Import H2020classification Import H2020classification 30 sets the URL to download the project file projectFileURL sets the URL to download the programme file programmeFileURL sets the URL to download the topics file topicFileURL sets the name of the sheet in the topic file to be read sheetName Topics wait configurations prepare action sets [ { 'set' : 'h2020classification', 'jobProperty' : 'export_action_set_h2020classification', 'enablingProperty' : 'active_h2020classification', 'enabled' : 'true' } ] extract the hdfs output path generated in the previous node outputPath prepare updates for the H2020 Classification executeOozieJob IIS { 'outputPath': 'outputPath', 'sheetName':'sheetName', 'projectFileURL' : 'projectFileURL', 'programmeFileURL' : 'programmeFileURL', 'topicFileURL':'topicFileURL' } { '' : '/lib/dnet/PROD/actionmanager/project/oozie_app', 'workingDir' : '/tmp/prod_provision/working_dir/h2020classification', 'postgresURL':'', 'postgresUser':'', 'postgresPassword':'' } build-report update action sets wf_20210524_084803_740 2021-05-24T09:05:50+00:00 SUCCESS