package eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.utils; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common.ModelConstants; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.StructuredProperty; import lombok.val; public class CleaningFunctions { public static final String DOI_PREFIX_REGEX = "(^10\\.|\\/10\\.)"; private static final String ALL_SPACES_REGEX = "(?:\\n|\\r|\\t|\\s)"; public static final String DOI_PREFIX = "10."; public static final Set PID_BLACKLIST = new HashSet<>(); static { PID_BLACKLIST.add("none"); PID_BLACKLIST.add("na"); } public CleaningFunctions() { } /** * Utility method that filter PID values on a per-type basis. * @param s the PID whose value will be checked. * @return false if the pid matches the filter criteria, true otherwise. */ public static boolean pidFilter(StructuredProperty s) { final String pidValue = s.getValue(); if (Objects.isNull(s.getQualifier()) || StringUtils.isBlank(pidValue) || StringUtils.isBlank(pidValue.replaceAll("(?:\\n|\\r|\\t|\\s)", ""))) { return false; } if (CleaningFunctions.PID_BLACKLIST.contains(pidValue)) { return false; } return !PidBlacklistProvider.getBlacklist(s.getQualifier().getClassid()).contains(pidValue); } /** * Utility method that normalises PID values on a per-type basis. * @param pid the PID whose value will be normalised. * @return the PID containing the normalised value. */ public static StructuredProperty normalizePidValue(StructuredProperty pid) { pid .setValue( normalizePidValue( pid.getQualifier().getClassid(), pid.getValue())); return pid; } /** * This utility was moved from DOIBoost, * it implements a better cleaning of DOI. * In case of wrong DOI it raises an illegalArgumentException * @param input DOI * @return normalized DOI */ private static String normalizeDOI(final String input) { if (input == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("PID value cannot be empty"); final String replaced = input .replaceAll(ALL_SPACES_REGEX, "") .toLowerCase() .replaceFirst(DOI_PREFIX_REGEX, DOI_PREFIX); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(replaced.trim())) throw new IllegalArgumentException("PID value normalized return empty string"); if (!replaced.contains("10.")) throw new IllegalArgumentException("DOI Must starts with 10."); return replaced.substring(replaced.indexOf("10.")); } public static String normalizePidValue(String pidType, String pidValue) { String value = Optional .ofNullable(pidValue) .map(String::trim) .orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException("PID value cannot be empty")); switch (pidType) { // TODO add cleaning for more PID types as needed case ModelConstants.DOI: return normalizeDOI(value.toLowerCase()); } return value; } }