package eu.dnetlib.dhp.oa.graph.raw; import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common.ModelConstants.*; import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.utils.OafMapperUtils.*; import static eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.utils.OafMapperUtils.structuredProperty; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.validator.routines.UrlValidator; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.Element; import org.dom4j.Node; import; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.PacePerson; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.vocabulary.VocabularyGroup; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.*; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.utils.CleaningFunctions; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.utils.IdentifierFactory; public class OdfToOafMapper extends AbstractMdRecordToOafMapper { public static final String HTTP_DOI_PREIFX = ""; public static final String HTTP_HANDLE_PREIFX = ""; public OdfToOafMapper(final VocabularyGroup vocs, final boolean invisible, final boolean shouldHashId, final boolean forceOrginalId) { super(vocs, invisible, shouldHashId, forceOrginalId); } public OdfToOafMapper(final VocabularyGroup vocs, final boolean invisible, final boolean shouldHashId) { super(vocs, invisible, shouldHashId); } @Override protected List prepareTitles(final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { final List title = Lists.newArrayList(); final String xpath = "//*[local-name()='titles']/*[local-name()='title']|//*[local-name()='resource']/*[local-name()='title']"; for (Object o : doc.selectNodes(xpath)) { Element e = (Element) o; final String titleValue = e.getTextTrim(); final String titleType = e.attributeValue("titleType"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(titleType)) { title .add( structuredProperty( titleValue, titleType, titleType, DNET_DATACITE_TITLE, DNET_DATACITE_TITLE, info)); } else { title.add(structuredProperty(titleValue, MAIN_TITLE_QUALIFIER, info)); } } return title; } @Override protected List prepareAuthors(final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { final List res = new ArrayList<>(); int pos = 1; for (final Object o : doc.selectNodes("//*[local-name()='creator']")) { final Node n = (Node) o; final Author author = new Author(); final String fullname = n.valueOf("./*[local-name()='creatorName']"); final String name = n.valueOf("./*[local-name()='givenName']"); final String surname = n.valueOf("./*[local-name()='familyName']"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(fullname) || StringUtils.isNotBlank(name) || StringUtils.isNotBlank(surname)) { author.setFullname(fullname); final PacePerson pp = new PacePerson(fullname, false); if (StringUtils.isBlank(name) & pp.isAccurate()) { author.setName(pp.getNormalisedFirstName()); } else { author.setName(name); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(surname) & pp.isAccurate()) { author.setSurname(pp.getNormalisedSurname()); } else { author.setSurname(surname); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(author.getFullname())) { author.setFullname(String.format("%s, %s", author.getSurname(), author.getName())); } author.setAffiliation(prepareListFields(n, "./*[local-name()='affiliation']", info)); author.setPid(preparePids(n, info)); author.setRank(pos++); res.add(author); } } return res; } private List preparePids(final Node n, final DataInfo info) { final List res = new ArrayList<>(); for (final Object o : n.selectNodes("./*[local-name()='nameIdentifier']")) { final String id = ((Node) o).getText(); final String type = ((Node) o) .valueOf("./@nameIdentifierScheme") .trim() .toUpperCase() .replace(" ", "") .replace("_", ""); if (type.toLowerCase().startsWith(ORCID)) { final String cleanedId = id.replace("", "").replace("", ""); res.add(structuredProperty(cleanedId, ORCID_PID_TYPE, info)); } else if (type.startsWith("MAGID")) { res.add(structuredProperty(id, MAG_PID_TYPE, info)); } } return res; } @Override protected List prepareInstances( final Document doc, final DataInfo info, final KeyValue collectedfrom, final KeyValue hostedby) { final Instance instance = new Instance(); instance .setInstancetype(prepareQualifier(doc, "//dr:CobjCategory", DNET_PUBLICATION_RESOURCE)); instance.setCollectedfrom(collectedfrom); instance.setHostedby(hostedby); final List alternateIdentifier = prepareResultPids(doc, info); final List pid = IdentifierFactory.getPids(alternateIdentifier, collectedfrom); final Set pids =; instance .setAlternateIdentifier( -> !pids.contains(i)).collect(Collectors.toList())); instance.setPid(pid); instance.setDateofacceptance(field(doc.valueOf("//oaf:dateAccepted"), info)); final String distributionlocation = doc.valueOf("//oaf:distributionlocation"); instance.setDistributionlocation(StringUtils.isNotBlank(distributionlocation) ? distributionlocation : null); instance .setAccessright(prepareAccessRight(doc, "//oaf:accessrights", DNET_ACCESS_MODES)); instance.setLicense(field(doc.valueOf("//oaf:license"), info)); instance.setRefereed(prepareQualifier(doc, "//oaf:refereed", DNET_REVIEW_LEVELS)); instance.setProcessingchargeamount(field(doc.valueOf("//oaf:processingchargeamount"), info)); instance .setProcessingchargecurrency(field(doc.valueOf("//oaf:processingchargeamount/@currency"), info)); final Set url = new HashSet<>(); for (final Object o : doc .selectNodes("//*[local-name()='alternateIdentifier' and ./@alternateIdentifierType='URL']")) { url.add(trimAndDecodeUrl(((Node) o).getText().trim())); } for (final Object o : doc .selectNodes("//*[local-name()='alternateIdentifier' and ./@alternateIdentifierType='landingPage']")) { url.add(trimAndDecodeUrl(((Node) o).getText().trim())); } for (final Object o : doc.selectNodes("//*[local-name()='identifier' and ./@identifierType='URL']")) { url.add(trimAndDecodeUrl(((Node) o).getText().trim())); } for (final Object o : doc.selectNodes("//*[local-name()='identifier' and ./@identifierType='landingPage']")) { url.add(trimAndDecodeUrl(((Node) o).getText().trim())); } Set validUrl = validateUrl(url); if ( -> s.contains(""))) { for (final Object o : doc .selectNodes("//*[local-name()='alternateIdentifier' and ./@alternateIdentifierType='DOI']")) { validUrl.add(HTTP_DOI_PREIFX + ((Node) o).getText().trim()); } for (final Object o : doc.selectNodes("//*[local-name()='identifier' and ./@identifierType='DOI']")) { validUrl.add(HTTP_DOI_PREIFX + ((Node) o).getText().trim()); } } if ( -> s.contains(""))) { for (final Object o : doc .selectNodes("//*[local-name()='alternateIdentifier' and ./@alternateIdentifierType='Handle']")) { validUrl.add(HTTP_HANDLE_PREIFX + ((Node) o).getText().trim()); } for (final Object o : doc.selectNodes("//*[local-name()='identifier' and ./@identifierType='Handle']")) { validUrl.add(HTTP_HANDLE_PREIFX + ((Node) o).getText().trim()); } } if (!validUrl.isEmpty()) { instance.setUrl(new ArrayList<>()); instance.getUrl().addAll(validUrl); } return Arrays.asList(instance); } protected String trimAndDecodeUrl(String url) { try { return URLDecoder.decode(url.trim(), "UTF-8"); } catch (Throwable t) { return url; } } @Override protected List> prepareSources(final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { return new ArrayList<>(); // Not present in ODF ??? } @Override protected List prepareRelevantDates(final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { final List res = new ArrayList<>(); for (final Object o : doc.selectNodes("//*[local-name()='date']")) { final String dateType = ((Node) o).valueOf("@dateType"); if (StringUtils.isBlank(dateType) || (!dateType.equalsIgnoreCase("Accepted") && !dateType.equalsIgnoreCase("Issued") && !dateType.equalsIgnoreCase("Updated") && !dateType.equalsIgnoreCase("Available"))) { res .add( structuredProperty( ((Node) o).getText(), UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN, DNET_DATACITE_DATE, DNET_DATACITE_DATE, info)); } else { res .add( structuredProperty( ((Node) o).getText(), dateType, dateType, DNET_DATACITE_DATE, DNET_DATACITE_DATE, info)); } } return res; } @Override protected List> prepareCoverages(final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { return new ArrayList<>(); // Not present in ODF ??? } @Override protected List> prepareContributors(final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { return prepareListFields(doc, "//*[local-name()='contributorName']", info); } @Override protected List> prepareFormats(final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { return prepareListFields(doc, "//*[local-name()='format']", info); } @Override protected Field preparePublisher(final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { return prepareField(doc, "//*[local-name()='publisher']", info); } @Override protected List> prepareDescriptions(final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { return prepareListFields(doc, "//*[local-name()='description' and ./@descriptionType='Abstract']", info); } @Override protected List prepareSubjects(final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { return prepareSubjectList(doc, "//*[local-name()='subject']", info); } @Override protected Qualifier prepareLanguages(final Document doc) { return prepareQualifier(doc, "//*[local-name()='language']", DNET_LANGUAGES); } @Override protected List> prepareOtherResearchProductTools( final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { return new ArrayList<>(); // Not present in ODF ??? } @Override protected List> prepareOtherResearchProductContactGroups( final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { return prepareListFields( doc, "//*[local-name()='contributor' and ./@contributorType='ContactGroup']/*[local-name()='contributorName']", info); } @Override protected List> prepareOtherResearchProductContactPersons( final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { return prepareListFields( doc, "//*[local-name()='contributor' and ./@contributorType='ContactPerson']/*[local-name()='contributorName']", info); } @Override protected Qualifier prepareSoftwareProgrammingLanguage(final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { return prepareQualifier(doc, "//*[local-name()='format']", DNET_PROGRAMMING_LANGUAGES); } @Override protected Field prepareSoftwareCodeRepositoryUrl( final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { return null; // Not present in ODF ??? } @Override protected List prepareSoftwareLicenses( final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { return new ArrayList<>(); // Not present in ODF ??? } @Override protected List> prepareSoftwareDocumentationUrls( final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { return prepareListFields( doc, "//*[local-name()='relatedIdentifier' and ./@relatedIdentifierType='URL' and @relationType='IsDocumentedBy']", info); } // DATASETS @Override protected List prepareDatasetGeoLocations(final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { final List res = new ArrayList<>(); for (final Object o : doc.selectNodes("//*[local-name()='geoLocation']")) { final GeoLocation loc = new GeoLocation(); loc.setBox(((Node) o).valueOf("./*[local-name()='geoLocationBox']")); loc.setPlace(((Node) o).valueOf("./*[local-name()='geoLocationPlace']")); loc.setPoint(((Node) o).valueOf("./*[local-name()='geoLocationPoint']")); res.add(loc); } return res; } @Override protected Field prepareDatasetMetadataVersionNumber( final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { return null; // Not present in ODF ??? } @Override protected Field prepareDatasetLastMetadataUpdate( final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { return prepareField(doc, "//*[local-name()='date' and ./@dateType='Updated']", info); } @Override protected Field prepareDatasetVersion(final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { return prepareField(doc, "//*[local-name()='version']", info); } @Override protected Field prepareDatasetSize(final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { return prepareField(doc, "//*[local-name()='size']", info); } @Override protected Field prepareDatasetDevice(final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { return null; // Not present in ODF ??? } @Override protected Field prepareDatasetStorageDate(final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { return prepareField(doc, "//*[local-name()='date' and ./@dateType='Issued']", info); } @Override protected List addOtherResultRels( final Document doc, final OafEntity entity) { final String docId = entity.getId(); final List res = new ArrayList<>(); /* /* We could extend it to create the relationships targeting w3id, dois, pmcids and other pid types for which we know how to build the target openaire identifier "blindly". for (final Object o : doc .selectNodes("//*[local-name()='relatedIdentifier']")) { final String originalId = ((Node) o).getText(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(originalId)) { final String otherId = createOpenaireId(50, originalId, false); final String type = ((Node) o).valueOf("@relationType"); switch(type){ case IS_SUPPLEMENT_TO: break; case SUPPLEMENT: break; case IS_PART_OF: break; case HAS_PART: break; } */ for (final Object o : doc .selectNodes("//*[local-name()='relatedIdentifier' and ./@relatedIdentifierType='OPENAIRE']")) { final String originalId = ((Node) o).getText(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(originalId)) { final String otherId = createOpenaireId(50, originalId, false); final String type = ((Node) o).valueOf("@relationType"); if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(IS_SUPPLEMENT_TO)) { res .add( getRelation( docId, otherId, RESULT_RESULT, SUPPLEMENT, IS_SUPPLEMENT_TO, entity)); res .add( getRelation( otherId, docId, RESULT_RESULT, SUPPLEMENT, IS_SUPPLEMENTED_BY, entity)); } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(IS_PART_OF)) { res .add( getRelation( docId, otherId, RESULT_RESULT, PART, IS_PART_OF, entity)); res .add( getRelation( otherId, docId, RESULT_RESULT, PART, HAS_PART, entity)); } else { // TODO catch more semantics } } } return res; } @Override protected Qualifier prepareResourceType(final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { return prepareQualifier( doc, "//*[local-name() = 'resource']//*[local-name() = 'resourceType']", DNET_DATA_CITE_RESOURCE); } @Override protected List prepareResultPids(final Document doc, final DataInfo info) { final Set res = new HashSet<>(); res .addAll( prepareListStructPropsWithValidQualifier( doc, "//oaf:identifier", "@identifierType", DNET_PID_TYPES, info)); res .addAll( prepareListStructPropsWithValidQualifier( doc, "//*[local-name()='identifier' and ./@identifierType != 'URL' and ./@identifierType != 'landingPage']", "@identifierType", DNET_PID_TYPES, info)); res .addAll( prepareListStructPropsWithValidQualifier( doc, "//*[local-name()='alternateIdentifier' and ./@alternateIdentifierType != 'URL' and ./@alternateIdentifierType != 'landingPage']", "@alternateIdentifierType", DNET_PID_TYPES, info)); return res .stream() .map(CleaningFunctions::normalizePidValue) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } }