--- - name: HUE packages and dependant services apt: pkg={{ item }} state={{ hadoop_pkg_state }} with_items: - hue-about - hue-beeswax - hue-common - hue-filebrowser - hue-hbase - hue-help - hue-jobbrowser - hue-jobsub - hue-metastore - hue-oozie - hue-pig - hue-plugins - hue-proxy - hue-server - hue-shell - hue-sqoop - hue-useradmin - pig - hbase - hbase-thrift tags: - other-services - hue - name: HUE packages that we dont install apt: pkg={{ item }} state=absent with_items: - hue-impala - hue-search tags: - other-services - hue - name: Install the python modules needed by hue to use postgresql as a backend apt: pkg={{ item }} state={{ hadoop_pkg_state }} with_items: - python-psycopg2 - python-setuptools tags: - other-services - hue