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psql_version: 9.1
psql_db_host: localhost
- { name: '{{ oozie_db_name }}', encoding: 'UTF8', user: '{{ oozie_db_user }}', roles: 'CREATEDB,NOSUPERUSER', pwd: '{{ psql_db_pwd }}', allowed_hosts: [ '{{ oozie_ip }}/32' ] }
- { name: '{{ hue_db_name }}', encoding: 'UTF8', user: '{{ hue_db_user }}', roles: 'CREATEDB,NOSUPERUSER', pwd: '{{ psql_db_pwd }}', allowed_hosts: [ '{{ hue_ip }}/32' ] }
- { name: '{{ hive_metastore_db_name }}', encoding: 'UTF8', user: '{{ hive_metastore_db_user }}', roles: 'CREATEDB,NOSUPERUSER', pwd: '{{ psql_db_pwd }}', allowed_hosts: [ '{{ hive_ip }}/32' ] }
psql_listen_on_ext_int: True
pg_backup_pgdump_bin: /usr/lib/postgresql/9.1/bin/pg_dump
pg_backup_retain_copies: 10
pg_backup_build_db_list: "no"
pg_backup_db_list: "'{{ oozie_db_name }}' '{{ hue_db_name }}' '{{ hive_metastore_db_name }}'"
pg_backup_destdir: /data/pgsql/backups
pg_backup_logfile: '{{ pg_backup_logdir }}/postgresql-backup.log'
pg_backup_use_nagios: "yes"
user_ssh_key: [ '{{ claudio_atzori }}' ]