Compare commits


No commits in common. "main" and "enrichment_mining_icm" have entirely different histories.

1735 changed files with 1892 additions and 96266 deletions

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.gitignore vendored
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@ -20,4 +20,3 @@ yarn-debug.log*

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This website is built using [Docusaurus 2](; please check [here]( the requirements to run the project.
## Local installation and development
> Node.js version 16.14 or above (which can be checked by running node -v)
Clone the repository:
## Clone repository
git clone
NOTE: please use git branches for introducing new changes.
Install the required packages:
npm install
$ git clone
Start a local development server (opens in a new browser window).
npm run start
NOTE: most changes are reflected live without having to restart the server.
## Local installation and deployment
To install the required packages use:
$ npm install
Before issuing a Pull Request, please ensure that the following command runs successfully:
The following command starts a local development server and opens up a browser window. Note that most changes are reflected live without having to restart the server.
npm run build
$ npm run start
Generate the static content into the `build` directory using the command tha follows. Then this directory can be served using any static contents hosting service.
$ npm run build
NOTE: This command generates the static content into the `build` directory.
Then this output directory is issued to deploy the documentation website.
## Deployment using Docker
@ -64,6 +55,3 @@ When tagging a new version, the document versioning mechanism will:
* Copy the full `docs/` folder contents into a new `versioned_docs/version-<versionName>/` folder.
* Create a versioned sidebars file based from your current sidebar configuration, saved as `versioned_sidebars/version-<versionName>-sidebars.json`.
* Append the new version number to `versions.json`.
Therefore, when previewing the compiled site locally with `npm run start`, ensure to visualise the `Next` version on the browser as it shows the changes under `/docs`.
To change a version that was already versioned, the source files to be modified are in the `versioned_docs/version-<versionName>/` folder.

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# Guide for authenticated requests
The OpenAIRE APIs can be accessed over HTTPS both by authenticated and non authenticated requests.
You can use authenticated requests to increase the rate limit of your requests (please refer [here](./terms#authentication--limits) for the current API rate limits).
There are 2 main modes that you can use to authenticate API requests:
* [Personal access tokens](#personal-access-token)
* [Registered services](#registered-services)
In the following, we elaborate on these modes.
## Personal access token
To access the OpenAIRE APIs with better rate limits you can use your personal access token. To have access to the following functionalities you need to login to OpenAIRE. In case you are not already a member you will need to register first and provide your [Personal information](
:::info New!
The registration process has been updated! In order to visit the Personal Token and Registered Services functionalities you need to fill in the Personal Information form available [here]( This update will not affect the operation of your existing services. However, if you want to register a new service or access/modify an existing one, you will need to provide your personal information first.
### How to create your personal access token
To create your personal access token go to [your personal access token page]( and copy it!
Your access token is valid for an hour.
Do not share your personal access token. Send your personal access token over HTTPS.
### How to use your personal access token
To access the OpenAIRE APIs send your personal access token using the Authorization header.
Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}
### An hour is not enough? What to do.
To prolong your access to our APIs you can use a **refresh token** that allows you to programmatically issue a new access token.
To get your refresh tokeng go to [your personal access token page]( and click the **"Get a refresh token"** button to get your refresh token.
OpenAIRE refresh token expires after 1 month.
In case you already have a refresh token a new one will be issued and the old one will no longer be valid.
Please copy your refresh token and store it confidentially. You will not be able to retrieve it. Do not share your refresh token. Send your refresh token over HTTPS.
Since the OpenAIRE refresh token expires after one month, when a client gets a refresh token, this token must be stored securely to keep it from being used by potential attackers. If a refresh token is leaked, it may be used to obtain new access tokens and access protected resources until a new one is issued or it expires.
To get a personal access token using your refresh token you need to make the following request:
The response has the following format:
"access_token": "...",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"refresh_token": "...",
"expires_in": "...",
"scope": "...",
"id_token": "..."
## Registered services
If you have a service (client) that you want to interact with the OpenAIRE APIs you need to register it.
You can register up to 5 services.
We offer two ways of authenticting your service: the Basic Authentication and the Advanced Authentication.
### Which one is for me?
| | How | Client Credential Issuer | Authentication Method |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| **Basic** | Client ID & Client Secret | OpenAIRE AAI server | Client Secret (Basic) |
| **Advanced** | Private Key signed JWT | Service owner | Private Key JWT Client Authentication |
For the **Basic Authentication** method the OpenAIRE AAI server generates a pair of _Client ID_ and _Client Secret_ credentials for your service upon its registration. The service sends the client id and client secret when authenticating to the OpenAIRE AAI Server to obtain the access token for the OpenAIRE APIs. The OpenAIRE AAI server checks whether the client id and client secret sent is valid. [Continue reading for the Basic Authentication](#basic-service-authentication-and-registration).
For the **Advanced Authentication** method your service does not send a client secret but it uses a _self signed client assertion_ to authenticate to the OpenAIRE AAI server in order to obtain the access token for the OpenAIRE APIs. The client assertion is a JWT that must be signed with RSASSA using SHA-256 hash algorithm. The OpenAIRE AAI server validates the client assertion using the public key that you have provided upon the service registration. [Continue reading for the Advanced Authentication](#advanced-service-authentication-and-registration).
The Advanced Authentication method allows the OpenAIRE AAI server to verify that the client authentication request at the token endpoint was signed by your service and not altered in any way. This is more computation intensive compared to the Basic Authentication but it ensures non-repudiation. On the other hand, the Basic Authentication is more lightweight and easy to deploy but it does not provide signature verification, and there is always a possibility of the Client ID/secret credentials being stolen. Note that tThe Advanced authentication method gives a higher level of security to the process as long as it is used correctly, i.e. when the signed JWT has a short duration. When the duration of the JWT is long, the process is no different from the basic one.
### Basic service authentication and registration
To have access to the following functionalities you need to login to OpenAIRE. In case you are not already a member you will need to register first and provide your [Personal information](
:::info New!
The registration process has been updated! In order to visit the Personal Token and Registered Services functionalities you need to fill in the Personal Information form available [here]( This update will not affect the operation of your existing services. However, if you want to register a new service or access/modify an existing one, you will need to provide your personal information first.
For the **Basic Authentication** method the OpenAIRE AAI server generates a pair of _Client ID_ and _Client Secret_ for your service upon its registration. The service uses the client id and client secret to obtain the access token for the OpenAIRE APIs. The OpenAIRE AAI server checks whether the client id and client secret sent is valid.
#### How to register your service
To register your service you need to:
1. Go to your [Registered Services]( page and click the **\+ New Service** button.
2. Provide the mandatory information for your service.
3. Select the **Basic** Security level.
4. Click the **Create** button.
Once your service is created, the _Client ID_ and _Client Secret_ will appear on your screen. Click "OK" and your new service will be appear in the list of your [Registered Services]( page.
#### How to make a request
##### Step 1. Request for an access token
To make an access token request use the _Client ID_ and _Client Secret_ of your service.
-X POST '' \
-d 'grant_type=client_credentials'
where **{CLIENT_ID}** and **{CLIENT_SECRET}** are the _Client ID_ and _Client Secret_ assigned to your service upon registration.
The response is:
"access_token": ...,
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": ...
Store the access token confidentially on the service side.
##### Step 2. Make a request
To access the OpenAIRE APIs send the access token returned in **Step 1**.
Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}
### Advanced service authentication and registration
To have access to the following functionalities you need to login to OpenAIRE. In case you are not already a member you will need to register first and provide your [Personal information](
:::info New!
The registration process has been updated! In order to visit the Personal Token and Registered Services functionalities you need to fill in the Personal Information form available [here]( This update will not affect the operation of your existing services. However, if you want to register a new service or access/modify an existing one, you will need to provide your personal information first.
For the **Advanced Authentication** method your service does not send a client secret but it uses a _self signed client assertion_ to obtain the access token for the OpenAIRE APIs. The client assertion is a JWT that must be signed with RSASSA using SHA-256 hash algorithm. The OpenAIRE AAI server validates the client assertion using the public key that you have provided upon the service registration.
#### Prepare to register your service
Before you register your service you need to prepare a pair of a private key and a public key on your side.
We accept keys signed with RSASSA using SHA-256 hash algorithm.
To create the key pair you have the following options:
* Use OpenAIRE authorization server built in tool. You can access the service here: [](
The response is your **Public and Private Keypair** and has the following format:
"p" : ...,
"kty" : "RSA",
"q" : ...,
"d" : ...,
"e" : "AQAB",
"kid" : ...,
"qi" : ...,
"dp" : ...,
"alg" : "RS256",
"dq" : ...,
"n" : ....
Use the public key parameters (kty, e, kid, alg, n) to create your **Public Key** in the following format:
"kty": "RSA",
"e": "AQAB",
"kid": ...,
"alg": "RS256",
"n": ...
Store both the **Public and Private keypair** and the **Public key**. You will need them to register your service.
Store the **Public and Private keypair** confidentially on the service side.
* Use openssl and then convert the keys to jwk format using PEM to JWK scripts, such as []( Alternatively, the client application can read the key pair in PEM format and then convert them, using JWK libraries. Use the public key parameters (kty, e, kid, alg, n) to the service registration.
You can also provide a public key in JWK format that can be accessed using a link.
#### How to register your service
To register your service you need to:
1. Go to your [Registered Services]( page and click the **\+ New Service** button.
2. Provide the mandatory information for your service.
3. Select the **Advanced** Security level.
4. Use the public key parameters (kty, e, kid, alg, n) you previously produced to declare your **"Public Key"** **"By value"** in the following format:
"kty": "RSA",
"e": "AQAB",
"kid": ...,
"alg": "RS256",
"n": ...
**\- OR -**
If your service has a public key in JWK format that can be accessed using a link, you can set **“Public Key”** to **“By URL”**.
5. Click the **Create** button.
Once your service is created it will appear in the list of your [Registered Services]( page, with the **Service Id** that was automatically assigned to it by the AAI OpenAIRE service.
#### How to make a request
##### Step 1. Create and sign a JWT
Your service must create and sign a JWT and include it in the request to token endpoint as described in the [OpenID Connect Core 1.0, 9. Client Authentication](
To create a JWT you can use []( To do so you need to create a **payload** that should contain the following claims:
"iss": "{SERVICE_ID}",
"sub": "{SERVICE_ID}",
"aud": "",
"jti": "{RANDOM_STRING}",
* **iss**, _(required)_ the “issuer” claim identifies the principal that issued the JWT. The value is the **Service Id** that was created when you registered your service.
* **sub**, _(required)_ the “subject” claim identifies the principal that is the subject of the JWT. The value is the **Service Id** that was created when you registered your service.
* aud, _(required)_ the “audience” claim identifies the recipients that the JWT is intended for. The value is ****>.
* **jti**, _(required)_ The “JWT ID” claim provides a unique identifier for the JWT. The value is a random string.
* **exp**, _(required)_ the “expiration time” claim identifies the expiration time on or after which the JWT **MUST NOT** be accepted for processing. The value is a timestamp in **epoch format**.
Fill in the payload in the form available at [](, select the Signing Algorithm to be **RS256 using SHA-256** and paste the **Public and Private Keypair** previously created.
To check your JWT you can go to []( The **header** should contain the following claims:
"alg": "RS256",
"kid": ...
where **kid** is the one of your **Public and Private Keypair** you used to sign the JWT in **Step 1**.
Store the signed key confidentially on the service side. You will need it in Step 2.
##### Step 2. Request for an access token
To make an access token request use the _signed JWT_ that you created in **Step 1**. The OpenAIRE AAI server will check if the signed JWT is valid using the public key that you declared in the **"How to register your service"** process.
curl -k -X POST "" \
-d "grant_type=client_credentials" \
-d "client_assertion_type=urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer" \
-d "client_assertion={signedJWT}"
where **{signedJWT}** is the signed JWT created in **Step 1**.
The response is:
"access_token": {ACCESS_TOKEN}
"expires_in": ...,
Store the access token confidentially on the service side.
##### Step 3. Make a request
To access the OpenAIRE APIs send the access token returned in **Step 2**.
Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}

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# Broker API
## Introduction
The Broker Service is available to use via the OpenAIRE Content Provider Dashboard. Thanks to the Broker, repositories, publishers or aggregators can exchange metadata and enrich their local metadata collection by subscribing to notifications of different types. The Broker is able to notify providers when the OpenAIRE Graph contains information that is not available in the original collection of the data source. In particular, the data source manager can subscribe via the [Content Provider Dashboard]( and be notified about:
* Additional PIDs of its publications (e.g. DOIs)
* Links to projects
* ORCID that can be associated to an author of datasource publications
* Links to Open Access versions
* Additional classification subjects (e.g. subjects from standard schemes like ACM, JEL and DDC)
* Abstracts identified in duplicate publications
* Missing publication dates
All Repository managers approaching the Content Provider Dashboard will be offered the possibility to preview a set of enrichments relative to their repository that OpenAIRE can derive from the Graph. More specifically, enrichments will be organized into categories named topics and representing the different types of enrichments OpenAIRE can build. For each topic the preview consists of 100 “enrichment events”, a subset of all the possible enrichments pertinent to a given repository in the OpenAIRE Graph, that the user can explore by applying filters on different criteria and the total number of events that can be potentially built is highlighted in the UI. Repository managers can create subscriptions for specific topics and that include the filtering criteria they used to analyze the enrichments preview, or can subscribe to all the available topics with no restrictions at once. Once the repository manager creates a subscription, the algorithm analyzing the OpenAIRE Graph will produce the full set of enrichments for the manager's repository, possibly far beyond the 100 enrichments available in the preview. The enrichments will be made available as notifications in a dedicated section in the Content Provider Dashboard UI to be further checked as well as through the broker service API for programmatic access. Notifications will be sent to subscribers every time the OpenAIRE Graph will be updated and analyzed to derive the enrichments.
## Usage Example
The following commands indicate how the broker API documented at []( can be used to access the set of enrichments:
1. Get the list of subscriptions for a given subscriber, e.g.
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' '[subscriber_email]'
2. Extract the subscription ID and use it to access the 1st page of enrichment notification records
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' '[sub-1234]'
3. Extract the scroll ID from the response to request subsequent pages
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' '[scroll_id]'
To simplify accessing the enrichment notification records, please check the OpenAIRE broker cmdline client available on [GitHub](
## Terms of Use and SLA
APIs are free-to-use (no sign-up needed) by any third-party service
**Metadata license is CC-BY**: the metadata records retuned by the service can be freely re-used by commercial and non-commercial partners under CC-BY license, hence as long as OpenAIRE is acknowledged as data source.
**Quality of Service**: all API services are running in production 24/7 within the OpenAIRE infrastructure premises deployed at the [data center]( facilities of the [Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling]( (ICM).
**APIs rate limits**: please check [here](./authentication).

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# Dspace & EPrints API
<!-- Bulk access to projects -->
The APIs offer custom access to metadata about projects funded by a selection of international funders for the **DSpace** and **EPrints** platforms. The currently supported funders and relative codes are:
* **FP7:** The 7th Framework Programme funded by the European Commission
* **H2020:** Horizon2020 Programme funded by the European Commission
* **HE:** Horizon Europe Programme funded by the European Commission
* **AKA:** Academy of Finland
* **ARC:** Australian Research Council
* **FWF:** Austrian Science Foundation
* **CIHR:** Canadian Institutes of Health Research
* **HRZZ:** Croatian Science Foundation
* **EEA:** European Environemnt Agency
* **ANR:** French National Research Agency
* **FCT:** The funding programme of Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, the national funding agency of Portugal
* **MESTD:** The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Serbia
* **MZOS:** Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia
* **NHMRC:** Australian National Health and Medical Research Council
* **NIH:** US National Institutes of Health
* **NSF:** US National Science Foundation
* **NSERC:** Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
* **NWO:** The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
* **SFI:** Science Foundation Ireland
* **SSHRC:** Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
* **SNSF:** Swiss National Science Foundation
* **TARA:** Tara Expeditions Foundation
* **TUBITAK:** The National funder of Turkey
* **UKRI:** United Kingdom Research and Innovation
* **WT:** Wellcome Trust
## DSpace/ePrints
DSpace endpoint:$fundingStream/ALL/ALL
ePrints endpoint:$fundingStream/ALL/ALL
The URLs embed the parameters needed to collect projects funded by specific funding stream, where the pattern is FundingStream/FundingSubStream/FundingSubSubStream.
Additional parameters can be concatenated to the URL to refine the results by date (date must be in the form `YYYY-MM-DD`):
* startFrom
* startUntil
* endFrom
* endUntil
## Examples
Get Wellcome Trust projects for EPrints: [](
Get EC-FP7 projects of the specific programme “SP2-IDEAS” for EPrints: [](
Get EC-FP7 projects for DSpace that started after the given date: [](
## Terms of Use and SLA
APIs are free-to-use (no sign-up needed) by any third-party service.
**Metadata license is CC-BY**: the metadata records retuned by the service can be freely re-used by commercial and non-commercial partners under CC-BY license, hence as long as OpenAIRE is acknowledged as data source.
**Quality of Service**: all API services are running in production 24/7 within the OpenAIRE infrastructure premises deployed at the [data center]( facilities of the [Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling]( (ICM).
**APIs rate limits**: please check [here](./authentication).

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# Getting a single entity
This is a guide on how to retrieve detailed information on a single entity using the OpenAIRE Graph API.
## Endpoints
Currently, the Graph API supports the following entity types:
- Research products - endpoint: `GET /researchProducts/{id}`
- Organizations - endpoint: `GET /organizations/{id}`
- Data sources - endpoint: `GET /dataSources/{id}`
- Projects - endpoint: `GET /projects/{id}`
You can retrieve the data of a single entity by providing the entity's OpenAIRE identifier (id) in the corresponding endpoint.
The OpenAIRE id is the primary key of an entity in the OpenAIRE Graph.
Note that if you want to retrieve multiple entities based on their OpenAIRE ids, you can use the [search endpoints and filter](./searching-entities/ by the `id` field using `OR`.
## Response
The response of the Graph API is a [Research product](../../data-model/entities/, [Organization](../../data-model/entities/, [Data Source](../../data-model/entities/, or [Project](../../data-model/entities/, depending on the endpoint used.
## Example
In order to retrieve the research product with OpenAIRE id: `doi_dedup___::2b3cb7130c506d1c3a05e9160b2c4108`,
you have to perform the following API call:
This will return all the data of the research product with the provided identifier:
id: "doi_dedup___::a55b42c0d32a4a24cf99e621623d110e",
mainTitle: "OpenAIRE Graph Dataset",
description: [
"The OpenAIRE Graph is exported as several dataseta, so you can download the parts you are interested into. <strong>publication_[part].tar</strong>: metadata records about research literature (includes types of publications listed here)<br> <strong>dataset_[part].tar</strong>: metadata records about research data (includes the subtypes listed here) <br> <strong>software.tar</strong>: metadata records about research software (includes the subtypes listed here)<br> <strong>otherresearchproduct_[part].tar</strong>: metadata records about research products that cannot be classified as research literature, data or software (includes types of products listed here)<br> <strong>organization.tar</strong>: metadata records about organizations involved in the research life-cycle, such as universities, research organizations, funders.<br> <strong>datasource.tar</strong>: metadata records about data sources whose content is available in the OpenAIRE Graph. They include institutional and thematic repositories, journals, aggregators, funders' databases.<br> <strong>project.tar</strong>: metadata records about project grants.<br> <strong>relation_[part].tar</strong>: metadata records about relations between entities in the graph.<br> <strong>communities_infrastructures.tar</strong>: metadata records about research communities and research infrastructures Each file is a tar archive containing gz files, each with one json per line. Each json is compliant to the schema available at The documentation for the model is available at Learn more about the OpenAIRE Graph at Discover the graph's content on OpenAIRE EXPLORE and our API for developers."
type: "dataset",
publicationDate: "2023-08-08",
publisher: "Zenodo",
id: [
scheme: "Digital Object Identifier",
value: "10.5281/zenodo.8217359"
// for brevity, the rest of the fields are omitted

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# Graph API <span class="theme-doc-version-badge badge badge--secondary">beta</span>
The OpenAIRE Graph API provides a comprehensive way for developers to explore the [OpenAIRE Graph](, a vast interconnected dataset that aggregates metadata from a wide range of scholarly resources.
The Graph API offers endpoints for accessing and querying this interconnected dataset, enabling users to retrieve detailed information on research products, data sources, organizations, and projects.
## Base URL and Swagger documentation
The base URL of the Graph API is:
You can access the API Swagger documentation in [](
## Notes
Please note that the Graph API:
- is intended for data discovery and exploration, hence you are now allowed to navigate the full result set: you are limited to the first 10,000 results of a search query. If you are interested to access the whole graph, we encourage you to download the [OpenAIRE full Graph dataset](../../downloads/
- adhers to the [terms of use](../ of the OpenAIRE public APIs - certain (rate limit) restrictions apply.
## Learn more
Please use the following links to learn more about the Graph API:
- [Getting a single entity](./ - Retrieve detailed information on a single entity.
- [Searching entities](./searching-entities/ - Retrieve a list of entities based on specific search criteria.
- [Filtering results](./searching-entities/ - Filter search results based on specific criteria.
- [Sorting results](./searching-entities/ - Sort search results based on specific criteria.
- [Paging](./searching-entities/ - Retrieve a subset of search results.
- [Making requests](./ - Learn how to make requests with different programming languages.

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# Making requests
This guide provides examples of how to make requests to the OpenAIRE Graph API using different programming languages.
## Using `curl`
curl -X GET "" -H "accept: application/json"
## Using Python (with `requests` library)
import requests
url = ""
params = {
"search": "OpenAIRE Graph",
"type": "publication",
"page": 1,
"pageSize": 10,
"sortBy": "relevance DESC"
headers = {
"accept": "application/json"
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params)
if response.status_code == 200:
data = response.json()
print(f"Failed to retrieve data: {response.status_code}")
Note that when using `curl` you should ensure that the URL is properly encoded, especially when using special characters or spaces in the query parameters. On the contrary, the `requests` library in Python takes care of URL encoding automatically.

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# Filtering search results
Filters can be used to narrow down the search results based on specific criteria.
Filters are provided as query parameters in the request URL (see [here](./ for the available search entpoints).
Multiple filters can be provided in a single request; they should be formatted as follows:
Filters are combined using the logical `AND` operator.
If a filter is provided multiple times, its values are combined using the logical `OR` operator.
For more information on how to use logical operators when searching and filtering, see [Using logical operators](#using-logical-operators).
- Get all research products that contain the word `"covid"`, sorted by popularity in descending order:
[ DESC](
- Get all publications that are published after `2019-01-01`:
- Get the organization with the ROR id ``:
## Available parameters
This section provides an overview of the available parameters for each entity type.
### Research products
The following query parameters are available for research products:
| **Parameter** | **Description** |
| **search** | Search in the content of the research product. |
| **mainTitle** | Search in the research product's main title. |
| **description** | Search in the research product's description. |
| **id** | The OpenAIRE id of the research product. |
| **pid** | The persistent identifier of the research product. |
| **originalId** | The identifier of the record at the original sources. |
| **type** | The type of the research product. One of `publication`, `dataset`, `software`, or `other` |
| **fromPublicationDate** | Gets the research products whose publication date is greater than or equal to the given date. A date formatted as `YYYY-MM-DD` |
| **toPublicationDate** | Gets the research products whose publication date is less than or equal to the given date. A date formatted as `YYYY-MM-DD` |
| **subjects** | List of subjects associated to the research product. |
| **countryCode** | The country code for the country associated with the research product. |
| **authorFullName** | The full name of the authors involved in producing this research product. |
| **authorOrcid** | The ORCiD of the authors involved in producing this research product. |
| **publisher** | The name of the entity that holds, archives, publishes prints, distributes, releases, issues, or produces the resource.
| **bestOpenAccessRightLabel** | The best open access rights among the research product's instances. One of `OPEN SOURCE`, `OPEN`, `EMBARGO`, `RESTRICTED`, `CLOSED`, `UNKNOWN` |
| **influenceClass** | Citation-based indicator that reflects the overall impact of a research product. Please, choose a class among `C1`, `C2`, `C3`, `C4`, or `C5` for top 0.01%, top 0.1%, top 1%, top 10%, and average in terms of influence respectively. |
| **impulseClass** | Citation-based indicator that reflects the initial momentum of a research product directly after its publication. Please, choose a class among `C1`, `C2`, `C3`, `C4`, or `C5` for top 0.01%, top 0.1%, top 1%, top 10%, and average in terms of impulse respectively
| **popularityClass** | Citation-based indicator that reflects current impact or attention of a research product. Please, choose a class among `C1`, `C2`, `C3`, `C4`, or `C5` for top 0.01%, top 0.1%, top 1%, top 10%, and average in terms of popularity respectively.
| **citationCountClass** | Citation-based indicator that reflects the overall impact of a research product by summing all its citations. Please, choose a class among `C1`, `C2`, `C3`, `C4`, or `C5` for top 0.01%, top 0.1%, top 1%, top 10%, and average in terms of citation count respectively.
| **instanceType** `[Only for publications]` | Retrieve publications of the given instance type. Check [here]( for all possible instance type values. |
| **sdg** `[Only for publications]` | Retrieves publications classified with the respective Sustainable Development Goal number. Integer in the range [1, 17] |
| **fos** `[Only for publications]` | Retrieves publications classified with a given Field of Science (FOS). A FOS classification identifier (see [here]( for details). |
| **isPeerReviewed** `[Only for publications]` | Indicates whether the publications are peerReviewed or not. (Boolean) |
| **isInDiamondJournal** `[Only for publications]` | Indicates whether the publication was published in a diamond journal or not. (Boolean) |
| **isPubliclyFunded** `[Only for publications]` | Indicates whether the publication was publicly funded or not. (Boolean) |
| **isGreen** `[Only for publications]` | Indicates whether the publication was published following the green open access model. (Boolean) |
| **openAccessColor** `[Only for publications]` | Specifies the Open Access color of the publication. One of `bronze`, `gold`, or `hybrid` |
| **relOrganizationId** | Retrieve research products connected to the organization (with OpenAIRE id). |
| **relCommunityId** | Retrieve research products connected to the community (with OpenAIRE id). |
| **relProjectId** | Retrieve research products connected to the project (with OpenAIRE id). |
| **relProjectCode** | Retrieve research products connected to the project with code. |
| **hasProjectRel** | Retrieve research products that are connected to a project. (Boolean) |
| **relProjectFundingShortName**| Retrieve research products connected to a project that has a funder with the given short name. |
| **relProjectFundingStreamId** | Retrieve research products connected to a project that has the given funding identifier. |
| **relHostingDataSourceId** | Retrieve research products hosted by the data source (with OpenAIRE id). |
| **relCollectedFromDatasourceId**| Retrieve research products collected from the data source (with OpenAIRE id). |
| **debugQuery** | Retrieve debug information for the search query. (Boolean) |
| **page** | Page number of the results. (Integer) |
| **pageSize** | Number of results per page. Integer in the range [1, 100] |
| **sortBy** | The field to set the sorting order of the results. Should be provided in the format `fieldname sortDirection`, where the `sortDirection` can be either `ASC` for ascending order or `DESC` for descending order and `fielaname` is one of `relevance`, `publicationDate`, `dateOfCollection`, `influence`, `popularity`, `citationCount`, `impulse`. Multiple sorting parameters should be comma-separated. |
### Organizations
The following query parameters are available for organizations:
| **Parameter** | **Description** |
|**search** | Search in the content of the organization. |
|**legalName** |The legal name of the organization. |
|**legalShortName** |The legal name of the organization in short form. |
|**id** |The OpenAIRE id of the organization. |
|**pid** |The persistent identifier of the organization. |
|**countryCode** |The country code of the organization. |
|**relCommunityId** |Retrieve organizations connected to the community (with OpenAIRE id). |
|**relCollectedFromDatasourceId**|Retrieve organizations collected from the data source (with OpenAIRE id). |
|**debugQuery** |Retrieve debug information for the search query. |
|**page** |Page number of the results. |
|**pageSize** |Number of results per page. |
|**sortBy** |The field to set the sorting order of the results. Should be provided in the format `fieldname sortDirection`, where the `sortDirection` can be either `ASC` for ascending order or `DESC` for descending order - organizations can only be sorted by `relevance`.|
### Data sources
The following query parameters are available for data sources:
| **Parameter** | **Description** |
|**search** | Search in the content of the data source. |
|**officialName** |The official name of the data source. |
|**englishName** |The English name of the data source. |
|**legalShortName** |The legal name of the organization in short form. |
|**id** |The OpenAIRE id of the data source. |
|**pid** |The persistent identifier of the data source. |
|**subjects** |List of subjects associated to the datasource. |
|**dataSourceTypeName** |The data source type; see all possible values <a href='' target='_blank'>here</a> . |
|**contentTypes** |Types of content in the data source, as defined by OpenDOAR. |
|**relOrganizationId** |Retrieve data sources connected to the organization (with OpenAIRE id). |
|**relCommunityId** |Retrieve data sources connected to the community (with OpenAIRE id). |
|**relCollectedFromDatasourceId**|Retrieve data sources collected from the data source (with OpenAIRE id). |
|**debugQuery** |Retrieve debug information for the search query. |
|**page** |Page number of the results. |
|**pageSize** |Number of results per page. |
|**sortBy** |The field to set the sorting order of the results. Should be provided in the format `fieldname sortDirection`, where the `sortDirection` can be either `ASC` for ascending order or `DESC` for descending order - data sources can only be sorted by `relevance`.|
### Projects
The following query parameters are available for projects:
| **Parameter** | **Description** |
|**search** | Search in the content of the projects. |
|**title** |Search in the project's title. |
|**keywords** |The project's keywords. |
|**id** |The OpenAIRE id of the project. |
|**code** |The grant agreement (GA) code of the project. |
|**acronym** |Project's acronym. |
|**callIdentifier** |The identifier of the research call. |
|**fundingShortName** |The short name of the funder. |
|**fundingStreamId** |The identifier of the funding stream. |
|**fromStartDate** |Gets the projects with start date greater than or equal to the given date. Please provide a date formatted as `YYYY-MM-DD`. |
|**toStartDate** |Gets the projects with start date less than or equal to the given date. Please provide a date formatted as `YYYY-MM-DD`. |
|**fromEndDate** |Gets the projects with end date greater than or equal to the given date. Please provide a date formatted as `YYYY-MM-DD`. |
|**toEndDate** |Gets the projects with end date less than or equal to the given date. Please provide a date formatted as `YYYY-MM-DD`. |
|**relOrganizationName** |The name or short name of the related organization. |
|**relOrganizationId** |The organization identifier of the related organization. |
|**relCommunityId** |Retrieve projects connected to the community (with OpenAIRE id). |
|**relOrganizationCountryCode** |The country code of the related organizations. |
|**relCollectedFromDatasourceId**|Retrieve projects collected from the data source (with OpenAIRE id). |
|**debugQuery** |Retrieve debug information for the search query. |
|**page** |Page number of the results. |
|**pageSize** |Number of results per page. |
|**sortBy** |The field to set the sorting order of the results. Should be provided in the format `fieldname sortDirection`, where the `sortDirection` can be either `ASC` for ascending order or `DESC` for descending order and `fielaname` is one of `relevance`, `startDate`, `endDate`. Multiple sorting parameters should be comma-separated.|
## Using logical operators
The API supports the use of logical operators `AND`, `OR`, and `NOT` to refine your search queries.
These operators help you combine or exclude one or more values for a specific filter.
### `AND` operator
Use the `AND` operator to retrieve results that include all specified values. This narrows your search.
- Get research products that contain both `"climate"` and `"change"`:
[ AND change](
- Get research products that are classified with both Fields of Study (FOS) `"03 medical and health sciences"` and `"0502 economics and business"`:
["03 medical and health sciences" AND "0502 economics and business"](
Note that when multiple tokens denote a single filter value, you should enclose them in double quotes, as in the FOS example above.
### `OR` operator
Use the `OR` operator to retrieve results that include any of the specified terms. This broadens your search.
The same functionality can be achieved by providing multiple times the same query parameter or using a comma to separate the values.
- Get research products with the OpenAIRE ids `doi_dedup___::2b3cb7130c506d1c3a05e9160b2c4108` or `pmid_dedup__::1591ebf0e0698ed4a99455ff2ba4adc0`:
[ OR pmid_dedup__::1591ebf0e0698ed4a99455ff2ba4adc0](
- Get projects that are connected to organizations in the US or Greece:
[ OR GR](
or by using the same query parameter multiple times: [](
or just using comma: [,GR](,GR)
### `NOT` operator
Use the `NOT` operator to exclude specific terms from your search results. This refines your search by filtering out unwanted results.
- Get research products that contain `"semantic"` but not `"web"`:
[ NOT web](
- Get all data sources that are not journals:
[ Journal](
All the above operators can be combined, along with parentheses, and quotes to create more complex queries.
For example, to get research products that contain the phrase "semantic web" but not "ontology" or "linked data":
["semantic web" AND NOT (ontology OR "linked data")](

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# Searching entities
This is a guide on how to search for specific entities using the OpenAIRE Graph API.
## Endpoints
Currently, the Graph API supports the following entity types:
* Research products - endpoint: [`GET /researchProducts`](
* Organizations - endpoint: [`GET /organizations`](
* Data sources - endpoint: [`GET /dataSources`](
* Projects - endpoint: [`GET /projects`](
Each of these endpoints can be used to list all entities of the corresponding type.
Listing such entities can be more useful when using the [filtering](./,
[sorting](./, and [paging](./ capabilities of the Graph API.
## Response
The response of the aforementioned endpoints is an object of the following type:
header: {
numFound: 36818386,
maxScore: 1,
queryTime: 21,
page: 1,
pageSize: 10
results: [
It contains a `header` object with the following fields:
- `numFound`: the total number of entities found
- `maxScore`: the maximum relevance score of the search results
- `queryTime`: the time in milliseconds that the search took
- `page`: the current page of the search results
- `pageSize`: the number of entities per page
Finally, the `results` field contains an array of entities of the corresponding type (i.e., [Research product](../../../data-model/entities/, [Organization](../../../data-model/entities/, [Data Source](../../../data-model/entities/, or [Project](../../../data-model/entities/

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# Sorting and paging
The OpenAIRE Graph API allows you to sort and page through the results of your search queries.
This enables you to retrieve the most relevant results and manage large result sets more effectively.
## Sorting
Sorting based on specific fields, helps to retrieve data in the preferred order.
Sorting is achieved using the `sortBy` parameter, which specifies the field and the direction (ascending or descending) for sorting.
* `sortBy`: Defines the field and the sort direction. The format should be `fieldname sortDirection`, where the `sortDirection` can be either `ASC` for ascending order or `DESC` for descending order.
The field names that can be used for sorting are specific to each entity type and can be found in the `sortBy` field values of the [available paremeters](../searching-entities/
Note that the default sorting is based on the `relevance` score of the search results.
- Get research products published after `2020-01-01` and sort them by the publication date in descending order:
[ DESC](
- Get research products with the keyword `"COVID-19"` and sort them by their (citation-based) popularity:
[ DESC](
Note that you can combine multiple sorting conditions by separating them with a comma.
- Get research products with the keyword `"COVID-19"` and sort them by their publication date in ascending order and then by their popularity in descending order:
[ ASC,popularity DESC](,popularity%20DESC)
## Paging
The OpenAIRE Graph API supports paging through the use of `page` and `pageSize` parameters, enabling you to specify which part of the result set to retrieve and how many results per page.
* `page`: Specifies the page number of the results you want to retrieve. Page numbering starts from 1.
* `pageSize`: Defines the number of results to be returned per page. This helps limit the amount of data returned in a single request, making it easier to process.
- Get the top 10 most influential research products that contain the phrase "knowledge graphs":
["knowledge graphs"&page=1&pageSize=10&sortBy=influence DESC](

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# Public APIs
The OpenAIRE Graph data are accessible through various public APIs. More specifically, the following APIs are currently provided:
* [Graph API](./graph-api/ - an API to explore the OpenAIRE Graph
* [Search API](./search-api/ - an API to search for research products and projects
* [ScholeXplorer API]( - an API offering dataset-publication & dataset-dataset links
* [DSpace & EPrints API](./ - an API to offer custom access to metadata for projects funded by a selection of international funders for DSpace and EPrints platforms
* [Broker API](./ - an API to enrich metadata for repositories, publishers, and aggregators
It is also worth mentioning that, between 2015 and 2023 a LOD API was being provided but the respective service has been discontinued. Old LOD datasets can be found on Zenodo [here](

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# Searching for projects
## Endpoints
For research projects:
## Parameters
| Parameter | Option | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| page | integer | Page number of the search results. |
| size | integer | Number of results per page. |
| format | json \| xml \| csv \| tsv | The format of the response. The default is xml. |
| model | openaire \| sygma | The data model of the response. Default is openaire. Model sygma is a simplified version of the openaire model. For sygma, only the xml format is available. The relative XML schema is available [here]( |
| sortBy | `sortBy=field,[ascending\|descending]`; **'field'** is one of: `projectstartdate`, `projectstartyear`, `projectenddate`, `projectendyear`, `projectduration` | The sorting order of the specified field. |
| hasECFunding | true \| false | If hasECFunding is true gets the entities funded by the EC. If hasECFunding is false gets the entities related to projects not funded by the EC. |
| hasWTFunding | true \| false | If hasWTFunding is true gets the entities funded by Wellcome Trust. The results are the same as those obtained with `funder=wt`. If hasWTFunding is false gets the entities related to projects not funded by Wellcome Trust. |
| funder | WT \| EC \| ARC \| ANDS \| NSF \| FCT \| NHMRC | Search for entities by funder. |
| fundingStream | ... | Search for entities by funding stream. |
| FP7scientificArea | ... | Search for FP7 entities by scientific area. |
| keywords | White-space separated list of keywords. | N/A |
| sortBy | `sortBy=field,[ascending\|descending]`; **'field'** is one of: `projectstartdate`, `projectstartyear`, `projectenddate`, `projectendyear`, `projectduration` | The sorting order of the specified field. |
| grantID | Comma separated list of grant identifiers. | Gets the project with the given grant identifier, if any. |
| openairePublicationID | Comma separated list of OpenAIRE identifiers. | Gets the publication with the given openaire identifier, if any. |
| name | White-space separated list of keywords. | Gets the projects whose names contain the given list of keywords. Using double quotes `"` you get an exact match, if any. |
| acronym | N/A | Gets the project with the given acronym, if any. |
| callID | N/A | Search for projects by call identifier. |
| startYear | Year formatted as `YYYY` | Gets the projects that started in the given year. |
| endYear | Year formatted as `YYYY`. | Gets the projects that ended in the given year. |
| participantCountries | Comma separeted list of 2 letter country codes. | Search for projects by participant countries. |
| participantAcronyms | White space separeted list of acronyms of institutions. | Search for projects by participant institutions. |

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# Searching for research products
## Endpoints
For research products:
By specific type:
* publications:
* research data:
* research software:
* other research products:
## General parameters
| Parameter | Option | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| page | integer | Page number of the search results. |
| size | integer | Number of results per page. |
| format | json \| xml \| csv \| tsv | The format of the response. The default is xml. |
| model | openaire \| sygma | The data model of the response. Default is openaire. Model sygma is a simplified version of the openaire model. For sygma, only the xml format is available. The relative XML schema is available [here]( |
| sortBy | `sortBy=field,[ascending\|descending]` <br/>**'field'** can one of: <ul> <li>`dateofcollection`</li><li>`resultstoragedate`</li><li>`resultstoragedate`</li> <li>`resultembargoenddate`</li><li>`resultembargoendyear`</li><li>`resultdateofacceptance`</li> <li>`resultacceptanceyear`</li><li>`influence`</li><li>`popularity`</li> <li>`citationCount`</li><li>`impulse`</li> </ul>Multiple sorting is supported by repeating the `sortBy` parameter. | The sorting order of the specified field. |
| hasECFunding | true \| false | If hasECFunding is true gets the entities funded by the EC. If hasECFunding is false gets the entities related to projects not funded by the EC. |
| hasWTFunding | true \| false | If hasWTFunding is true gets the entities funded by Wellcome Trust. The results are the same as those obtained with `funder=wt`. If hasWTFunding is false gets the entities related to projects not funded by Wellcome Trust. |
| funder | WT \| EC \| ARC \| ANDS \| NSF \| FCT \| NHMRC | Search for entities by funder. |
| fundingStream | ... | Search for entities by funding stream. |
| FP7scientificArea | ... | Search for FP7 entities by scientific area. |
| keywords | White-space separated list of keywords. | This parameter is used to support a keyword search functionality in various fields (e.g., for research products the keywords are used to search in the products title, description, authors, etc). Regarding the semantics, when you provide multiple keywords, all keywords should be present, hence the correct interpretation is `kwd1 AND kw2`. |
| doi | Comma separated list of DOIs. <br/>Alternatively, it is possible to repeat the parameter for each requested doi. | Gets the research products with the given DOIs, if any. |
| orcid | Comma separated list of ORCID iDs of authors. <br/>Alternatively, it is possible to repeat the parameter for each author ORCID iD. | Gets the research products linked to the given ORCID iD of an author, if any. |
| fromDateAccepted | Date formatted as `YYYY-MM-DD` | Gets the research products whose date of acceptance is greater than or equal the given date. |
| toDateAccepted | Date formatted as `YYYY-MM-DD` | Gets the research products whose date of acceptance is less than or equal the given date. |
| title | White-space separated list of keywords. | Gets the research products whose titles contain the given list of keywords. |
| author | White-space separated list of names and/or surnames. | Search for research products by authors. |
| OA | true \| false | If OA is true gets Open Access research products. If OA is false gets the non Open Access research products |
| projectID | The given grant identifier of the project | Search for research products of the project with the specified projectID |
| country | 2 letter country code | Search for research products associated to the country code |
| influence <br/> | Accepted values: <br/>`C1` for top 0.01% in terms of influence <br/>`C2` for top 0.1% in terms of influence <br/>`C3` for top 1% in terms of influence <br/>`C4` for top 10% in terms of influence <br/>`C5` for average/low in terms of influence <br/> <br/>Comma separated list of values or repeat of the parameter for each value will form a query with OR semantics, eg. `?influence=C1&influence=C2` | Search for research products based on their influence. |
| popularity <br/> | Accepted values: <br/>`C1` for top 0.01% in terms of popularity <br/>`C2` for top 0.1% in terms of popularity <br/>`C3` for top 1% in terms of popularity <br/>`C4` for top 10% in terms of popularity <br/>`C5` for average/low in terms of popularity <br/> <br/>Comma separated list of values or repeat of the parameter for each value will form a query with OR semantics, eg. `?popularity=C1&popularity=C2` | Search for research products based on their popularity. |
| impulse <br/> | Accepted values: <br/>`C1` for top 0.01% in terms of impulse <br/>`C2` for top 0.1% in terms of impulse <br/>`C3` for top 1% in terms of impulse <br/>`C4` for top 10% in terms of impulse <br/>`C5` for average/low in terms of impulse <br/> <br/>Comma separated list of values or repeat of the parameter for each value will form a query with OR semantics, eg. `?impulse=C1&impulse=C2` | Search for research products based on their impulse. |
| citationCount <br/> | Accepted values: <br/>`C1` for top 0.01% in terms of citation count <br/>`C2` for top 0.1% in terms of citation count <br/>`C3` for top 1% in terms of citation count <br/>`C4` for top 10% in terms of citation count <br/>`C5` for average/low in terms of citation count <br/> <br/>Comma separated list of values or repeat of the parameter for each value will form a query with OR semantics, eg. `?citationCount=C1&citationCount=C2` | Search for research products based on their number of citations. |
| openaireProviderID | Comma separated list of identifiers. | Search for research products by openaire data provider identifier. <br/>Alternatively, it is possible to repeat the parameter for each provider id. In both cases, provider identifiers will form a query with OR semantics. |
| openaireProjectID | Comma separated list of identifiers. <br/>Alternatively, it is possible to repeat the parameter for each provider id. In both cases, provider identifiers will form a query with OR semantics. | Search for research products by openaire project identifier. Alternatively, it is possible to repeat the parameter for each provider id. In both cases, provider identifiers will form a query with OR semantics. |
| hasProject | true \| false | If hasProject is true gets the research products that have a link to a project. If hasProject is false gets the publications with no links to projects. |
| FP7ProjectID | ... | Search for research products associated to a FP7 project with the given grant number. It is equivalent to a query by `funder=FP7&projectID={grantID}` |
## Parameters for publications
You can use all the [general research products parameters](#general-parameters) as well as those in the following table.
| Parameter | Option | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| instancetype | Comma separated list of publication types. Check [here]( to see the possible values | Gets the publication of the given type, if any. |
| originalId | Comma separated list of original identifiers as we get them from the data source. <br/>Alternatively, it is possible to repeat the parameter for each requested identifier. | Gets the publication with the given openaire identifier, if any. |
| sdg | The number of the Sustainable Development Goals `[1-17]`. <br/>Check [here]( to see the Sustainable Developemnt Goals. | Gets the publications that are classified with the respective Sustainable Development Goal number. |
| fos | The Field of Science classification value. <br/>Check [here](/resources/athenarc_fos_hierarchy.json) to see the Field of Science classification values | Gets the publications that are classified with the respective Field of Science classification value. |
| openairePublicationID | Comma separated list of OpenAIRE identifiers. <br/>Alternatively, it is possible to repeat the parameter for each requested identifier. | Gets the publication with the given openaire identifier, if any. |
| peerReviewed | Accepted values: <br/>true \| false | Specify if the publications are peerReviewed or not. |
| diamondJournal | Accepted values: <br/>true \| false | Specify if the publications are published in a diamond journal or not. |
| publiclyFunded | Accepted values: <br/>true \| false | Specify if the publications are publicly funded or not. |
| green | Accepted values: <br/>true \| false | Specify if the publications are green open access or not. |
| openAccessColor | Accepted values: <br/>`gold`\| `bronze`\| `hybrid` <br/>Comma separated list of values or repeat of the parameter for each value will form a query with OR semantics, eg. `?openAccessColor=gold&openAccessColor=hybrid` | Specify the open access color of a publication. |
## Parameters for research data
You can use all the [general research products parameters](#general-parameters) as well as those in the following table.
| Parameter | Option | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| openaireDatasetID | Comma separated list of OpenAIRE identifiers. <br/>Alternatively, it is possible to repeat the parameter for each requested identifier. | Gets the research data with the given openaire identifier, if any. |
## Parameters for research software
You can use all the [general research products parameters](#general-parameters) as well as those in the following table.
| Parameter | Option | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| openaireSoftwareID | Comma separated list of OpenAIRE identifiers. <br/>Alternatively, it is possible to repeat the parameter for each requested identifier. | Gets the research software with the given openaire identifier, if any. |
## Parameters for other research products
You can use all the [general research products parameters](#general-parameters) as well as those in the following table.
| Parameter | Option | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| openaireOtherID | Comma separated list of OpenAIRE identifiers. <br/>Alternatively, it is possible to repeat the parameter for each requested identifier. | Gets the other research products with the given openaire identifier, if any. |

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@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
# Response metadata format
In this page, we elaborate on the metadata response format, as well as response headers and errors.
## Main response
The OpenAIRE Search API supports the following types of response formats:
In the next paragraphs, we elaborate on the respective metadata formats.
The default format of delivered records is oaf (OpenAIRE Format - current version 1.0):
* XML schema:
* Documentation:
For the list of changes [click here](
Note that latest versions of the XML schema and documentation are also available at the following permanent links:
* XML schema:
* Documentation:
Older versions:
* oaf v0.3 [XML schema]( and [documentation](
* oaf v0.2 [XML schema]( and [documentation](
* oaf v0.1 [XML schema]( and [documentation](
The API returns in comma-separated files (CSV) or tab-separated files (TSV) the following fields:
* Title
* AUthors
* Publicatioy year
* Download from
* Publication type
* Journal
* Funder
* Project name (GA Number)
* Access
## Headers
| Name | Description |
| --- | --- |
| x-ratelimit-limit | The maximum number of requests allowed for the client in one time window. |
| x-ratelimit-used | The number of requests already made by the client in the current time window. |
The OpenAIRE APIs use a sliding time window of one hour.
## Errors
### General
404 - Not found
"error": "Not found",
"description": "Invald request path."
429 - Rate limit abuse
"error": "Too many requests",
"description": "Request rate exceeded. Slow down."
### Only for authenticated requests
400 - Missing grant type
"error": "invalid_request",
"error_description": "Missing grant type"
400 - Wrong grant type
"error": "unsupported_grant_type",
"error_description": "Unsupported grant type: ..."
400 - Missing Refresh Token
"status" : "error",
"code" : "400",
"message" : "Bad Request",
"description" : "Missing refreshToken parameter"
401 - Missing username or/and password
"error": "unauthorized",
"error_description": "Client id must not be empty!"
401 - Wrong username or/and password
"error": "unauthorized",
"error_description": "Bad credentials"
401 - Invalid Refresh Token (for authenticated requests)
"status" : "error",
"code" : "401",
"message" : "Unauthorised",
"description" : "Invalid refreshToken token"
401 - Invalid client assertion
"error_description":"Bad client credentials"
401 - Client assertion for missing service
"error_description":"Could not find client {SERVICE_ID}"
401 - Expired signed jwt
"error_description":"Assertion Token in expired: {EXPIRATION_TIME}"
403 - Invalid Access Token
"error": "Token invalid",
"description": "Authorization header value invalid."

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@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
# Search API
The Search API allows developers to access metadata records of the OpenAIRE Graph by performing queries over research products (i.e., publications, data, software, other research products), and projects.
The API is intended for metadata discovery and exploration only, hence it does not provide access to the whole information space: the number of total results returned by one query is limited to 10,000.
For accessing the whole graph, developers are encouraged to use the [OpenAIRE full Graph dataset](../../downloads/full-graph).

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# APIs specification changelog
| Date | Description |
| --- | --- |
| 2024-01-09T11:14:10.524604Z | New parameters for publications. Now you can specifυ if they are peer reviewed, in diamond journal, publicly funded, green and specify their OA colour. |
| 2023-11-30T11:39:10.159187Z | Added impact factor parameters. Now you can sort results and query by impact, influence, impulse and citation count. |
| 2023-11-29T12:26:17.660379Z | New registration and token process available at Updated documentation |
| 2023-05-25T09:16:19.903365Z | new instancetype parameter added |
| 2022-09-29T07:03:32.109909Z | updated URLs to the broker swagger UI |
| 2022-09-28T20:35:13.116653Z | updated URLs to the broker swagger UI |
| 2022-07-28T12:02:06.271154Z | Updated list of funders supported by the API for bulk access to projects: EC Horizon Europe also included |
| 2022-05-11T10:01:33.969973Z | New end point for researchProducts in selective access! FOS and SDG classifications available for publication requests |
| 2022-03-29T15:03:29.583536Z | Graph dataset: add new Scholix version 4 |
| 2021-11-12T12:04:52.900385Z | originalId parameter added |
| 2021-10-18T15:31:18.446582Z | OAI-PMH publisher completely dismissed as announced in January 2021 |
| 2021-10-12T07:46:48.032978Z | orcid parameter added in selective access |
| 2021-04-08T10:28:02.371361Z | Authenticated requests to our APIs are now enabled. |
| 2021-02-26T16:28:15.364435Z | NEWS: new dataset available with research products with project funding information |
| 2021-02-17T07:39:46.051129Z | WIP: broker API documentation |
| 2021-02-11T09:06:41.608115Z | Broker API documentation |
| 2021-02-10T10:17:39.504429Z | Authentication documentation added + broker card + broker dummy page |
| 2021-02-01T08:55:35.496938Z | OAI-PMH shutdown announced for the end of April 2021 |
| 2021-01-15T18:56:04.748404Z | Updated documentation on OpenAIRE Research Graph Datasets |
| 2021-01-15T16:57:08.569766Z | Announcing the shutdown of the OAI-PMH publisher |
| 2019-01-25T15:36:27.264313Z | Added new parameter country for research products |
| 2018-10-17T10:39:56.570815Z | Software and Other research products are available via HTTP API. Documentation has been updated. |
| 2018-04-09T09:20:24.763966Z | Added section on terms of services and SLA in the specific API pages |
| 2018-04-09T08:26:18.897089Z | Added section for terms of use and SLA in the home page |
| 2018-03-21T15:31:13.490821Z | dded page with list of changes generated from the svn log |
| 2018-03-21T14:58:14.569096Z | Added APi rate limits |
| 2018-03-21T14:46:32.362617Z | ignore intellij settings |
| 2018-02-01T14:44:00.743257Z | Latest schema version is 1.0 |
| 2018-01-30T10:29:03.037760Z | removed authorOpenaireId parameter + change the message to say the schema is already changed |
| 2018-01-26T13:09:17.887663Z | Removed openaireAuthorID from API documentation |
| 2018-01-11T14:41:29.910148Z | Rephrase LOD to Linked Open Data |
| 2018-01-11T13:56:40.051318Z | add LOD box in overview.html |
| 2018-01-11T13:48:19.812005Z | Adding warning for schema change |
| 2017-10-23T14:21:15.794995Z | intellij file |
| 2017-10-09T10:43:56.532687Z | Added HTML files for api documentation based on uikit |
| 2017-10-06T12:08:16.603152Z | deleting old API documentation: new will be committed soon by Katerina |
| 2017-10-06T12:04:55.560134Z | copied from dnet40 |
| 2017-05-26T11:44:59.926816Z | removed warning for fundingStream queries |
| 2017-05-25T12:36:43.800409Z | warning and location of the api in the prod infra |
| 2017-03-29T13:58:34.013071Z | reformatted xml and new generated HTML |
| 2017-03-29T13:57:23.196971Z | changed pubdate |
| 2017-03-29T13:46:08.349593Z | added link to the OpenAIRE helpdesk |
| 2017-03-29T13:39:44.386894Z | fixed param hasWTFunding (instead of hasUKFunding) + list of supported funders |
| 2017-03-29T13:37:43.381141Z | param name is dateOfAcceptance not of collection |
| 2017-02-22T09:31:34.767373Z | #2630: informing that incremental harvesting is not supported and updated list of interesting OAI sets |
| 2016-01-18T10:38:57.125792Z | commented warning section |
| 2015-09-15T09:04:00.819955Z | added this week in the warning week |
| 2015-09-15T09:02:37.458839Z | updated supported funders and removed section about the TSV as it is only to be used by NOADs |
| 2015-09-15T08:56:37.943151Z | removed organizations OAI set in the examples. Added FP7Publications. |
| 2015-09-15T08:54:41.579385Z | Updated links to the guidelines |
| 2015-09-15T08:53:06.677011Z | OAI-PMH discards duplicates now |
| 2015-08-26T08:51:32.795385Z | added schema 0.3 as the latest schema |
| 2015-05-18T12:10:24.329058Z | csvn and tsv formats available for search api |
| 2015-03-20T10:54:31.069584Z | fixed tsv URL |
| 2015-03-20T10:49:46.639336Z | updated date |
| 2015-03-20T10:49:11.327980Z | added documentation for the projects2tsv endpoint |
| 2015-03-19T11:18:36.226626Z | minor changes to a couple of sentences |
| 2015-03-13T17:35:01.980176Z | updated the generated html |
| 2015-03-13T17:33:41.882951Z | added list of avaialble funding streams and those that are coming soon |
| 2015-03-13T17:33:02.339565Z | openaire compliance of OAI-PMH |
| 2015-02-04T14:16:56.528188Z | #1062: OAI-PMH and HTTP numbers are not the same becuase of duplicates |
| 2014-12-03T15:17:27.207961Z | #1031: title of eprints/dspace export |
| 2014-11-13T16:11:13.633046Z | Updated date and generated new html |
| 2014-11-13T16:08:12.045544Z | Fixed documentation about datasets |
| 2014-11-11T18:43:18.738678Z | Fixed documentation for publications |
| 2014-11-11T17:09:19.351093Z | added sortby parameter |
| 2014-09-17T09:05:38.726757Z | created tag folder for release |
| 2014-08-04T10:59:48.089720Z | Updated pubdate |
| 2014-08-04T10:58:22.814919Z | Overview cleanup |
| 2014-08-04T10:50:54.515588Z | added links to the latest available schema and documentation |
| 2014-07-24T14:09:49.733958Z | #690: HTTP API documentation for project and other updates. |
| 2014-06-06T08:41:45.731338Z | #550: making it clear we are delivering metadata only. Clenaup. |
| 2014-05-14T16:38:30.702554Z | updated date |
| 2014-05-14T16:35:05.787718Z | re-added OAI set for projects |
| 2014-04-30T10:42:18.355154Z | updated oxygen project with the correct tree structure |
| 2014-04-30T10:41:14.539090Z | Added and commented property to generate output in chunks |
| 2014-04-30T10:40:30.012256Z | mvn generates output with no chunks in a single file: api-doc.html |
| 2014-04-30T10:39:37.875730Z | Main docbook file renamed from book.xml to api-doc.xml |
| 2014-04-30T10:34:16.576722Z | updated OAI-PMH sets: now delivering only research products and no other entities. |
| 2014-04-15T09:53:22.158487Z | copied dnet-api-http-doc to new dnet40 codebase |
| 2014-04-10T09:55:41.690052Z | ignore |
| 2014-04-10T09:53:59.192401Z | removed target/*classes from svn |
| 2014-04-09T10:46:05.757155Z | mavenized project. Generates html running mvn docbkx:generate-html. results are then in target/docbkx |
| 2014-04-09T09:18:26.268418Z | added links to xsd and xsd doc in the overview chapter |
| 2014-04-08T12:55:01.169556Z | ticket #300: updated doc for APIs |
| 2014-03-10T18:13:38.784171Z | not a maven project |
| 2014-03-10T18:13:18.180379Z | basic structure for API doc |
| 2014-03-10T13:50:02.957489Z | added files as generated by the archetype docbkx-quickstart-archetype v2.0.15 |
| 2014-03-10T13:45:30.505315Z | created module for HTTP API docbook |

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# Terms of use
## Authentication & limits
The OpenAIRE APIs are free-to-use by any third-party service and can be accessed over HTTPS both by authenticated and unauthenticated requests. The rate limit for the former type of requests is up to 7200 requests per hour, while the latter is up to 60 requests per hour.
To make an authenticated request, you must first [register]( Then, you can go to the [personal access token page]( in your account, copy your token and use it for up to one hour, [find out more](./
Our OAuth 2.0 implementation, conforms to the OpenID Connect specification, and is [OpenID Certified]( OpenID Connect is a simple identity layer on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol. For more information about OAuth2.0 please visit the [OAuth2.0 official site]( For more information about OpenID Connect please visit the [OpenID Connect official site]( Also, check [here]( for more information on our Privacy Policy.
## Quality of service
OpenAIRE API services are running in production 24/7 within the OpenAIRE infrastructure premises deployed at the data center facilities of the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling (ICM).
## License
OpenAIRE Graph license is CC-BY: the records returned by the service can be freely re-used by commercial and non-commercial partners under CC-BY license, hence as long as OpenAIRE is acknowledged as a data source.

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# Versions & changelog
## Versioning
Our versioning policy follows the [Semantic Versioning specification](
In our case, given a version `MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH`, we increment the:
* `MAJOR` version when the data model of the Graph changes
* `MINOR` version when the pipeline (e.g., different deduplication method, different implementation for an enrichment process) or major data sources change
* `PATCH` version when the graph data are updated
## Changelog
This section documents all notable changes for each graph version.
### v8.0.0
_Start Date: 2024-07-03 &bull; Release Date: 2024-07-15 &bull; Dataset release: **yes**_
#### Added
- General increase of the scientific products with ORCID identified authors +0.43% (+145K)
#### Changed
- Improved matching of organizations in the deduplication algorithm, leading to less false positives
- Updated Crossref publications to include contents until May 2024
- Updated ORCID contents until June 2024
- Updated Datacite contents until June 2024
- Updated serialization of the data model as follows
- The serialization of the property names is changed to camelCase
- The serialization of the impact indicators was updated renaming the element `bipIndicators` as
`citationImpact`, which includes the following:
- `citationCount`, `influence`, `popularity`, `impulse`, all of them typed as Double
- `citationClass`, `influenceClass`, `impulseClass`, `popularityClass`, all of them typed as String
- The element `datasettype` was renamed to `type`
### v7.2.0
_Start Date: 2024-05-15 &bull; Release Date: 2024-06-20 &bull; Dataset release: **no**_
#### Added
- Introduced new Field of Science classifications for publications, reaching a total of ~77.2Mi publications classified
- General increase of the affiliations +20% (from 162Mi to 195Mi)
- General increase of the scientific products with ORCID identified authors +10% (from 3.09Mi to 3.39Mi)
#### Changed
- Revised deduplication configuration to better exploit resource types
- The DOIBoost dataset was superseded by the direct aggregation of its datasources: Crossref, Unpaywall, Microsoft
Academic Graph, ORCID. See the [aggregation of the non compatible sources](category/non-compatible-sources) section
to know more
- Relaxed Crossref publication inclusion criteria, now accepting records without author information, leading to a
+15% increase (from 127Mi to 146Mi records). Included contents until April 2024
- Updated ORCID contents until April 2024
- Updated Datacite contents until April 2024
### v7.1.3
_Start Date: 2024-04-10 &bull; Release Date: 2024-04-22 &bull; Dataset release: **no**_
#### Added
- Introduced new Field of Science classifications, reaching a total of ~73Mi publications classified
- General increase of the funded scientific outputs, thanks to the full-text mining scanning new OpenAccess publications, some examples:
- European Commission - EC +7% (from 1.52Mi to 1.62Mi)
- Irish Research Council - IRC +7% (from 12.7K to 13.5K)
- French National Research Agency - ANR +5.8% (from 91.5K to 96.8K)
- National Institute of Health - NIH +5% (from 594K to 626K)
- UK Research and Innovation - UKRI +3.7% (from 434K to 450K)
- General increase of the scientific products with author affiliation information +2% (from 83.12Mi to 84.88Mi)
#### Changed
- Updated Crossref publications to include contents until March 2023
- Updated Datacite contents until March 2024
- Updated ORCID contents until March 2024
### v7.1.2
_Start Date: 2024-03-15 &bull; Release Date: 2024-03-27 &bull; Dataset release: **no**_
#### Added
- General increase of the funded scientific outputs, thanks to the full-text mining scanning new OpenAccess publications
#### Changed
- Updated Crossref publications to include contents until February 2023
- Updated Datacite contents until February 2024
- Updated ORCID contents until February 2024
### v7.1.1
_Start Date: 2024-02-23 &bull; Release Date: 2024-03-06 &bull; Dataset release: **no**_
#### Added
- Updated the content import criteria applied to Datacite, resulting in +13Mi Other Research Products (+167%)
- Introduced project PIDs; DOI currently available for grants funded by FCT and TWCF
#### Changed
- Scientific products typed as "Collection" categorized under "Research Data" instead of "Other Research Product".
- Updated Crossref publications to include contents until January 2023
- Updated Datacite contents until January 2024
### v7.1.0
_Start Date: 2024-01-30 &bull; Release Date: 2024-02-20 &bull; Dataset release: **no**_
#### Added
- The scientific products aggregated increased by ~5Mi records (+1.6%)
#### Changed
- A refined version of the deduplication strategy allowed to catch more duplicates among the scientific products, implying
a decrease of their total number of ~3.2Mi (-1.35%). More details about the deduplication algorithm are available [here](graph-production-workflow/deduplication/research-products).
- Updated Crossref publications to include contents until November 2023
- Updated Datacite contents until December 2023
### v7.0.0
_Start Date: 2023-12-18 &bull; Release Date: 2024-01-06 &bull; Dataset release: **yes**_
#### Added
- the scientific products increased by ~3Mi records (+1.26%)
- the number of relations increased by 28.6Mi (+1%)
- the funded contents increased by 5%, from 3.6Mi to 3,8Mi. Funders that recorded the highest increase include, for example, EC with +120K linked research products, and SFI with +1K products.
#### Changed
This graph release also introduces new fields to identify reseach products published using specific open access models, in diamond journals, and those that received public funding. These fields will also be added to the graph dataset in Zenodo. In details:
- `ResearchProduct.isGreen (true, false)`: indicates whether or not the researh product was published following the green open access model;
- `ResearchProduct.openAccesColor (bronze, gold, hybrid)`: indicates the specific open access model used for the publication;
- `ResearchProduct.isInDiamondJournal (true, false)`: indicates whether or not the research product was published in a diamond journal;
- `ResearchProduct.publicly-funded (true, false)`: indicates whether or not the grants acknowledged by the publication come from public funds.
### v6.2.2
_Start Date: 2023-11-07 &bull; Release Date: 2023-11-23 &bull; Dataset release: **no**_
#### Added
- Imported Opencitation's POCI dataset, containing citations among publications in PubMed
- Imported Affiliations from Crossref and from PubMed
- Imported Software Heritage identifiers for Software records
- Extended coverage of Irish funders imported from Crossref
- Peer reviewed material identified with a revised heuristic that allowed to improve the coverage
- Project references identified by TDM increased by ~10%
- Introduced new Field of Science classifications for ~40Mi publications
#### Changed
- Updated Crossref publications to include contents until October 2023
- Updated Datacite contents until October 2023
- Indicators regarding data source downloads and views taken by usage counts from September 2023
### v6.1.1
_Start Date: 2023-09-11 &bull; Release Date: 2023-10-15 &bull; Dataset release: **no**_
#### Added
- Affiliation (research product to organization) relations from Crossref
- Links to the full text of research products
- Cleaning for author and publisher names (get rid of tabs, CR characters, \n(s), escape double quotes)
#### Changed
- Projects without a grant code are removed
- Crossref dump from July 2023
- ORCID works without a DOI from March 2023
- Usage counts from July 2023
- Datacite contents from early July 2023
- OpenCitations relations from December 2022
### v6.0.0
_Start Date: 2023-07-26 &bull; Release Date: 2023-08-16 &bull; Dataset release: **yes**_
#### Changed
- [Relationship data model](./data-model/relationships/relationship-object): flattened properties source, sourceType, target, targetType
- BIP! indicators are now serialised as an array; see the updated model [here](./data-model/entities/other#bipindicators)
- Crossref dump from June 2023
- ORCID works without a DOI from June 2023
- Usage counts from June 2023
- Datacite contents from June 2023
- OpenCitations relations from January 2023
- BIP! indicators from June 2023
- New Datasources/Services were added, collected from an updated EOSC Service catalogue endpoint
### v5.2.0
_Start Date: 2023-07-03 &bull; Release Date: 2023-07-17 &bull; Dataset release: **no**_
#### Added
- Citations imported from Crossref & MAG
- FoS and SDG classifications introduced for ~16Mi research products
#### Changed
- Removed the numerical prefix from the OpenAIRE identifiers (```"20|openorgs____::..." --> "openorgs____::..."```)
- Dataset file names in the Zenodo depositions changed from `dump` to `dataset`
- Crossref dump from May 2023
- ORCID works without a DOI from June 2023
- Usage counts from April 2023
- Datacite contents from June 2023
- OpenCitations relations from January 2023
- Deduplication of the datasource
- Avoid duplicated organisation PIDs
### v5.1.3
_Start Date: 2023-05-22 &bull; Release Date: 2023-06-12 &bull; Dataset release: **no**_
#### Added
- Datasource and project level usage counts
#### Changed
- Crossref dump from April 2023
- ORCID works without a DOI from May 2023
- Usage counts from April 2023
- Datacite contents from May 2023
- OpenCitations relations from January 2023
- Deduplication of the datasource
### v5.1.2
_Start Date: 2023-03-20 &bull; Release Date: 2023-04-04 &bull; Dataset release: **no**_
#### Changed
- Crossref dump from February 2023
- ORCID works without a DOI from March 2023
- Usage counts from February 2023 (+76% Downloads per Datasource for 2023)
- Datacite contents from mid March 2023
- OpenCitations relations from January 2023
### v5.1.1
_Start Date: 2023-02-13 &bull; Release Date: 2023-03-01 &bull; Dataset release: **no**_
#### Added
- Revised SDG classification: improved coverage (+600K classified DOIs)
- General increase of the funded scientific outputs, thanks to the full text mining scanning new OpenAccess publications
- Integrated contents from
- [EMBL-EBIs Protein Data Bank in Europe](./graph-production-workflow/aggregation/non-compatible-sources/ebi)
- [UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot](./graph-production-workflow/aggregation/non-compatible-sources/uniprot)
#### Changed
- Crossref dump from January 2023
- ORCID works without a DOI from January 2023
- Usage counts from January 2023
- Datacite contents from mid February 2023
- OpenCitations relations from December 2022
### v5.1.0
_Start Date: 2023-01-16 &bull; Release Date: 2023-01-30 &bull; Dataset release: **no**_
#### Added
- Revised SDG classification: better accuracy, lower coverage (will improve in the next months)
#### Changed
- Crossref dump from December 2022
- ORCID works without a DOI from January 2023
- Usage counts from December 2022
- DataCite contents from January 2023
### v5.0.0
_Start Date: 2022-12-19 &bull; Release Date: 2022-12-28 &bull; Dataset release: **yes**_
#### Added
- [Impact & Usage indicators](./data-model/entities/ at the level of the research product
- [Beginner's kit](./downloads/beginners-kit) in the Downloads section
- New relationship types were introduced; see the complete list [here](./data-model/relationships/relationship-types)
#### Changed
- FOS and SDGs were removed from the [ResearchProduct.subjects](./data-model/entities/research-product#subjects)
- Measures were removed from the [ResearchProduct.instance](./data-model/entities/research-product#instance)
- Updated DOIBoost to include publications from Crossref and the works from ORCID with a DOI until November 2022
- Added ORCID works without a DOI from November 2022
# Changelog
<span className="todo">TODO</span>

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# Data model
The OpenAIRE Graph comprises several types of [entities](../category/entities) and [relationships](/category/relationships) among them.
The OpenAIRE Graph comprises several types of [entities](../category/entities) and [relationships](./relationships) among them.
The latest version of the JSON schema can be found on the [Downloads](../downloads/full-graph) section.
The latest version of the JSON schema can be found on [Bulk downloads](../download).
<p align="center">
<img loading="lazy" alt="Data model" src={require('../assets/img/data-model-3.png').default} width="80%" className="img_node_modules-@docusaurus-theme-classic-lib-theme-MDXComponents-Img-styles-module"/>
<img loading="lazy" alt="Data model" src="/img/docs/data-model.png" width="80%" className="img_node_modules-@docusaurus-theme-classic-lib-theme-MDXComponents-Img-styles-module"/>
The figure above, presents the graph's data model.
Its main entities are described in brief below:
* [Research products](./entities/research-product) represent the outcomes (or products) of research activities.
* [Data sources](./entities/data-source) are the sources from which the metadata of graph objects are collected.
* [Organizations](./entities/organization) correspond to companies or research institutions involved in projects,
* [Results](entities/result) represent the outcomes of research activities.
* [Data Sources](entities/data-source) are the resources used to collect metadata for the graph objects
* [Organizations](entities/organization) correspond to companies or research institutions involved in projects,
responsible for operating data sources or consisting the affiliations of Product creators.
* [Projects](./entities/project) are research project grants funded by a Funding Stream of a Funder.
* [Communities](./entities/community) are groups of people with a common research intent (e.g. research infrastructures, university alliances).
* Persons correspond to individual researchers who are involved in the design, creation or maintenance of research products. Currently, this is a non-materialized entity type in the Graph, which means that the respective metadata (and relationships) are encapsulated in the author field of the respective research products.
* [Projects](entities/project) are research projects funded by a Funding Stream of a Funder.
* [Communities](entities/community) are groups of people with a common research intent.
:::note Further reading

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# Communities
# Community
Research communities and research initiatives are intended as groups of people with a common research intent and can be of two types: research initiatives or research communities:
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ _Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The OpenAIRE id for the community/research infrastructure, created according to the [OpenAIRE entity identifier and PID mapping policy](../pids-and-identifiers).
"id": "context_____::5b7f9fa40bdc12072249204cedfa7808"
"id": "00|context_____::5b7f9fa40bdc12072249204cedfa7808"
### acronym
@ -72,11 +72,11 @@ The type of the community; one of `{ Research Community, Research infrastructure
"type": "Research Community"
### zenodoCommunity
### zenodo_community
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The URL of the Zenodo community associated to the Research community/Research infrastructure.
"zenodoCommunity": ""
"zenodo_community": ""

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# Data sources
# Data source
OpenAIRE entity instances are created out of data collected from various data sources of different kinds, such as publication repositories, dataset archives, CRIS systems, funder databases, etc. Data sources export information packages (e.g., XML records, HTTP responses, RDF data, JSON) that may contain information on one or more of such entities and possibly relationships between them.
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ _Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The OpenAIRE id of the data source, created according to the [OpenAIRE entity identifier and PID mapping policy](../pids-and-identifiers).
"id": "issn___print::22c514d022b199c346e7f29ca06efc95"
"id": "10|issn___print::22c514d022b199c346e7f29ca06efc95"
### originalId
@ -49,70 +49,70 @@ The persistent identifiers for the datasource.
### type
### datasourcetype
_Type: [ControlledField](other#controlledfield) &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The datasource type; see the vocabulary [dnet:datasource_typologies](
"type": {
"datasourcetype": {
"scheme": "pubsrepository::journal",
"value": "Journal"
### openaireCompatibility
### openairecompatibility
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The OpenAIRE compatibility of the ingested research products, indicates which guidelines they are compliant according to the vocabulary [dnet:datasourceCompatibilityLevel](
The OpenAIRE compatibility of the ingested results, indicates which guidelines they are compliant according to the vocabulary [dnet:datasourceCompatibilityLevel](
"openaireCompatibility": "collected from a compatible aggregator"
"openairecompatibility": "collected from a compatible aggregator"
### officialName
### officialname
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The official name of the datasource.
"officialBame": "Recent Patents and Topics on Medical Imaging"
"officialname": "Recent Patents and Topics on Medical Imaging"
### englishName
### englishname
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The English name of the datasource.
"englishName": "Recent Patents and Topics on Medical Imaging"
"englishname": "Recent Patents and Topics on Medical Imaging"
### websiteUrl
### websiteurl
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The URL of the website of the datasource.
"websiteUrl": ""
"websiteurl": ""
### logoUrl
### logourl
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The URL of the logo for the datasource.
"logoUrl": ""
"logourl": ""
### dateOfValidation
### dateofvalidation
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The date of validation against the OpenAIRE guidelines for the datasource records.
"dateOfValidation": "2016-10-10"
"dateofvalidation": "2016-10-10"
### description
@ -143,61 +143,61 @@ _Type: String &bull; Cardinality: MANY_
The languages present in the data source's content, as defined by OpenDOAR.
"languages": [
### contentTypes
### contenttypes
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: MANY_
Types of content in the data source, as defined by OpenDOAR
"contentTypes": [
"contenttypes": [
"Journal articles",
### releaseStartDate
### releasestartdate
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Releasing date of the data source, as defined by
"releaseStartDate": "2010-07-24"
"releasestartdate": "2010-07-24"
### releaseEndDate
### releaseenddate
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Date when the data source went offline or stopped ingesting new research data. As defined by
"releaseEndDate": "2016-03-28"
"releaseenddate": "2016-03-28"
### accessRights
### accessrights
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Type of access to the data source, as defined by Possible values: `{ open, restricted, closed }`.
"accessRights": "open"
"accessrights": "open"
### uploadRights
### uploadrights
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Type of data upload, as defined by; one of `{ open, restricted, closed }`.
"uploadRights": "closed"
"uploadrights": "closed"
### databaseAccessRestriction
### databaseaccessrestriction
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Access restrictions to the research data repository. Allowed values are: `{ feeRequired, registration, other }`.
@ -205,10 +205,10 @@ Access restrictions to the research data repository. Allowed values are: `{ feeR
This field only applies for re3data data source; see [re3data schema specification]( for more details.
"databaseAccessRestriction": "registration"
"databaseaccessrestriction": "registration"
### dataUploadRestriction
### datauploadrestriction
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Upload restrictions applied by the datasource, as defined by One of `{ feeRequired, registration, other }`.
@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ Upload restrictions applied by the datasource, as defined by One of
This field only applies for re3data data source; see [re3data schema specification]( for more details.
"dataUploadRestriction": "feeRequired registration"
"datauploadrestriction": "feeRequired registration"
### versioning
@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ This field only applies for re3data data source; see [re3data schema specificati
"versioning": true
### citationGuidelineUrl
### citationguidelineurl
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The URL of the data source providing information on how to cite its items. The DataCite citation format is recommended (
@ -239,16 +239,16 @@ The URL of the data source providing information on how to cite its items. The D
This field only applies for re3data data source; see [re3data schema specification]( for more details.
"citationGuidelineUrl": ""
"citationguidelineurl": ""
### pidSystems
### pidsystems
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The persistent identifier system that is used by the data source. As defined by
"pidSystems": "hdl"
"pidsystems": "hdl"
### certificates
@ -284,11 +284,11 @@ Information about the journal, if this data source is of type Journal.
### missionStatementUrl
### missionstatementurl
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The URL of a mission statement describing the designated community of the data source. As defined by
"missionStatementUrl": ""
"missionstatementurl": ""

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
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# Organizations
# Organization
Organizations include companies, research centers or institutions involved as project partners or as responsible of operating data sources. Information about organizations are collected from funder databases like CORDA, registries of data sources like OpenDOAR and re3Data, and CRIS systems, as being related to projects or data sources.
@ -17,34 +17,34 @@ _Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The OpenAIRE id for the organization, created according to the [OpenAIRE entity identifier and PID mapping policy](../pids-and-identifiers).
"id": "openorgs____::b84450f9864182c67b8611b5593f4250"
"id": "20|openorgs____::b84450f9864182c67b8611b5593f4250"
### legalShortName
### legalshortname
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The legal name in short form of the organization.
"legalShortName": "ARC"
"legalshortname": "ARC"
### legalName
### legalname
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The legal name of the organization.
"legalName": "Athena Research and Innovation Center In Information Communication & Knowledge Technologies"
"legalname": "Athena Research and Innovation Center In Information Communication & Knowledge Technologies"
### alternativeNames
### alternativenames
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: MANY_
Alternative names that identify the organization.
"alternativeNames": [
"alternativenames": [
"Athena Research and Innovation Center In Information Communication & Knowledge Technologies",
"Athena RIC",
@ -52,13 +52,13 @@ Alternative names that identify the organization.
### websiteUrl
### websiteurl
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The websiteurl of the organization.
"websiteUrl": ""
"websiteurl": ""
### country
@ -86,7 +86,8 @@ The list of persistent identifiers for the organization.
"scheme": "GRID",
"value": "grid.19843.37"

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@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Indicates the OpenAccess status. Values are set according to the [Unpaywall meth
## AlternateIdentifier
Type used to represent the information associated to persistent identifiers associated to the research product that have not been forged by an authority for that pid type. For example we collect metadata from an institutional repository that provides as identifier for the research product also the DOI.
Type used to represent the information associated to persistent identifiers associated to the result that have not been forged by an authority for that pid type. For example we collect metadata from an institutional repository that provides as identifier for the result also the doi.
### scheme
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
@ -63,15 +63,15 @@ The quantity of money.
## Author
Represents the research product author.
Represents the result author.
### fullName
### fullname
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Author's full name.
"fullName": "Turunen, Heidi"
"fullname": "Turunen, Heidi"
### name
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ Author's family name.
### rank
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Author's order in the list of authors for the given research product.
Author's order in the list of authors for the given result.
"rank": 1
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ The author's pid value in that scheme.
## BestAccessRight
Indicates the most open access rights \*available among the research product instances.
Indicates the most open access rights \*available among the result Instances.
\* where the openness is defined by the ordering of the access right terms in the following.
@ -201,87 +201,36 @@ Scheme of reference for access right code. Currently, always set to COAR access
"scheme": ""
## CitationImpact
The different citation-based impact indicators as computed by [BIP!](
### indicator
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The name of indicator; it can be either one of:
* `influence`: it reflects the overall/total (citation-based) impact of an article in the research community at large, based on the underlying citation network (diachronically).
* `citationCount`: it is an alternative to the "Influence" indicator, which also reflects the overall/total (citation-based) impact of an article in the research community at large, based on the underlying citation network (diachronically).
* `popularity`: it reflects the "current" (citation-based) impact/attention (the "hype") of an article in the research community at large, based on the underlying citation network.
* `impulse`: it reflects the initial momentum of an article directly after its publication, based on the underlying citation network.
For more details on how these indicators are calculated, please refer [here](/graph-production-workflow/indicators-ingestion/impact-indicators).
"citationImpact": {
"influence": 123,
"influenceClass": "C2",
"citationCount": 456,
"citationClass": "C3",
"popularity": 234,
"popularityClass": "C1",
"impulse": 987,
"impulseClass": "C3"
### class
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The impact class assigned based on the indicator score.
To facilitate comprehension, BIP! also offers impact classes for articles, to group together those that have similar impact. The following 5 classes are provided:
* `C1`: Top 0.01%
* `C2`: Top 0.1%
* `C3`: Top 1%
* `C4`: Top 10%
* `C5`: Bottom 90%
## Container
This field has information about the conference or journal where the research product has been presented or published.
"container": {
"name": "Research Policy",
"edition": "xyz",
"issnLinking": "0048-7333",
"issnOnline": "1873-7625",
"issnPrinted": "1377-9655",
"sp": "xyz",
"ep": "xyz",
"iss": "xyz",
"vol": "xyz"
"container": {
"name": "Research Policy",
"conferenceDate": "2022-09-22",
"conferencePlace": "Padua, Italy"
This field has information about the conference or journal where the result has been presented or published.
### name
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Name of the journal or conference.
"name": "Research Policy"
### issnPrinted
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The journal printed issn.
"issnPrinted": "0048-7333"
### issnOnline
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The journal online issn.
"issnOnline": "1873-7625"
### issnLinking
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
@ -292,88 +241,114 @@ _Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The journal issue.
"iss": "5"
### sp
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The start page.
"sp": "12"
### ep
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The end page.
"ep": "22"
### vol
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The journal volume.
"vol": "50"
### edition
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The edition of the journal or conference.
### conferencePlace
### conferenceplace
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The place of the conference.
### conferenceDate
"conferenceplace": "Padua, Italy"
### conferencedate
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The date of the conference.
"conferencedate": "2022-09-22"
## ControlledField
<!-- <span className="todo">TODO: similar to AlternateIdentifier and ResultPid?</span> -->
Generic type used to represent the information described by a scheme and a value in that scheme (i.e. pid).
"scheme": "DOI",
"value": "10.5281/zenodo.4707307"
### scheme
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Vocabulary reference.
"scheme": "DOI"
### value
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Value from the given scheme/vocabulary.
"value": "10.5281/zenodo.4707307"
## Country
To represent the generic country code and label.
"code" : "IT",
"label": "Italy"
### code
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
"code" : "IT"
### label
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The country label.
"label": "Italy"
## Funding
Funding information for a project.
### fundingStream
### funding_stream
_Type: [FundingStream](#fundingstream) &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Funding information for the project.
"fundingStream": {
"funding_stream": {
"description": "Horizon 2020 Framework Programme - Research and Innovation action",
"id": "EC::H2020::RIA"
@ -469,16 +444,16 @@ The currency of the granted amount (e.g. EUR).
"currency": "EUR"
### fundedAmount
### fundedamount
_Type: Number &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The funded amount.
"fundedAmount": 1.0E7
"fundedamount": 1.0E7
### totalCost
### totalcost
_Type: Number &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The total cost of the project.
@ -509,7 +484,7 @@ The description of the programme.
## Instance
An instance is one specific materialization or version of the research product. For example, you can have one research product with three instances due to deduplication:
An instance is one specific materialization or version of the result. For example, you can have one result with three instances as result of deduplication:
* one is the pre-print
* one is the post-print
@ -517,13 +492,13 @@ An instance is one specific materialization or version of the research product.
Each instance is characterized by the properties that follow.
### accessRight
### accessright
_Type: [AccessRight](#accessright) &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Maps [dc:rights](, describes the access rights of the web resources relative to this instance.
"accessRight": {
"accessright": {
"code": "c_abf2",
"label": "OPEN",
"openAccessRoute": "gold",
@ -534,7 +509,7 @@ Maps [dc:rights](
### alternateIdentifier
_Type: [AlternateIdentifier](#alternateidentifier) &bull; Cardinality: MANY_
All the identifiers associated to the research product other than the authoritative ones.
All the identifiers associated to the result other than the authoritative ones.
"alternateIdentifier": [
@ -546,13 +521,13 @@ All the identifiers associated to the research product other than the authoritat
### articleProcessingCharge
### articleprocessingcharge
_Type: [APC](#apc) &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The money spent to make this book or article available in Open Access. Source for this information is the OpenAPC initiative.
"articleProcessingCharge": {
"articleprocessingcharge": {
"currency": "EUR",
"amount": "1000"
@ -567,6 +542,21 @@ The license URL.
"license": ""
### measures
_Type: [Measure](#measure) &bull; Cardinality: MANY_
The measures computed for this instance (e.g. those provided by [BIP! Finder](
"measures": [
"key": "influence",
"value": "6.45335454246e-09"
### pid
_Type: [ResultPid](#resultpid) &bull; Cardinality: MANY_
@ -582,13 +572,13 @@ The set of persistent identifiers associated to this instance that have been col
### publicationDate
### publicationdate
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The publication date of the research product.
"publicationDate": "2009-02-12"
"publicationdate": "2009-02-12"
### refereed
@ -629,150 +619,132 @@ URLs to the instance. They may link to the actual full-text or to the landing pa
## Indicator
These are indicators computed for a specific OpenAIRE research product.
Each Indicator object is composed of the following properties:
### citationImpact
_Type: [CitationImpact](#citationImpact) &bull; Cardinality: MANY_
These indicators, provided by [BIP!](, estimate the citation-based impact of a research product.
For details about their calculation, please refer [here](/graph-production-workflow/indicators-ingestion/impact-indicators).
"citationImpact": {
"influence": 123,
"influenceClass": "C2",
"citationCount": 456,
"citationClass": "C3",
"popularity": 234,
"popularityClass": "C1",
"impulse": 987,
"impulseClass": "C3"
### usageCounts
_Type: [UsageCounts](#usagecounts-1) &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
These measures, computed by the [UsageCounts Service](, are based on usage statistics.
Please refer [here](/graph-production-workflow/indicators-ingestion/usage-counts) for more details.
"usageCounts": {
"downloads": "10",
"views": "20"
## Language
Represents information for the language of the research product.
"language": {
"code": "eng",
"label": "English"
Represents information for the language of the result
### code
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Alpha-3/ISO 639-2 code of the language. Values controlled by the [dnet:languages vocabulary](
"code": "eng"
### label
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Language label in English.
"label": "English"
## Measure
A measure computed for this instance (e.g. those provided by [BIP! Finder](
### key
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The specified measure. Currently supported one of: `{ influence, influence_alt, popularity, popularity_alt, impulse, cc }` (see [the dedicated page](../../data-provision/enrichment/impact-scores) for more details).
"key": "influence"
### value
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
"value": "6.45335454246e-09"
The value for that measure.
## OrganizationPid
The schema and value for identifiers of the organization.
"scheme" : "GRID",
"value" : "grid.7119.e"
### scheme
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Vocabulary reference (i.e. isni).
"scheme" : "GRID"
### value
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Value from the given scheme/vocabulary (i.e. 0000000090326370).
"value" : "grid.7119.e"
## Provenance
Indicates the process that produced (or provided) the information, and the trust associated to the information.
"provenance" : "Harvested",
"trust": "0.9"
### provenance
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Provenance term from the vocabulary [dnet:provenanceActions](
"provenance": "Harvested"
### trust
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Trust, expressed as a number in the range [0-1].
"trust": "0.9"
## ResultCountry
Indicates the country associated to the research product.
It is for the country associated to the result.
It is a subclass of [Country](#country) and extends it with provenance information.
### provenance
_Type: [Provenance](#provenance-2) &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Indicates the reason why this country is associated to this research product.
Indicates the reason why this country is associated to this result.
"code" : "IT",
"label": "Italy",
"provenance": {
"provenance": "inferred by OpenAIRE",
"trust": "0.85"
"provenance": {
"provenance": "inferred by OpenAIRE",
"trust": "0.85"
## ResultPid
Type used to represent the information associated to persistent identifiers for the research product that have been forged by an authority for that pid type.
Type used to represent the information associated to persistent identifiers for the result that have been forged by an authority for that pid type.
<!-- <span className="todo">Seems to be similar to the AlternateIdentifier. What is the difference?</span> -->
"scheme" : "doi",
"value" : "10.21511/bbs.13(3).2018.13"
### scheme
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The scheme of the persistent identifier for the research product (i.e. doi). If the pid is here it means the information for the pid has been collected from an authority for that pid type (i.e. Crossref/Datacite for doi). The set of authoritative pid is: `doi` when collected from Crossref or Datacite, `pmid` when collected from EuroPubmed, `arxiv` when collected from arXiv, `handle` from the repositories.
The scheme of the persistent identifier for the result (i.e. doi). If the pid is here it means the information for the pid has been collected from an authority for that pid type (i.e. Crossref/Datacite for doi). The set of authoritative pid is: `doi` when collected from Crossref or Datacite, `pmid` when collected from EuroPubmed, `arxiv` when collected from arXiv, `handle` from the repositories.
"scheme": "doi"
### value
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The value expressed in the scheme (i.e. 10.1000/182).
"value": "10.21511/bbs.13(3).2018.13"
## Subject
Represents keywords associated to the research product.
Represents keywords associated to the result.
### subject
_Type: [SubjectSchemeValue](#subjectschemevalue) &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
@ -782,14 +754,25 @@ Contains the subject term: subject type (keyword, MeSH, etc) and the subject ter
"subject": {
"scheme": "keyword",
"value": "SVOC",
"provenance": {
"provenance": "Harvested",
"trust": "0.9"
"value": "SVOC"
### provenance
_Type: [Provenance](#provenance-2) &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Contains provenance information for the subject term.
"provenance": {
"provenance": "Harvested",
"trust": "0.9"
## SubjectSchemeValue
Subject classification against a vocabulary
### scheme
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
@ -804,28 +787,6 @@ _Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The value for the subject in the selected scheme. When the scheme is 'keyword', it means that the subject is free-text (i.e. not a term from a controlled vocabulary).
### provenance
_Type: [Provenance](#provenance-2) &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Contains provenance information for the subject term.
## UsageCounts
The usage counts indicator computed for this research product.
"usageCounts": {
"downloads": "10",
"views": "20"
"value" : "pyrolysis-oil"
### views
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The number of views for this research product.
### downloads
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The number of downloads for this research product.

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# Projects
# Project
Of crucial interest to OpenAIRE is also the identification of the funders (e.g. European Commission, WellcomeTrust, FCT Portugal, NWO The Netherlands) that co-funded the projects that have led to a given research product. Projects are characterized by a list of funding streams (e.g. FP7, H2020 for the EC), which identify the strands of fundings. Funding streams can be nested to form a tree of sub-funding streams.
Of crucial interest to OpenAIRE is also the identification of the funders (e.g. European Commission, WellcomeTrust, FCT Portugal, NWO The Netherlands) that co-funded the projects that have led to a given result. Projects are characterized by a list of funding streams (e.g. FP7, H2020 for the EC), which identify the strands of fundings. Funding streams can be nested to form a tree of sub-funding streams.
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ _Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Main entity identifier, created according to the [OpenAIRE entity identifier and PID mapping policy](../pids-and-identifiers).
"id": "corda__h2020::70ea22400fd890c5033cb31642c4ae68"
"id": "40|corda__h2020::70ea22400fd890c5033cb31642c4ae68"
### code
@ -46,13 +46,13 @@ Project's title.
"title": "OpenAIRE Advancing Open Scholarship"
### callIdentifier
### callidentifier
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The identifier of the research call.
"callIdentifier": "H2020-EINFRA-2017"`
"callidentifier": "H2020-EINFRA-2017"`
### funding
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ Funding information for the project.
"funding": [
"fundingStream": {
"funding_stream": {
"description": "Horizon 2020 Framework Programme - Research and Innovation action",
"id": "EC::H2020::RIA"
@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ The money granted to the project.
"granted": {
"currency": "EUR",
"fundedAmount": 1.0E7,
"totalCost": 1.0E7
"fundedamount": 1.0E7,
"totalcost": 1.0E7
@ -109,36 +109,36 @@ _Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
### openAccessMandateForDataset
### openaccessmandatefordataset
_Type: Boolean &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
"openAccessMandateForDataset": true
"openaccessmandatefordataset": true
### openAccessMandateForPublications
### openaccessmandateforpublications
_Type: Boolean &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
"openAccessMandateForPublications": true
"openaccessmandateforpublications": true
### startDate
### startdate
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The start year of the project.
"startDate": "2018-01-01"
"startdate": "2018-01-01"
### endDate
### enddate
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The end year pf the project.
"endDate": "2021-02-28"
"enddate": "2021-02-28"
### subject
@ -161,11 +161,11 @@ Short summary of the project.
"summary": "OpenAIRE-Advance continues the mission of OpenAIRE to support the Open Access/Open Data mandates in Europe. By sustaining the current successful infrastructure, comprised of a human network and robust technical services, it consolidates its achievements while working to shift the momentum among its communities to Open Science, aiming to be a trusted e-Infrastructurewithin the realms of the European Open Science Cloud.In this next phase, OpenAIRE-Advance strives to empower its National Open Access Desks (NOADs) so they become a pivotal part within their own national data infrastructures, positioningOA and open science onto national agendas. The capacity building activities bring together experts ontopical task groups in thematic areas(open policies, RDM, legal issues, TDM), promoting a train the trainer approach, strengthening and expanding the pan-European Helpdesk with support and training toolkits, training resources and workshops.It examines key elements of scholarly communication, i.e., co-operative OA publishing and next generation repositories, to develop essential building blocks of the scholarly commons.On the technical level OpenAIRE-Advance focuses on the operation and maintenance of the OpenAIRE technical TRL8/9 services,and radically improvesthe OpenAIRE services on offer by: a) optimizing their performance and scalability, b) refining their functionality based on end-user feedback, c) repackagingthem into products, taking a professional marketing approach with well-defined KPIs, d)consolidating the range of services/products into a common e-Infra catalogue to enable a wider uptake.OpenAIRE-Advancesteps up its outreach activities with concrete pilots with three major RIs,citizen science initiatives, and innovators via a rigorous Open Innovation programme. Finally, viaits partnership with COAR, OpenAIRE-Advance consolidatesOpenAIREs global roleextending its collaborations with Latin America, US, Japan, Canada, and Africa."
### websiteUrl
### websiteurl
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The website of the project
"websiteUrl": ""
"websiteurl": ""

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@ -1,527 +0,0 @@
sidebar_position: 1
# Research products
Research products are intended as digital objects, described by metadata, resulting from a scientific process.
In this page, we descibe the properties of the `ResearchProduct` object.
Moreover, there are the following sub-types of a `ResearchProduct`, that inherit all its properties and further extend it:
* [Publication](#publication)
* [Dataset](#dataset)
* [Software](#software)
* [Other research product](#other-research-product)
## The `ResearchProduct` object
### id
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Main entity identifier, created according to the [OpenAIRE entity identifier and PID mapping policy](../pids-and-identifiers).
"id": "doi_dedup___::80f29c8c8ba18c46c88a285b7e739dc3"
### type
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Type of the research products. Possible types:
* `publication`
* `dataset`
* `software`
* `other`
as declared in the terms from the [dnet:result_typologies vocabulary](
"type": "publication"
### originalId
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: MANY_
Identifiers of the record at the original sources.
"originalId": [
### mainTitle
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
A name or title by which a research product is known. May be the title of a publication, of a dataset or the name of a piece of software.
"mainTitle": "The fall of the innovation empire and its possible rise through open science"
### subTitle
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Explanatory or alternative name by which a research product is known.
"subTitle": "An analysis of cases from 1980 - 2020"
### author
_Type: [Author](other#author) &bull; Cardinality: MANY_
The main researchers involved in producing the data, or the authors of the publication.
"author": [
"fullName": "E. Richard Gold",
"rank": 1,
"name": "Richard",
"surname": "Gold",
"pid": {
"id": {
"scheme": "orcid",
"value": "0000-0002-3789-9238"
"provenance": {
"provenance": "Harvested",
"trust": "0.9"
### bestAccessRight
_Type: [BestAccessRight](other#bestaccessright) &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The most open access right associated to the manifestations of this research product.
"bestAccessRight": {
"code": "c_abf2",
"label": "OPEN",
"scheme": ""
### contributor
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: MANY_
The institution or person responsible for collecting, managing, distributing, or otherwise contributing to the development of the resource.
"contributor": [
"University of Zurich",
"Wright, Aidan G C",
"Hallquist, Michael",
### country
_Type: [ResultCountry](other#resultcountry) &bull; Cardinality: MANY_
Country associated with the research product: it is the country of the organisation that manages the institutional repository or national aggregator or CRIS system from which this record was collected.
Country of affiliations of authors can be found instead in the affiliation relation.
"country": [
"code": "CH",
"label": "Switzerland",
"provenance": {
"provenance": "Inferred by OpenAIRE",
"trust": "0.85"
### coverage
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: MANY_
### dateOfCollection
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
When OpenAIRE collected the record the last time.
"dateOfCollection": "2021-06-09T11:37:56.248Z"
### description
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: MANY_
A brief description of the resource and the context in which the resource was created.
"description": [
"Open science partnerships (OSPs) are one mechanism to reverse declining efficiency. OSPs are public-private partnerships that openly share publications, data and materials.",
"There is growing concern that the innovation system's ability to create wealth and attain social benefit is declining in effectiveness. This article explores the reasons for this decline and suggests a structure, the open science partnership, as one mechanism through which to slow down or reverse this decline.",
"The article examines the empirical literature of the last century to document the decline. This literature suggests that the cost of research and innovation is increasing exponentially, that researcher productivity is declining, and, third, that these two phenomena have led to an overall flat or declining level of innovation productivity.",
### embargoEndDate
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Date when the embargo ends and this research product turns Open Access.
"embargoEndDate": "2017-01-01"
### indicators
_Type: [Indicator](other#indicator-1) &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The indicators computed for this research product;
currently, the following types of indicators are supported:
* [Citation-based impact indicators by BIP!](other#citationimpact)
* [Usage Statistics indicators](other#usagecounts)
"indicators": {
"citationImpact": {
"influence": 123,
"influenceClass": "C2",
"citationCount": 456,
"citationClass": "C3",
"popularity": 234,
"popularityClass": "C1",
"impulse": 987,
"impulseClass": "C3"
"usageCounts": {
"downloads": "10",
"views": "20"
### instance
_Type: [Instance](other#instance) &bull; Cardinality: MANY_
Specific materialization or version of the research product. For example, you can have one research product with three instances: one is the pre-print, one is the post-print, one is the published version.
"instance": [
"accessRight": {
"code": "c_abf2",
"label": "OPEN",
"openAccessRoute": "gold",
"scheme": ""
"alternateIdentifier": [
"scheme": "doi",
"value": "10.1016/j.respol.2021.104226"
"articleProcessingCharge": {
"amount": "4063.93",
"currency": "EUR"
"license": "",
"pid": [
"scheme": "pmc",
"value": "PMC8024784"
"publicationDate": "2021-01-01",
"refereed": "UNKNOWN",
"type": "Article",
"url": [
### language
_Type: [Language](other#language) &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The alpha-3/ISO 639-2 code of the language. Values controlled by the [dnet:languages vocabulary](
"language": {
"code": "eng",
"label": "English"
### lastUpdateTimeStamp
_Type: Long &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Timestamp of last update of the record in OpenAIRE.
"lastUpdateTimeStamp": 1652722279987
### pid
_Type: [ResultPid](other#resultpid) &bull; Cardinality: MANY_
Persistent identifiers of the research product. See also the [OpenAIRE entity identifier and PID mapping policy](../pids-and-identifiers) to learn more.
"pid": [
"scheme": "pmc",
"value": "PMC8024784"
"scheme": "doi",
"value": "10.1016/j.respol.2021.104226"
### publicationDate
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Main date of the research product: typically the publication or issued date. In case of a research product with different versions with different dates, the date of the research product is selected as the most frequent well-formatted date. If not available, then the most recent and complete date among those that are well-formatted. For statistics, the year is extracted and the research product is counted only among the research products of that year. Example: Pre-print date: 2019-02-03, Article date provided by repository: 2020-02, Article date provided by Crossref: 2020, OpenAIRE will set as date 2019-02-03, because its the most recent among the complete and well-formed dates. If then the repository updates the metadata and set a complete date (e.g. 2020-02-12), then this will be the new date for the research product because it becomes the most recent most complete date. However, if OpenAIRE then collects the pre-print from another repository with date 2019-02-03, then this will be the “winning date” because it becomes the most frequent well-formatted date.
"publicationDate": "2021-03-18"
### publisher
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The name of the entity that holds, archives, publishes prints, distributes, releases, issues, or produces the resource.
"publisher": "Elsevier, North-Holland Pub. Co"
### source
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: MANY_
A related resource from which the described resource is derived. See definition of Dublin Core field [dc:source](
"source": [
"Research Policy",
### subjects
_Type: [Subject](other#subject) &bull; Cardinality: MANY_
Subject, keyword, classification code, or key phrase describing the resource.
OpenAIRE classifies research products according to the [Field of Science](../../graph-production-workflow/indicators-ingestion/
and [Sustainable Development Goals](../../graph-production-workflow/indicators-ingestion/ taxonomies.
Check out the relative sections to know more.
"subjects": [
"subject": {
"scheme": "FOS",
"value": "01 natural sciences"
"provenance": {
"provenance": "inferred by OpenAIRE",
"trust": "0.85"
"subject": {
"scheme": "SDG",
"value": "2. Zero hunger"
"provenance": {
"provenance": "inferred by OpenAIRE",
"trust": "0.83"
"subject": {
"scheme": "keyword",
"value": "Open science"
"provenance": {
"provenance": "Harvested",
"trust": "0.9"
### isGreen
_Type: Boolean &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Indicates whether or not the scientific result was published following the green open access model.
### openAccessColor
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Indicates the specific open access model used for the publication; possible value is one of `bronze, gold, hybrid`.
### isInDiamondJournal
_Type: Boolean &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Indicates whether or not the publication was published in a diamond journal.
### publiclyFunded
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Discloses whether the publication acknowledges grants from public sources.
## Sub-types
There are the following sub-types of `Result`. Each inherits all its fields and extends them with the following.
### Publication
Metadata records about research literature (includes types of publications listed [here](
#### container
_Type: [Container](other#container) &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Container has information about the conference or journal where the research product has been presented or published.
"container": {
"edition": "",
"iss": "5",
"issnLinking": "",
"issnOnline": "1873-7625",
"issnPrinted": "0048-7333",
"name": "Research Policy",
"sp": "12",
"ep": "22",
"vol": "50"
### Dataset
Metadata records about research data (includes the subtypes listed [here](
#### size
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The declared size of the dataset.
"size": "10129818"
#### version
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The version of the dataset.
"version": "v1.3"
#### geolocation
_Type: [GeoLocation](other#geolocation) &bull; Cardinality: MANY_
The list of geolocations associated with the dataset.
"geolocation": [
"box": "18.569386 54.468973 18.066832 54.83707",
"place": "Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg, Southern Germany",
"point": "7.72486 50.1084"
### Software
Metadata records about research software (includes the subtypes listed [here](
#### documentationUrl
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: MANY_
The URLs to the software documentation.
"documentationUrl": [
#### codeRepositoryUrl
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The URL to the repository with the source code.
"codeRepositoryUrl": ""
#### programmingLanguage
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The programming language.
"programmingLanguage": "Java"
### Other research product
Metadata records about research products that cannot be classified as research literature, data or software (includes types of products listed [here](
#### contactPerson
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: MANY_
Information on the person responsible for providing further information regarding the resource.
"contactPerson": [
"Noémie Dominguez",
#### contactGroup
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: MANY_
Information on the group responsible for providing further information regarding the resource.
"contactGroup": [
"Networked Multimedia Information Systems (NeMIS)",
#### tool
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: MANY_
Information about tool useful for the interpretation and/or re-use of the research product.

View File

@ -183,43 +183,6 @@ Date when the embargo ends and this result turns Open Access.
"embargoenddate": "2017-01-01"
### indicators
_Type: [Indicator](other#indicator) &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The indicators computed for this result;
currently, the following two types of indicators are supported: [impact indicators](/graph-production-workflow/indicators-ingestion/impact-indicators) and [usage statistics indicators](/graph-production-workflow/indicators-ingestion/usage-counts).
"indicators": {
"impactMeasures": {
"influence": {
"score": "123",
"class": "C2"
"influence_alt" : {
"score": "456",
"class": "C3"
"popularity": {
"score": "234",
"class": "C1"
"popularity_alt": {
"score": "345",
"class": "C5"
"impulse": {
"score": "987",
"class": "C3"
"usageCounts": {
"downloads": "10",
"views": "20"
### instance
_Type: [Instance](other#instance) &bull; Cardinality: MANY_
@ -246,6 +209,13 @@ Specific materialization or version of the result. For example, you can have one
"currency": "EUR"
"license": "",
"key": "influence",
"value": "6.45335454246e-09"
"pid": [
"scheme": "pmc",

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@ -18,13 +18,9 @@ Such a policy defines a list of data sources that are considered authoritative f
| doi | [Crossref](, [Datacite]( |
| pmc, pmid | [Europe PubMed Central](, [PubMed Central]( |
| arXiv | [ e-Print Archive]( |
| uniprot | [Protein Data Bank]( |
| ena | [Protein Data Bank]( |
| pdb | [Protein Data Bank]( |
There is an exception though: Handle(s) are minted by several repositories; as listing them all would not be a viable option, to avoid losing them as PIDs, Handles bypass the PID authority filtering rule.
In all other cases, PIDs are included in the graph as alternate Identifiers.
In all other cases, PIDs are be included in the graph as alternate Identifiers.
## Delegated authorities
@ -35,10 +31,10 @@ assigns PIDs to their scientific products from a given PID minter.
This "selection" can be performed when the entities in the graph sharing the same identifier are grouped together. The list of the delegated authorities currently includes
| Datasource delegated | Datasource delegating | Pid Type |
| [Zenodo]( | [Datacite]( | doi |
| [RoHub]( | [W3ID]( | w3id |
| Datasource delegated | Datasource delegating | Pid Type |
| [Zenodo]( | [Datacite]( | doi |
| [RoHub]( | [W3ID]( | w3id |
## Identifiers in the Graph
@ -47,7 +43,7 @@ OpenAIRE assigns internal identifiers for each object it collects.
By default, the internal identifier is generated as `sourcePrefix::md5(localId)` where:
* `sourcePrefix` is a namespace prefix of 12 chars assigned to the data source at registration time
* `localΙd` is the identifier assigned to the object by the data source
* `localid` is the identifier assigned to the object by the data source
After years of operation, we can say that:
@ -66,15 +62,13 @@ When the record is collected from a source which is not authoritative for any ty
Currently, the following data sources are used as "PID authorities":
| PID Type | Prefix (12 chars) | Authority |
| doi | `doi_________` | Crossref, Datacite, Zenodo |
| pmc | `pmc_________` | Europe PubMed Central, PubMed Central |
| pmid | `pmid________` | Europe PubMed Central, PubMed Central |
| arXiv | `arXiv_______` | e-Print Archive |
| ena | `ena_________` | EMBL-EBI |
| pdb | `pdb_________` | EMBL-EBI |
| uniprot | `uniprot_____` | EMBL-EBI |
| PID Type | Prefix (12 chars) | Authority |
| doi | `doi_________` | Crossref, Datacite, Zenodo |
| pmc | `pmc_________` | Europe PubMed Central, PubMed Central |
| pmid | `pmid________` | Europe PubMed Central, PubMed Central |
| arXiv | `arXiv_______` | e-Print Archive |
| handle | `handle______` | any repository |
OpenAIRE also perform duplicate identification (see the [dedicated section for details](/graph-production-workflow/deduplication)).
All duplicates are **merged** together in a **representative record** which must be assigned a [dedicated OpenAIRE identifier](/graph-production-workflow/deduplication/research-products#openaire-identifier-of-the-representative-record) (i.e. it cannot have the identifier of one of the aggregated record).
OpenAIRE also perform duplicate identification (see the [dedicated section for details](../../data-provision/deduplication/)).
All duplicates are **merged** together in a **representative record** which must be assigned a dedicated OpenAIRE identifier (i.e. it cannot have the identifier of one of the aggregated record).

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@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
sidebar_position: 2
# Relationships
A relationship in the graph is represented by the following data type, which aims to model a directed edge between two nodes, providing information about the semantic of the relation, its provenance and validation.
## The `Relationship` object
### source
_Type: [Node](#the-node-object) &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Represents the source node in the relation.
"source": {
"id": "20|openorgs____::1cb75a3ad756e4c83e455e3e7347643b",
"type": "organization"
### target
_Type: [Node](#the-node-object) &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Represents the target node in the relation.
"target": {
"id": "10|doajarticles::022409068174087a003647ff46070f7f",
"type": "datasource"
### reltype
_Type: [RelType](#the-reltype-object) &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Represent the semantics of the relation between two nodes of the graph.
"reltype": {
"name": "provides",
"type": "provision"
### provenance
_Type: [Provenance](entities/other#provenance-1) &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Indicates the process that produced (or provided) the information.
"provenance": {
"provenance": "Harvested",
### validated
_Type: Boolean &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Indicates weather or not the relation was validated.
"validated": true
### validationDate
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Indicates the validation date of the relation - applies only when the validated flag is set to true.
"validationDate": "2022-09-02"
## The `Node` object
The Node data type contains the minimum information needed to identify a graph node, its identifier and entity type.
### id
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
OpenAIRE identifier of the node in the graph.
"id": "10|doajarticles::022409068174087a003647ff46070f7f"
### type
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Graph node type.
"type": "datasource"
## The `RelType` object
The RelType data type models the semantic of the relationship among two nodes.
### type
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Relation category, e.g. affiliation, citation, see table Relation typologies.
"name": "provides"
### name
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Further specifies the relation semantic, indicating the relation direction, e.g. Cites, isCitedBy.
"type": "provision"
## Relationship types
The following table lists all the possible relation semantics found in the graph dump.
| # | Source entity type | Target entity type | Relation type | Relation name | Inverse relation name |
| 1 | [Project](entities/project) | [Result](entities/result) | outcome | produces | isProducedBy |
| 2 | [Result](entities/result) | [Organization](entities/organization) | affiliation | hasAuthorInstitution | isAuthorInstitutionOf |
| 3 | [Result](entities/result) | [Result](entities/result) | similarity | isAmongTopNSimilarDocuments | HasAmongTopNSimilarDocuments |
| 4 | [Project](entities/project) | [Organization](entities/organization) | participation | isParticipant | hasParticipant |
| 5 | [Result](entities/result) | [Result](entities/result) | supplement | isSupplementTo | isSupplementedBy |
| 6 | [Result](entities/result) | [Result](entities/result) | relationship | isRelatedTo | isRelatedTo |
| 7 | [Data source](entities/data-source) | [Organization](entities/organization) | provision | provides | isProvidedBy |
| 8 | [Result](entities/result) | [Data source](entities/data-source) | provision | isHostedBy | hosts |
| 9 | [Result](entities/result) | [Data source](entities/data-source) | provision | isProvidedBy | provides |
| 10 | [Result](entities/result) | [Community](entities/community) | relationship | isRelatedTo | isRelatedTo |
| 11 | [Organization](entities/organization) | [Community](entities/community) | relationship | isRelatedTo | isRelatedTo |
| 12 | [Data source](entities/data-source) | [Community](entities/community) | relationship | isRelatedTo | isRelatedTo |
| 13 | [Project](entities/project) | [Community](entities/community) | relationship | isRelatedTo | isRelatedTo |

View File

@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
title: The Relationship object
# The `Relationship` object
A relationship in the Graph is represented with the data type presented in this page, which aims to model a directed edge between two nodes, providing information about its semantics, provenance and validation.
### source
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
OpenAIRE identifier of the node in the graph.
"source": "openorgs____::1cb75a3ad756e4c83e455e3e7347643b"
### sourceType
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Graph node type.
"sourceType": "organization"
### target
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
OpenAIRE identifier of the node in the graph.
"target": "doajarticles::022409068174087a003647ff46070f7f"
### targetType
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Graph node type.
"target": "datasource"
### relType
_Type: [RelType](#the-reltype-object) &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Represent the semantics of the relationship between two nodes of the graph.
"relType": {
"name": "provides",
"type": "provision"
### provenance
_Type: [Provenance](/data-model/entities/other#provenance-1) &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Indicates the process that produced (or provided) the information.
"provenance": {
"provenance": "Harvested",
### validated
_Type: Boolean &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Indicates weather or not the relationship was validated.
"validated": true
### validationDate
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Indicates the validation date of the relationship - applies only when the validated flag is set to true.
"validationDate": "2022-09-02"
## The `RelType` object
The RelType data type models the semantic of the relationship among two nodes.
### type
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The relationship category, e.g. affiliation, citation. (see [relationship types](./relationship-types)).
"name": "provides"
### name
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Further specifies the relationship semantic, indicating the relationship direction, e.g. Cites, isCitedBy.
"type": "provision"

View File

@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
# Relationship types
The following table lists all the possible relation semantics found in the Graph Dataset.
Note: the labels used to specify the semantic of the relationships are (for the large) inherited from the [DataCite metadata kernel](, which provides a description for them.
| # | Source entity type | Target entity type | Relation name / inverse | Provenance |
| 1 | [Project](/data-model/entities/project) | [ResearchProduct](../../data-model/entities/research-product) | produces / isProducedBy | Harvested, Inferred by OpenAIRE, Linked by user |
| 2 | [Project](/data-model/entities/project) | [Organization](/data-model/entities/organization) | hasParticipant / isParticipant | Harvested |
| 3 | [Project](/data-model/entities/project) | [Community](/data-model/entities/community) | IsRelatedTo / IsRelatedTo | Linked by user |
| 4 | [ResearchProduct](../../data-model/entities/research-product) | [ResearchProduct](../../data-model/entities/research-product) | IsAmongTopNSimilarDocuments / HasAmongTopNSimilarDocuments | Inferred by OpenAIRE |
| 5 | [ResearchProduct](../../data-model/entities/research-product) | [ResearchProduct](../../data-model/entities/research-product) | IsSupplementTo / IsSupplementedBy | Harvested |
| 6 | [ResearchProduct](../../data-model/entities/research-product) | [ResearchProduct](../../data-model/entities/research-product) | IsRelatedTo / IsRelatedTo | Harvested, Inferred by OpenAIRE, Linked by user |
| 7 | [ResearchProduct](../../data-model/entities/research-product) | [ResearchProduct](../../data-model/entities/research-product) | IsPartOf / HasPart | Harvested |
| 8 | [ResearchProduct](../../data-model/entities/research-product) | [ResearchProduct](../../data-model/entities/research-product) | IsDocumentedBy / Documents | Harvested |
| 9 | [ResearchProduct](../../data-model/entities/research-product) | [ResearchProduct](../../data-model/entities/research-product) | IsObsoletedBy / Obsoletes | Harvested |
| 10 | [ResearchProduct](../../data-model/entities/research-product) | [ResearchProduct](../../data-model/entities/research-product) | IsSourceOf / IsDerivedFrom | Harvested |
| 11 | [ResearchProduct](../../data-model/entities/research-product) | [ResearchProduct](../../data-model/entities/research-product) | IsCompiledBy / Compiles | Harvested |
| 12 | [ResearchProduct](../../data-model/entities/research-product) | [ResearchProduct](../../data-model/entities/research-product) | IsRequiredBy / Requires | Harvested |
| 13 | [ResearchProduct](../../data-model/entities/research-product) | [ResearchProduct](../../data-model/entities/research-product) | IsCitedBy / Cites | Harvested, Inferred by OpenAIRE |
| 14 | [ResearchProduct](../../data-model/entities/research-product) | [ResearchProduct](../../data-model/entities/research-product) | IsReferencedBy / References | Harvested |
| 15 | [ResearchProduct](../../data-model/entities/research-product) | [ResearchProduct](../../data-model/entities/research-product) | IsReviewedBy / Reviews | Harvested |
| 16 | [ResearchProduct](../../data-model/entities/research-product) | [ResearchProduct](../../data-model/entities/research-product) | IsOriginalFormOf / IsVariantFormOf | Harvested |
| 17 | [ResearchProduct](../../data-model/entities/research-product) | [ResearchProduct](../../data-model/entities/research-product) | IsVersionOf / HasVersion | Harvested |
| 18 | [ResearchProduct](../../data-model/entities/research-product) | [ResearchProduct](../../data-model/entities/research-product) | IsIdenticalTo / IsIdenticalTo | Harvested |
| 19 | [ResearchProduct](../../data-model/entities/research-product) | [ResearchProduct](../../data-model/entities/research-product) | IsPreviousVersionOf / IsNewVersionOf | Harvested |
| 20 | [ResearchProduct](../../data-model/entities/research-product) | [ResearchProduct](../../data-model/entities/research-product) | IsContinuedBy / Continues | Harvested |
| 21 | [ResearchProduct](../../data-model/entities/research-product) | [ResearchProduct](../../data-model/entities/research-product) | IsDescribedBy / Describes | Harvested |
| 22 | [ResearchProduct](../../data-model/entities/research-product) | [Organization](/data-model/entities/organization) | hasAuthorInstitution / isAuthorInstitutionOf | Harvested, Inferred by OpenAIRE |
| 23 | [ResearchProduct](../../data-model/entities/research-product) | [Data source](/data-model/entities/data-source) | isHostedBy / hosts | Harvested, Inferred by OpenAIRE |
| 24 | [ResearchProduct](../../data-model/entities/research-product) | [Data source](/data-model/entities/data-source) | isProvidedBy / provides | Harvested |
| 25 | [ResearchProduct](../../data-model/entities/research-product) | [Community](/data-model/entities/community) | IsRelatedTo / IsRelatedTo | Harvested, Inferred by OpenAIRE, Linked by user |
| 26 | [Organization](/data-model/entities/organization) | [Community](/data-model/entities/community) | IsRelatedTo / IsRelatedTo | Linked by user |
| 27 | [Organization](/data-model/entities/organization) | [Organization](/data-model/entities/organization) | IsChildOf / IsParentOf | Linked by user |
| 28 | [Data source](/data-model/entities/data-source) | [Community](/data-model/entities/community) | IsRelatedTo / IsRelatedTo | Linked by user |
| 29 | [Data source](/data-model/entities/data-source) | [Organization](/data-model/entities/organization) | isProvidedBy / provides | Harvested |

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@ -3,6 +3,6 @@
"position": 6,
"link": {
"type": "doc",
"id": "graph-production-workflow"
"id": "data-provision"

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@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ OpenAIRE materializes an open, participatory research graph (the OpenAIRE Graph)
OpenAIRE aggregates metadata records describing objects of the research life-cycle from content providers compliant to the [OpenAIRE guidelines]( and from entity registries (i.e. data sources offering authoritative lists of entities, like [OpenDOAR](, [re3data](, [DOAJ](, and various funder databases). After collection, metadata are transformed according to the OpenAIRE internal metadata model, which is used to generate the final OpenAIRE Graph, accessible from the [OpenAIRE EXPLORE portal]( and the [APIs](
The transformation process includes the application of cleaning functions whose goal is to ensure that values are harmonised according to a common format (e.g. dates as YYYY-MM-dd) and, whenever applicable, to a common controlled vocabulary. The controlled vocabularies used for cleansing are accessible at []( Each vocabulary features a set of controlled terms, each with one code, one label, and a set of synonyms. If a synonym is found as field value, the value is updated with the corresponding term.
In addition, the OpenAIRE Graph is extended with other relevant scholarly communication sources that need special handling, either because they do not strictly follow the OpenAIRE Guidelines or due to the vast amount of data of data they offer (e.g. DOIBoost, that merges Crossref, ORCID, Microsoft Academic Graph, and Unpaywall).
Also, the OpenAIRE Graph is extended with other relevant scholarly communication sources that do not follow the OpenAIRE Guidelines and/or are too large to be integrated via the “normal” aggregation mechanism: DOIBoost (which merges Crossref, ORCID, Microsoft Academic Graph, and Unpaywall).
<p align="center">
<img loading="lazy" alt="Aggregation" src={require('../../assets/img/aggregation.png').default} width="65%" className="img_node_modules-@docusaurus-theme-classic-lib-theme-MDXComponents-Img-styles-module"/>
<img loading="lazy" alt="Aggregation" src="/img/docs/aggregation.png" width="65%" className="img_node_modules-@docusaurus-theme-classic-lib-theme-MDXComponents-Img-styles-module"/>
The OpenAIRE aggregation system collects information about objects of the research life-cycle compliant to the [OpenAIRE acquisition policy]( from [different types of data sources](
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Relationships between objects are collected from the data sources, but also auto
Objects and relationships in the OpenAIRE Graph are extracted from information packages, i.e. metadata records, collected from data sources of the following kinds:
- *Literature, Institutional and thematic repositories*: Information systems where scientists upload the bibliographic metadata and full-texts of their articles, due to obligations from their organization or due to community practices (e.g. ArXiv, Europe PMC);
- *Institutional or thematic repositories*: Information systems where scientists upload the bibliographic metadata and full-texts of their articles, due to obligations from their organization or due to community practices (e.g. ArXiv, Europe PMC);
- *Open Access Publishers and journals*: Information system of open access publishers or relative journals, which offer bibliographic metadata and PDFs of their published articles;
- *Data archives*: Information systems where scientists deposit descriptive metadata and files about their research data (also known as scientific data, datasets, etc.).;
- *Hybrid repositories/archives*: information systems where scientists deposit metadata and file of any kind of scientific products, incuding scientific literature, research data and research software (e.g. Zenodo)
@ -46,13 +46,11 @@ Objects and relationships in the OpenAIRE Graph are extracted from information p
OpenAIRE collects metadata records describing objects of the research life-cycle from content providers compliant to the OpenAIRE guidelines and from entity registries (i.e. data sources offering authoritative lists of entities, like OpenDOAR, re3data, DOAJ, and funder databases).
The OpenAIRE aggregator collects metadata records in the majority of cases via [OAI-PMH](, but also supports other standard exchange protocols like FTP(S), SFTP, and some RESTful API.
The whole list of available and used collectors could be found in the [RedMine Wiki - API Protocols](
For additional details about the aggregation workflows, please refer to [2].
## References
[1] Manghi, P., Artini, M., Atzori, C., Bardi, A., Mannocci, A., La Bruzzo, S., Candela, L., Castelli, D. and Pagano, P. (2014), “The D-NET software toolkit: A framework for the realization, maintenance, and operation of aggregative infrastructures”, Program: electronic library and information systems, Vol. 48 No. 4, pp. 322-354. [doi:10.1108/prog-08-2013-0045](
[1] Manghi P. et al. (2014) "The D-NET software toolkit: A framework for the realization, maintenance, and operation of aggregative infrastructures", Program, Vol. 48 Issue: 4, pp.322-354, [10.1108/PROG-08-2013-0045](
[2] Atzori, C., Bardi, A., Manghi, P., & Mannocci, A. (2017, January). "The OpenAIRE workflows for data management". In Italian Research Conference on Digital Libraries (pp. 95-107). Springer, Cham. [doi:10.1007/978-3-319-68130-6_8](
[2] Atzori, Claudio, Bardi, Alessia, Manghi, Paolo, & Mannocci, Andrea. (2017). The OpenAIRE workflows for data management. Zenodo. [10.5281/zenodo.996006](

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@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
# Graph production workflow
# Data provision
OpenAIRE collects metadata records from more than 70K scholarly communication sources from all over the world, including Open Access institutional repositories, data archives, journals. All the metadata records (i.e. descriptions of research products) are put together in a data lake, together with records from Crossref, Unpaywall, ORCID,, and information about projects provided by national and international funders. Dedicated inference algorithms applied to metadata and to the full-texts of Open Access publications enrich the content of the data lake with links between research results and projects, author affiliations, subject classification, links to entries from domain-specific databases. Duplicated organisations and results are identified and merged together to obtain an open, trusted, public resource enabling explorations of the scholarly communication landscape like never before.
<p align="center">
<img loading="lazy" alt="Data provision" src={require('../assets/img/architecture.png').default} width="100%" className="img_node_modules-@docusaurus-theme-classic-lib-theme-MDXComponents-Img-styles-module"/>
<img loading="lazy" alt="Data provision" src="/img/docs/architecture.png" width="80%" className="img_node_modules-@docusaurus-theme-classic-lib-theme-MDXComponents-Img-styles-module"/>

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@ -4,23 +4,15 @@ Metadata records about the same scholarly work can be collected from different p
## Methodology overview
The deduplication process can be divided into five different phases:
* Collection import
The deduplication process can be divided into three different phases:
* Candidate identification (clustering)
* Duplicates identification (pair-wise comparisons)
* Duplicates grouping (transitive closure)
* Relation redistribution
<p align="center">
<img loading="lazy" alt="Deduplication Workflow" src={require('../../assets/img/deduplication-workflow.png').default} width="100%" className="img_node_modules-@docusaurus-theme-classic-lib-theme-MDXComponents-Img-styles-module"/>
<img loading="lazy" alt="Deduplication Workflow" src="/img/docs/deduplication-workflow.png" width="100%" className="img_node_modules-@docusaurus-theme-classic-lib-theme-MDXComponents-Img-styles-module"/>
[//]: # (Link to the image:
### Collection import
The nodes in the graph represent entities of different types. This phase is responsible for identifying all the nodes with a given type and make them available to the subsequent phases representing them in the deduplication record model.
### Candidate identification (clustering)
Clustering is a common heuristics used to overcome the N x N complexity required to match all pairs of objects to identify the equivalent ones. The challenge is to identify a [clustering function](./clustering-functions) that maximizes the chance of comparing only records that may lead to a match, while minimizing the number of records that will not be matched while being equivalent. Since the equivalence function is to some level tolerant to minimal errors (e.g. switching of characters in the title, or minimal difference in letters), we need this function to be not too precise (e.g. a hash of the title), but also not too flexible (e.g. random ngrams of the title). On the other hand, reality tells us that in some cases equality of two records can only be determined by their PIDs (e.g. DOI) as the metadata properties are very different across different versions and no [clustering function](./clustering-functions) will ever bring them into the same cluster.
@ -34,14 +26,3 @@ To further limit the number of comparisons, a sliding window mechanism is used:
### Duplicates grouping (transitive closure)
Once the similarity relations between pairs of records are drawn, the groups of equivalent records are obtained (transitive closure, i.e. “mesh”). From such sets a new representative object is obtained, which inherits all properties from the merged records and keeps track of their provenance.
### Relation redistribution
Relations involved in nodes identified as duplicated are eventually marked as virtually deleted and used as template for creating a new relation pointing to the new representative record.
Note that nodes and relationships marked as virtually deleted are not exported.
<p align="center">
<img loading="lazy" alt="Deduplication Workflow" src={require('../../assets/img/dedup-relation-fixup.png').default} width="75%" className="img_node_modules-@docusaurus-theme-classic-lib-theme-MDXComponents-Img-styles-module"/>
[//]: # (Link to the image:

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@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ The comparison goes through the following decision tree:
5. *legalname check*: comparison of the normalized `legalnames` with the `Jaro-Winkler` distance to determine if it is higher than `0.9`. If so, a similarity relation is drawn. Otherwise, no similarity relation is drawn.
<p align="center">
<img loading="lazy" alt="Organization Decision Tree" src={require('../../assets/img/decisiontree-organization.png').default} width="100%" className="img_node_modules-@docusaurus-theme-classic-lib-theme-MDXComponents-Img-styles-module"/>
<img loading="lazy" alt="Organization Decision Tree" src="/img/docs/decisiontree-organization.png" width="100%" className="img_node_modules-@docusaurus-theme-classic-lib-theme-MDXComponents-Img-styles-module"/>
[//]: # (Link to the image:

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@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ The comparison goes through different stages:
5. *strong check*: comparison composed by three substages involving the (i) comparison of the author list sizes and the version of the record to determine if they are coherent, (ii) comparison of the record titles with the Levenshtein distance to determine if it is higher than 0.99, (iii) "smart" comparison of the author lists to check if common authors are more than 60%.
<p align="center">
<img loading="lazy" alt="Publications Decision Tree" src={require('../../assets/img/decisiontree-publication.png').default} width="100%" className="img_node_modules-@docusaurus-theme-classic-lib-theme-MDXComponents-Img-styles-module"/>
<img loading="lazy" alt="Publications Decision Tree" src="/img/docs/decisiontree-publication.png" width="100%" className="img_node_modules-@docusaurus-theme-classic-lib-theme-MDXComponents-Img-styles-module"/>
[//]: # (Link to the image:
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ The comparison goes through different stages:
3. *strong check*: comparison of the record titles with Levenshtein distance. If the measure is above 0.99, then the similarity relation is drawn
<p align="center">
<img loading="lazy" alt="Software Decision Tree" src={require('../../assets/img/decisiontree-software.png').default} width="85%" className="img_node_modules-@docusaurus-theme-classic-lib-theme-MDXComponents-Img-styles-module"/>
<img loading="lazy" alt="Software Decision Tree" src="/img/docs/decisiontree-software.png" width="85%" className="img_node_modules-@docusaurus-theme-classic-lib-theme-MDXComponents-Img-styles-module"/>
[//]: # (Link to the image:
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ For each pair of datasets or other types of research products in a cluster the s
The decision tree is almost identical to the publication decision tree, with the only exception of the *instance type check* stage. Since such type of record does not have a relatable instance type, the check is not performed and the decision tree node is skipped.
<p align="center">
<img loading="lazy" alt="Dataset and Other types of research products Decision Tree" src={require('../../assets/img/decisiontree-dataset-orp.png').default} width="90%" className="img_node_modules-@docusaurus-theme-classic-lib-theme-MDXComponents-Img-styles-module"/>
<img loading="lazy" alt="Dataset and Other types of research products Decision Tree" src="/img/docs/decisiontree-dataset-orp.png" width="90%" className="img_node_modules-@docusaurus-theme-classic-lib-theme-MDXComponents-Img-styles-module"/>
[//]: # (Link to the image:

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# Extraction of Acknowledged Concepts
| Property | Description |
| --- | --- |
| Short description | Scans the plaintexts of publications for acknowledged concepts, including grant identifiers (projects) of funders, accession numbers of bioetities, EPO patent mentions, as well as custom concepts that can link research objects to specific research communities and initiatives in OpenAIRE. |
| Authority | ATHENA Research Center, Greece |
| Licence | CC-BY/CC-0 |
| Algorithmic details | The algorithm processes the publication's fulltext and extracts references to acknowledged concepts. It applies pattern matching and string join between the fulltext and a target database which contains the title, the acronym and the identifier of the searched concept. |
| Parameters | Concept titles, acronyms, and identifiers, publication's identifiers and fulltexts |
| Limitations | N/A |
| Code repository | |
| Environment | Python, madIS (, APSW ( |
| References & resources | [Foufoulas, Y., Zacharia, E., Dimitropoulos, H., Manola, N., Ioannidis, Y. (2022). DETEXA: Declarative Extensible Text Exploration and Analysis. In: , et al. Linking Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries. TPDL 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13541. Springer, Cham.]( |

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@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
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# Affiliation matching
***Short description:*** The goal of the affiliation matching module is to match affiliations extracted from the pdf and xml documents with organizations from the OpenAIRE organization database.
***Short description:***
The goal of the affiliation matching module is to match affiliations extracted from the pdf and xml documents with organizations from the OpenAIRE organization database.
***Algorithmic details:***
@ -47,11 +45,12 @@ The total match strength is calculated in such a way that each consecutive voter
* output
* [MatchedOrganization]( avro datastore location with matched publications with organizations.
***Limitations:*** -
Java, Spark
***References:*** -
***Authority:*** ICM &bull; ***License:*** AGPL-3.0 &bull; ***Code:*** [CoAnSys/affiliation-organization-matching](

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@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
# Citation matching
***Short description:*** During a citation matching task, bibliographic entries are linked to the documents that they reference. The citation matching module - one of the modules of the Information Inference Service (IIS) - receives as an input a list of documents accompanied by their metadata and bibliography. Among them, it discovers links described above and returns them as a list. In this document we shall evaluate if the module has been properly integrated with the whole
***Short description:***
During a citation matching task, bibliographic entries are linked to the documents that they reference. The citation matching module - one of the modules of the Information Inference Service (IIS) - receives as an input a list of documents accompanied by their metadata and bibliography. Among them, it discovers links described above and returns them as a list. In this document we shall evaluate if the module has been properly integrated with the whole
system and assess the accuracy of the algorithm used. It is worth mentioning that the implemented algorithm has been described in detail in arXiv:1303.6906 [cs.IR]1. However, in the referenced paper the algorithm was tested on small datasets, but here we will focus on larger datasets, which are expected to be analysed by the system in the production environment.
***Algorithmic details:***
@ -25,17 +27,17 @@ In this step, all the potentially matching pairs obtained in the heuristic step
names, we have taken longest common subsequence (LCS) of two strings into consideration. This can be seen as an instance of the assignment problem with some refinements added. The overall similarity of two citation strings is obtained by applying a linear Support Vector Machine (SVM) using field similarities as features.
* input:
* input_metadata: [ExtractedDocumentMetadataMergedWithOriginal]( avro datastore location with the metadata of both publications and bibliorgaphic references to be matched
* input_matched_citations: [Citation]( avro datastore location with citations which were already matched and should be excluded from fuzzy matching
* output: [Citation]( avro datastore location with matched publications
***Limitations:*** -
Java, Spark
***References:*** -
***Authority:*** ICM &bull; ***License:*** AGPL-3.0 &bull; ***Code:*** [CoAnSys/citation-matching](

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# Extraction of Cited Concepts
| Property | Description |
| --- | --- |
| Short description | Scans the plaintexts of publications for cited concepts, currently for references to datasets and software URIs. |
| Authority | ATHENA Research Center, Greece |
| Licence | CC-BY/CC-0 |
| Algorithmic details | The algorithm extracts citations to specific datasets and software. It extracts the citation section of a publication's fulltext and applies string matching against a target database which includes an inverted index with dataset/software titles, urls and other metadata. |
| Parameters | Title, URL, creator names, publisher names and publication year for each concept to create the target database. Identifier and publication's fulltext to extract the cited concepts. |
| Limitations | N/A |
| Code repository | |
| Environment | Python, madIS (, APSW ( |
| References & resources | [Foufoulas Y., Stamatogiannakis L., Dimitropoulos H., Ioannidis Y. (2017) “High-Pass Text Filtering for Citation Matching”. In: Kamps J., Tsakonas G., Manolopoulos Y., Iliadis L., Karydis I. (eds) Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries. TPDL 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10450. Springer, Cham.]( |

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# Classifiers
| Property | Description |
| --- | --- |
| Short description | A document classification algorithm that employs analysis of free text stemming from the abstracts of the publications. The purpose of applying a document classification module is to assign a scientific text to one or more predefined content classes. |
| Authority | ATHENA Research Center, Greece |
| Licence | CC-BY/CC-0 |
| Algorithmic details | The algorithm classifies publication's fulltexts using a Bayesian classifier and weighted terms according to an offline training phase. The training has been done using the following taxonomies: arXiv, MeSH (Medical Subject Headings), ACM, and DDC (Dewey Decimal Classification, or Dewey Decimal System). |
| Parameters | Publication's identifier and fulltext |
| Limitations | N/A |
| Code repository | |
| Environment | Python, madIS (, APSW ( |
| References & resources | [Giannakopoulos, T., Stamatogiannakis, E., Foufoulas, I., Dimitropoulos, H., Manola, N., Ioannidis, Y. (2014). Content Visualization of Scientific Corpora Using an Extensible Relational Database Implementation. In: Bolikowski, Ł., Casarosa, V., Goodale, P., Houssos, N., Manghi, P., Schirrwagen, J. (eds) Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries -- TPDL 2013 Selected Workshops. TPDL 2013. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 416. Springer, Cham.]( |

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@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
# Documents similarity
***Short description:*** Document similarity module is responsible for finding similar documents among the ones available in the OpenAIRE Information Space. It produces "similarity" links between the documents stored in the OpenAIRE Information Space. Each link has a similarity score from [0,1] range assigned; it is expected that the higher the score, the more similar are the documents with respect to their content.
***Short description:***
Document similarity module is responsible for finding similar documents among the ones available in the OpenAIRE Information Space. It produces "similarity" links between the documents stored in the OpenAIRE Information Space. Each link has a similarity score from [0,1] range assigned; it is expected that the higher the score, the more similar are the documents with respect to their content.
***Algorithmic details:***
The similarity between two documents is expressed as the similarity between weights of their common terms (i.e., words being reduced to their root form) within a context of all terms from the first and the second document. In this approach, the computation can be divided into three consecutive steps:
1. selection of proper terms,
@ -36,9 +39,10 @@ Computation of similarity between documents is executed in the following steps.
* threshold_num_of_vector_elems_length: vector elements length threshold, when set to less than 2 all documents will be included in similarity matching (default=2)
* output: [DocumentSimilarity]( avro datastore location
***Limitations:*** -
Pig, Java

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@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
# Enrichment
## Mining
The OpenAIRE Graph is enriched by links mined by OpenAIREs full-text mining algorithms that scan the plaintexts of publications for funding information, references to datasets, software URIs, accession numbers of bioetities, and EPO patent mentions. Custom mining modules also link research objects to specific research communities, initiatives and infrastructures. In addition, other inference modules provide content-based document classification, document similarity, citation matching, and author affiliation matching.
**Project mining** in OpenAIRE text mines the full-texts of publications in order to extract matches to funding project codes/IDs. The mining algorithm works by utilising (i) the grant identifier, and (ii) the project acronym (if available) of each project. The mining algorithm: (1) Preprocesses/normalizes the full-texts using several functions, which depend on the characteristics of each funder (i.e., the format of the grant identifiers), such as stopword and/or punctuation removal, tokenization, stemming, converting to lowercase; then (2) String matching of grant identifiers against the normalized text is done using database techniques; and (3) The results are validated and cleaned using the context near the match by looking at the context around the matched ID for relevant metadata and positive or negative words/phrases, in order to calculate a confidence value for each publication-->project link. A confidence threshold is set to optimise high accuracy while minimising false positives, such as matches with page or report numbers, post/zip codes, parts of telephone numbers, DOIs or URLs, accession numbers. The algorithm also applies rules for disambiguating results, as different funders can share identical project IDs; for example, grant number 633172 could refer to H2020 project EuroMix but also to Australian-funded NHMRC project “Brain activity (EEG) analysis and brain imaging techniques to measure the neurobiological effects of sleep apnea”. Project mining works very well and was the first Text & Data Mining (TDM) service of OpenAIRE. Performance results vary from funder to funder but precision is higher than 98% for all funders and 99.5% for EC projects. Recall is higher than 95% (99% for EC projects), when projects are properly acknowledged using project/grant IDs.
**Dataset extraction** runs on publications full-texts as described in “High pass text-filtering for Citation matching”, TPDL 2017[1]. In particular, we search for citations to datasets using their DOIs, titles and other metadata (i.e., dates, creator names, publishers, etc.). We extract parts of the text which look like citations and search for datasets using database join and pattern matching techniques. Based on the experiments described in the paper, precision of the dataset extraction module is 98.5% and recall is 97.4% but it is also probably overestimated since it does not take into account corruptions that may take place during pdf to text extraction. It is calculated on the extracted full-texts of small samples from PubMed and arXiv.
**Software extraction** runs also on parts of the text which look like citations. We search the citations for links to software in open software repositories, specifically github, sourceforge, bitbucket and the google code archive. After that, we search for links that are included in Software Heritage (SH, and return the permanent URL that SH provides for each software project. We also enrich this content with user names, titles and descriptions of the software projects using web mining techniques. Since software mining is based on URL matching, our precision is 100% (we return a software link only if we find it in the text and there is no need to disambiguate). As for recall rate, this is not calculable for this mining task. Although we apply all the necessary normalizations to the URLs in order to overcome usual issues (e.g., http or https, existence of www or not, lower/upper case), we do not calculate cases where a software is mentioned using its name and not by a link from the supported software repositories.
**For the extraction of bio-entities**, we focus on Protein Data Bank (PDB) entries. We have downloaded the database with PDB codes and we update it regularly. We search through the whole publications full-text for references to PDB codes. We apply disambiguation rules (e.g., there are PDB codes that are the same as antibody codes or other issues) so that we return valid results. Current precision is 98%. Although it's risky to mention recall rates since these are usually overestimated, we have calculated a recall rate of 98% using small samples from pubmed publications. Moreover, our technique is able to identify about 30% more links to proteins than the ones that are tagged in Pubmed xmls.
**Other text-mining modules** include mining for links to EPO patents, or custom mining modules for linking research objects to specific research communities, initiatives and infrastructures, e.g. COVID-19 mining module. Apart from text-mining modules, OpenAIRE also provides a document classification service that employs analysis of free text stemming from the abstracts of the publications. The purpose of applying a document classification module is to assign a scientific text one or more predefined content classes. In OpenAIRE, the currently used taxonomies are arXiv, MeSH (Medical Subject Headings), ACM and DDC (Dewey Decimal Classification, or Dewey Decimal System).
## Bulk Tagging/Deduction
The Deduction process (also known as “bulk tagging”) enriches each record with new information that can be derived from the existing property values.
As of September 2020, three procedures are in place to relate a research product to a research initiative, infrastructure (RI) or community (RC) based on:
* subjects (2.7M results tagged)
* Zenodo community (16K results tagged)
* the data source it comes from (250K results tagged)
The list of subjects, Zenodo communities and data sources used to enrich the products are defined by the managers of the community gateway or infrastructure monitoring dashboard associated with the RC/RI.
## Propagation
This process “propagates” properties and links from one product to another if between the two there is a “strong” semantic relationship.
As of September 2020, the following procedures are in place:
Propagation of the property “country” to results from institutional repositories: e.g. publication collected from an institutional repository maintained by an italian university will be enriched with the property “country = IT”.
* Propagation of links to projects: e.g. publication linked to project P “is supplemented by” a dataset D. Dataset D will get the link to project P. The relationships considered for this procedure are “isSupplementedBy” and “supplements”.
* Propagation of related community/infrastructure/initiative from organizations to products via affiliation relationships: e.g. a publication with an author affiliated with organization O. The manager of the community gateway C declared that the outputs of O are all relevant for his/her community C. The publication is tagged as relevant for C.
* Propagation of related community/infrastructure/initiative to related products: e.g. publication associated to community C is supplemented by a dataset D. Dataset D will get the association to C. The relationships considered for this procedure are “isSupplementedBy” and “supplements”.
* Propagation of ORCID identifiers to related products, if the products have the same authors: e.g. publication has ORCID for its authors and is supplemented by a dataset D. Dataset D has the same authors as the publication. Authors of D are enriched with the ORCIDs available in the publication. The relationships considered for this procedure are “isSupplementedBy” and “supplements”.

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# Impact scores
<span className="todo">TODO - add intro</span>
## Citation Count (CC)
This is the most widely used scientific impact indicator, which sums all citations received by each article. The citation count of a
publication $i$ corresponds to the in-degree of the corresponding node in the underlying citation network: $s_i = \sum_{j} A_{i,j}$,
where $A$ is the adjacency matrix of the network (i.e., $A_{i,j}=1$ when paper $j$ cites paper $i$, while $A_{i,j}=0$ otherwise).
Citation count can be viewed as a measure of a publication's overall impact, since it conveys the number of other works that directly
drew on it.
## "Incubation" Citation Count (iCC)
This measure is essentially a time-restricted version of the citation count, where the time window is distinct for each paper, i.e.,
only citations $y$ years after its publication are counted (usually, $y=3$). The "incubation" citation count of a paper $i$ is
calculated as: $s_i = \sum_{j,t_j \leq t_i+3} A_{i,j}$, where $A$ is the adjacency matrix and $t_j, t_i$ are the citing and cited paper's
publication years, respectively. $t_i$ is cited paper $i$'s publication year. iCC can be seen as an indicator of a paper's initial momentum
(impulse) directly after its publication.
## PageRank (PR)
Originally developed to rank Web pages, PageRank has been also widely used to rank publications in citation
networks. In this latter context, a publication's PageRank
score also serves as a measure of its influence. In particular, the PageRank score of a publication is calculated
as its probability of being read by a researcher that either randomly selects publications to read or selects
publications based on the references of her latest read. Formally, the score of a publication $i$ is given by:
s_i = \alpha \cdot \sum_{j} P_{i,j} \cdot s_j + (1-\alpha) \cdot \frac{1}{N}
where $P$ is the stochastic transition matrix, which corresponds to the column normalised version of adjacency
matrix $A$, $\alpha \in [0,1]$, and $N$ is the number of publications in the citation network. The first addend
of the equation corresponds to the selection (with probability $\alpha$) of following a reference, while the
second one to the selection of randomly choosing any publication in the network. It should be noted that the
score of each publication relies of the score of publications citing it (the algorithm is executed iteratively
until all scores converge). As a result, PageRank differentiates citations based on the importance of citing
articles, thus alleviating the corresponding issue of the Citation Count.
## RAM
RAM is essentially a modified Citation Count, where recent citations are considered of higher importance compared
to older ones. Hence, it better captures the popularity of publications. This "time-awareness" of citations
alleviates the bias of methods like Citation Count and PageRank against recently published articles, which have
not had "enough" time to gather as many citations. The RAM score of each paper $i$ is calculated as follows:
s_i = \sum_j{R_{i,j}}
where $R$ is the so-called Retained Adjacency Matrix (RAM) and $R_{i,j}=\gamma^{t_c-t_j}$ when publication $j$ cites publication
$i$, and $R_{i,j}=0$ otherwise. Parameter $\gamma \in (0,1)$, $t_c$ corresponds to the current year and $t_j$ corresponds to the
publication year of citing article $j$.
## AttRank
AttRank is a PageRank variant that alleviates its bias against recent publications (i.e., it is tailored to capture popularity).
AttRank achieves this by modifying PageRank's probability of randomly selecting a publication. Instead of using a uniform probability,
AttRank defines it based on a combination of the publication's age and the citations it received in recent years. The AttRank score
of each publication $i$ is calculated based on:
s_i = \alpha \cdot \sum_{j} P_{i,j} \cdot s_j
+ \beta \cdot Att(i)+ \gamma \cdot c \cdot e^{-\rho \cdot (t_c-t_i)}
where $\alpha + \beta + \gamma =1$ and $\alpha,\beta,\gamma \in [0,1]$. $Att(i)$ denotes a recent attention-based score for publication $i$,
which reflects its share of citations in the $y$ most recent years, $t_i$ is the publication year of article $i$, $t_c$ denotes the current
year, and $c$ is a normalisation constant. Finally, $P$ is the stochastic transition matrix.

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# Metadata extraction
***Short description:*** Metadata Extraction algorithm is responsible for plaintext and metadata extraction out of the PDF documents. It based on [CERMINE]( project.
***Short description:***
Metadata Extraction algorithm is responsible for plaintext and metadata extraction out of the PDF documents. It based on [CERMINE]( project.
CERMINE is a comprehensive open source system for extracting metadata and content from scientific articles in born-digital form. The system is able to process documents in PDF format and extracts:
@ -11,6 +13,7 @@ CERMINE is a comprehensive open source system for extracting metadata and conten
CERMINE is based on a modular workflow, whose architecture ensures that individual workflow steps can be maintained separately. As a result it is easy to perform evaluation, training, improve or replace one step implementation without changing other parts of the workflow. Most steps implementations utilize supervised and unsupervised machine-leaning techniques, which increases the maintainability of the system, as well as its ability to adapt to new document layouts.
***Algorithmic details:***
CERMINE workflow is composed of four main parts:
* Basic structure extraction takes a PDF file on the input and produces a geometric hierarchical structure representing the document. The structure is composed of pages, zones, lines, words and characters. The reading order of all elements is determined. Every zone is labelled with one of four general categories: METADATA, REFERENCES, BODY and OTHER.
@ -25,9 +28,11 @@ CERMINE uses supervised and unsupervised machine-leaning techniques, such as Sup
* output: [ExtractedDocumentMetadata]( avro datastore location
Born-digital form of PDF documents is supported only. Large PDF documents may require more than 4g of assgined memory (set by default).
Java, Hadoop

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# Mining algorithms
The Text and Data Mining (TDM) algorithms used for enriching the OpenAIRE Graph are grouped in the following main categories:
[Metadata extraction](
[Affiliation matching](
[Citation matching](
[Documents similiarity](
[Extraction of acknowledged concepts](
[Extraction of cited concepts](
[Document Classification](

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# Indexing
The final version of the OpenAIRE Graph is indexed on a Solr server that is used by the OpenAIRE portals ([EXPLORE](, [CONNECT](, [PROVIDE]( and APIs, the latter adopted by several third-party applications and organizations, such as:
The final version of the OpenAIRE Graph is indexed on a Solr server that is used by the OpenAIRE portals (EXPLORE, CONNECT, PROVIDE) and APIs, the latter adopted by several third-party applications and organizations, such as:
* The OpenAIRE Graph APIs and Portals will offer to the EOSC (European Open Science Cloud) an Open Science Resource Catalogue, keeping an up to date map of all research results (publications, datasets, software), services, organizations, projects, funders in Europe and beyond.

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# Cleaning
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# Post cleaning
<!-- ## Vocabulary based cleaning -->
At the very end of the processing pipeline, a step is dedicated to perform cleaning operations aimed at improving the overall quality of the data.
The output of this final cleansing step is the final version of the OpenAIRE Graph.
## Vocabulary based cleaning
The aggregation processes run independently one from another and continuously. Each aggregation process, depending on the characteristics of the records exposed by the data source, makes use of one or more vocabularies to harmonise the values available in a given field.
In this page, we describe the *vocabulary-based cleaning* operation performed to harmonise the data of the different data sources.
A vocabulary is a data structure that defines a list of terms, and for each term defines a list of synonyms:
@ -27,7 +32,7 @@ A vocabulary is a data structure that defines a list of terms, and for each term
Each vocabulary is typically used to control and harmonise the values available in a specific field characterising the bibliographic records. The example above provides a preview of the vocabulary used to clean the [research product's instance typology](../data-model/entities/research-product#instance).
Each vocabulary is typically used to control and harmonise the values available in a specific field characterising the bibliographic records. The example above provides a preview of the vocabulary used to clean the [result's instance typology](/data-model/entities/result#instance).
The content of the vocabularies can be accessed on [](
@ -35,3 +40,16 @@ Given a value provided in the original records, the cleaning process looks for a
Each aggregation process applies vocabularies according to their definitions in a given moment of time, however, it could be the case that a vocabulary changes after the aggregation of one data source has finished, thus the aggregated content does not reflect the current status of the controlled vocabularies.
In addition, the integration of ScholeXplorer and DOIBoost and some enrichment processes applied on the raw and on the de-duplicated graph may introduce values that do not comply with the current status of the OpenAIRE controlled vocabularies. For these reasons, we included a final step of cleansing at the end of the workflow materialisation.
## Filtering
Bibliographic records that do not meet minimal requirements for being part of the OpenAIRE Graph are eliminated during this phase.
Currently, the only criteria applied horizontally to the entire graph aims at excluding scientific results whose title is not meaningful for citation purposes.
Then, different criteria are applied in the pre-processing of specific sub-collections:
* [Crossref filtering](/data-provision/aggregation/doiboost#crossref-filtering)
## Country cleaning
This phase is responsible for removing the country information from result records that match specific criteria. The need for this phase is driven by the fact that some datasources, although referred of national pertinence, they contain material that is not always related to the given country.

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# Stats analysis
The OpenAIRE Graph is also processed by a pipeline for extracting the statistics and producing the charts for funders, research initiative, infrastructures, and policy makers that you can see on MONITOR. Based on the information available on the graph, OpenAIRE provides a set of indicators for monitoring the funding and research impact and the uptake of Open Science publishing practices, such as Open Access publishing of publications and datasets, availability of interlinks between research products, availability of post-print versions in institutional or thematic Open Access repositories, etc.

docs/ Normal file
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# Bulk downloads
In order to facilitate users, different dumps are available. All are available under the Zenodo community called [OpenAIRE Research Graph](
Here we provide detailed documentation about the full dump:
* JSON dump:
* JSON schema:
:::note Tip!
For a visual and interactive overview of the JSON schema, we suggest to use a JSON schema viewer like [jsonschemaviewer]( (you just need to copy the schema and then you can easily navigate through the nodes).

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# CfHbKeyValue
Information about the sources from which the record has been collected.
@JsonSchema(description = "the OpenAIRE identifier of the data source")
### key
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
the OpenAIRE identifier of the data source
### value
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The name of the data source.

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# CommunityInstance
It is a subclass of [Instance](../../data-model/entities/research-product#instance) extended with information regarding the collection and hosting source for this materialization of the research product.
### hostedby
_Type: [CfHbKeyValue](./cfhb) &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Information about the source from which the instance can be viewed or downloaded.
"hostedby": {
"key": "issn___print::35ee75a5ad42581d604be113a8f56427",
"value": "New Phytologist"
### collectedfrom
_Type: [CfHbKeyValue](./cfhb) &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Information about the source from which the record has been collected
"collectedfrom": {
"key": "openaire____::081b82f96300b6a6e3d282bad31cb6e2",
"value": "Crossref"

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# Context
Information related to research initiative/community (RI/RC) related to the research product.
### code
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Code identifying the RI/RC.
### label
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Label of the RI/RC.
"label":"SDSN - Greece"
### provenance
_Type: [Provenance](/data-model/entities/other#provenance-2) &bull; Cardinality: MANY_
Why this research product is associated to the RI/RC.
"provenance":"Inferred by OpenAIRE",

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@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
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# Extended Research Product
It is a subclass of [ResearchProduct](../../data-model/entities/research-product) extended with information regarding projects (and funders), research communities/infrastructure and related data sources.
### projects
_Type: [Project]( &bull; Cardinality: MANY_
List of projects (i.e. grants) that (co-)funded the production of the research products.
"projects": [
"id": "corda__h2020::94c4a066401e22002c4811a301bb4655",
"code": "727929",
"acronym": "TomRes",
"funder": {
"shortName": "EC",
"name": "European Commission",
"jurisdiction": "EU",
"fundingStream": "H2020"
"provenance": {
"provenance": "Harvested",
"trust": "0.900000000000000022"
"validated": {
"validationDate": "2021-0101",
"validatedByFunder": true
### context
_Type: [Context](./context) &bull; Cardinality: MANY_
Reference to relevant research infrastructure, initiative or communities (RI/RC) among those collaborating with OpenAIRE. Please see that are publicly visible.
"label":"SDSN - Greece",
"provenance":"Inferred by OpenAIRE",
### collectedfrom
_Type: [CfHbKeyValue](./cfhb) &bull; Cardinality: MANY_
Information about the sources from which the record has been collected.
### instance
_Type: [CommunityInstance](./communityInstance) &bull; Cardinality: MANY_
Information about the source from which the instance can be viewed or downloaded.
"instance": [
"license": "",
"accessright": {
"code": "c_16ec",
"label": "RESTRICTED",
"scheme": "",
"openAccessRoute": null
"type": "Article",
"url": [
"publicationdate": "2018-02-09",
"refereed": "UNKNOWN",
"hostedby": {
"key": "issn___print::35ee75a5ad42581d604be113a8f56427",
"value": "New Phytologist"
"collectedfrom": {
"key": "openaire____::081b82f96300b6a6e3d282bad31cb6e2",
"value": "Crossref"

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@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
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# Funder
Information about the funder funding the project.
### fundingStream
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Funding information for the project.
"funding_stream": "H2020"
### jurisdiction
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Geographical jurisdiction (e.g. for European Commission is EU, for Croatian Science Foundation is HR).
"jurisdiction": "EU"
### name
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The name of the funder.
"name": "European Commission"
### shortName
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The short name of the funder.
"shortName": "EC"

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@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
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# Project
The information about the projects related to a research product.
### id
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Main entity identifier, created according to the [OpenAIRE entity identifier and PID mapping policy](../../data-model/pids-and-identifiers).
"id": "corda__h2020::70ea22400fd890c5033cb31642c4ae68"
### code
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Τhe grant agreement code of the project.
"code": "777541"
### acronym
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Project's acronym.
"acronym": "OpenAIRE-Advance"
### title
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Project's title.
"title": "OpenAIRE Advancing Open Scholarship"
### funder
_Type [Funder]( &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Information about the funder funding the project.
"funder": {
"shortName": "EC",
"name": "European Commission",
"jurisdiction": "EU",
"fundingStream": "H2020"
### provenace
_Type [Provenance](../../data-model/entities/other#provenance-2) &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
The reason why the project is associated to the research product.
"provenance": {
"provenance": "Harvested",
"trust": "0.900000000000000022"
### validated
_Type [Validated]( &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Specifies whether the association between the project and the research product was validated.
"validated": {
"validationDate": "2021-0101",
"validatedByFunder": true

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# Validated
Information about the validtion of the association between the research product and the funding information.
### validationDate
_Type: String &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
When OpenAIRE collected the association between the funding and the research product from an authoritative source (i.e. Sygma).
"validationDate": "2021-0101"
### validatedByFunder
_Type: Boolean &bull; Cardinality: ONE_
Specifies if the validation comes from the funder.
"validatedByFunder": true

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# Beginner's kit
The large size of the OpenAIRE Graph is a major impediment for beginners to familiarise with the underlying data model and explore its contents.
Working with the Graph in its full size typically requires access to a huge distributed computing infrastructure which cannot be easily accessible to everyone.
[The OpenAIRE Beginners Kit]( aims to address this issue. It consists of two components:
<!-- :::caution
This version is not accompanied with public dataset files, hence the files in this section are based on [v6.0.0](/docs/6.0.0/) of the Graph. The current data are only exposed via the [OpenAIRE Graph API]( and added-value services that are built on top of this version of the Graph (e.g., the [OpenAIRE Explore]( If you are interested to get bulk access to our latest data, please contact us via our [helpdesk](
::: -->
* A subset of the Graph composed of the research products published between 2022-06-29 and 2022-12-29, all the entities connected to them and the respective relationships.
* A Zeppelin notebook that demonstrates how you can use PySpark to analyse the Graph and get answers to some interesting research questions. A guide to Apache Zeppelin can be found [here](

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# Full graph dataset
You can download the full OpenAIRE Graph Dataset as well as its schema from the following links:
<!-- :::caution
This version is not accompanied with public dump files, hence the files in this section are based on [v6.0.0](/docs/6.0.0/) of the Graph. The current data are only exposed via the [OpenAIRE Graph API]( and added-value services that are built on top of this version of the Graph (e.g., the [OpenAIRE Explore]( If you are interested to get bulk access to our latest data, please contact us via our [helpdesk](
::: -->
The schema used to create this dataset mirrors the one described in the [Data Model](/data-model).
This dataset is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
It is composed of several files so that you can download the parts you are interested into. The files are named after the entity they store (i.e. publication, dataset). Each file is at most 10GB and it is
a tar archive containing gz files, each with one json per line.
## How to acknowledge this work
Open Science services are open and transparent and survive thanks to your active support and to the visibility and reward they gather. If you use one of the [OpenAIRE Graph datasets]( for your research, please provide a proper citation following the recommendation that you find on the dataset's Zenodo page or as provided below.
:::note How to cite
Manghi P., Atzori C., Bardi A., Baglioni M., Schirrwagen J., Dimitropoulos H., La Bruzzo S., Foufoulas I., Mannocci A., Horst M., Czerniak A., Iatropoulou K., Kokogiannaki A., De Bonis M., Artini M., Lempesis A., Ioannidis A., Manola N., Principe P., Vergoulis T., Chatzopoulos S., Pierrakos D. (2022). "OpenAIRE Research Graph Dataset", *Dataset*, Zenodo. [doi:10.5281/zenodo.3516917]( ([BibTex](/bibtex/OpenAIRE_Research_Graph_dataset.bib))
Please also consider citing [other relevant research products](/publications#relevant-research-products) that can be of interest.
Also consider adding one of the following badges to your service with the appropriate link to [our website](; click on the badges below to download the respective badge image files.
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