculture agroclimatology agroecology agroforestry agrometeorology agronomy agropisciculture agrosilvopastoral systems air conditioning air drying air transport alabama alaska albania alberta alcohol intake alcoholic fermentation alcoholism algeria algorithms alkali treatment alley cropping allium sativum allometry alps alsace alternate bearing alternative medicine alternative methods amaranthus caudatus amaranthus cruentus amaranthus hybridus amaranthus retroflexus amazonas (brazil) amazonia american samoa americas amplified fragment length polymorphism amputation anacardium occidentale anaerobic conditions anaerobic treatment anaesthesia analgesia analysis of variance analysis analytical methods anatomy andean region andhra pradesh andorra anethum graveolens angling angola anguilla (island) anhui animal anatomy animal behaviour animal biotechnology animal breeding animal care animal disease models animal ecology animal experimentation animal feeding animal genetics animal handling animal husbandry methods animal husbandry animal identification animal introduction animal learning animal manure management animal models animal morphology animal nutrition animal pathology animal physiology animal preferences animal production animal sciences animal taxonomy animal testing alternatives animal use refinement anorexia nervosa antarctica anther culture anthropogenic activities anthropology anthropometric measurements antibacterial plants antibody detection antigen detection antigua and barbuda apiculture apples application methods application technology application to land application appropriate technology apricots apulia aquaculture techniques aquaculture aquatic plant culture aquatic sciences aquitaine arachis hypogaea arachis pintoi aragua arboriculture area argentina arid climate arizona arkansas armenia armoracia rusticana arrhenatherum elatius artemisia tridentata artificial diets artificial drying artificial insemination artificial intelligence artificial regeneration artificial respiration artificial seeds artificial selection arts aseptic conditions aseptic packaging asia aspiration assam assays assessment assisted reproductive technologies atmospheric disturbances atmospheric pressure atmospheric sciences atomic absorption spectrometry atomic force microscopy attachment behaviour aubergines auctions auditing australia austria autoclaving autocorrelation automatic control automatic detection automatic irrigation automation autoradiography auvergne available water capacity avena sativa aviculture avocados azadirachta indica azerbaijan azolla pinnata backcrossing bacterial colonization bacterial count bacteriology bactris gasipaes baden-wuerttemberg bahamas bahia bahrain baiting baking balance of trade balance studies bali baling balkans bananas band placement bangladesh bankruptcy barbados bare rooted stock bariatric surgery bark barking barley barrier husbandry basal area basal dressings base saturation basil basilicata basin irrigation batch fermentation batch systems battery husbandry bavaria bayesian theory beans bee feeding beef production beetroots behaviour disorders behaviour modification behaviour problems behaviour behavioural changes beijing belarus belgium belize bending strength benin berlin bermuda best management practices beta vulgaris var. saccharifera beta vulgaris beverage crops bhutan binge eating disorder binging bioassays biochemical engineering biochemistry bioclimatology biodiversity conservation bioelectrical impedance bioethics biogeochemistry biogeography bioinformatics biolistics biological assessment biological control biological filtration biological preservation biological techniques biological treatment biology biometry biomonitoring biophysics bioprocessing biopsy biorefining bioremediation biosystematics biotechnology bird control biting rates bixa orellana black currants black gram black tea blackberries blanching bleaching blood cell counts blood platelet count blood sampling blood transfusion blueberries body conformation body fat distribution body length body mass index body measurements body size boilers boiling bolivia (plurinational state of) bolting bone marrow transplant boning bonuses borax boric acid borneo bosnia and herzegovina botany botswana bottle feeding bottling branching brandenburg brassica campestris var. rapa brassica carinata brassica chinensis brassica nigra brassica oleracea var. viridis brazil (federal district) brazil breadmaking breast feeding breeders' rights breeding methods breeding stock breeding brewing brining british columbia british indian ocean territory british virgin islands brittany broadcasting broccoli broiler feeding bronchoalveolar lavage brood rearing brooding brown rice browse plants browsing brunei darussalam brush control brussels sprouts buckwheat bud initiation budding buenos aires buffer stocks building construction bulbs bulgaria bulimia burgundy burkina faso burning burrowing burundi business management buttermaking butyric acid cabbages caesarean section cage culture calabria calculation calf feeding calibration california callus culture caloric intake calorimetry cambodia camellia sinensis cameroon campania canada canals canary islands canavalia ensiformis cannibalism canning canton and enderbury islands cape verde capillary electrophoresis capillary gas chromatography capillary rise capital formation capital market capsicum annuum capsicum frutescens capture of animals carbohydrate intake carbon dioxide enrichment carbon nitrogen ratio carbonation carcass grading caribbean carnivory carobs caroline islands carrots cartography carum carvi case law case studies case-control studies cash crops cassava castration catch cropping catch crops catchment hydrology catharanthus roseus catheterization cation exchange capacity cattle farming cattle feeding cattle production cauliflowers cayman brac cayman islands ceara celery cell counting cell culture cell fusion cell physiology cell suspension culture censuses central africa central african republic central america central asia centre (france) centre pivot irrigation centrifugation centrosema pubescens ceratonia siliqua cereal crops cereals certification chad chamaecyparis obtusa chamomile champagne ardennes change channels characterization cheese ripening cheese starters cheesemaking chemical analysis chemical control chemical ecology chemical engineering chemical synthesis chemical treatment chemistry chemoprophylaxis chemotaxis chemotaxonomy chenopodium album chenopodium quinoa cherries chiapas chickpeas chicory chihuahua child feeding child nutrition chile chilling china chinese cabbages chipping chiselling chloroplast genetics choice of species christmas island (indian ocean) chromatography chromosome banding chromosome manipulation chromosome mapping chromosome maps chromosome morphology chronosequences chrysanthemum indicum chrysanthemum morifolium chrysopogon zizanioides citizen participation citranges citrus aurantium citrus fruits citrus limon citrus paradisi citrus reticulata citrus sinensis civil engineering cladistics clarification (processing) classification clay fraction cleaning and sterilizing cleaning clear felling clementines climate change climate models climate climatic factors climatology clinical examination clinical nutrition clinical trials cloning (animals) clouds cluster analysis coahuila coating cocoa coconuts coculture codex alimentarius coffea canephora coffee cohesion cohort studies coliform count collection collectivization colombia colorado colorimetry colostral immunity combination drug therapy comminution commodity markets commodity prices common markets communication between animals communications technology communism community ecology community forestry community involvement comoros companion crops comparisons complement fixation tests compliance composting compression compressive strength computed tomography computer analysis computer assisted instruction computer graphics computer programming computer science computer simulation computer techniques computer vision concentrating conditioning confidence interval congo connecticut conservation areas conservation practices conservation tillage conservation construction consumer behaviour consumer demand consumer economics consumer education consumer expenditure consumer prices consumer surveys consumption functions consumption container grown plants container planting container transport contingent valuation continuing education continuous cropping continuous processes continuous systems contour cultivation contraception control methods control controlled burning controlled internal drug release devices controlled prices controlled release conventional tillage cook islands cooking cooling cooperation cooperative activities cooperative credit cooperative farming cooperative research cooperative services coppicing copulation corchorus capsularis corchorus olitorius corms correlation analysis correlation corsica corylus avellana cost analysis cost benefit analysis cost effectiveness analysis costa rica costs cote d'ivoire cotton ginning counselling courtship covariance cover crops cow feeding cowpeas cranberries creosote cress crime critical control points critical path analysis croatia crocus sativus crop establishment crop management crop models crop production crop residue management crop rotation crop yield cropping sequence cropping systems crops cross pollination cross sectional analysis crossbreeding crossing crushing crustacean culture cryopreservation crystallization crystallography cuba cucumbers cucurbit vegetables cucurbita maxima cucurbita moschata cuisine culinary herbs culling cultivar identification cultural behaviour cultural control cultural methods culture and humanities culture filtrates culture media culture techniques cuminum cyminum cupressus sempervirens curing (crops) cut flower production cutting date cutting frequency cutting cuttings cyamopsis tetragonoloba cyclones cydonia oblonga cymbopogon citratus cymbopogon nardus cyprus cytochemistry cytogenetic analysis cytogenetics cytology cytotaxonomy czech republic czechoslovakia dairy farm management dairy herds dairy hygiene dairy science dairy technology dams (mothers) dams danube river data analysis data collection data processing dates datura stramonium deblossoming decanting decentralization decision making decision support decolorization decontamination deep fat frying deep litter husbandry deep ploughing deep tillage defence deficit irrigation defoliation deforestation defruiting dehiscence dehydration delaware delignification delinquent behaviour demand functions demand democratic people's republic of korea democratic republic of the congo democratic yemen demography denaturation denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis dendrochronology dendroclimatology denmark densitometry dent maize dentistry deodorizing depreciation depth desalination design designation of origin dessert grapes destruction of animals detection limit detection determination detoxification development aid development planning dew dewatering diagnosis diagnostic techniques diallel analysis dialysis diameter increment diameter diet counseling diet planning diet recall diet studies diet study techniques diet treatment dietary guidelines dietary restriction dietary surveys dietetic education dietetics dieting diets differential diagnosis differential pricing differential scanning calorimetry differential staining digestive physiology digital elevation models digital images dill dimensions dipping direct dna uptake direct marketing direct sowing disaster relief disbudding discing discriminant analysis discrimination disease control programs disease control disease detection disease incidence disease models disease prevention disease prophylaxis disease surveillance disease surveys disinfection disinfestation dispersal behavior disposal dissolving distance education distillation distribution (economics) distribution of frequency ditches diurnal activity division of labour djibouti dna cleavage dna fingerprinting dna hybridization dna primers dna probes documentation domestic consumption domestic markets domestic trade domestication dominica dominican republic dosage double cropping dough development drainage channels drainage systems drainage drilling drinking droplet size droplet studies drug delivery systems drug development drug evaluation drug injection drug therapy dry beans dry environmental conditions dry farming dry matter intake dry mulches drying methods drying dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry durango durum wheat dye plants dyeing dynamic models dynamic programming dynamics e-commerce early childhood education early diagnosis early selection early weaning earth sciences east africa east asia eastern european region eating disorders eating habits eating out eating patterns eating echinochloa colona echinochloa frumentacea echocardiography echography echosounding ecological restoration ecology econometric models econometrics economic activity economic analysis economic behaviour economic concentration economic evaluation economic geography economic sociology economic thresholds economic unions economic valuation economic viability economics ecophysiology ecosystem management ecotoxicology ecuador edaphic factors education educational technologies egg incubation egg masses egg production egypt eichhornia crassipes ejaculate volume el nino-southern oscillation el salvador elasticities elasticity elderly nutrition electrical treatment electricity supplies electrification electroantennography electrocardiography electrochemistry electrolysis electromyography electron microscopy electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy electronics electrophoresis electrophysiology electroporation elevated atmospheric gases elisa embankments embryo culture embryo preservation embryo transfer embryology emilia romagna employment opportunities employment emulsifying encapsulation endangered species endocrinology endoscopy energy conservation energy consumption energy costs energy generation energy intake energy management energy restricted diets engineering england enrichment culture enteral feeding entomology enumeration environmental assessment environmental control environmental economics environmental education environmental engineering environmental enrichment environmental factors environmental impact statements environmental indicators environmental legislation environmental management environmental models environmental monitoring environmental protection environmental sciences enzymatic analysis enzyme inactivation enzyme kinetics enzymology epidemiological studies epidemiological surveys epidemiology epigenetics equatorial guinea equipment certification equipment design equipment testing eragrostis tef ergonomics eritrea erodibility erosion control plants erosion control eruca vesicaria erythrocyte count espirito santo essential oil crops esterification estimated costs estimates estimation estonia ethics ethiopia ethnobotany ethnography ethology etiolation eu regulations europe euthanasia evaluation evaporating excision exercise expenditure experimental design experimentation explants exploratory fishing export policies export promotion export subsidies exposure assessment extensive husbandry extraction extrusion cooking extrusion faba beans factor analysis faecal egg count faecal examination fagopyrum esculentum falkland islands fallow systems fallow familial incidence family and consumer science family budgets family resource management famine farm area farm closures farm establishment farm forestry farm helper services farm inputs farm management farm operator households farm planning farm profitability farm surveys farmer participation farmers' markets faroe islands fasting fat consumption fat restricted diets fatty oil plants fearfulness feasibility studies federal republic of germany feed adulteration feed cereals feed consumption feed deprivation feed formulation feed intake feed processing feed production feeding frequency feeding habits feeding level feeding preferences feeding feedlots felling cycle felling fencing fennel fenugreek fermentation fertigation fertilizer analysis fertilizer application fertilizer requirement determination fertilizer technology fibre plants field capacity field crops field experimentation field of study field tests figs fiji filling period filling filtration finance finger millet finishing finite element analysis finland fire control fire detection fire ecology fire fighting fire hazard reduction fire prevention fire suppression first aid fish consumption fish culture fish detection fish feeding fish ladders fish processing fish production fishery biology fishery management fishery oceanography fishing methods fishing operations fishing rights fishing fistulation fixation fixed costs flavouring flight flocculation flocks flood control flood irrigation flooded rice flooding floor husbandry floriculture crops floriculture florida flotation flow cytometry flowering fluid mechanics fluid therapy fluidized bed processing fluorescence emission spectroscopy fluorescence in situ hybridization fluorescent labeling fluorescent lighting fluorimetry foaming focus groups fodder legumes fodder plants foeniculum vulgare fog foliar application foliar diagnosis foliar spraying follow up food aid food analysis food biotechnology food chemistry food consumption food contact surfaces food crops food deprivation food enrichment food fortification food frequency questionnaires food grades food grains food handling food hygiene food inspection food intake food irradiation food labeling food legislation food marketing food microbiology food packaging food preferences food preparation food preservation food prices food processing food production food retailing food science food shortages food stocks food supply food technology forage and feed science forage evaluation forage production foraging forcing forecasting forecasts foreign investment forest administration forest conservation forest ecology forest economics forest fire management forest inventories forest management forest mensuration forest ownership forest pathology forest rehabilitation forest stand establishment forest surveys forest yields forestry biology forestry engineering forestry law forestry production forestry formaldehyde former yugoslav republic of macedonia formic acid fortification fowl feeding fractionation fracture fixation france francophone africa free range husbandry freeze drying freezing french guiana french west indies freshwater aquaculture friuli venezia giulia frost protection frost fruit crops fruit growing fruit set fruit trees fruit vegetables fruit yield fruiting frying fuel consumption fuel crops fujian fumigation functional response models funding fungal anatomy fungal morphology furniture making furrow irrigation furrows futures trading fuzzy logic gabon gait gambia game farming game reserves gametophytes gamma irradiation gansu gardening garlic gas chromatography gas liquid chromatography gas packaging gasification gastrectomy gastric emptying gastrointestinal motility gastrointestinal transit gatt gc-ms gel electrophoresis gel filtration chromatography gene fusion gene therapy gene transfer general circulation models genetic control genetic engineering genetic markers genetic models genetic techniques and protocols genetic vectors genetics genome analysis genomics genotyping geochemistry geodesy geographical regions geography geology geometry geomorphology geophysics georgia geostatistics german democratic republic germany germination germplasm conservation germplasm evaluation germplasm screening ghana gibraltar girdling global change global positioning systems global warming globe artichokes glucose tolerance tests goat feeding goat keeping goias good manufacturing practices gooseberries gossypium arboreum gossypium barbadense gossypium hirsutum governance grading grafting grafts grain crops grain legumes grain sorghum grain yield grants grapefruits grapes grapevines grassland improvement grassland management gravimetry gravitropism grazing intensity grazing management grazing great britain greece green beans green leafy vegetables green manures green tea greenhouse crops greenhouse experimentation greenhouse production greening greenland grenada grilling grinding grocery stores gross national product ground cover plants groundnuts group behaviour growing media growing stock growth analysis growth control growth models growth studies guadeloupe guam guanajuato guangdong guangxi (zhuang) guar guatemala guavas guidelines guinea-bissau guinea guizhou gujarat gum plants guyana habitat conservation habitat destruction habitat preferences habits haccp haemagglutination inhibition tests haemagglutination tests haematocrit haematology haematophagy haemodialysis hail hainan haiti hamburg handling hard wheat hardening harrowing harvest index harvesting date harvesting frequency harvesting haryana hawaii haymaking heading headspace analysis health behaviour health care costs health care utilization health claims health education health effects assessments heard and mcdonald islands heat exchangers heat inactivation heat pumps heat sterilizing heat sums heat treatment heaters heating systems hebei hedgerow plants height heilongjiang hematologic tests hen feeding henan herbage crops herbal teas herdbooks herds hesse hibiscus cannabinus hidalgo high carbohydrate diet high density planting high fat diet high pressure technology high protein diet higher education highly active antiretroviral therapy hilling himachal pradesh himalayan region histochemistry histocytological analysis histology histopathology history hive management hoeing home food preparation home gardening homeopathy homogenization homosexuality honduras honey production hong kong hops hormonal regulation horseradish horticultural crops horticulture host-seeking behaviour hot air drying hot water treatment household consumption household expenditure household income household surveys hplc hubei human activity human behaviour human ecology human feeding human genetics human nutrition human physiology human resources management human rights humidity hunan hungary hurricanes husking hybrid seed production hybridization hydration hydraulic conductivity hydraulic engineering hydraulic structures hydraulics hydrobiology hydrochemistry hydrochloric acid hydrodynamics hydrogenation hydrogeology hydrography hydrologic models hydrological factors hydrology hydrometeorology hydroponics hygiene hyperspectral imagery hysterectomy iceland ichthyology idaho identification ile de france illegal practices illinois image analysis image processing imagery immigration immobilization in soil immobilization immunization immunoaffinity chromatography immunoassays immunoblotting immunochemistry immunocytochemistry immunodiagnosis immunodiffusion tests immunoelectrophoresis immunoenzyme techniques immunofluorescence immunofluorescent microscopy immunogenetics immunohistochemistry immunological techniques immunology immunopathology immunoprecipitation tests immunostimulation immunosuppression immunotherapy impact assessment implantation import controls import quotas importation in situ conservation in situ hybridization in vitro culture in vitro digestion in vitro experimentation in vitro fertilization in vitro production in vitro regeneration in vitro selection in vitro in vivo experimentation inactivation inbreeding incidence incorporation increment incubation india indiana indonesia induced abortion induced flowering induced polyploidy industrial crops industrial microbiology infant feeding infant nutrition infection control information and communication technologies (icts) information dissemination information exchange information management information processing information retrieval information science information storage information technology infrared spectrophotometry infrared spectroscopy infusion ingestion inhibitory concentration 50 initiation injection innovation adoption innovations inoculation input costs input output analysis input prices insect behavior insect biology insect control insect ecology insect flight insect genetics insect morphology insect nutrition insect pathology insect physiology insect rearing insect surveys insect taxonomy insecticidal plants insolation inspection intake integrated control integrated pest management integrated plant production integrated weed management integration (economics) integration intellectual property rights intensive cropping intensive husbandry interception intercropping intercrops intergeneric hybridization international comparisons international cooperation international economics international law international trade interspecific hybridization intervention interviews intramuscular injection intranasal administration intraperitoneal injection intravenous injection introduction introgression invasion investment requirements investment iodine value ion exchange chromatography ionization iowa iran iraq irian jaya irish republic irradiation irrigated conditions irrigated farming irrigation and drainage irrigation canals irrigation management irrigation rates irrigation requirements irrigation scheduling irrigation systems irrigation isoelectric focusing isolation techniques isolation isotope dilution technique isotope labeling israel italian marches italy jackfruits jalisco jamaica japan java jersey jerusalem artichokes jiangsu jiangxi jilin job performance job training joints (timber) jordan journalism juglans regia kale kalimantan kansas karnataka karyotypes kazakhstan kentucky kenya kerala kidney beans kidney transplant kiln drying kilns kinematics kinetics kiribati kitchens kiwifruits kneading knots knowledge management kohlrabi kriging kuwait kyrgyzstan la rioja labeling techniques labelling controls labelling lablab purpureus laboratory diagnosis laboratory experimentation laboratory rearing laboratory techniques labour allocation labour costs labour market labour mobility lactation number lactic acid lactic fermentation lagenaria siceraria lake tanganyika lamb feeding lamb production lamps land classification land clearance land consolidation land development land diversion land economics land evaluation land improvement land management land markets land ownership land prices land productivity land reform land rehabilitation land suitability land use change land use planning land use landfills landscape conservation landscape ecology landscaping languedoc roussillon laos laparoscopy laparotomy lara large scale husbandry larrea tridentata latex agglutination test lathyrus sativus latin america latium latvia laurus nobilis law enforcement law of the sea law layering leadership leaf area index leaf area leaf development learning least squares lebanon legal rights legislation leisure activities lemons length lentils lesotho lethal concentration 50 lethal dose 50 lethal dose lettuces leukocyte count ley farming liaoning liberia libido libya liechtenstein life cycle assessment life cycle life history lifestyle light microscopy light regimes lighting lightning lignification liguria lima beans limes liming limnology limousin lindane line fishing line planting linear models linear programming liquid chromatography liquid diets liquorice lithuania litters (young animals) live mulches liver transplant livestock feeding livestock management livestock numbers livestock production loading localized irrigation locomotion logging logistics logit analysis lombardy long term experiments longans longitudinal studies loquats lorraine louisiana low income households low volume spraying lower normandy lower saxony lubrication lupins lupinus albus lupinus angustifolius lupinus luteus lupinus mutabilis luxembourg lychees lysimetry macau macerating macroeconomic analysis macroeconomics macropore flow macroptilium atropurpureum madagascar madhya pradesh magnetic resonance imaging maharashtra maine maintenance maize malawi malaysia maldives mali malolactic fermentation malta malting barley malting management by objectives management mandarins mangifera indica mangoes mangolds manitoba manual operation manual weed control manufacturing manure spreading maranhao marginal analysis mariculture marinating marine biology marine ecology marine geology marine science mark release recapture marker-assisted selection market economics market intelligence market prices market regulations market research market segmentation marketing boards marketing channels marketing cooperatives marketing techniques marketing markets marking marrows marshall islands martinique maryland mass rearing mass spectrometry massachusetts materials testing maternal behaviour maternal immunity maternal nutrition mathematical models mathematics and statistics mathematics mating behaviour mating competitiveness mating disruption mating frequency mating mato grosso do sul mato grosso matric potential (soil) mauritania mauritius mayotte meal patterns measurement meat grades meat hygiene meat inspection meat processing meat production meat texture meat yield mechanical engineering mechanical harvesting mechanical methods mechanics mechanistic models mechanization mecklenburg-western pomerania medicago polymorpha medicago sativa medical education medical entomology medical sciences medical treatment medicinal plants mediterranean climate mediterranean region melilotus albus melissa officinalis melting meltwater mentha piperita merchantable volume mercosur meta-analysis metabolic studies metabolomics metagenomics meteorological factors meteorological observations meteorology methane fermentation methodology mexico (province) mexico michigan michoacan microarray technology microbial activities microbial colonization microbial contamination microbial degradation microbial detection microbial ecology microbial genetics microbial growth microbial load microbial physiology microbiological analysis microbiology microclimate microeconomic analysis microeconomics microencapsulation microextraction microfiltration microfinance microirrigation micronesia (federated states of) micropropagation microscopy microwave cooking microwave treatment middle east midi pyrenees midway islands migration migratory behavior milk analysis milk collection milk consumption milk fat yield milk marketing milk payments milk prices milk processing milk production costs milk production milk protein yield milk recording milk supply milk yield milking frequency milking machines milking millets milling minas gerais mineral nutrition mineralogy minimum inhibitory concentration minimum tillage mining minnesota misdiagnosis mississippi missouri mite control mitochondrial genetics mixed cropping mixed culture mixing model food systems model uncertainty model validation models modernization modification modified atmosphere packaging modulus of elasticity moldavian ssr moldova molecular biology molecular cloning molecular dynamics molecular epidemiology molecular genetics molecular hybridization molecular models molecular systematics mollusc control mollusc culture molluscicidal plants monaco monagas mongolia monitoring monoculture montana monte carlo method montenegro montserrat morelos morocco morphology morphometrics morphotaxonomy mosquito control motility motivation moulding mountain climate movement in soil movement mowing mozambique mulberries mulches mulching multiple cropping multiple land use multiple regression analysis multiple use forestry multiresidue analysis multispectral imagery multivariate analysis mung beans mushroom growing mushrooms mutational analysis myanmar mycology namibia nanotechnology national accounting national budgets national health and nutrition examination survey national income national parks national planning national surveys natural drying natural history natural mating natural regeneration natural resources management natural ventilation nature conservation nature reserves nauru navigation near infrared spectroscopy nebraska nectar plants nectarines needs assessment nei mongol nematicidal plants nematode control nematology nepal nesting net fishing netherlands antilles netherlands network analysis networking neural networks neurophysiology neutralization tests neutralization nevada new brunswick new caledonia new crops new england states of usa new hampshire new jersey new laender new mexico new south wales new york new zealand nicaragua nicotiana rustica nigella sativa niger nigeria niue no-tillage nocturnal activity nodulation nomadism nondestructive testing nonlinear models nonspecific immunostimulation nonthermal processing nord pas de calais norfolk island north africa north america north carolina north central states of usa north dakota north eastern states (usa) north rhine-westphalia north yemen northern blotting northern ireland northern mariana islands norway nova scotia nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy nuclear magnetic resonance nuclear transplantation nucleic acid hybridization nucleic probes numerical taxonomy nursery crops nusa tenggara nut crops nutrient film technique nutrient improvement nutrient intake nutrition education nutrition labelling nutrition physiology nutrition surveys nutrition nutritional assessment nutritional intervention nutritional support oats oaxaca objectives observational studies obstetrics obstruction occupational medicine oceania oceanography ocimum basilicum odds ratio odour abatement oenology oestrus detection off season cultivation off-farm employment offshoots ohio oil crops oil palms oilseed plants oklahoma okras olfactometry oligonucleotide probes olives oman onobrychis viciifolia ontario operating costs operation operations research opportunity costs optimal nutrition optimization methods opuntia ficus-indica oral administration oral vaccination oranges oregano oregon organ culture organic gardening organization of research organization of work organization origanum vulgare orissa orthopaedics osmotic pretreatment outbreeding outcrossing outdoor cropping ovariectomy overeating overfeeding overgrazing oversowing oviposition ovule culture ownership oxidative phosphorylation oyster culture ozonization pacific islands packaging packing pakistan palaeobotany palaeoclimatology palaeoecology palaeontology palaeozoology palau palestine palynology panama canal zone panama panax quinquefolius panicum miliaceum papaver somniferum papayas papermaking papua new guinea para paraguay paraiba parana parasitology parent education parenteral administration parenteral feeding parsley parsnips part time farming parthenium argentatum parthenium hysterophorus parthenocarpy participation particle size distribution particle size passion fruits passive immunity pasteurization pastinaca sativa pasture improvement pasture management patents path analysis pathogen identification pathology pathophysiology patient compliance patient education pays de la loire peaches pearl millet pears peas peat pedology peeling pelleting peninsular malaysia pennsylvania pentachlorophenol percolation performance appraisals performance recording performance testing performance tests pernambuco peroxide value persimmons peru pest control pest identification pest management pest monitoring pest surveys pesticidal plants pesticide application pet care petrology petroselinum crispum pharmacodynamics pharmacokinetics pharmacology phaseolus acutifolius phaseolus coccineus phaseolus lunatus phenology philippines philosophy phosphorylation photogrammetry photography photointerpretation photometry photoperiod phototaxis phototropism phragmites australis phylogeography physical activity physical chromosome mapping physical control physical education physical geography physical models physical oceanography physics physiology phytogeography phytoremediation phytotherapy piaui picardy picking pickling piedmont (italy) pig farming pigeon peas piglet feeding pinching pineapples piper betle piper nigrum pisum sativum pitcairn islands placebos placement planning plant analysis plant anatomy plant biochemistry plant biotechnology plant breeding plant certification plant development plant disease control plant ecology plant establishment plant exploration and collection plant genetics plant growth control plant height plant introduction plant morphology plant nematology plant nutrition plant pathology plant physiology plant propagation plant sciences plant taxonomy plant training plantation crops planting date planting seed planting stock planting plasmid vectors plastic film mulches plastic film plate count ploughing plums poitou charentes poland policy analysis pollen analysis pollen germination pollen tubes pollution control polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis polyethylene film polygyny polymerase chain reaction polystyrenes pome fruits pomegranates pongamia pinnata popcorn population censuses population ecology population genetics pore size pores portion size portugal portuguesa postemergent weed control postharvest physiology postharvest technology postharvest treatment postmortem changes postmortem examinations pot culture pot experimentation pot plants potatoes potted flowering plants potted foliage plants potting poultry farming poultry feeding precipitation precision agriculture precision predation predator control predictive microbiology preemergent weed control pregermination pregnancy diagnosis preharvest treatment preplanting treatment preservation pressing pressure treatment pretreatment prevention preventive medicine price elasticities price fixing price formation prices primary education principal component analysis prioritization private forestry private investment private ownership privatization probabilistic models probability analysis probability distribution probability probit analysis problem solving process control process monitoring processing stages processing producer prices product certification product labelling product ripening production controls production costs production economics production functions production technology production professional education profitability progeny testing prognosis program development program evaluation project design project management projections propagation by cuttings propagation materials property rights propionates propionic acid prospective studies protected cultivation protected species protective plants protein intake protein phosphorylation protein plants protein restricted diets proteomics protoplast fusion provenance trials provence alpes cote d'azur proximate analysis pruning pseudocereals psophocarpus tetragonolobus psychology psychotherapy public administration public expenditure public finance public health legislation public investment public ownership public relations puebla pueraria phaseoloides puerto rico pulping pulsed electric fields pulsed-field gel electrophoresis pummelos pumping pumpkins punjab (india) purchasing habits purchasing pure breeding purification pyrus pyrifolia qatar qualitative analysis quality assurance quality controls quality labelling quality standards quantitative analysis quantitative genetics quantitative polymerase chain reaction quantitative techniques quarantine quebec queensland questionnaires quinces rabbit feeding radio frequency identification radiobiology radiocarbon dating radiography radioimmunoassay radiolabeling radiometry radiotherapy radishes rain intensity rain rainfall simulation rainfed farming raised beds rajasthan raman spectroscopy random amplified polymorphic dna technique randomized controlled trials range management rape rapid methods rapid rural appraisal raspberries rat feeding rating scales rationalization ratios ratooning ratoons reaction kinetics reaction mechanisms rearing techniques recipes reciprocal crossing recirculating aquaculture systems reclamation recommended dietary allowances reconstitution recording recurrent selection recycling red currants reduced tillage refeeding reference standards reforestation refrigerated transport refrigeration regeneration regional planning registration regression analysis regulations rehydration reindeer husbandry relative humidity relative risk remediation remote control remote sensing remuneration repairing replanting repletion reproductive behaviour reproductive physiology reproductive toxicology republic of georgia republic of korea research methods research support resection resistance management resistance to penetration resource allocation resource conservation resource management resource utilization respiratory physiology response surface methodology rest restocking restoration ecology restraint of animals restricted feeding restriction fragment length polymorphism restriction mapping retail marketing retrospective studies retting returns reunion revegetation plants revegetation reverse osmosis reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography reversed-phase liquid chromatography rheology rhineland palatinate rhode island rhone alpes rice ricinus communis ridging right of access rigor mortis rio de janeiro rio grande do norte rio grande do sul riparian buffers ripening risk analysis risk assessment risk behaviour risk factors risk management risk reduction risk rna probes road construction road transport roasting rodent control rolling romania root crops root pruning root shoot ratio root treatment root vegetables root zone temperature rooting rootstock crops rootstock scion relationships rootstocks rosa hybrida rosemary roses rosmarinus officinalis rough lemons row spacing rsfsr rubber plants ruminant feeding ruminant nutrition rumination runoff rural economics rural planning rural settlement rural urban migration russia rutabagas rwanda rye sabah saccharification saccharum officinarum saccharum spontaneum safety testing safflower sage sahel saint helena, ascension and tristan da cunha saint kitts and nevis saint lucia saint pierre and miquelon saint vincent and the grenadines sales promotion sales salinity control salt concentration salting salvia miltiorrhiza samoa sample processing sampling san marino sand fraction sanitation santa catarina sao paulo sao tome and principe sapodillas sarawak sardinia saskatchewan satellite imagery satsumas saturated conditions saturated flow saturated hydraulic conductivity saudi arabia sawdust sawing saxony-anhalt saxony scalding scandinavia scanning electron microscopy scarification schleswig-holstein science education sciences scintigraphy scions scotland scotophase screening sds-page sea transport searching behaviour seaweed culture secale cereale secondary education sectoral planning sedation sedimentation seed certification seed collection seed crop production seed crops seed development seed dispersal seed dressings seed drilling seed germination seed inoculation seed maturation seed mixtures seed morphology seed pathology seed pelleting seed potatoes seed predation seed priming seed production seed set seed storage seed stratification seed testing seed treatment seed trees seed tubers seed yield seedbed preparation seedbeds seedling emergence seedling production seepage seining seismology selection criteria selection index selection intensity selection selective breeding selective felling selective media self help self management self pollination self sufficiency selfing semen diluents semen preservation semiarid climate senegal sensory evaluation separation sequence alignment sequence analysis sequence homology sequential cropping serbia and montenegro serbia sericulture serological surveys serology sesame sesbania cannabina sesbania sesban set setaria viridis sets settlement sewage treatment sewerage sex determination (analysis) sexual abuse sexual behaviour seychelles shaanxi shade plants shade trees shade shading shandong shanghai shanxi shear strength shearing sheep farming sheep feeding shellfish culture shelling shelterbelts shifting cultivation shoeing shoot cuttings shoot pruning shoot tip culture shorea robusta shrimp culture sichuan sicily sierra leone sieving sikkim silage additives silage fermentation silage making silt fraction silvicultural practices silviculture silvopastoral systems simulation models simulation sinapis alba singapore sire evaluation sires site class assessment site factors site preparation size skidding skin fold thickness skin tests slaughter slicing slope slovakia slovenia small fruits smoking (habit) smoking snow cover snow soaking social anthropology social behaviour social consciousness social costs social dominance social forestry social legislation social sciences socioeconomic organization socioeconomics sociology sodium acetate soft wheat soil acidity soil aggregates soil analysis soil and water assessment tool model soil biological properties soil biology soil chemical properties soil chemistry soil classification soil composition soil conservation soil deficiencies soil density soil disinfection soil ecology soil erosion models soil fertility soil fumigation soil heating soil heterogeneity soil hydraulic properties soil improvement soil injection soil inoculation soil macropores soil management soil mechanics soil micromorphology soil morphology soil ph soil physical properties soil physics soil pore system soil pore water soil properties soil quality soil reclamation plants soil resource management soil salinity soil sampling soil scarification soil science soil separates soil sequences soil solarization soil sorption soil stabilization soil sterilization soil strength soil structural units soil structure soil surveys soil temperature soil test values soil testing soil texture soil thermal regimes soil treatment soil water balance soil water content soil water deficit soil water movement soil water potential soil water regimes soil water retention soil water storage soilless culture soilless media solar drying solar radiation sole cropping solid phase extraction solid state fermentation solomon islands solubilization solvent extraction somalia somatic embryogenesis somatic embryos somatic hybridization sonora sorghum bicolor subsp. drummondii sorghum halepense sorting sour oranges south africa south america south asia south australia south carolina south dakota south east asia south eastern states (usa) south sudan southern africa southern blotting southern states of usa southwestern asia sow feeding sowing date sowing depth sowing soybeans spacing spain spawning spaying special education specialty crops species trials specimen handling spectral analysis spectrometry spectrophotometry spectroscopy spice plants spinach spinning splenectomy split dressings splitting spore dispersal spore germination sport fishing sports nutrition sporulation spray drying spraying spring barley spring crops spring wheat sprinkler irrigation sprouting squashes sri lanka stabling staking stand development stand management standard deviation standardization standards of identity standards starch crops starter diets statistical analysis statistical models statistical uncertainty statistics steaming stem elongation stemflow stereochemistry stereotyped behavior sterile insect release sterilization sterilizing stevia rebaudiana stimulant plants stochastic models stochastic processes stock assessment stocking density stocks stoichiometry stone fruits stones stooling storage conditions storage temperature storage time stored products pest control storms stormwater stratification stratigraphy straw mulches strawberries strength testing strength training stress conditions strip cropping structural crops stunning subcutaneous injection submerged fermentation subsoiling subsurface drainage subsurface irrigation subsurface runoff subtropical crops subtropical fruits subtropical small fruits subtropical tree fruits suckers suckling sudan sugar crops sugar technology sugar yield sugarbeet sugarcane juice sugarcane sulawesi sulfate pulping sumatra sunflowers sunn hemp supercritical fluid extraction supermarkets superovulation supplemental irrigation supplementary feeding supply balance supply functions supply suppression subtractive hybridization surface area surface irrigation surfaces surgical operations suriname surpluses surveillance survey methods surveying surveys sustainable forestry sustainable land management sutures swarming swaziland swede rape sweden sweet peppers sweet potatoes sweet sorghum sweetcorn swimming swine feeding switzerland symplast symptomatology synchronization synthesis syria systematic reviews systems analysis syzygium aromaticum tabasco tagetes erecta taiwan tajikistan tamarinds tamarindus indica tamaulipas tamil nadu tan plants tanning tanzania tapping taro taxis taxonomic revisions taxonomy tca tea teacher training teaching methods teaching technical aid techniques technological changes technology telecommunications telemetry temperate climate temperate crops temperate fruits temperate small fruits temperate tree fruits tenderizing tennessee tensile strength terms of trade terracing territoriality terrorism test meals test procedure testing tests texas texture thailand thawing the dietary guidelines for americans thematic maps therapeutic diets therapy thermal analysis thermodynamics thermogravimetry thermomechanical pulping thickness thin layer chromatography thinning threatened species threshing throughfall thuringia thyme thymus vulgaris tibet tick control tile drainage tillage tillering timber management timber trade time domain reflectometry time series analysis timor-leste tissue analysis tissue culture titration titrimetry togo tokelau tomatoes tomography tonga top dressings topical application topology topping (pruning) topworking total parenteral nutrition toxicity testing toxicology traceability tracer techniques trade agreements trade barriers trade liberalization trade marks trade negotiations trade policy trade traditional technology training of animals training transcriptomics transfusion transgenic animals transgenic plants transgenics transhumance transmission electron microscopy transmission transplantation transplanting transport of animals transport transposition (genetics) trap crops trapping travel trawling tree and stand measurements tree breeding tree fruits tree injection tree nutrition tree physiology trentino alto adige trial methods trickle irrigation trifolium alexandrinum trifolium hybridum trifolium incarnatum trifolium resupinatum trinidad and tobago tripsacum dactyloides triticale tropical africa tropical america tropical and subtropical crops tropical climate tropical crops tropical fruits tropical medicine tropical tree fruits tropisms tube feeding tung tunisia turf management turkey turkmenistan turks and caicos islands turnip rape turnips turnover tuscany tuvalu two-dimensional gel electrophoresis uganda unknown ukraine ukrainian ssr ultrafiltration ultrasonic diagnosis ultrasonic treatment ultrasonography ultraviolet absorption spectrometry ultraviolet irradiation umbria (italy) uncertainty analysis undersowing unemployment united arab emirates united kingdom united states virgin islands universal soil loss equation unrestricted feeding unsaturated conditions unsaturated hydraulic conductivity upland crops upland rice urban agriculture urban forestry urban planning urban rural migration urine analysis uruguay usa usage ussr utah utility functions utilization costs utilization uttar pradesh uzbek ssr uzbekistan vaccination vaccine development vaccinium angustifolium vaccinium corymbosum vaccinium virgatum vaccinium vitis-idaea vacuum drying vacuum packaging vacuum processing valuation vanuatu vapour pressure variable costs variable rate application variance variety classification variety trials vatican vector control vegetable crops vegetable growing vegetable legumes vegetarian diet vegetated strips vegetative period vegetative propagation veneto venezuela ventilation ventilators veracruz vermicomposting vermiculite vermont vernalization vertical integration veterinary education veterinary entomology veterinary history veterinary hygiene veterinary medicine veterinary sciences vicia sativa vicia villosa victoria vietnam vigna angularis vigna radiata radiata vigna radiata vigna subterranea vigna unguiculata subsp. sesquipedalis vigna unguiculata viral morphology viral replication virginia virology viticulture vitis vinifera vitroplants vocalization vocational education volume determination volume tables volume voluntary intake wage rates wages waist circumference wake island wales walking wallis and futuna islands walls washing washington waste disposal waste incineration waste management waste treatment waste utilization wastewater irrigation wastewater treatment water allocation water analysis water conservation water deprivation water distribution systems water distribution water harvesting water intake water management water microbiology water purification water reservoirs water reuse water rights water supply water transportation water treatment water use efficiency water use water yield watering waterlogging watershed management wax coatings waxy maize weaning weather control weather data weather forecasting weather weed biology weed control equipment weed control weed science weeding weibull statistics weight control programs weight control weight determination weirs welfare economics wells west africa west bengal west virginia western australia western blotting western europe western sahara western states of usa wet environmental conditions wetting front wheat wholesale marketing wholesale prices wide hybridization width wildland fire management wildlife conservation wildlife damage management wildlife food habits wildlife management wind direction wind protection wind speed wind windbreaks wine aging wine grapes winemaking winter crops winter wheat wintering wisconsin wood anatomy wood chemistry wood conditioning wood defects wood density wood moisture wood physical properties wood preservation wood preservatives wood processing wood properties wood quality wood strength wood technology wood utilization woodworking wool production work study work world markets wort wound treatment wyoming x ray diffraction x-ray spectroscopy xinjiang (weiwuer) yams yemen yield components yield correlations yield forecasting yields yucatan yucca yugoslavia yunnan zambia zea mays zhejiang zimbabwe zingiber officinale ziziphus mauritiana zoning zoogeography zoology zootechny onValue