--- - name: Install the oozie packages apt: pkg={{ item }} state={{ hadoop_pkg_state }} with_items: - oozie - oozie-client tags: - other-services - oozie - name: Install some python packages and its requirements to correctly install other python extensions apt: pkg={{ item }} state={{ hadoop_pkg_state }} with_items: - python-pip - patchutils - gcc - g++ - python-dev - libboost-python-dev tags: - other-services - oozie - name: Install some python addons that do not have a proper package pip: name={{ item }} with_items: - avro tags: - other-services - oozie - name: Check if pydoop is installed shell: which pydoop register: pydoop_install ignore_errors: True tags: - other-services - oozie - name: Get the pydoop source if needed get_url: url="http://sourceforge.net/projects/pydoop/files/Pydoop-0.11/pydoop-0.11.1.tar.gz/download" dest=/root/pydoop.tar.gz when: pydoop_install.rc != 0 tags: - other-services - oozie - name: Unpack the pydoop source if needed raw: tar -C /root -xf /root/pydoop.tar.gz ; mv /root/pydoop-0.11.1 /root/pydoop when: pydoop_install.rc != 0 tags: - other-services - oozie - name: Build pydoop if needed shell: cd /root/pydoop ; . /etc/profile.d/jdk.sh ; python setup.py build ; python setup.py install --skip-build when: pydoop_install.rc != 0 tags: - other-services - oozie - name: Install tools needed by some users apt: pkg={{ item }} state={{ hadoop_pkg_state }} with_items: - vim - mc - subversion tags: - other-services - oozie