Graph construction for IIS [BETA] IIS 30 set blacklist of funder nsPrefixes nsPrefixBlacklist gsrt________,rcuk________ set the path of the map defining the relations id mappings idMappingPath /data/maps/fct_map.json Set the target path to store the MERGED graph mergedGraphPath /tmp/beta_inference/graph/01_graph_merged Set the target path to store the RAW graph rawGraphPath /tmp/beta_inference/graph/02_graph_raw Set the target path to store the CLEANED graph cleanedFirstGraphPath /tmp/beta_inference/graph/03_graph_clean_first Set the target path to store the DEDUPED graph dedupGraphPath /tmp/beta_inference/graph/04_graph_dedup Set the target path to store the CONSISTENCY graph consistentGraphPath /tmp/beta_inference/graph/05_graph_consistent Set the target path to store the CLEANED graph cleanedGraphPath /tmp/beta_inference/graph/06_graph_cleaned Set the dedup orchestrator name dedupConfig dedup-similarity-result-decisiontree-v2 declares the ActionSet ids to promote in the RAW graph actionSetIdsRawGraph scholexplorer-dump,doiboost,orcidworks-no-doi,datacite Set the IS lookup service address isLookUpUrl wait configurations reuse cached ODF claims from the PROD aggregation system reuseODFClaims_PROD true reuse cached ODF records on HDFS from the PROD aggregation system reuseODFhdfs_PROD true reuse cached OAF claims from the PROD aggregation system reuseOAFClaims_PROD true reuse cached OAF records on HDFS from the PROD aggregation system reuseOAFhdfs_PROD true reuse cached DB content from the PROD aggregation system reuseDB_PROD true reuse cached OpenOrgs content from the PROD aggregation system reuseDBOpenorgs_PROD true reuse cached ODF content from the PROD aggregation system reuseODF_PROD true reuse cached OAF content from the PROD aggregation system reuseOAF_PROD true should apply the relations id patching based on the provided idMapping on PROD? shouldPatchRelations_PROD false set the PROD aggregator content path prodContentPath /tmp/prod_aggregator_for_beta Set the path containing the PROD AGGREGATOR graph prodAggregatorGraphPath /tmp/beta_inference/graph/00_prod_graph_aggregator reuse cached ODF claims from the BETA aggregation system reuseODFClaims_BETA true reuse cached ODF records on HDFS from the BETA aggregation system reuseODFhdfs_BETA true reuse cached OAF claims from the BETA aggregation system reuseOAFClaims_BETA true reuse cached OAF records on HDFS from the BETA aggregation system reuseOAFhdfs_BETA true reuse cached DB content from the BETA aggregation system reuseDB_BETA true reuse cached OpenOrgs content from the BETA aggregation system reuseDBOpenorgs_BETA true reuse cached ODF content from the BETA aggregation system reuseODF_BETA true reuse cached OAF content from the BETA aggregation system reuseOAF_BETA true should apply the relations id patching based on the provided idMapping on BETA? shouldPatchRelations_BETA false set the BETA aggregator content path betaContentPath /tmp/beta_aggregator Set the path containing the BETA AGGREGATOR graph betaAggregatorGraphPath /tmp/beta_inference/graph/00_beta_graph_aggregator wait configurations create the BETA AGGREGATOR graph executeOozieJob IIS { 'graphOutputPath' : 'betaAggregatorGraphPath', 'isLookupUrl' : 'isLookUpUrl', 'reuseODFClaims' : 'reuseODFClaims_BETA', 'reuseOAFClaims' : 'reuseOAFClaims_BETA', 'reuseDB' : 'reuseDB_BETA', 'reuseDBOpenorgs' : 'reuseDBOpenorgs_BETA', 'reuseODF' : 'reuseODF_BETA', 'reuseODF_hdfs' : 'reuseODFhdfs_BETA', 'reuseOAF' : 'reuseOAF_BETA', 'reuseOAF_hdfs' : 'reuseOAFhdfs_BETA', 'contentPath' : 'betaContentPath', 'nsPrefixBlacklist' : 'nsPrefixBlacklist', 'shouldPatchRelations' : 'shouldPatchRelations_BETA', 'idMappingPath' : 'idMappingPath' } { '' : '/lib/dnet/BETA/oa/graph/raw_all/oozie_app', 'mongoURL' : '', 'mongoDb' : '', 'mdstoreManagerUrl' : '', 'postgresURL' : '', 'postgresUser' : '', 'postgresPassword' : '', 'postgresOpenOrgsURL' : '', 'postgresOpenOrgsUser' : '', 'postgresOpenOrgsPassword' : '', 'shouldHashId' : 'true', 'importOpenorgs' : 'true', 'workingDir' : '/tmp/beta_inference/working_dir/beta_aggregator' } build-report create the PROD AGGREGATOR graph executeOozieJob IIS { 'graphOutputPath' : 'prodAggregatorGraphPath', 'isLookupUrl' : 'isLookUpUrl', 'reuseODFClaims' : 'reuseODFClaims_PROD', 'reuseOAFClaims' : 'reuseOAFClaims_PROD', 'reuseDB' : 'reuseDB_PROD', 'reuseDBOpenorgs' : 'reuseDBOpenorgs_PROD', 'reuseODF' : 'reuseODF_PROD', 'reuseODF_hdfs' : 'reuseODFhdfs_PROD', 'reuseOAF' : 'reuseOAF_PROD', 'reuseOAF_hdfs' : 'reuseOAFhdfs_PROD', 'contentPath' : 'prodContentPath', 'nsPrefixBlacklist' : 'nsPrefixBlacklist', 'shouldPatchRelations' : 'shouldPatchRelations_PROD', 'idMappingPath' : 'idMappingPath' } { '' : '/lib/dnet/BETA/oa/graph/raw_all/oozie_app', 'mongoURL' : '', 'mongoDb' : '', 'mdstoreManagerUrl' : '', 'postgresURL' : '', 'postgresUser' : '', 'postgresPassword' : '', 'postgresOpenOrgsURL' : '', 'postgresOpenOrgsUser' : '', 'postgresOpenOrgsPassword' : '', 'shouldHashId' : 'true', 'importOpenorgs' : 'true', 'workingDir' : '/tmp/beta_inference/working_dir/prod_aggregator' } build-report wait configurations create the AGGREGATOR graph executeOozieJob IIS { 'betaInputGraphPath' : 'betaAggregatorGraphPath', 'prodInputGraphPath' : 'prodAggregatorGraphPath', 'graphOutputPath' : 'mergedGraphPath' } { '' : '/lib/dnet/BETA/oa/graph/merge/oozie_app', 'workingDir' : '/tmp/beta_inference/working_dir/merge_graph', 'priority' : 'BETA' } build-report create the RAW graph executeOozieJob IIS { 'inputActionSetIds' : 'actionSetIdsRawGraph', 'inputGraphRootPath' : 'mergedGraphPath', 'outputGraphRootPath' : 'rawGraphPath', 'isLookupUrl' : 'isLookUpUrl' } { '' : '/lib/dnet/BETA/actionmanager/wf/main/oozie_app', 'sparkExecutorCores' : '3', 'sparkExecutorMemory' : '10G', 'activePromoteDatasetActionPayload' : 'true', 'activePromoteDatasourceActionPayload' : 'true', 'activePromoteOrganizationActionPayload' : 'true', 'activePromoteOtherResearchProductActionPayload' : 'true', 'activePromoteProjectActionPayload' : 'true', 'activePromotePublicationActionPayload' : 'true', 'activePromoteRelationActionPayload' : 'true', 'activePromoteResultActionPayload' : 'true', 'activePromoteSoftwareActionPayload' : 'true', 'mergeAndGetStrategy' : 'MERGE_FROM_AND_GET', 'workingDir' : '/tmp/beta_inference/working_dir/promoteActionsRaw' } build-report clean the properties in the graph typed as Qualifier according to the vocabulary indicated in schemeid executeOozieJob IIS { 'graphInputPath' : 'rawGraphPath', 'graphOutputPath': 'cleanedFirstGraphPath', 'isLookupUrl': 'isLookUpUrl' } { '' : '/lib/dnet/BETA/oa/graph/clean/oozie_app', 'workingDir' : '/tmp/beta_inference/working_dir/clean_first' } build-report search for duplicates in the raw graph executeOozieJob IIS { 'actionSetId' : 'dedupConfig', 'graphBasePath' : 'cleanedFirstGraphPath', 'dedupGraphPath': 'dedupGraphPath', 'isLookUpUrl' : 'isLookUpUrl' } { '' : '/lib/dnet/BETA/oa/dedup/scan/oozie_app', 'actionSetIdOpenorgs' : 'dedup-similarity-organization-simple', 'workingPath' : '/tmp/beta_inference/working_dir/dedup', 'sparkExecutorCores' : '3', 'sparkExecutorMemory' : '10G' } build-report mark duplicates as deleted and redistribute the relationships executeOozieJob IIS { 'graphBasePath' : 'dedupGraphPath', 'graphOutputPath': 'consistentGraphPath' } { '' : '/lib/dnet/BETA/oa/dedup/consistency/oozie_app', 'workingPath' : '/tmp/beta_inference/working_dir/dedup' } build-report clean the properties in the graph typed as Qualifier according to the vocabulary indicated in schemeid executeOozieJob IIS { 'graphInputPath' : 'consistentGraphPath', 'graphOutputPath': 'cleanedGraphPath', 'isLookupUrl': 'isLookUpUrl' } { '' : '/lib/dnet/BETA/oa/graph/clean/oozie_app', 'workingDir' : '/tmp/beta_inference/working_dir/clean' } build-report wf_20210730_094240_462 2021-07-30T15:04:19+00:00 SUCCESS