Import Orcid Import InfoSpace 30 set the hdfs input path inputPath /data/orcid_activities_2020 set the temporary path where to store the action set processOutputPath /tmp/prod_provision/working_path_orcid_activities prepare action sets [ { 'set' : 'orcidworks-no-doi', 'jobProperty' : 'export_action_set_orcidworks_no_doi', 'enablingProperty' : 'active_orcidworks_no_doi', 'enabled' : 'true' } ] extract the hdfs output path generated in the previous node outputPath prepare updates for the Orcid No Doi executeOozieJob IIS { 'workingPath' : 'inputPath', 'processOutputPath' : 'processOutputPath', 'outputPath': 'outputPath' } { '' : '/lib/dnet/PROD/actionmanager/orcidnodoi_actionset/oozie_app', 'spark2GenNoDoiDatasetMaxExecutors' : '200', 'spark2GenNoDoiDatasetExecutorMemory' : '2G' } build-report update action sets wf_20210713_170819_470 2021-07-13T17:28:26+00:00 SUCCESS