# This script installs and runs the project. DEFAULT_PROFILE='' # It's the empty profile. NEWER_VERSIONS_PROFILE='-Pscala-2.12' CHOSEN_MAVEN_PROFILE=${DEFAULT_PROFILE} # For error-handling, we cannot use the "set -e" since: it has problems https://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/105 # So we have our own function, for use when a single command fails. handle_error () { echo -e "\n\n$1\n\n"; exit $2 } # Change the working directory to the script's directory, when running from another location. cd "${0%/*}" || handle_error "Could not change-dir to this script's dir!" 1 if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then echo -e "Wrong number of arguments given: ${#}\nPlease execute it like: installAndRun.sh "; exit 2 fi sparkMaster="" justRun=0 if [[ $# -eq 1 ]]; then sparkMaster=$1 elif [[ $# -eq 2 ]]; then sparkMaster=$1 justRun=$2 elif [[ $# -gt 2 ]]; then echo -e "Wrong number of arguments given: ${#}\nPlease execute it like: installAndRun.sh "; exit 3 fi if [[ justRun -eq 0 ]]; then mvn clean install ${CHOSEN_MAVEN_PROFILE} fi ContinuousValidator test_parquet_file="./src/test/resources/part-00589-733117df-3822-4fce-bded-17289cc5959a-c000.snappy.parquet" java -jar ./target/dhp-continuous-validation-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar ${sparkMaster} ${test_parquet_file} 1