package import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.{Publication, Relation, Result, StructuredProperty} import import{CollectedFromType, SchemeValue, ScholixSummary, Typology} import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.DHPUtils import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Aggregator import org.apache.spark.sql.{Encoder, Encoders} import org.json4s import org.json4s.DefaultFormats import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods.parse import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import object ScholixUtils extends Serializable { val DNET_IDENTIFIER_SCHEMA: String = "DNET Identifier" val DATE_RELATION_KEY: String = "RelationDate" case class RelationVocabulary(original: String, inverse: String) {} case class RelatedEntities(id: String, relatedDataset: Long, relatedPublication: Long) {} val relations: Map[String, RelationVocabulary] = { val input = Source .fromInputStream( getClass.getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/scholexplorer/relation/relations.json") ) .mkString implicit lazy val formats: DefaultFormats.type = org.json4s.DefaultFormats lazy val json: json4s.JValue = parse(input) json.extract[Map[String, RelationVocabulary]] } def extractRelationDate(relation: Relation): String = { if (relation.getProperties == null || !relation.getProperties.isEmpty) null else { val date = relation.getProperties.asScala .find(p => DATE_RELATION_KEY.equalsIgnoreCase(p.getKey)) .map(p => p.getValue) if (date.isDefined) date.get else null } } def extractRelationDate(summary: ScholixSummary): String = { if (summary.getDate == null || summary.getDate.isEmpty) null else { summary.getDate.get(0) } } def inverseRelationShip(rel: ScholixRelationship): ScholixRelationship = { new ScholixRelationship(rel.getInverse, rel.getSchema, rel.getName) } def generateScholixResourceFromResult(r: Result): ScholixResource = { val sum = ScholixUtils.resultToSummary(r) if (sum != null) generateScholixResourceFromSummary(ScholixUtils.resultToSummary(r)) else null } val statsAggregator: Aggregator[(String, String, Long), RelatedEntities, RelatedEntities] = new Aggregator[(String, String, Long), RelatedEntities, RelatedEntities] with Serializable { override def zero: RelatedEntities = null override def reduce(b: RelatedEntities, a: (String, String, Long)): RelatedEntities = { val relatedDataset = if ("dataset".equalsIgnoreCase(a._2)) a._3 else 0 val relatedPublication = if ("publication".equalsIgnoreCase(a._2)) a._3 else 0 if (b == null) RelatedEntities(a._1, relatedDataset, relatedPublication) else RelatedEntities( a._1, b.relatedDataset + relatedDataset, b.relatedPublication + relatedPublication ) } override def merge(b1: RelatedEntities, b2: RelatedEntities): RelatedEntities = { if (b1 != null && b2 != null) RelatedEntities(, b1.relatedDataset + b2.relatedDataset, b1.relatedPublication + b2.relatedPublication ) else if (b1 != null) b1 else b2 } override def finish(reduction: RelatedEntities): RelatedEntities = reduction override def bufferEncoder: Encoder[RelatedEntities] = Encoders.bean(classOf[RelatedEntities]) override def outputEncoder: Encoder[RelatedEntities] = Encoders.bean(classOf[RelatedEntities]) } val scholixAggregator: Aggregator[(String, Scholix), Scholix, Scholix] = new Aggregator[(String, Scholix), Scholix, Scholix] with Serializable { override def zero: Scholix = null def scholix_complete(s: Scholix): Boolean = { if (s == null || s.getIdentifier == null) { false } else if (s.getSource == null || s.getTarget == null) { false } else if (s.getLinkprovider == null || s.getLinkprovider.isEmpty) false else true } override def reduce(b: Scholix, a: (String, Scholix)): Scholix = { if (scholix_complete(b)) b else a._2 } override def merge(b1: Scholix, b2: Scholix): Scholix = { if (scholix_complete(b1)) b1 else b2 } override def finish(reduction: Scholix): Scholix = reduction override def bufferEncoder: Encoder[Scholix] = Encoders.kryo[Scholix] override def outputEncoder: Encoder[Scholix] = Encoders.kryo[Scholix] } def createInverseScholixRelation(scholix: Scholix): Scholix = { val s = new Scholix s.setPublicationDate(scholix.getPublicationDate) s.setPublisher(scholix.getPublisher) s.setLinkprovider(scholix.getLinkprovider) s.setRelationship(inverseRelationShip(scholix.getRelationship)) s.setSource(scholix.getTarget) s.setTarget(scholix.getSource) s.setIdentifier( DHPUtils.md5( s"${s.getSource.getIdentifier}::${s.getRelationship.getName}::${s.getTarget.getIdentifier}" ) ) s } def invRel(rel: String): String = { val semanticRelation = relations.getOrElse(rel.toLowerCase, null) if (semanticRelation != null) semanticRelation.inverse else null } def extractCollectedFrom(summary: ScholixResource): List[ScholixEntityId] = { if (summary.getCollectedFrom != null && !summary.getCollectedFrom.isEmpty) { val l: List[ScholixEntityId] = { d => new ScholixEntityId(d.getProvider.getName, d.getProvider.getIdentifiers) }(collection.breakOut) l } else List() } def extractCollectedFrom(summary: ScholixSummary): List[ScholixEntityId] = { if (summary.getDatasources != null && !summary.getDatasources.isEmpty) { val l: List[ScholixEntityId] = { d => new ScholixEntityId( d.getDatasourceName, List(new ScholixIdentifier(d.getDatasourceId, "DNET Identifier", null)).asJava ) }(collection.breakOut) l } else List() } def extractCollectedFrom(relation: Relation): List[ScholixEntityId] = { if (relation.getCollectedfrom != null && !relation.getCollectedfrom.isEmpty) { val l: List[ScholixEntityId] = { c => new ScholixEntityId( c.getValue, List(new ScholixIdentifier(c.getKey, DNET_IDENTIFIER_SCHEMA, null)).asJava ) }.toList l } else List() } def generateCompleteScholix(scholix: Scholix, target: ScholixSummary): Scholix = { val s = new Scholix s.setPublicationDate(scholix.getPublicationDate) s.setPublisher(scholix.getPublisher) s.setLinkprovider(scholix.getLinkprovider) s.setRelationship(scholix.getRelationship) s.setSource(scholix.getSource) s.setTarget(generateScholixResourceFromSummary(target)) s.setIdentifier( DHPUtils.md5( s"${s.getSource.getIdentifier}::${s.getRelationship.getName}::${s.getTarget.getIdentifier}" ) ) s } def generateCompleteScholix(scholix: Scholix, target: ScholixResource): Scholix = { val s = new Scholix s.setPublicationDate(scholix.getPublicationDate) s.setPublisher(scholix.getPublisher) s.setLinkprovider(scholix.getLinkprovider) s.setRelationship(scholix.getRelationship) s.setSource(scholix.getSource) s.setTarget(target) s.setIdentifier( DHPUtils.md5( s"${s.getSource.getIdentifier}::${s.getRelationship.getName}::${s.getTarget.getIdentifier}" ) ) s } def generateScholixResourceFromSummary(summaryObject: ScholixSummary): ScholixResource = { val r = new ScholixResource r.setIdentifier(summaryObject.getLocalIdentifier) r.setDnetIdentifier(summaryObject.getId) r.setObjectType(summaryObject.getTypology.toString) r.setObjectSubType(summaryObject.getSubType) if (summaryObject.getTitle != null && !summaryObject.getTitle.isEmpty) r.setTitle(summaryObject.getTitle.get(0)) if (summaryObject.getAuthor != null && !summaryObject.getAuthor.isEmpty) { val l: List[ScholixEntityId] = => new ScholixEntityId(a, null)).toList if (l.nonEmpty) r.setCreator(l.asJava) } if (summaryObject.getDate != null && !summaryObject.getDate.isEmpty) r.setPublicationDate(summaryObject.getDate.get(0)) if (summaryObject.getPublisher != null && !summaryObject.getPublisher.isEmpty) { val plist: List[ScholixEntityId] = => new ScholixEntityId(p, null)).toList if (plist.nonEmpty) r.setPublisher(plist.asJava) } if (summaryObject.getDatasources != null && !summaryObject.getDatasources.isEmpty) { val l: List[ScholixCollectedFrom] = summaryObject.getDatasources.asScala .map(c => new ScholixCollectedFrom( new ScholixEntityId( c.getDatasourceName, List(new ScholixIdentifier(c.getDatasourceId, DNET_IDENTIFIER_SCHEMA, null)).asJava ), "collected", "complete" ) ) .toList if (l.nonEmpty) r.setCollectedFrom(l.asJava) } r } def scholixFromSource(relation: Relation, source: ScholixResource): Scholix = { if (relation == null || source == null) return null val s = new Scholix var l: List[ScholixEntityId] = extractCollectedFrom(relation) if (l.isEmpty) l = extractCollectedFrom(source) if (l.isEmpty) return null s.setLinkprovider(l.asJava) var d = extractRelationDate(relation) if (d == null) d = source.getPublicationDate s.setPublicationDate(d) if (source.getPublisher != null && !source.getPublisher.isEmpty) { s.setPublisher(source.getPublisher) } val semanticRelation = relations.getOrElse(relation.getRelClass.toLowerCase, null) if (semanticRelation == null) return null s.setRelationship( new ScholixRelationship(semanticRelation.original, "datacite", semanticRelation.inverse) ) s.setSource(source) s } def scholixFromSource(relation: Relation, source: ScholixSummary): Scholix = { if (relation == null || source == null) return null val s = new Scholix var l: List[ScholixEntityId] = extractCollectedFrom(relation) if (l.isEmpty) l = extractCollectedFrom(source) if (l.isEmpty) return null s.setLinkprovider(l.asJava) var d = extractRelationDate(relation) if (d == null) d = extractRelationDate(source) s.setPublicationDate(d) if (source.getPublisher != null && !source.getPublisher.isEmpty) { val l: List[ScholixEntityId] = source.getPublisher.asScala .map { p => new ScholixEntityId(p, null) }(collection.breakOut) if (l.nonEmpty) s.setPublisher(l.asJava) } val semanticRelation = relations.getOrElse(relation.getRelClass.toLowerCase, null) if (semanticRelation == null) return null s.setRelationship( new ScholixRelationship(semanticRelation.original, "datacite", semanticRelation.inverse) ) s.setSource(generateScholixResourceFromSummary(source)) s } def findURLForPID( pidValue: List[StructuredProperty], urls: List[String] ): List[(StructuredProperty, String)] = { { p => val pv = p.getValue val r = urls.find(u => u.toLowerCase.contains(pv.toLowerCase)) (p, r.orNull) } } def extractTypedIdentifierFromInstance(r: Result): List[ScholixIdentifier] = { if (r.getInstance() == null || r.getInstance().isEmpty) return List() r.getInstance() .asScala .filter(i => i.getUrl != null && !i.getUrl.isEmpty) .filter(i => i.getPid != null && i.getUrl != null) .flatMap(i => findURLForPID(i.getPid.asScala.toList, i.getUrl.asScala.toList)) .map(i => new ScholixIdentifier(i._1.getValue, i._1.getQualifier.getClassid, i._2)) .distinct .toList } def resultToSummary(r: Result): ScholixSummary = { val s = new ScholixSummary s.setId(r.getId) if (r.getPid == null || r.getPid.isEmpty) return null val persistentIdentifiers: List[ScholixIdentifier] = extractTypedIdentifierFromInstance(r) if (persistentIdentifiers.isEmpty) return null s.setLocalIdentifier(persistentIdentifiers.asJava) s.setTypology(r.getResulttype.getClassid) s.setSubType(r.getInstance().get(0).getInstancetype.getClassname) if (r.getTitle != null && r.getTitle.asScala.nonEmpty) { val titles: List[String] = => t.getValue).toList if (titles.nonEmpty) s.setTitle(titles.asJava) else return null } if (r.getAuthor != null && !r.getAuthor.isEmpty) { val authors: List[String] = => a.getFullname).toList if (authors.nonEmpty) s.setAuthor(authors.asJava) } if (r.getInstance() != null) { val dt: List[String] = r .getInstance() .asScala .filter(i => i.getDateofacceptance != null) .map(i => i.getDateofacceptance.getValue) .toList if (dt.nonEmpty) s.setDate(dt.distinct.asJava) } if (r.getDescription != null && !r.getDescription.isEmpty) { val d = r.getDescription.asScala.find(f => f != null && f.getValue != null) if (d.isDefined) s.setDescription(d.get.getValue) } if (r.getSubject != null && !r.getSubject.isEmpty) { val subjects: List[SchemeValue] = r.getSubject.asScala .map(s => new SchemeValue(s.getQualifier.getClassname, s.getValue)) .toList if (subjects.nonEmpty) s.setSubject(subjects.asJava) } if (r.getPublisher != null) s.setPublisher(List(r.getPublisher.getValue).asJava) if (r.getCollectedfrom != null && !r.getCollectedfrom.isEmpty) { val cf: List[CollectedFromType] = r.getCollectedfrom.asScala .map(c => new CollectedFromType(c.getValue, c.getKey, "complete")) .toList if (cf.nonEmpty) s.setDatasources(cf.distinct.asJava) } s.setRelatedDatasets(0) s.setRelatedPublications(0) s.setRelatedUnknown(0) s } }