[ { "paramName":"arp", "paramLongName":"allowedResultPids", "paramDescription": "the set of pid allowed to be dumped for the result", "paramRequired": true }, { "paramName":"aap", "paramLongName":"allowedAuthorPids", "paramDescription": "the set of pid allowed to be dumped for the author", "paramRequired": true }, { "paramName":"s", "paramLongName":"sourcePath", "paramDescription": "the path of the file to read", "paramRequired": true }, { "paramName": "out", "paramLongName": "outputPath", "paramDescription": "the path used to store temporary output files", "paramRequired": true }, { "paramName": "ssm", "paramLongName": "isSparkSessionManaged", "paramDescription": "true if the spark session is managed, false otherwise", "paramRequired": false }, { "paramName":"tn", "paramLongName":"resultTableName", "paramDescription": "the name of the result table we are currently working on", "paramRequired": true } ]