# Getting a single entity This is a guide on how to retrieve detailed information on a single entity using the OpenAIRE Graph API. ## Endpoints Currently, the Graph API supports the following entity types: - Research products - endpoint: `GET /researchProducts/{id}` - Organizations - endpoint: `GET /organizations/{id}` - Data sources - endpoint: `GET /dataSources/{id}` - Projects - endpoint: `GET /projects/{id}` You can retrieve the data of a single entity by providing the entity's OpenAIRE identifier (id) in the corresponding endpoint. The OpenAIRE id is the primary key of an entity in the OpenAIRE Graph. :::note Note that if you want to retrieve multiple entities based on their OpenAIRE ids, you can use the [search endpoints and filter](./searching-entities/filtering-search-results.md#or-operator) by the `id` field using `OR`. ::: ## Response The response of the Graph API is a [Research product](../../data-model/entities/research-product.md), [Organization](../../data-model/entities/organization.md), [Data Source](../../data-model/entities/data-source.md), or [Project](../../data-model/entities/project.md), depending on the endpoint used. ## Example In order to retrieve the research product with OpenAIRE id: `doi_dedup___::2b3cb7130c506d1c3a05e9160b2c4108`, you have to perform the following API call: [https://api-beta.openaire.eu/graph/researchProducts/doi_dedup___::a55b42c0d32a4a24cf99e621623d110e](https://api-beta.openaire.eu/graph/researchProducts/doi_dedup___::a55b42c0d32a4a24cf99e621623d110e) This will return all the data of the research product with the provided identifier: ```json { id: "doi_dedup___::a55b42c0d32a4a24cf99e621623d110e", mainTitle: "OpenAIRE Graph Dataset", description: [ "The OpenAIRE Graph is exported as several dataseta, so you can download the parts you are interested into. publication_[part].tar: metadata records about research literature (includes types of publications listed here)
dataset_[part].tar: metadata records about research data (includes the subtypes listed here)
software.tar: metadata records about research software (includes the subtypes listed here)
otherresearchproduct_[part].tar: metadata records about research products that cannot be classified as research literature, data or software (includes types of products listed here)
organization.tar: metadata records about organizations involved in the research life-cycle, such as universities, research organizations, funders.
datasource.tar: metadata records about data sources whose content is available in the OpenAIRE Graph. They include institutional and thematic repositories, journals, aggregators, funders' databases.
project.tar: metadata records about project grants.
relation_[part].tar: metadata records about relations between entities in the graph.
communities_infrastructures.tar: metadata records about research communities and research infrastructures Each file is a tar archive containing gz files, each with one json per line. Each json is compliant to the schema available at http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8238874. The documentation for the model is available at https://graph.openaire.eu/docs/data-model/ Learn more about the OpenAIRE Graph at https://graph.openaire.eu. Discover the graph's content on OpenAIRE EXPLORE and our API for developers." ], type: "dataset", publicationDate: "2023-08-08", publisher: "Zenodo", id: [ { scheme: "Digital Object Identifier", value: "10.5281/zenodo.8217359" } ], // for brevity, the rest of the fields are omitted } ```