doi_dedup___::10a910f4a66b7f4bce8407d7a486a80a 2023-04-05T00:36:27+0000 2023-04-05T07:33:52.185Z
50|datacite____::10a910f4a66b7f4bce8407d7a486a80a 10.5281/zenodo.6967373 50|datacite____::172969c66c312a9656fc745f0ec62ce5 10.5281/zenodo.6969999 50|datacite____::4fa8f1c89ff11e8e99f9ded870ade80d 10.5281/zenodo.6967372 50|datacite____::a466b6173773d742b7a5881682748a8c 10.5281/zenodo.6970067 10.5281/zenodo.6967373 10.5281/zenodo.6969999 10.5281/zenodo.6967372 10.5281/zenodo.6970067 Sentinel-3 NDVI ARD and Long Term Statistics (1999-2019) from the Copernicus Global Land Service over Lombardia Marasco Pier Lorenzo 2022-08-05 Sentinel-3 NDVI Analysis Ready Data (ARD) ( product provided by the Copernicus Global Land Service [3]. The file is derived from but values have been scaled (raw_value * ( 1/250) - 0.08) and values lower then -0.08 and greater than 0.92 have been removed (set to missing values). The original dataset can also be discovered through the OpenEO API[5] from the CGLS distributor VITO [4]. Access is free of charge but an EGI registration is needed. The file called Italy.geojson has been created using the Global Administrative Unit Layers GAUL G2015_2014 provided by FAO-UN (see Documentation). It only contains information related to Italy. Further info about drought indexes can be found in the Integrated Drought Management Programme [5] [1] Application of vegetation index and brightness temperature for drought detection [2] NDVI [3] Copernicus Global Land Service [4] Vito [5] OpenEO [5] Integrated Drought Management These datasets are used for training purposes. See NDVI vegetaion Copernicus Global Land Service pangeo 2022-08-05 Zenodo true false 0.8 dedup-result-decisiontree-v3 Zenodo 10.5281/zenodo.6967372 2022-08-05 Sentinel-3 NDVI ARD and Long Term Statistics (1999-2019) from the Copernicus Global Land Service over Lombardia Zenodo 10.5281/zenodo.6970067 2022-08-05 Sentinel-3 NDVI ARD and Long Term Statistics (1999-2019) from the Copernicus Global Land Service over Lombardia Zenodo 2022-08-05 10.5281/zenodo.6969999 Sentinel-3 NDVI ARD and Long Term Statistics (1999-2019) from the Copernicus Global Land Service over Lombardia Zenodo 2022-08-05 Sentinel-3 NDVI ARD and Long Term Statistics (1999-2019) from the Copernicus Global Land Service over Lombardia 10.5281/zenodo.6967373 2022-08-05 10.5281/zenodo.6967373 2022-08-05 10.5281/zenodo.6970067 2022-08-05 10.5281/zenodo.6969999 2022-08-05 10.5281/zenodo.6967372