package eu.dnetlib.doiboost import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.action.AtomicAction import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.common.ModelConstants import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf._ import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.utils.OafMapperUtils import eu.dnetlib.dhp.utils.DHPUtils import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils import org.json4s import org.json4s.DefaultFormats import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods.parse import org.slf4j.{Logger, LoggerFactory} import java.time.LocalDate import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ case class HostedByItemType( id: String, officialname: String, issn: String, eissn: String, lissn: String, openAccess: Boolean ) {} case class DoiBoostAffiliation( PaperId: Long, AffiliationId: Long, GridId: Option[String], OfficialPage: Option[String], DisplayName: Option[String] ) {} object DoiBoostMappingUtil { def generateMAGAffiliationId(affId: String): String = { s"20|microsoft___$SEPARATOR${DHPUtils.md5(affId)}" } val logger: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass) //STATIC STRING val MAG = "microsoft" val MAG_NAME = "Microsoft Academic Graph" val CROSSREF = "Crossref" val UNPAYWALL = "UnpayWall" val GRID_AC = "" val WIKPEDIA = "wikpedia" val doiBoostNSPREFIX = "doiboost____" val OPENAIRE_PREFIX = "openaire____" val SEPARATOR = "::" val DOI_PREFIX_REGEX = "(^10\\.|\\/10.)" val DOI_PREFIX = "10." val invalidName = List( ",", "none none", "none, none", "none &na;", "(:null)", "test test test", "test test", "test", "&na; &na;" ) def toActionSet(item: Oaf): (String, String) = { val mapper = new ObjectMapper() item match { case dataset: Dataset => val a: AtomicAction[Dataset] = new AtomicAction[Dataset] a.setClazz(classOf[Dataset]) a.setPayload(dataset) (dataset.getClass.getCanonicalName, mapper.writeValueAsString(a)) case publication: Publication => val a: AtomicAction[Publication] = new AtomicAction[Publication] a.setClazz(classOf[Publication]) a.setPayload(publication) (publication.getClass.getCanonicalName, mapper.writeValueAsString(a)) case organization: Organization => val a: AtomicAction[Organization] = new AtomicAction[Organization] a.setClazz(classOf[Organization]) a.setPayload(organization) (organization.getClass.getCanonicalName, mapper.writeValueAsString(a)) case relation: Relation => val a: AtomicAction[Relation] = new AtomicAction[Relation] a.setClazz(classOf[Relation]) a.setPayload(relation) (relation.getClass.getCanonicalName, mapper.writeValueAsString(a)) case _ => null } } def toHostedByItem(input: String): (String, HostedByItemType) = { implicit lazy val formats: DefaultFormats.type = org.json4s.DefaultFormats lazy val json: json4s.JValue = parse(input) val c: Map[String, HostedByItemType] = json.extract[Map[String, HostedByItemType]] (c.keys.head, c.values.head) } def toISSNPair(publication: Publication): (String, Publication) = { val issn = if (publication.getJournal == null) null else publication.getJournal.getIssnPrinted val eissn = if (publication.getJournal == null) null else publication.getJournal.getIssnOnline val lissn = if (publication.getJournal == null) null else publication.getJournal.getIssnLinking if (issn != null && issn.nonEmpty) (issn, publication) else if (eissn != null && eissn.nonEmpty) (eissn, publication) else if (lissn != null && lissn.nonEmpty) (lissn, publication) else (publication.getId, publication) } def generateGridAffiliationId(gridId: String): String = { s"20|grid________::${DHPUtils.md5(gridId.toLowerCase().trim())}" } def fixResult(result: Dataset): Dataset = { val instanceType = extractInstance(result) if (instanceType.isDefined) { result.getInstance().asScala.foreach(i => i.setInstancetype(instanceType.get.getInstancetype)) } result .getInstance() .asScala .foreach(i => { i.setHostedby(ModelConstants.UNKNOWN_REPOSITORY) }) result } def decideAccessRight(license: String, date: String): AccessRight = { if (license == null || license.isEmpty) { //Default value Unknown return getUnknownQualifier() } //CC licenses if ( license.startsWith("cc") || license.startsWith("") || license.startsWith("") || //ACS Publications Author choice licenses (considered OPEN also by Unpaywall) license.equals("") || license.equals("") || license.equals("") || //APA (considered OPEN also by Unpaywall) license.equals("") ) { val oaq: AccessRight = getOpenAccessQualifier() oaq.setOpenAccessRoute(OpenAccessRoute.hybrid) return oaq } //OUP (BUT ONLY AFTER 12 MONTHS FROM THE PUBLICATION DATE, OTHERWISE THEY ARE EMBARGOED) if ( license.equals( "" ) ) { val now = try { val pub_date = LocalDate.parse(date, DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd")) if (((now.toEpochDay - pub_date.toEpochDay) / 365.0) > 1) { val oaq: AccessRight = getOpenAccessQualifier() oaq.setOpenAccessRoute(OpenAccessRoute.hybrid) return oaq } else { return getEmbargoedAccessQualifier() } } catch { case e: Exception => { try { val pub_date = LocalDate.parse(date, DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'")) if (((now.toEpochDay - pub_date.toEpochDay) / 365.0) > 1) { val oaq: AccessRight = getOpenAccessQualifier() oaq.setOpenAccessRoute(OpenAccessRoute.hybrid) return oaq } else { return getEmbargoedAccessQualifier() } } catch { case ex: Exception => return getClosedAccessQualifier() } } } } return getClosedAccessQualifier() } def getOpenAccessQualifier(): AccessRight = { OafMapperUtils.accessRight( ModelConstants.ACCESS_RIGHT_OPEN, "Open Access", ModelConstants.DNET_ACCESS_MODES, ModelConstants.DNET_ACCESS_MODES ) } def getRestrictedQualifier(): AccessRight = { OafMapperUtils.accessRight( "RESTRICTED", "Restricted", ModelConstants.DNET_ACCESS_MODES, ModelConstants.DNET_ACCESS_MODES ) } def getUnknownQualifier(): AccessRight = { OafMapperUtils.accessRight( ModelConstants.UNKNOWN, ModelConstants.NOT_AVAILABLE, ModelConstants.DNET_ACCESS_MODES, ModelConstants.DNET_ACCESS_MODES ) } def getEmbargoedAccessQualifier(): AccessRight = { OafMapperUtils.accessRight( "EMBARGO", "Embargo", ModelConstants.DNET_ACCESS_MODES, ModelConstants.DNET_ACCESS_MODES ) } def getClosedAccessQualifier(): AccessRight = { OafMapperUtils.accessRight( "CLOSED", "Closed Access", ModelConstants.DNET_ACCESS_MODES, ModelConstants.DNET_ACCESS_MODES ) } def extractInstance(r: Result): Option[Instance] = { r.getInstance() .asScala .find(i => i.getInstancetype != null && i.getInstancetype.getClassid.nonEmpty) } def fixPublication(input: ((String, Publication), (String, HostedByItemType))): Publication = { val publication = input._1._2 val item = if (input._2 != null) input._2._2 else null val instanceType: Option[Instance] = extractInstance(publication) if (instanceType.isDefined) { publication .getInstance() .asScala .foreach(i => i.setInstancetype(instanceType.get.getInstancetype)) } publication .getInstance() .asScala .foreach(i => { var hb = new KeyValue if (item != null) { hb.setValue(item.officialname) hb.setKey( if (item.openAccess) { i.setAccessright(getOpenAccessQualifier()) i.getAccessright.setOpenAccessRoute( } } else { hb = ModelConstants.UNKNOWN_REPOSITORY } i.setHostedby(hb) }) publication.setBestaccessright(OafMapperUtils.createBestAccessRights(publication.getInstance())) publication } def generateDSId(input: String): String = { val b = StringUtils.substringBefore(input, "::") val a = StringUtils.substringAfter(input, "::") s"10|${b}::${DHPUtils.md5(a)}" } def generateDataInfo(): DataInfo = { generateDataInfo(0.9F) } def filterPublication(publication: Publication): Boolean = { //Case empty publication if (publication == null) return false if (publication.getId == null || publication.getId.isEmpty) return false //Case publication with no title if (publication.getTitle == null || publication.getTitle.size == 0) return false val s = publication.getTitle.asScala.count(p => p.getValue != null && p.getValue.nonEmpty && !p.getValue.equalsIgnoreCase("[NO TITLE AVAILABLE]") ) if (s == 0) return false // fixes #4360 (test publisher) val publisher = if (publication.getPublisher != null) publication.getPublisher.getName else null if ( publisher != null && (publisher.equalsIgnoreCase("Test accounts") || publisher .equalsIgnoreCase("CrossRef Test Account")) ) { return false; } //Publication with no Author if (publication.getAuthor == null || publication.getAuthor.size() == 0) return false //filter invalid author val authors = => { if (s.getFullname.nonEmpty) { s.getFullname } else s"${s.getName} ${s.getSurname}" }) val c = authors.count(isValidAuthorName) if (c == 0) return false // fixes #4368 if ( authors.count(s => s.equalsIgnoreCase("Addie Jackson")) > 0 && "Elsevier BV".equalsIgnoreCase( publication.getPublisher.getName ) ) return false true } def isValidAuthorName(fullName: String): Boolean = { if (fullName == null || fullName.isEmpty) return false if (invalidName.contains(fullName.toLowerCase.trim)) return false true } def generateDataInfo(trust: Float): DataInfo = { val di = new EntityDataInfo di.setDeletedbyinference(false) di.setInferred(false) di.setInvisible(false) di.setTrust(trust) di.setProvenanceaction( OafMapperUtils.qualifier( ModelConstants.SYSIMPORT_ACTIONSET, ModelConstants.SYSIMPORT_ACTIONSET, ModelConstants.DNET_PROVENANCE_ACTIONS ) ) di } def createSubject(value: String, classId: String, schemeId: String): Subject = { val s = new Subject s.setQualifier(OafMapperUtils.qualifier(classId, classId, schemeId)) s.setValue(value) s } def createSubject( value: String, classId: String, className: String, schemeId: String ): Subject = { val s = new Subject s.setQualifier(OafMapperUtils.qualifier(classId, className, schemeId)) s.setValue(value) s } def createSP( value: String, classId: String, className: String, schemeId: String ): StructuredProperty = { val sp = new StructuredProperty sp.setQualifier(OafMapperUtils.qualifier(classId, className, schemeId)) sp.setValue(value) sp } def createSP(value: String, classId: String, schemeId: String): StructuredProperty = { val sp = new StructuredProperty sp.setQualifier(OafMapperUtils.qualifier(classId, classId, schemeId)) sp.setValue(value) sp } def createCrossrefCollectedFrom(): KeyValue = { val cf = new KeyValue cf.setValue(CROSSREF) cf.setKey("10|" + OPENAIRE_PREFIX + SEPARATOR + DHPUtils.md5(CROSSREF.toLowerCase)) cf } def createUnpayWallCollectedFrom(): KeyValue = { val cf = new KeyValue cf.setValue(UNPAYWALL) cf.setKey("10|" + OPENAIRE_PREFIX + SEPARATOR + DHPUtils.md5(UNPAYWALL.toLowerCase)) cf } def createORIDCollectedFrom(): KeyValue = { val cf = new KeyValue cf.setValue(StringUtils.upperCase(ModelConstants.ORCID)) cf.setKey("10|" + OPENAIRE_PREFIX + SEPARATOR + DHPUtils.md5(ModelConstants.ORCID.toLowerCase)) cf } def generateIdentifier(oaf: Result, doi: String): String = { val id = DHPUtils.md5(doi.toLowerCase) s"50|${doiBoostNSPREFIX}${SEPARATOR}${id}" } def createMAGCollectedFrom(): KeyValue = { val cf = new KeyValue cf.setValue(MAG_NAME) cf.setKey("10|" + OPENAIRE_PREFIX + SEPARATOR + DHPUtils.md5(MAG)) cf } def isEmpty(x: String) = x == null || x.trim.isEmpty def normalizeDoi(input: String): String = { if (input == null) return null val replaced = input .replaceAll("(?:\\n|\\r|\\t|\\s)", "") .toLowerCase .replaceFirst(DOI_PREFIX_REGEX, DOI_PREFIX) if (isEmpty(replaced)) return null if (replaced.indexOf("10.") < 0) return null val ret = replaced.substring(replaced.indexOf("10.")) if (!ret.startsWith(DOI_PREFIX)) return null return ret } }