--- - name: Create a /tmp directory on HDFS become: True become_user: hdfs command: hadoop fs -mkdir /tmp tags: - hadoop - hdfs - name: Fix the HDFS /tmp directory permissions command: hadoop fs -chmod -R 1777 /tmp tags: - hadoop - hdfs - name: Create a /user/history directory on HDFS command: hadoop fs -mkdir /user/history tags: - hadoop - hdfs - name: Fix the HDFS /user/history permissions command: hadoop fs -chmod -R 1777 /user/history tags: - hadoop - hdfs - name: Fix the /user/history directory owner and group command: hadoop fs -chown mapred:supergroup /user/history tags: - hadoop - hdfs - name: Create the /hbase directory on HDFS command: hadoop fs -mkdir /hbase tags: - hadoop - hdfs - name: Fix the /hbase directory ownership command: hadoop fs -chown hbase:hbase /hbase tags: - hadoop - hdfs