[ { "paramName": "issm", "paramLongName": "isSparkSessionManaged", "paramDescription": "when true will stop SparkSession after job execution", "paramRequired": false }, { "paramName": "hmu", "paramLongName": "hive_metastore_uris", "paramDescription": "the URI for the hive metastore", "paramRequired": true }, { "paramName": "o", "paramLongName": "outputPath", "paramDescription": "the path of the new ActionSet", "paramRequired": true }, { "paramName": "sdb", "paramLongName": "usagestatsdb", "paramDescription": "the name of the db to be used", "paramRequired": true }, { "paramName": "wp", "paramLongName": "workingPath", "paramDescription": "the workingPath where to save the content of the usage_stats table", "paramRequired": true }, { "paramName": "dp", "paramLongName": "datasourcePath", "paramDescription": "the workingPath where to save the content of the usage_stats table", "paramRequired": true } ]