[ { "paramName":"fu", "paramLongName":"fileURL", "paramDescription": "the url to download the csv file ", "paramRequired": true }, { "paramName":"wp", "paramLongName":"workingPath", "paramDescription": "the path where to find the pre-processed data for unibi gold list and doj artciles", "paramRequired": true }, { "paramName":"of", "paramLongName":"outputFile", "paramDescription": "the output json file produced by the CSV downlaod procedure", "paramRequired": true }, { "paramName": "hnn", "paramLongName": "hdfsNameNode", "paramDescription": "the path used to store the HostedByMap", "paramRequired": true }, { "paramName": "cfn", "paramLongName": "classForName", "paramDescription": "true if the spark session is managed, false otherwise", "paramRequired": true }, { "paramName": "d", "paramLongName": "delimiter", "paramDescription": "csv delimiter character", "paramRequired": false } ]