# Searching entities This is a guide on how to search for specific entities using the OpenAIRE Graph API. ## Endpoints Currently, the Graph API supports the following entity types: * Research products - endpoint: [`GET /researchProducts`](https://api-beta.openaire.eu/graph/researchProducts) * Organizations - endpoint: [`GET /organizations`](https://api-beta.openaire.eu/graph/organizations) * Data sources - endpoint: [`GET /dataSources`](https://api-beta.openaire.eu/graph/dataSources) * Projects - endpoint: [`GET /projects`](https://api-beta.openaire.eu/graph/projects) Each of these endpoints can be used to list all entities of the corresponding type. Listing such entities can be more useful when using the [filtering](./filtering-search-results.md), [sorting](./sorting-and-paging.md#sorting), and [paging](./sorting-and-paging.md#paging) capabilities of the Graph API. ## Response The response of the aforementioned endpoints is an object of the following type: ```json { header: { numFound: 36818386, maxScore: 1, queryTime: 21, page: 1, pageSize: 10 }, results: [ ... ] } ``` It contains a `header` object with the following fields: - `numFound`: the total number of entities found - `maxScore`: the maximum relevance score of the search results - `queryTime`: the time in milliseconds that the search took - `page`: the current page of the search results (when using basic pagination) - `pageSize`: the number of entities per page - `nextCursor`: the next page cursor (when using cursor-based pagination, see: [paging](./sorting-and-paging.md#paging) Finally, the `results` field contains an array of entities of the corresponding type (i.e., [Research product](../../../data-model/entities/research-product.md), [Organization](../../../data-model/entities/organization.md), [Data Source](../../../data-model/entities/data-source.md), or [Project](../../../data-model/entities/project.md)).