Import DOIboost Import InfoSpace 30 set the input path for MAG MAGDumpPath /data/doiboost/mag-2021-02-15 set the input path for CROSSREF dump crossrefDumpPath /data/doiboost/crossref/ set the intermediate path used to process MAG intermediatePathMAG /data/doiboost/input/mag set the input path for Crossref inputPathCrossref /data/doiboost/input/crossref set the timestamp for the Crossref incremental harvesting crossrefTimestamp 1607614921429 set the input path for UnpayWall inputPathUnpayWall /data/doiboost/input/unpayWall set the input path for ORCID inputPathOrcid /data/orcid_activities_2020/last_orcid_dataset set the working path for ORCID workingPathOrcid /data/doiboost/input/orcid set the hostedBy map path hostedByMapPath /data/doiboost/input/hostedBy/hbMap.gz set the oozie workflow name from which the execution will be resumed resumeFrom ConvertCrossrefToOAF wait configurations prepare action sets [ { 'set' : 'doiboost', 'jobProperty' : 'export_action_set_doiboost', 'enablingProperty' : 'active_doiboost', 'enabled' : 'true' } ] extract the hdfs output path generated in the previous node outputPath prepare a new version of DOIBoost executeOozieJob IIS { 'crossrefTimestamp' : 'crossrefTimestamp', 'hostedByMapPath' : 'hostedByMapPath', 'MAGDumpPath' :'MAGDumpPath', 'inputPathMAG' : 'intermediatePathMAG', 'inputPathCrossref' : 'inputPathCrossref', 'crossrefDumpPath':'crossrefDumpPath', 'inputPathUnpayWall' : 'inputPathUnpayWall', 'inputPathOrcid' : 'inputPathOrcid', 'outputPath' : 'outputPath', 'workingPathOrcid':'workingPathOrcid', 'resumeFrom' : 'resumeFrom' } { '' : '/lib/dnet/PROD/actionmanager/doiboost_process/oozie_app', 'workingPath' : '/data/doiboost/process_p', 'sparkExecutorCores' : '2', 'sparkExecutorIntersectionMemory' : '12G', 'sparkExecutorMemory' : '8G', 'esServer' : '[es_server]', 'esIndex' : 'crossref' } build-report update action sets wf_20210714_075237_381 2021-07-14T09:51:46+00:00 SUCCESS