package import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.AbstractScalaApplication import eu.dnetlib.dhp.collection.CollectionUtils.fixRelations import eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.vocabulary.VocabularyGroup import eu.dnetlib.dhp.datacite.{DataciteToOAFTransformation, DataciteType} import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.{Oaf, Relation, Result} import{Scholix, ScholixResource} import import import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.{DHPUtils, ISLookupClientFactory} import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FileSystem, Path} import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.max import org.apache.spark.sql.{Dataset, Encoder, Encoders, SaveMode, SparkSession} import org.slf4j.{Logger, LoggerFactory} import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ import java.text.SimpleDateFormat class SparkRetrieveDataciteDelta(propertyPath: String, args: Array[String], log: Logger) extends AbstractScalaApplication(propertyPath, args, log: Logger) { val ISO_DATE_PATTERN = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ" val simpleFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat(ISO_DATE_PATTERN) val SCHOLIX_RESOURCE_PATH_NAME = "scholixResource" val DATACITE_OAF_PATH_NAME = "dataciteOAFUpdate" val PID_MAP_PATH_NAME = "pidMap" val RESOLVED_REL_PATH_NAME = "resolvedRelation" val SCHOLIX_PATH_NAME = "scholix" def scholixResourcePath(workingPath: String) = s"$workingPath/$SCHOLIX_RESOURCE_PATH_NAME" def dataciteOAFPath(workingPath: String) = s"$workingPath/$DATACITE_OAF_PATH_NAME" def pidMapPath(workingPath: String) = s"$workingPath/$PID_MAP_PATH_NAME" def resolvedRelationPath(workingPath: String) = s"$workingPath/$RESOLVED_REL_PATH_NAME" def scholixPath(workingPath: String) = s"$workingPath/$SCHOLIX_PATH_NAME" /** Utility to parse Date in ISO8601 to epochMillis * @param inputDate The String represents an input date in ISO8601 * @return The relative epochMillis of parsed date */ def ISO8601toEpochMillis(inputDate: String): Long = { simpleFormatter.parse(inputDate).getTime } /** This method tries to retrieve the last collection date from all datacite * records in HDFS. * This method should be called before indexing scholexplorer to retrieve * the delta of Datacite record to download, since from the generation of * raw graph to the generation of Scholexplorer sometimes it takes 20 days * @param spark * @param entitiesPath * @return the last collection date from the current scholexplorer Graph of the datacite records */ def retrieveLastCollectedFrom(spark: SparkSession, entitiesPath: String): Long = {"Retrieve last entities collected From") implicit val oafEncoder: Encoder[Oaf] = Encoders.kryo[Oaf] implicit val resultEncoder: Encoder[Result] = Encoders.kryo[Result] import spark.implicits._ val entitiesDS = .load(s"$entitiesPath/*") .as[Oaf] .filter(o => o.isInstanceOf[Result]) .map(r => r.asInstanceOf[Result]) val date = entitiesDS .filter(r => r.getDateofcollection != null) .map(_.getDateofcollection) .select(max("value")) .first .getString(0) ISO8601toEpochMillis(date) / 1000 } /** The method of update Datacite relationships on Scholexplorer * needs some utilities data structures * One is the scholixResource DS that stores all the nodes in the Scholix Graph * in format ScholixResource * @param summaryPath the path of the summary in Scholix * @param workingPath the working path * @param spark the spark session */ def generateScholixResource( summaryPath: String, workingPath: String, spark: SparkSession ): Unit = { implicit val summaryEncoder: Encoder[ScholixSummary] = Encoders.kryo[ScholixSummary] implicit val scholixResourceEncoder: Encoder[ScholixResource] = Encoders.kryo[ScholixResource]"Convert All summary to ScholixResource") .load(summaryPath) .as[ScholixSummary] .map(ScholixUtils.generateScholixResourceFromSummary)(scholixResourceEncoder) .filter(r => r.getIdentifier != null && r.getIdentifier.size > 0) .write .mode(SaveMode.Overwrite) .save(s"${scholixResourcePath(workingPath)}_native") } /** This method convert the new Datacite Resource into Scholix Resource * Needed to fill the source and the type of Scholix Relationships * @param workingPath the Working Path * @param spark The spark Session */ def addMissingScholixResource(workingPath: String, spark: SparkSession): Unit = { implicit val oafEncoder: Encoder[Oaf] = Encoders.kryo[Oaf] implicit val scholixResourceEncoder: Encoder[ScholixResource] = Encoders.kryo[ScholixResource] implicit val resultEncoder: Encoder[Result] = Encoders.kryo[Result] import spark.implicits._ .load(dataciteOAFPath(workingPath)) .as[Oaf] .filter(_.isInstanceOf[Result]) .map(_.asInstanceOf[Result]) .map(ScholixUtils.generateScholixResourceFromResult) .filter(r => r.getIdentifier != null && r.getIdentifier.size > 0) .write .mode(SaveMode.Overwrite) .save(s"${scholixResourcePath(workingPath)}_update") val update ="${scholixResourcePath(workingPath)}_update").as[ScholixResource] val native ="${scholixResourcePath(workingPath)}_native").as[ScholixResource] val graph = update .union(native) .groupByKey(_.getDnetIdentifier) .reduceGroups((a, b) => if (a != null && a.getDnetIdentifier != null) a else b) .map(_._2) graph.write.mode(SaveMode.Overwrite).save(s"${scholixResourcePath(workingPath)}_graph") } /** This method get and Transform only datacite records with * timestamp greater than timestamp * @param datacitePath the datacite input Path * @param timestamp the timestamp * @param workingPath the working path where save the generated Dataset * @param spark SparkSession * @param vocabularies Vocabularies needed for transformation */ def getDataciteUpdate( datacitePath: String, timestamp: Long, workingPath: String, spark: SparkSession, vocabularies: VocabularyGroup ): Long = { import spark.implicits._ val ds =[DataciteType] implicit val oafEncoder: Encoder[Oaf] = Encoders.kryo[Oaf] val total = ds.filter(_.timestamp >= timestamp).count() if (total > 0) { ds.filter(_.timestamp >= timestamp) .flatMap(d => DataciteToOAFTransformation .generateOAF(d.json, d.timestamp, d.timestamp, vocabularies, exportLinks = true) ) .flatMap(i => fixRelations(i)) .filter(i => i != null) .write .mode(SaveMode.Overwrite) .save(dataciteOAFPath(workingPath)) } total } /** After added the new ScholixResource, we need to update the scholix Pid Map * to intersected with the new Datacite Relations * * @param workingPath The working Path starting from save the new Map * @param spark the spark session */ def generatePidMap(workingPath: String, spark: SparkSession): Unit = { implicit val scholixResourceEncoder: Encoder[ScholixResource] = Encoders.kryo[ScholixResource] import spark.implicits._ .load(s"${scholixResourcePath(workingPath)}_graph") .as[ScholixResource] .flatMap(r => r.getIdentifier.asScala .map(i => DHPUtils.generateUnresolvedIdentifier(i.getIdentifier, i.getSchema)) .map(t => (t, r.getDnetIdentifier)) )(Encoders.tuple(Encoders.STRING, Encoders.STRING)) .groupByKey(_._1) .reduceGroups((a, b) => if (a != null && a._2 != null) a else b) .map(_._2)(Encoders.tuple(Encoders.STRING, Encoders.STRING)) .write .mode(SaveMode.Overwrite) .save(pidMapPath(workingPath)) } /** This method resolve the datacite relation and filter the resolved * relation * @param workingPath the working path * @param spark the spark session */ def resolveUpdateRelation(workingPath: String, spark: SparkSession): Unit = { implicit val oafEncoder: Encoder[Oaf] = Encoders.kryo[Oaf] implicit val relationEncoder: Encoder[Relation] = Encoders.kryo[Relation] import spark.implicits._ val pidMap =[(String, String)] val unresolvedRelations: Dataset[(String, Relation)] = .load(dataciteOAFPath(workingPath)) .as[Oaf] .filter(_.isInstanceOf[Relation]) .map(_.asInstanceOf[Relation]) .map { r => if (r.getSource.startsWith("unresolved")) (r.getSource, r) else (r.getTarget, r) }(Encoders.tuple(Encoders.STRING, relationEncoder)) unresolvedRelations .joinWith(pidMap, unresolvedRelations("_1").equalTo(pidMap("_1"))) .map(t => { val r = t._1._2 val resolvedIdentifier = t._2._2 if (r.getSource.startsWith("unresolved")) r.setSource(resolvedIdentifier) else r.setTarget(resolvedIdentifier) r })(relationEncoder) .filter(r => !(r.getSource.startsWith("unresolved") || r.getTarget.startsWith("unresolved"))) .write .mode(SaveMode.Overwrite) .save(resolvedRelationPath(workingPath)) } /** This method generate scholix starting from resolved relation * * @param workingPath * @param spark */ def generateScholixUpdate(workingPath: String, spark: SparkSession): Unit = { implicit val oafEncoder: Encoder[Oaf] = Encoders.kryo[Oaf] implicit val scholixEncoder: Encoder[Scholix] = Encoders.kryo[Scholix] implicit val scholixResourceEncoder: Encoder[ScholixResource] = Encoders.kryo[ScholixResource] implicit val relationEncoder: Encoder[Relation] = Encoders.kryo[Relation] implicit val intermediateEncoder: Encoder[(String, Scholix)] = Encoders.tuple(Encoders.STRING, scholixEncoder) val relations: Dataset[(String, Relation)] = .load(resolvedRelationPath(workingPath)) .as[Relation] .map(r => (r.getSource, r))(Encoders.tuple(Encoders.STRING, relationEncoder)) val id_summary: Dataset[(String, ScholixResource)] = .load(s"${scholixResourcePath(workingPath)}_graph") .as[ScholixResource] .map(r => (r.getDnetIdentifier, r))(Encoders.tuple(Encoders.STRING, scholixResourceEncoder)) id_summary.cache() relations .joinWith(id_summary, relations("_1").equalTo(id_summary("_1")), "inner") .map(t => (t._1._2.getTarget, ScholixUtils.scholixFromSource(t._1._2, t._2._2))) .write .mode(SaveMode.Overwrite) .save(s"$workingPath/scholix_one_verse") val source_scholix: Dataset[(String, Scholix)] ="$workingPath/scholix_one_verse").as[(String, Scholix)] source_scholix .joinWith(id_summary, source_scholix("_1").equalTo(id_summary("_1")), "inner") .map(t => { val target: ScholixResource = t._2._2 val scholix: Scholix = t._1._2 ScholixUtils.generateCompleteScholix(scholix, target) })(scholixEncoder) .write .mode(SaveMode.Overwrite) .save(s"$workingPath/scholix") } /** Here all the spark applications runs this method * where the whole logic of the spark node is defined */ override def run(): Unit = { val sourcePath = parser.get("sourcePath")"SourcePath is '$sourcePath'") val datacitePath = parser.get("datacitePath")"DatacitePath is '$datacitePath'") val workingPath = parser.get("workingSupportPath")"workingPath is '$workingPath'") val isLookupUrl: String = parser.get("isLookupUrl")"isLookupUrl: {}", isLookupUrl) val isLookupService = ISLookupClientFactory.getLookUpService(isLookupUrl) val vocabularies = VocabularyGroup.loadVocsFromIS(isLookupService) require(vocabularies != null) val updateDS: Boolean = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(parser.get("updateDS"))"updateDS is '$updateDS'") var lastCollectionDate = 0L if (updateDS) { generateScholixResource(s"$sourcePath/provision/summaries", workingPath, spark)"Retrieve last entities collected From starting from scholix Graph") lastCollectionDate = retrieveLastCollectedFrom(spark, s"$sourcePath/entities") } else { val fs = FileSystem.get(spark.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration) fs.delete(new Path(s"${scholixResourcePath(workingPath)}_native"), true) fs.rename( new Path(s"${scholixResourcePath(workingPath)}_graph"), new Path(s"${scholixResourcePath(workingPath)}_native") ) lastCollectionDate = retrieveLastCollectedFrom(spark, dataciteOAFPath(workingPath)) } val numRecords = getDataciteUpdate(datacitePath, lastCollectionDate, workingPath, spark, vocabularies) if (numRecords > 0) { addMissingScholixResource(workingPath, spark) generatePidMap(workingPath, spark) resolveUpdateRelation(workingPath, spark) generateScholixUpdate(workingPath, spark) } } } object SparkRetrieveDataciteDelta { val log: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SparkRetrieveDataciteDelta.getClass) def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { new SparkRetrieveDataciteDelta( "/eu/dnetlib/dhp/sx/graph/retrieve_datacite_delta_params.json", args, log ).initialize().run() } }