Import Datacite ActionSet Import InfoSpace 30 set the resume from resumeFrom TransformDatacite shall the datacite mapping produce the links? exportLinks false set the path storing the OAF Datacite records oafTargetPath /data/datacite/production/datacite_oaf set the input path for Datacite content datacitePath /data/datacite prepare action sets [ { 'set' : 'datacite', 'jobProperty' : 'export_action_set_datacite', 'enablingProperty' : 'active_datacite', 'enabled' : 'true' } ] extract the hdfs output path generated in the previous node outputPath prepare a new version of Datacite ActionSet executeOozieJob IIS { 'mainPath' : 'datacitePath', 'oafTargetPath' : 'oafTargetPath', 'exportLinks' : 'exportLinks', 'resumeFrom' : 'resumeFrom' } { '' : '/lib/dnet/PROD/actionmanager/datacite_import/oozie_app', 'sparkExecutorMemory' : '7G' } build-report prepare a new version of Datacite ActionSet executeOozieJob IIS { 'sourcePath' : 'oafTargetPath', 'outputPath' : 'outputPath' } { '' : '/lib/dnet/PROD/actionmanager/datacite_actionset/oozie_app', 'sparkExecutorMemory' : '7G' } build-report update action sets wf_20210723_163342_752 2021-07-23T16:44:05+00:00 SUCCESS