package eu.dnetlib.dhp.continuous_validator; import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.SparkSessionSupport.runWithSparkSession; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Optional; import javax.jws.WebParam; import; import org.apache.spark.SparkConf; import org.apache.spark.SparkContext; import; import org.apache.spark.sql.*; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.application.ArgumentApplicationParser; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.HdfsSupport; import eu.dnetlib.validator2.validation.XMLApplicationProfile; import eu.dnetlib.validator2.validation.guideline.openaire.AbstractOpenAireProfile; import eu.dnetlib.validator2.validation.guideline.openaire.LiteratureGuidelinesV4Profile; import eu.dnetlib.validator2.validation.utils.TestUtils; import scala.Option; public class ContinuousValidator { public static final String TEST_FILES_V4_DIR = TestUtils.TEST_FILES_BASE_DIR + "openaireguidelinesV4/"; public static final String RESULTS_FILE = "results.json"; private static final org.slf4j.Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ContinuousValidator.class); private static final String parametersFile = "input_continuous_validator_parameters.json"; private static final boolean SHOULD_GET_ARGUMENTS_FROM_FILE = true; // It throws an error for now.. public static void main(String[] args) { ArgumentApplicationParser parser = null; String sparkMaster = null; Boolean isSparkSessionManaged = false; String parquet_file_path = null; String guidelines = null; String outputPath = null; if (SHOULD_GET_ARGUMENTS_FROM_FILE) { try { String jsonConfiguration = IOUtils .toString( Objects .requireNonNull( ContinuousValidator.class .getResourceAsStream("/eu/dnetlib/dhp/continuous_validator/" + parametersFile)), StandardCharsets.UTF_8); parser = new ArgumentApplicationParser(jsonConfiguration); parser.parseArgument(args); String isSParkSessionManagedStr = parser.get("isSparkSessionManaged"); if (isSParkSessionManagedStr == null) { logger .error( "The \"isSParkSessionManagedStr\" was not retrieved from the parameters file: " + parametersFile); return; } // This "is needed to implement a unit test in which the spark session is created in the context of the // unit test itself rather than inside the spark application" isSparkSessionManaged = Optional .of(isSParkSessionManagedStr) .map(Boolean::valueOf) .orElse(Boolean.TRUE);"isSparkSessionManaged: {}", isSparkSessionManaged); // TODO - If the above is tru,e then the Spark-session defined in the unit-test should be used.. } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error when parsing the parameters!", e); return; } parquet_file_path = parser.get("parquet_file_path"); if (parquet_file_path == null) { logger.error("The \"parquet_file_path\" was not retrieved from the parameters file: " + parametersFile); return; } guidelines = parser.get("guidelines"); if (guidelines == null) { logger.error("The \"guidelines\" was not retrieved from the parameters file: " + parametersFile); return; } outputPath = parser.get("outputPath"); if (outputPath == null) { logger.error("The \"outputPath\" was not retrieved from the parameters file: " + parametersFile); return; } sparkMaster = "local[*]"; } else { if (args.length != 4) { String errorMsg = "Wrong number of arguments given! Please run the app like so: java -jar target/dhp-continuous-validation-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar "; System.err.println(errorMsg); logger.error(errorMsg); System.exit(1); } sparkMaster = args[0];"Will use this Spark master: \"" + sparkMaster + "\"."); parquet_file_path = args[1]; guidelines = args[2]; outputPath = args[3]; if (!outputPath.endsWith("/")) outputPath += "/"; } logger .info( "Will validate the contents of parquetFile: \"" + parquet_file_path + "\", against guidelines: \"" + guidelines + "\"" + " and will output the results in: " + outputPath + RESULTS_FILE); // TODO - USE THE "runWithSparkSession" METHOD TO RUN THE SPARK CODE INSIDE!! AbstractOpenAireProfile profile = new LiteratureGuidelinesV4Profile(); SparkConf conf = new SparkConf(); conf.setAppName(ContinuousValidator.class.getSimpleName()); String finalParquet_file_path = parquet_file_path; String finalOutputPath = outputPath; runWithSparkSession(conf, isSparkSessionManaged, spark -> { Dataset parquetFileDF =;; // Filter the results based on the XML-encoding and non-null id and body. parquetFileDF = parquetFileDF .filter( parquetFileDF .col("encoding") .eqNullSafe("XML") .and(parquetFileDF.col("id").isNotNull()) .and(parquetFileDF.col("body").isNotNull())); // Use a new instance of Document Builder in each worker, as it is not thread-safe. MapFunction validateMapFunction = row -> profile .validate( row.getAs("id").toString(), TestUtils .getDocumentBuilder() .parse(IOUtils.toInputStream(row.getAs("body").toString(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8))); Dataset validationResultsDataset = parquetFileDF .map(validateMapFunction, Encoders.bean(XMLApplicationProfile.ValidationResult.class));"Showing a few validation-results.. just for checking");; // Write the results to json file immediately, without converting them to a list. validationResultsDataset .write() .option("compression", "gzip") .mode(SaveMode.Overwrite) .json(finalOutputPath + RESULTS_FILE); // The filename should be the name of the input-file or the // input-directory. if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { List validationResultsList = validationResultsDataset .javaRDD() .collect(); if (validationResultsList.isEmpty()) { logger.error("The \"validationResultsList\" was empty!"); return; } validationResultsList.forEach(vr -> logger.debug( + " | score:" + vr.score())); for (XMLApplicationProfile.ValidationResult result : validationResultsList) logger.debug(result.toString()); } // TODO - REMOVE THIS WHEN THE WRITE FROM ABOVE IS OK /* * try (BufferedWriter writer = Files .newBufferedWriter(Paths.get(outputPath + RESULTS_FILE), * StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) { writer.write(new Gson().toJson(validationResultsList)); } catch (Exception e) * { logger.error("Error when writing the \"validationResultsList\" as json into the results-file: " + * outputPath + RESULTS_FILE); return; } */ Option uiWebUrl = spark.sparkContext().uiWebUrl(); if (uiWebUrl.isDefined()) { logger .info( "Waiting 60 seconds, before shutdown, for the user to check the jobs' status at: " + uiWebUrl.get()); try { Thread.sleep(60_000); } catch (InterruptedException ignored) { } } else"The \"uiWebUrl\" is not defined, in order to check the jobs' status. Shutting down.."); }); } }