package; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.dump.oaf.Provenance; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.dump.oaf.Qualifier; /** * Reference to a relevant research infrastructure, initiative or community (RI/RC) among those collaborating with OpenAIRE. * It extend eu.dnetlib.dhp.shema.dump.oaf.Qualifier with a parameter provenance of type * List to store the provenances of the association between the result * and the RC/RI. The values for this element correspond to: * - code: it corresponds to the id of the context in the result to be mapped. * If the context id refers to a RC/RI and contains '::' only the part of the id before the first "::" * will be used as value for code * - label it corresponds to the label associated to the id. The information id taken from the profile of the RC/RI * - provenance it is set only if the dataInfo associated to the contenxt element of the result to be dumped * is not null. For each dataInfo one instance of type eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.dump.oaf.Provenance * is instantiated if the element datainfo.provenanceaction is not null. In this case * - provenance corresponds to dataInfo.provenanceaction.classname * - trust corresponds to */ public class Context extends Qualifier { private List provenance; public List getProvenance() { return provenance; } public void setProvenance(List provenance) { this.provenance = provenance; } @Override public int hashCode() { String provenance = new String(); this.provenance.forEach(p -> provenance.concat(p.toString())); return Objects.hash(getCode(), getLabel(), provenance); } }