This section describes the mapping implemented for [MEDLINE/PubMed](
## Input
The native data is collected from the [ftp baseline]( site.
It contains XML records compliant with the schema available at [](
## Incremental harvesting
Pubmed exposes an entry point FTP with all the updates for each one. [ftp baseline update]( We collect the new file and generate the new dataset by upserting the existing item.
| `container.issPrinted` | `//Journal/ISSN` | the journal issn |
| `container.iss` | `//Journal/Issue` | The journal issue |
| **Instance Mapping** | | |
| `instance.type` | `//PublicationType` | if the article contains the typology `Journal Article` then we apply this type else We have to find a terms that match the vocabulary otherwise we discard it |
| `type` | <ul><li>`\attributes\types\resourceType`</li><li>`\attributes\types\resourceTypeGeneral`</li><li>`attributes\types\schemaOrg`</li></ul> | Using the **_dnet:result_typologies_** vocabulary, we look up the `instance.type` synonym to generate one of the following main entities: <ul><li>`publication`</li><li>`dataset`</li><li>`software`</li><li>`otherresearchproduct`</li></ul> |
| `` | `//PMID` | map the pmid in the pid in the instance |
| `instance.url` | `//PMID` | creates the URL by prepending `` to the PMId |