package eu.dnetlib.doiboost.orcidnodoi.oaf; import static eu.dnetlib.doiboost.orcidnodoi.util.DumpToActionsUtility.*; import; import java.util.*; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.spark.util.LongAccumulator; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import*; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.PacePerson; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common.ModelConstants; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.DHPUtils; import eu.dnetlib.doiboost.orcidnodoi.util.DumpToActionsUtility; import eu.dnetlib.doiboost.orcidnodoi.util.Pair; /** * This class converts an orcid publication from json format to oaf */ public class PublicationToOaf implements Serializable { static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PublicationToOaf.class); public static final String ORCID = "ORCID"; public static final String ORCID_PID_TYPE_CLASSNAME = "Open Researcher and Contributor ID"; public final static String orcidPREFIX = "orcid_______"; public static final String OPENAIRE_PREFIX = "openaire____"; public static final String SEPARATOR = "::"; private String dateOfCollection = ""; private final LongAccumulator parsedPublications; private final LongAccumulator enrichedPublications; private final LongAccumulator errorsGeneric; private final LongAccumulator errorsInvalidTitle; private final LongAccumulator errorsNotFoundAuthors; private final LongAccumulator errorsInvalidType; private final LongAccumulator otherTypeFound; public PublicationToOaf( LongAccumulator parsedPublications, LongAccumulator enrichedPublications, LongAccumulator errorsGeneric, LongAccumulator errorsInvalidTitle, LongAccumulator errorsNotFoundAuthors, LongAccumulator errorsInvalidType, LongAccumulator otherTypeFound, String dateOfCollection) { this.parsedPublications = parsedPublications; this.enrichedPublications = enrichedPublications; this.errorsGeneric = errorsGeneric; this.errorsInvalidTitle = errorsInvalidTitle; this.errorsNotFoundAuthors = errorsNotFoundAuthors; this.errorsInvalidType = errorsInvalidType; this.otherTypeFound = otherTypeFound; this.dateOfCollection = dateOfCollection; } public PublicationToOaf() { this.parsedPublications = null; this.enrichedPublications = null; this.errorsGeneric = null; this.errorsInvalidTitle = null; this.errorsNotFoundAuthors = null; this.errorsInvalidType = null; this.otherTypeFound = null; this.dateOfCollection = null; } private static Map> datasources = new HashMap>() { { put(ORCID.toLowerCase(), new Pair<>(ORCID, OPENAIRE_PREFIX + SEPARATOR + "orcid")); } }; // json external id will be mapped to oaf:pid/@classid Map to oaf:pid/@classname private static Map> externalIds = new HashMap>() { { put("ark".toLowerCase(), new Pair<>("ark", "ark")); put("arxiv".toLowerCase(), new Pair<>("arXiv", "arXiv")); put("pmc".toLowerCase(), new Pair<>("pmc", "PubMed Central ID")); put("pmid".toLowerCase(), new Pair<>("pmid", "PubMed ID")); put("source-work-id".toLowerCase(), new Pair<>("orcidworkid", "orcid workid")); put("urn".toLowerCase(), new Pair<>("urn", "urn")); } }; static Map> typologiesMapping; static { try { final String tt = IOUtils .toString( PublicationToOaf.class .getResourceAsStream( "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/doiboost/orcidnodoi/mappings/typologies.json")); typologiesMapping = new Gson().fromJson(tt, Map.class); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("loading typologies", e); } } public static final String PID_TYPES = "dnet:pid_types"; public Oaf generatePublicationActionsFromJson(final String json) { if (parsedPublications != null) { parsedPublications.add(1); } JsonElement jElement = new JsonParser().parse(json); JsonObject jObject = jElement.getAsJsonObject(); return generatePublicationActionsFromDump(jObject); } public Oaf generatePublicationActionsFromDump(final JsonObject rootElement) { if (!isValid(rootElement)) { return null; } Publication publication = new Publication(); final DataInfo dataInfo = new DataInfo(); dataInfo.setDeletedbyinference(false); dataInfo.setInferred(false); dataInfo.setTrust("0.9"); dataInfo .setProvenanceaction( mapQualifier( "sysimport:actionset:orcidworks-no-doi", "sysimport:actionset:orcidworks-no-doi", "dnet:provenanceActions", "dnet:provenanceActions")); publication.setDataInfo(dataInfo); publication.setLastupdatetimestamp(new Date().getTime()); publication.setDateofcollection(dateOfCollection); publication.setDateoftransformation(DumpToActionsUtility.now_ISO8601()); // Adding external ids externalIds .keySet() .stream() .forEach(jsonExtId -> { final String classid = externalIds.get(jsonExtId.toLowerCase()).getKey(); final String classname = externalIds.get(jsonExtId.toLowerCase()).getValue(); final String extId = getStringValue(rootElement, jsonExtId); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(extId)) { publication .getExternalReference() .add( convertExtRef(extId, classid, classname, "dnet:pid_types", "dnet:pid_types")); } }); // Adding source final String source = getStringValue(rootElement, "sourceName"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(source)) { Field sourceField = mapStringField(source, null); if (sourceField == null) { publication.setSource(null); } else { publication.setSource(Arrays.asList(sourceField)); } } // Adding titles final List titles = createRepeatedField(rootElement, "titles"); if (titles == null || titles.isEmpty()) { if (errorsInvalidTitle != null) { errorsInvalidTitle.add(1); } return null; } Qualifier q = mapQualifier("main title", "main title", "dnet:dataCite_title", "dnet:dataCite_title"); publication .setTitle( titles .stream() .map(t -> { return mapStructuredProperty(t, q, null); }) .filter(s -> s != null) .collect(Collectors.toList())); // Adding identifier final String id = getStringValue(rootElement, "id"); String sourceId = null; if (id != null) { publication.setOriginalId(Arrays.asList(id)); sourceId = String.format("50|%s" + SEPARATOR + "%s", orcidPREFIX, DHPUtils.md5(id.toLowerCase())); } else { String mergedTitle =",")); sourceId = String.format("50|%s" + SEPARATOR + "%s", orcidPREFIX, DHPUtils.md5(mergedTitle.toLowerCase())); } publication.setId(sourceId); // Adding relevant date settingRelevantDate(rootElement, publication, "publication_date", "issued", true); // Adding collectedfrom publication.setCollectedfrom(Arrays.asList(createCollectedFrom())); // Adding type final String type = getStringValue(rootElement, "type"); String cobjValue = ""; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(type)) { publication.setResourcetype(mapQualifier(type, type, "dnet:dataCite_resource", "dnet:dataCite_resource")); Map publicationType = typologiesMapping.get(type); if ((publicationType == null || publicationType.isEmpty()) && errorsInvalidType != null) { errorsInvalidType.add(1); logger.error("publication_type_not_found: " + type); return null; } final String typeValue = typologiesMapping.get(type).get("value"); cobjValue = typologiesMapping.get(type).get("cobj"); // this dataset must contain only publication if (cobjValue.equals("0020")) { if (otherTypeFound != null) { otherTypeFound.add(1); } return null; } final Instance instance = new Instance(); // Adding hostedby instance.setHostedby(createHostedBy()); // Adding url final List urls = createRepeatedField(rootElement, "urls"); if (urls != null && !urls.isEmpty()) { instance.setUrl(urls); } else { dataInfo.setInvisible(true); } final String pubDate = getPublicationDate(rootElement, "publicationDates"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(pubDate)) { instance.setDateofacceptance(mapStringField(pubDate, null)); } instance.setCollectedfrom(createCollectedFrom()); // Adding accessright instance.setAccessright(mapQualifier("UNKNOWN", "UNKNOWN", "dnet:access_modes", "dnet:access_modes")); // Adding type instance .setInstancetype( mapQualifier(cobjValue, typeValue, "dnet:publication_resource", "dnet:publication_resource")); publication.setInstance(Arrays.asList(instance)); } else { if (errorsInvalidType != null) { errorsInvalidType.add(1); } return null; } // Adding authors final List authors = createAuthors(rootElement); if (authors != null && authors.size() > 0) { publication.setAuthor(authors); } else { if (authors == null) { Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create(); String json = gson.toJson(rootElement); throw new RuntimeException("not_valid_authors: " + json); } else { if (errorsNotFoundAuthors != null) { errorsNotFoundAuthors.add(1); } return null; } } String classValue = getDefaultResulttype(cobjValue); publication .setResulttype(mapQualifier(classValue, classValue, "dnet:result_typologies", "dnet:result_typologies")); if (enrichedPublications != null) { enrichedPublications.add(1); } return publication; } public List createAuthors(final JsonObject root) { final String authorsJSONFieldName = "contributors"; if (root.has(authorsJSONFieldName) && root.get(authorsJSONFieldName).isJsonArray()) { final List authors = new ArrayList<>(); final JsonArray jsonAuthors = root.getAsJsonArray(authorsJSONFieldName); int firstCounter = 0; int defaultCounter = 0; int rank = 1; int currentRank = 0; for (final JsonElement item : jsonAuthors) { final JsonObject jsonAuthor = item.getAsJsonObject(); final Author author = new Author(); if (item.isJsonObject()) { final String creditname = getStringValue(jsonAuthor, "creditName"); final String surname = getStringValue(jsonAuthor, "surname"); final String name = getStringValue(jsonAuthor, "name"); final String oid = getStringValue(jsonAuthor, "oid"); final String seq = getStringValue(jsonAuthor, "sequence"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(seq)) { if (seq.equals("first")) { firstCounter += 1; rank = firstCounter; } else if (seq.equals("additional")) { rank = currentRank + 1; } else { defaultCounter += 1; rank = defaultCounter; } } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(oid)) { author.setPid(Arrays.asList(mapAuthorId(oid))); author.setFullname(name + " " + surname); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(name)) { author.setName(name); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(surname)) { author.setSurname(surname); } } else { PacePerson p = new PacePerson(creditname, false); if (p.isAccurate()) { author.setName(p.getNormalisedFirstName()); author.setSurname(p.getNormalisedSurname()); author.setFullname(p.getNormalisedFullname()); } else { author.setFullname(creditname); } } } author.setRank(rank); authors.add(author); currentRank = rank; } return authors; } return null; } private List createRepeatedField(final JsonObject rootElement, final String fieldName) { if (!rootElement.has(fieldName)) { return null; } if (rootElement.has(fieldName) && rootElement.get(fieldName).isJsonNull()) { return null; } if (rootElement.get(fieldName).isJsonArray()) { if (!isValidJsonArray(rootElement, fieldName)) { return null; } return getArrayValues(rootElement, fieldName); } else { String field = getStringValue(rootElement, fieldName); return Arrays.asList(cleanField(field)); } } private String cleanField(String value) { if (value != null && !value.isEmpty() && value.charAt(0) == '"' && value.charAt(value.length() - 1) == '"') { value = value.substring(1, value.length() - 1); } return value; } private void settingRelevantDate(final JsonObject rootElement, final Publication publication, final String jsonKey, final String dictionaryKey, final boolean addToDateOfAcceptance) { final String pubDate = getPublicationDate(rootElement, "publication_date"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(pubDate)) { if (addToDateOfAcceptance) { publication.setDateofacceptance(mapStringField(pubDate, null)); } Qualifier q = mapQualifier(dictionaryKey, dictionaryKey, "dnet:dataCite_date", "dnet:dataCite_date"); publication .setRelevantdate( Arrays .asList(pubDate) .stream() .map(r -> { return mapStructuredProperty(r, q, null); }) .filter(s -> s != null) .collect(Collectors.toList())); } } private String getPublicationDate(final JsonObject rootElement, final String jsonKey) { JsonObject pubDateJson = null; try { pubDateJson = rootElement.getAsJsonObject(jsonKey); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } if (pubDateJson == null) { return null; } final String year = getStringValue(pubDateJson, "year"); final String month = getStringValue(pubDateJson, "month"); final String day = getStringValue(pubDateJson, "day"); if (StringUtils.isBlank(year)) { return null; } String pubDate = "".concat(year); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(month)) { pubDate = pubDate.concat("-" + month); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(day)) { pubDate = pubDate.concat("-" + day); } else { pubDate += "-01"; } } else { pubDate += "-01-01"; } if (isValidDate(pubDate)) { return pubDate; } return null; } protected boolean isValid(final JsonObject rootElement/* , final Reporter context */) { final String type = getStringValue(rootElement, "type"); if (!typologiesMapping.containsKey(type)) { logger.error("unknowntype_" + type); if (errorsInvalidType != null) { errorsInvalidType.add(1); } return false; } if (!isValidJsonArray(rootElement, "titles")) { if (errorsInvalidTitle != null) { errorsInvalidTitle.add(1); } return false; } return true; } private boolean isValidJsonArray(final JsonObject rootElement, final String fieldName) { if (!rootElement.has(fieldName)) { return false; } final JsonElement jsonElement = rootElement.get(fieldName); if (jsonElement.isJsonNull()) { return false; } if (jsonElement.isJsonArray()) { final JsonArray jsonArray = jsonElement.getAsJsonArray(); if (jsonArray.isJsonNull()) { return false; } if (jsonArray.get(0).isJsonNull()) { return false; } } return true; } private Qualifier mapQualifier(String classId, String className, String schemeId, String schemeName) { final Qualifier qualifier = new Qualifier(); qualifier.setClassid(classId); qualifier.setClassname(className); qualifier.setSchemeid(schemeId); qualifier.setSchemename(schemeName); return qualifier; } private ExternalReference convertExtRef(String extId, String classId, String className, String schemeId, String schemeName) { ExternalReference ex = new ExternalReference(); ex.setRefidentifier(extId); ex.setQualifier(mapQualifier(classId, className, schemeId, schemeName)); return ex; } private StructuredProperty mapStructuredProperty(String value, Qualifier qualifier, DataInfo dataInfo) { if (value == null | StringUtils.isBlank(value)) { return null; } final StructuredProperty structuredProperty = new StructuredProperty(); structuredProperty.setValue(value); structuredProperty.setQualifier(qualifier); structuredProperty.setDataInfo(dataInfo); return structuredProperty; } private Field mapStringField(String value, DataInfo dataInfo) { if (value == null || StringUtils.isBlank(value)) { return null; } final Field stringField = new Field<>(); stringField.setValue(value); stringField.setDataInfo(dataInfo); return stringField; } private KeyValue createCollectedFrom() { KeyValue cf = new KeyValue(); cf.setValue(ORCID); cf.setKey("10|" + OPENAIRE_PREFIX + SEPARATOR + "806360c771262b4d6770e7cdf04b5c5a"); return cf; } private KeyValue createHostedBy() { KeyValue hb = new KeyValue(); hb.setValue("Unknown Repository"); hb.setKey("10|" + OPENAIRE_PREFIX + SEPARATOR + "55045bd2a65019fd8e6741a755395c8c"); return hb; } private StructuredProperty mapAuthorId(String orcidId) { final StructuredProperty sp = new StructuredProperty(); sp.setValue(orcidId); final Qualifier q = new Qualifier(); q.setClassid(ORCID.toLowerCase()); q.setClassname(ORCID_PID_TYPE_CLASSNAME); q.setSchemeid(ModelConstants.DNET_PID_TYPES); q.setSchemename(ModelConstants.DNET_PID_TYPES); sp.setQualifier(q); final DataInfo dataInfo = new DataInfo(); dataInfo.setDeletedbyinference(false); dataInfo.setInferred(false); dataInfo.setTrust("0.91"); dataInfo .setProvenanceaction( mapQualifier( "sysimport:crosswalk:entityregistry", "Harvested", "dnet:provenanceActions", "dnet:provenanceActions")); sp.setDataInfo(dataInfo); return sp; } }