--- sidebar_position: 7 --- # Other component objects Here, we describe other component objects that are used as part of the main graph entities. ## AccessRight Subclass of [BestAccessRight](#bestaccessright), indicates information about rights held in and over the resource and the open Access Route. ### openAccessRoute _Type: One of `{ gold, green, hybrid, bronze }` • Cardinality: ONE_ Indicates the OpenAccess status. Values are set according to the [Unpaywall methodology](https://support.unpaywall.org/support/solutions/articles/44001777288-what-do-the-types-of-oa-status-green-gold-hybrid-and-bronze-mean-). ```json "openAccessRoute": "gold" ``` ## AlternateIdentifier Type used to represent the information associated to persistent identifiers associated to the research product that have not been forged by an authority for that pid type. For example we collect metadata from an institutional repository that provides as identifier for the research product also the DOI. ### scheme _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ Vocabulary reference. ```json "scheme": "doi" ``` ### value _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ Value from the given scheme/vocabulary. ```json "value": "10.1016/j.respol.2021.104226" ``` ## APC Indicates the money spent to make a book or article available in Open Access. Sources for this information includes the OpenAPC initiative. ### currency _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ The system of money in which the amount is expressed (Euro, USD, etc). ```json "currency": "EU" ``` ### amount _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ The quantity of money. ```json "amount": "1000" ``` ## Author Represents the research product author. ### fullname _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ Author's full name. ```json "fullname": "Turunen, Heidi" ``` ### name _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ Author's given name. ```json "name": "Heidi" ``` ### surname _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ Author's family name. ```json "surname": "Turunen" ``` ### rank _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ Author's order in the list of authors for the given research product. ```json "rank": 1 ``` ### pid _Type: [AuthorPid](#authorpid) • Cardinality: ONE_ Persistent identifier associated with this author. ```json "pid": { "id": { "scheme": "orcid", "value": "0000-0001-7169-1177" }, "provenance": { "provenance": "Harvested", "trust": "0.9" } } ``` ## AuthorPid The author's persistent identifier. ### id _Type: [AuthorPidSchemaValue](#authorpidschemavalue) • Cardinality: ONE_ ```json "id": { "scheme": "orcid", "value": "0000-0001-7169-1177" } ``` ### provenance _Type: [Provenance](#provenance-2) • Cardinality: ONE_ The reason why the pid was associated to the author. ```json "provenance": { "provenance": "Inferred by OpenAIRE", "trust": "0.85" } ``` ## AuthorPidSchemaValue Type used to represent the scheme and value for the author's pid. ### schema _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ The author's pid scheme. OpenAIRE currently supports ORCID. ```json "scheme": "orcid" ``` ### value _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ The author's pid value in that scheme. ```json "value": "0000-1111-2222-3333" ``` ## BestAccessRight Indicates the most open access rights \*available among the research product instances. \* where the openness is defined by the ordering of the access right terms in the following. ``` OPEN SOURCE > OPEN > EMBARGO (6MONTHS) > EMBARGO (12MONTHS) > RESTRICTED > CLOSED > UNKNOWN ``` ### code _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ COAR access mode code: http://vocabularies.coar-repositories.org/documentation/access_rights/. ```json "code": "c_16ec" ``` ### label _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ Label for the access mode. ```json "label": "RESTRICTED" ``` ### scheme _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ Scheme of reference for access right code. Currently, always set to COAR access rights vocabulary: http://vocabularies.coar-repositories.org/documentation/access_rights/. ```json "scheme": "http://vocabularies.coar-repositories.org/documentation/access_rights/" ``` ## BipIndicator The different citation-based impact indicators as computed by [BIP!](https://bip.imsi.athenarc.gr/). ### indicator _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ The name of indicator; it can be either one of: * `influence`: it reflects the overall/total (citation-based) impact of an article in the research community at large, based on the underlying citation network (diachronically). * `influence_alt`: it is an alternative to the "Influence" indicator, which also reflects the overall/total (citation-based) impact of an article in the research community at large, based on the underlying citation network (diachronically). * `popularity`: it reflects the "current" (citation-based) impact/attention (the "hype") of an article in the research community at large, based on the underlying citation network. * `popularity_alt`: it is an alternative to the "Popularity" indicator, which also reflects the "current" (citation-based) impact/attention (the "hype") of an article in the research community at large, based on the underlying citation network. * `impulse`: it reflects the initial momentum of an article directly after its publication, based on the underlying citation network. For more details on how these indicators are calculated, please refer [here](/graph-production-workflow/indicators-ingestion/impact-indicators). ```json "influence": { "score": "123", "class": "C2" } ``` ### class _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ The impact class assigned based on the indicator score. To facilitate comprehension, BIP! also offers impact classes for articles, to group together those that have similar impact. The following 5 classes are provided: * `C1`: Top 0.01% * `C2`: Top 0.1% * `C3`: Top 1% * `C4`: Top 10% * `C5`: Bottom 90% ```json "class": "C2" ``` ### score _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ The actual indicator score. ```json "score": "1234" ``` ## Container This field has information about the conference or journal where the research product has been presented or published. ### name _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ Name of the journal or conference. ```json "name": "Research Policy" ``` ### issnPrinted _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ The journal printed issn. ```json "issnPrinted": "0048-7333" ``` ### issnOnline _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ The journal online issn. ```json "issnOnline": "1873-7625" ``` ### issnLinking _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ The journal linking issn. ### iss _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ The journal issue. ```json "iss": "5" ``` ### sp _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ The start page. ```json "sp": "12" ``` ### ep _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ The end page. ```json "ep": "22" ``` ### vol _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ The journal volume. ```json "vol": "50" ``` ### edition _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ The edition of the journal or conference. ### conferenceplace _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ The place of the conference. ```json "conferenceplace": "Padua, Italy" ``` ### conferencedate _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ The date of the conference. ```json "conferencedate": "2022-09-22" ``` ## ControlledField Generic type used to represent the information described by a scheme and a value in that scheme (i.e. pid). ### scheme _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ Vocabulary reference. ```json "scheme": "DOI" ``` ### value _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ Value from the given scheme/vocabulary. ```json "value": "10.5281/zenodo.4707307" ``` ## Country To represent the generic country code and label. ### code _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. ```json "code" : "IT" ``` ### label _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ The country label. ```json "label": "Italy" ``` ## Funding Funding information for a project. ### funding_stream _Type: [FundingStream](#fundingstream) • Cardinality: ONE_ Funding information for the project. ```json "funding_stream": { "description": "Horizon 2020 Framework Programme - Research and Innovation action", "id": "EC::H2020::RIA" } ``` ### jurisdiction _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ Geographical jurisdiction (e.g. for European Commission is EU, for Croatian Science Foundation is HR). ```json "jurisdiction": "EU" ``` ### name _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ The name of the funder. ```json "name": "European Commission" ``` ### shortName _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ The short name of the funder. ```json "shortName": "EC" ``` ## FundingStream Description of a funding stream. ### id _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ The identifier of the funding stream. ```json "id": "EC::H2020::RIA" ``` ### description _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ Short description of the funding stream. ```json "description": "Horizon 2020 Framework Programme - Research and Innovation action" ``` ## GeoLocation Represents the geolocation information. ### point _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ A point with Latitude and Longitude. ```json "point": "7.72486 50.1084" ``` ### box _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ A specified bounding box defined by two longitudes (min and max) and two latitudes (min and max). ```json "box": "18.569386 54.468973 18.066832 54.83707" ``` ### place _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ The name of a specific place. ```json "place": "Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg, Southern Germany" ``` ## Grant The money granted to a project. ### currency _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ The currency of the granted amount (e.g. EUR). ```json "currency": "EUR" ``` ### fundedamount _Type: Number • Cardinality: ONE_ The funded amount. ```json "fundedamount": 1.0E7 ``` ### totalcost _Type: Number • Cardinality: ONE_ The total cost of the project. ```json "totalcost": 1.0E7 ``` ## H2020Programme The H2020 programme funding a project. ### code _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ The code of the programme. ```json "code": "H2020-EU." ``` ### description _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ The description of the programme. ```json "description": "Development, deployment and operation of ICT-based e-infrastructures" ``` ## Instance An instance is one specific materialization or version of the research product. For example, you can have one research product with three instances due to deduplication: * one is the pre-print * one is the post-print * one is the published version Each instance is characterized by the properties that follow. ### accessright _Type: [AccessRight](#accessright) • Cardinality: ONE_ Maps [dc:rights](https://www.dublincore.org/specifications/dublin-core/dcmi-terms/elements11/rights/), describes the access rights of the web resources relative to this instance. ```json "accessright": { "code": "c_abf2", "label": "OPEN", "openAccessRoute": "gold", "scheme": "http://vocabularies.coar-repositories.org/documentation/access_rights/" } ``` ### alternateIdentifier _Type: [AlternateIdentifier](#alternateidentifier) • Cardinality: MANY_ All the identifiers associated to the research product other than the authoritative ones. ```json "alternateIdentifier": [ { "scheme": "doi", "value": "10.1016/j.respol.2021.104226" }, ... ] ``` ### articleprocessingcharge _Type: [APC](#apc) • Cardinality: ONE_ The money spent to make this book or article available in Open Access. Source for this information is the OpenAPC initiative. ```json "articleprocessingcharge": { "currency": "EUR", "amount": "1000" } ``` ### license _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ The license URL. ```json "license": "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0" ``` ### pid _Type: [ResultPid](#resultpid) • Cardinality: MANY_ The set of persistent identifiers associated to this instance that have been collected from an authority for the pid type (i.e. Crossref/Datacite for doi). See the [OpenAIRE entity identifier and PID mapping policy](../pids-and-identifiers) for more information. ```json "pid": [ { "scheme": "pmc", "value": "PMC8024784" }, ... ] ``` ### publicationdate _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ The publication date of the research product. ```json "publicationdate": "2009-02-12" ``` ### refereed _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ Describes if this instance has been peer-reviewed or not. Allowed values are peerReviewed, nonPeerReviewed, UNKNOWN (as defined in https://api.openaire.eu/vocabularies/dnet:review_levels). For example: * peerReviewed: https://api.openaire.eu/vocabularies/dnet:review_levels/0001 * nonPeerReviewed: https://api.openaire.eu/vocabularies/dnet:review_levels/0002 based on guidelines covers the vocabularies * [DRIVE guidelines 2.0 - info:eu-repo/semantic](https://wiki.surfnet.nl/download/attachments/10851536/DRIVER_Guidelines_v2_Final_2008-11-13.pdf) (OpenAIRE v1.0 till v3.0 - Literature) * [COAR Vocabulary v2.0 and v3.0](https://vocabularies.coar-repositories.org/resource_types/) (OpenAIRE v4 - Inst.+Them.) ```json "refereed": "UNKNOWN" ``` ### type _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ The specific sub-type of this instance (see https://api.openaire.eu/vocabularies/dnet:result_typologies following the links) ```json "type": "Article" ``` ### url _Type: String • Cardinality: MANY_ URLs to the instance. They may link to the actual full-text or to the landing page at the hosting source. ```json "url": [ "https://periodicos2.uesb.br/index.php/folio/article/view/4296", ... ] ``` ## Indicator These are indicators computed for a specific OpenAIRE research product. Each Indicator object is composed of the following properties: ### bipIndicators _Type: [BipIndicator](#bipindicator) • Cardinality: MANY_ These indicators, provided by [BIP!](https://bip.imsi.athenarc.gr/), estimate the citation-based impact of a research product. For details about their calculation, please refer [here](/graph-production-workflow/indicators-ingestion/impact-indicators). ```json "bipIndicators": [ { "indicator": "influence", "score": "123", "class": "C2" }, { "indicator": "influence_alt", "score": "456", "class": "C3" }, { "indicator": "popularity", "score": "234", "class": "C1" }, { "indicator": "popularity_alt", "score": "345", "class": "C5" }, { "indicator": "impulse", "score": "987", "class": "C3" } ] ``` ### usageCounts _Type: [UsageCounts](#usagecounts-1) • Cardinality: ONE_ These measures, computed by the [UsageCounts Service](https://usagecounts.openaire.eu/), are based on usage statistics. Please refer [here](/graph-production-workflow/indicators-ingestion/usage-counts) for more details. ```json "usageCounts":{ "downloads": "10", "views": "20" } ``` ## Language Represents information for the language of the research product. ### code _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ Alpha-3/ISO 639-2 code of the language. Values controlled by the [dnet:languages vocabulary](https://api.openaire.eu/vocabularies/dnet:languages). ```json "code": "eng" ``` ### label _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ Language label in English. ```json "label": "English" ``` ## OrganizationPid The schema and value for identifiers of the organization. ### scheme _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ Vocabulary reference (i.e. isni). ```json "scheme" : "GRID" ``` ### value _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ Value from the given scheme/vocabulary (i.e. 0000000090326370). ```json "value" : "grid.7119.e" ``` ## Provenance Indicates the process that produced (or provided) the information, and the trust associated to the information. ### provenance _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ Provenance term from the vocabulary [dnet:provenanceActions](https://api.openaire.eu/vocabularies/dnet:provenanceActions). ```json "provenance": "Harvested" ``` ### trust _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ Trust, expressed as a number in the range [0-1]. ```json "trust": "0.9" ``` ## ResultCountry This is the country associated to the research product. It is a subclass of [Country](#country) and extends it with provenance information. ### provenance _Type: [Provenance](#provenance-2) • Cardinality: ONE_ Indicates the reason why this country is associated to this research product. ```json "provenance": { "provenance": "inferred by OpenAIRE", "trust": "0.85" } ``` ## ResultPid Type used to represent the information associated to persistent identifiers for the research product that have been forged by an authority for that pid type. ### scheme _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ The scheme of the persistent identifier for the research product (i.e. doi). If the pid is here it means the information for the pid has been collected from an authority for that pid type (i.e. Crossref/Datacite for doi). The set of authoritative pid is: `doi` when collected from Crossref or Datacite, `pmid` when collected from EuroPubmed, `arxiv` when collected from arXiv, `handle` from the repositories. ```json "scheme": "doi" ``` ### value _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ The value expressed in the scheme (i.e. 10.1000/182). ```json "value": "10.21511/bbs.13(3).2018.13" ``` ## Subject Represents keywords associated to the research product. ### subject _Type: [SubjectSchemeValue](#subjectschemevalue) • Cardinality: ONE_ Contains the subject term: subject type (keyword, MeSH, etc) and the subject term (medicine, chemistry, etc.). ```json "subject": { "scheme": "keyword", "value": "SVOC" } ``` ### provenance _Type: [Provenance](#provenance-2) • Cardinality: ONE_ Contains provenance information for the subject term. ```json "provenance": { "provenance": "Harvested", "trust": "0.9" } ``` ## SubjectSchemeValue Subject classification against a vocabulary ### scheme _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ OpenAIRE subject classification scheme (https://api.openaire.eu/vocabularies/dnet:subject_classification_typologies). ```json "scheme" : "keyword" ``` ### value _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ The value for the subject in the selected scheme. When the scheme is 'keyword', it means that the subject is free-text (i.e. not a term from a controlled vocabulary). ```json "value" : "pyrolysis-oil" ``` ## UsageCounts The usage counts indicator computed for this research product. ### views _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ The number of views for this research product. ```json "views": "10" ``` ### downloads _Type: String • Cardinality: ONE_ The number of downloads for this research product. ```json "downloads": "5" ```