package; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.scholexplorer.DLIRelation; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.DHPUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.spark.sql.Encoders; import org.apache.spark.sql.SaveMode; import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession; import scala.Tuple2; /** * In some case the identifier generated for the Entity in @{@link SparkExtractEntitiesJob} is different from the * identifier * associated by the aggregator, this means that some relation points to missing identifier To avoid this * problem we store in the model the Id and the OriginalObJIdentifier This jobs extract this pair and creates a Similar * relation that will be used in SparkMergeEntities */ public class SparkSXGeneratePidSimlarity { static final String IDJSONPATH = "$.id"; static final String OBJIDPATH = "$.originalObjIdentifier"; public static void generateDataFrame( final SparkSession spark, final JavaSparkContext sc, final String inputPath, final String targetPath) { final JavaPairRDD datasetSimRel = sc .textFile(inputPath + "/dataset/*") .mapToPair( (PairFunction) k -> new Tuple2<>( DHPUtils.getJPathString(IDJSONPATH, k), DHPUtils.getJPathString(OBJIDPATH, k))) .filter( t -> !StringUtils .substringAfter(t._1(), "|") .equalsIgnoreCase(StringUtils.substringAfter(t._2(), "::"))) .distinct(); final JavaPairRDD publicationSimRel = sc .textFile(inputPath + "/publication/*") .mapToPair( (PairFunction) k -> new Tuple2<>( DHPUtils.getJPathString(IDJSONPATH, k), DHPUtils.getJPathString(OBJIDPATH, k))) .filter( t -> !StringUtils .substringAfter(t._1(), "|") .equalsIgnoreCase(StringUtils.substringAfter(t._2(), "::"))) .distinct(); JavaRDD simRel = datasetSimRel .union(publicationSimRel) .map( s -> { final DLIRelation r = new DLIRelation(); r.setSource(s._1()); r.setTarget(s._2()); r.setRelType("similar"); return r; }); spark .createDataset(simRel.rdd(), Encoders.bean(DLIRelation.class)) .distinct() .write() .mode(SaveMode.Overwrite) .save(targetPath + "/pid_simRel"); } }