package eu.dnetlib.dhp.common.vocabulary; import; import java.util.*; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.Qualifier; import eu.dnetlib.dhp.schema.oaf.utils.OafMapperUtils; import; import; public class VocabularyGroup implements Serializable { public static final String VOCABULARIES_XQUERY = "for $x in collection('/db/DRIVER/VocabularyDSResources/VocabularyDSResourceType') \n" + "let $vocid := $x//VOCABULARY_NAME/@code\n" + "let $vocname := $x//VOCABULARY_NAME/text()\n" + "for $term in ($x//TERM)\n" + "return concat($vocid,' @=@ ',$vocname,' @=@ ',$term/@code,' @=@ ',$term/@english_name)"; public static final String VOCABULARY_SYNONYMS_XQUERY = "for $x in collection('/db/DRIVER/VocabularyDSResources/VocabularyDSResourceType')\n" + "let $vocid := $x//VOCABULARY_NAME/@code\n" + "let $vocname := $x//VOCABULARY_NAME/text()\n" + "for $term in ($x//TERM)\n" + "for $syn in ($term//SYNONYM/@term)\n" + "return concat($vocid,' @=@ ',$term/@code,' @=@ ', $syn)\n"; public static VocabularyGroup loadVocsFromIS(ISLookUpService isLookUpService) throws ISLookUpException { final VocabularyGroup vocs = new VocabularyGroup(); for (final String s : isLookUpService.quickSearchProfile(VOCABULARIES_XQUERY)) { final String[] arr = s.split("@=@"); if (arr.length == 4) { final String vocId = arr[0].trim(); final String vocName = arr[1].trim(); final String termId = arr[2].trim(); final String termName = arr[3].trim(); if (!vocs.vocabularyExists(vocId)) { vocs.addVocabulary(vocId, vocName); } vocs.addTerm(vocId, termId, termName); } } for (final String s : isLookUpService.quickSearchProfile(VOCABULARY_SYNONYMS_XQUERY)) { final String[] arr = s.split("@=@"); if (arr.length == 3) { final String vocId = arr[0].trim(); final String termId = arr[1].trim(); final String syn = arr[2].trim(); vocs.addSynonyms(vocId, termId, syn); } } // add the term names as synonyms vocs.vocs.values().forEach(voc -> { voc.getTerms().values().forEach(term -> { voc.addSynonym(term.getName().toLowerCase(), term.getId()); }); }); return vocs; } private final Map vocs = new HashMap<>(); public Set vocabularyNames() { return vocs.keySet(); } public void addVocabulary(final String id, final String name) { vocs.put(id.toLowerCase(), new Vocabulary(id, name)); } public Optional find(final String vocId) { return Optional .ofNullable(vocId) .map(String::toLowerCase) .map(vocs::get); } public void addTerm(final String vocId, final String id, final String name) { if (vocabularyExists(vocId)) { vocs.get(vocId.toLowerCase()).addTerm(id, name); } } public VocabularyTerm getTerm(final String vocId, final String id) { if (termExists(vocId, id)) { return vocs.get(vocId.toLowerCase()).getTerm(id); } else { return new VocabularyTerm(id, id); } } public Set getTerms(String vocId) { if (!vocabularyExists(vocId)) { return new HashSet<>(); } return vocs .get(vocId.toLowerCase()) .getTerms() .values() .stream() .map(VocabularyTerm::getId) .collect(Collectors.toCollection(HashSet::new)); } public Qualifier lookup(String vocId, String id) { return Optional .ofNullable(getSynonymAsQualifier(vocId, id)) .orElse(getTermAsQualifier(vocId, id)); } public Qualifier getTermAsQualifier(final String vocId, final String id) { if (vocabularyExists(vocId)) { return vocs.get(vocId.toLowerCase()).getTermAsQualifier(id); } return OafMapperUtils.qualifier(id, id, "", ""); } public Qualifier getSynonymAsQualifier(final String vocId, final String syn) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(vocId)) { return OafMapperUtils.unknown("", ""); } return vocs.get(vocId.toLowerCase()).getSynonymAsQualifier(syn); } public Qualifier lookupTermBySynonym(final String vocId, final String syn) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(vocId)) { return OafMapperUtils.unknown("", ""); } final Vocabulary vocabulary = vocs.get(vocId.toLowerCase()); return Optional .ofNullable(vocabulary.getTerm(syn)) .map( term -> OafMapperUtils .qualifier(term.getId(), term.getName(), vocabulary.getId(), vocabulary.getName())) .orElse( Optional .ofNullable(vocabulary.getTermBySynonym(syn)) .map( term -> OafMapperUtils .qualifier(term.getId(), term.getName(), vocabulary.getId(), vocabulary.getName())) .orElse(null)); } /** * getSynonymAsQualifierCaseSensitive * * refelects the situation to check caseSensitive vocabulary */ public Qualifier getSynonymAsQualifierCaseSensitive(final String vocId, final String syn) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(vocId)) { return OafMapperUtils.unknown("", ""); } return vocs.get(vocId).getSynonymAsQualifier(syn); } /** * termExists * * two methods: without and with caseSensitive check */ public boolean termExists(final String vocId, final String id) { return termExists(vocId, id, Boolean.FALSE); } public boolean termExists(final String vocId, final String id, final Boolean caseSensitive) { if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(caseSensitive)) { return vocabularyExists(vocId) && vocs.get(vocId).termExists(id); } return vocabularyExists(vocId) && vocs.get(vocId.toLowerCase()).termExists(id); } public boolean vocabularyExists(final String vocId) { return Optional .ofNullable(vocId) .map(String::toLowerCase) .map(vocs::containsKey) .orElse(false); } private void addSynonyms(final String vocId, final String termId, final String syn) { String id = Optional .ofNullable(vocId) .map(String::toLowerCase) .orElseThrow( () -> new IllegalArgumentException( String .format( "empty vocabulary id for [term:%s, synonym:%s]", termId, syn))); Optional .ofNullable(vocs.get(id)) .orElseThrow(() -> new IllegalArgumentException("missing vocabulary id: " + vocId)) .addSynonym(syn.toLowerCase(), termId); } }